I suppose state Sen. Don Benton’s unsurprising withdrawal from the U.S. Senate race is good news for real estate speculator and two-time gubernatorial loser Dino Rossi… that is, if you had any doubt of Rossi making it through the crowded Republican field and onto the November ballot.
No? No doubts? Then it’s not really all that significant, is it?
What it does do however, is focus the GOP primary as a contest between Rossi, the lone establishment Republican in the race, and Palin-anointed federal-subsidy-dependent teabagger Clint Didier. This simplified narrative leaves a much more compelling (and, well, easier) story for our media to tell. And I’m not so sure that is good news for the Rossi camp.
The problem for Rossi is that his hopes depend on a Republican wave, a wave built upon the enthusiasm of the teabagger base of his party. If Rossi draws too stark a distinction between himself and Didier, this enthusiasm may be hard to capture. Likewise, if Rossi simply tries to ignore Didier (which appears to be his current strategy), this too could create resentment within the GOP base.
But Didier’s politics are, well, crazy, so if Rossi embraces them he risks alienating the so-called “moderate” independent and soft-Democratic voters Republicans need to win statewide elections. Ask Ellen Craswell and John Carlson how an enthusiastic embrace of conservative ideals worked out for them.
The point is, it’s Didier not Benton who represents the biggest intra-party bump in Rossi’s road to the other Washington. And it remains to be seen if it will bump his wheels out of alignment.
Rossi’s biggest obstacle? My unscientific survey today indicates it is annoying personality. Surprisingly, the at-hand wingers who would vote for him said that. Something about his personality makes even his supporters cringe.
WIthout Colonel Sanders in it the race is just boring. Didier’s too crazy to go anywhere. Benton’s just crazy enough to appeal to the crazies, while normal enough to appeal to the normals and, unlike Dino, he’s won a bunch of races so he knows how to campaign. And now my man is gone. Lame.
Goldy, let me guess, you are going to endorse Clint Didlier in the primary?
Looks like another November yawner, and Washington will continue to be a one-party state because, well, there’s only one party in our state.
@3 You should’ve asked Zits for a date before it was too late, Josef. She might have said yes. Who knows, she might even have spread her legs for you!
“good news for real estate foreclosure speculator, failing banker and three-time political loser Dino Rossi…”
Here, I fixed it for you, Goldy.
I like seeing a contested Primary.
I hope Didier stays in.
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Republicans will do ok in November with a simple anti-ObaMao strategy and the need for checks on this KLOWN.
However, I’d like to see Conservatives offer Policy Specifics like those forwarded by our next President, Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Take a look. You KLOWNS probably disagree with everything in this website…which validates that it is good for a REAL America as opposed to the European “cradle-to-grave” Socialist model you KLOWNS are pushing on us.
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In Indiana, Coats (R) has a 14-point lead over Ellsworth (D).
Ellsworth cannot get out of the mid-30’s!
So Goldy, are you telling us that even though the Democrats are in trouble thru out American because of ObaMao….and the polls show Murray in trouble, there is nothing to do but YAWN?
America’s future is at a tipping point.
We either fall-off the leftside of the Earth following Team ObaMao is his crazy European Socialist Cradle-to-Grave model where, like Greece, over 40% of citizens work for the government…or we go back to what made America great (personal ingenuity, opportunity & responsibility).
The scheme of squealing “racism” everytime ObaMao is criticized or the covers pulled on his evil mission…it ain’t working.
The Patty Murray “Porkulous” Bill that has had little SUSTAINABLE economic impact other than increasing the massive deficit created almost all GOVERNMENT jobs in the latest jobs report…and the DOW is plummeting over 300 points.
The Murray/ObaMao/Reid/Pelosi team is bad for America!
Murray is merely a sockpuppet for the other 3.
A mindless sloth!
I’ve come to believe that the dumbfuck KLOWN is trying to bore us all to death with his insipid blather.
