Obviously, I’ve known intuitively after the Oregon ruling that the entire West Coast has marriage equality. But still, it’s really great seeing the map.
The linked post says there’s a lot to do, and of course that’s right. Also, marriage equality isn’t the end all be all of gay rights or of modern civil rights struggles. But as of this week, you can drive from Canada to Mexico in marriage equality states. While the Northeast, Midwest, and Arizona feel like islands of equality, the entire West Coast feels more substantive, even if it’s fewer states than the Northeast.
Get a scissors, cut along the Mason-Dixon line, and the map will look a lot better.
It would probably be better to cut the map along the lines dividing WA, OR and CA from the rest of the country. It would create a smaller, more manageable nation.
In Mexico, it’s a patchwork of rules. One state has an amendment to it’s civil code, one has legalized it through legislation, so has Mexico City, and a couple allow civil unions. Regardless of local laws, if the marriage is conducted in Mexico City, it has to be recognized everywhere in the country. The Border states that border California, Sonora and Baja California, are in the latter category. The only border state in Mexico with marriage equality is Chihuahua, which borders New Mexico and Texas. Actually it is one case in Chihuahua, they need 5 separate rulings for it to be a binding court precedent in the State. Oaxaca is on it’s way to the later.
Except that Arizona is really New Mexico, I completely agree!