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Racist, Hate-filled KLOWN, “or we go back to what made America great”
To be more precise, a racist, hate-filled KLOWN’s deluded vision of America’s greatness. Whites owning blacks. Ten year-old children working 14 hour shifts. Textile workers trapped to die in burning buildings. Women with no right to vote. The slaughter of Native Americans. Lynchings. Black churches burning.
A vote for Krazy teabagger Clint Didier will make our racist, hate-filled KLOWN happy. Barring that, a vote for real estate foreclosure speculator, failing banker and three-time political loser Dino Rossi will do.
And the result? Any “democrat” can win. Even the most pro-corporate conservative Blue Dog suckass. There is no default victory for the progressive left due to a double bind in which Republicans find themselves. If we run shills from the “D” side, what is really the point in all of this schadenfreude?
Corporatism will continue to grow from the Democratic Party, while the liberals will barely object, simply because corporatism from the right is more brazen.
re 8: Did you get a brain transplant from Robert Welch?
It’s a little late to impeach Earll Warren — and he was a Republican anyway. One of those REAL Americans you never take into consideration.
I’m still miffed about this Rossi/Benton would have been a real race and those have been few and far between lately.
Steve @ 14
There is true irony in Cynny’s suggestion that we’re going back to “what made America great,” isn’t there? Can you imagine the dysfunctional cesspool that would be America if Cynny had his way?
One interesting thought, the Washington Assoc. of Realtors have endorsed Sen. Murray, what now, that one of their own is in the race? They (realtors) usually go with the R’s, I am amazed they did not get a heads up from Rossi.
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Patty was endorsed by the Wash. Assoc. of Realtors, while that endorsement was a surprise to me, (they usually side with the R’s). I wonder now that one of their own, and the top sleazy one at that, is in the race, will they rethink their position? Just a thought.
Come on, folks,
This thread is about Benton, Didier, Murray, the WA Senate race, Rossi, etc. Feel free to expand on the topic, but don’t lose the focus.
Trolls…take your bullshit to an open thread.
Non-trolls, don’t respond to off-topic troll comments, please.
@8 Ryan? I thought all the magazines you stroke off over were pumping Gen. Petraeus for ’12.
So your comment policy allows a comment using the highly-offensive “ObaMao” but prevents someone from responding? Pretty weak.
Benton out….goldy scared.
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“The problem for Rossi is that his hopes depend on a Republican wave, a wave built upon the enthusiasm of the teabagger base of his party.”
No, the problem for Rossi is inertia. People will vote Murray just as they vote McDermott. Clearly both are nutty as they come and completely out of sync with the principles that made this country great, but liberals can’t think that clearly. So they vote for the nutbars anyway.
And the Republican party base is NOT the Tea Party movement. (The fear engendered in libs about this grass roots rejection of massive government is parenthetically hilarious.) It is responsible citizens who work hard, pay their taxes and want to be left alone to do so by their government. They want not to have to pay for their neighbors mortgage, health care, or children. They want effort to be rewarded, not penalized by their government. They are sick of being asked to foot the bill for every misguided effort at social engineering libs come up with. They believe, with William O Douglass, that “the right to be left alone is the beginning of all freedoms.”
So carp all you like. History and the sentiments of the voters don’t traditionally do well for progressives, who are completely out of line with mainline America.
When is Goldy going to endorse Clint Didler?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I doubt that Dino Rossi could get a “wave of enthusiasm” from anyone but his mother.
Democrats have a different party base. This is one of two groups. First, those who gain a net financial benefit from their citizenship. College education, food, housing, child or personal care and so on are paid or subsidized by better off neighbors. And the kicker? They are taught that this is morally right! The other group are well meaning and often well educated people who sincerely believes the line they sell to the first group about what society owes them.
But we all know what the road to hell is paved with…
@27 Oh, bullshit. Teabaggers are a bunch of old, white Republicans in complete denial over the abject failure of their policies and philosophy, angry and full of hate over losing yet another election cycle to the Democrats, and worse yet, the racist shits are absolutely mortified that a black man, a Democrat, is our president. In other words, it sucks to be a teabagger, being so full of hatred for our nation that the rest of us love. America. Love it or leave it. Somalia is the nation of your faux-libertarian wetdreams. Move there and leave America to those who love our country.
Sometimes you have a rational response to a post. And then there is this.
I love my country as much as you do, or at least the one in which I was raised.
I’m not so passionate about civil rights being chipped away by the right (Miranda being marginalized by the Supreme Court was the latest brick in the wall of reduced rights) or about failed European or Communist ideals being brought here to fail again in the last great free country in the world.
Should I move to Somalia just because you and a few like you don’t agree with my politics? Don’t think so. (Although I’ve given serious thought to moving to my house in Italy. If I’m to live in a socialist dictatorship with no civil or economic rights, I might as well live in one with great food, great architecture and art, and cops and government beaurocrats too lazy to bother you. They talk a deal less about rights, but seem to have more in fact this past few years.)
Vigorous debate is how we come to some reasonable compromise most can live with in this country. If you don’t like this move to China.
Enough already with the rascist card. It’s getting old. Yes, some rednecks dislike Obama because he’s black. Most who dislike him do so on the basis of his policies and ideology.
Rossi farts, goldy sniffs.
Oh, I get it. You rag on and on with pulled-from-your-ass shit about the left and when I throw the same kind of crap your way, you whine like a little bitch.
“If you don’t like this move to China.”
Hey, you’re the one talking about bailing out on our country for Italy. Apparently, the lure of better food and architecture is all it takes for you to cut and run. Geez, hate America much? I just think you’d be happier in Somalia than Italy, Lost. After all, it’s a faux-libertarian paradise. But I can see where someone like you might have a problem with there being so many black people there.
“reasonable compromise”
A wingnut seeking reasonable compromise. heh- I’d ask you for recent examples but I already know that you don’t have any to offer.
Re 35 and 36
Some personal problem causing the bitterness and irritability Steve? If so I hope you find a solution. Anyway, better you take it out on an anonymous person posting to a website than on road rage or at home.
To clarify, it’s hardly comparable to compare those benefiting from a political system and well meaning supporters of that same system on mistaken philosophical grounds to calling someone a rascist American hater for believing differently.
Have a nice afternoon.
“Some personal problem causing the bitterness and irritability”
Wingnuts and projection. It getting to be quite tiresome. OK, you’ve got personal problems causing the bitterness to overflow. Like, so fucking what? So now you want to take it out on Native Americans? Maybe you should try self-flogging instead and leave the Native Americans be. Your dump on Native Americans on the other thread was really quite ugly. That ugliness comes from inside you, Lost. It’s all yours, kid. Take ownership of it for once in your pathetic life and quit projecting it on other people.
From the sap who tells everyone in disagreement with his way out whackjob politics “It’s Psych 101 Baby”. When others don’t conform to Steve Steve Steve’s desires Steve Steve Steve goes back to his “juice”; Steve’s Stupid Solution.
Do you beat your girlfriend much Steve Steve Steve? Seems your life focus is slipping.
Personally, I’m gonna miss Benton. Just for his slogan — “now, more than ever.” What does that even mean?!
Try holding him to that campaign promise 6 years later!
Who has the greater intellect, Didier or Rossi? Ah, trick question, of course. Neither has an intellect.
Um, have we recently disussed the subject of Puddy’s deteriorated state of mind? I only bring it up because I fear that his condition might be worsening. Refer to @39. Sigh! So sad.
senator murray, senator murray, doens’t anyone care about senator cantwell?
lowercase intended
Senator Cantwell isn’t up for re-election for another 2 years. It will be entertaining to see who the WAGOP manages to dredge up to run against her. Of course outside of McKenna and McMorris Rogers they really don’t have much in the way of a bench.
Paul Ryan, huh?
Let me guess, he voted against:
– The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
– The repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
– Reinstating PAYGO
I KNOW he voted for:
– Bush’s debt-piling budgets
– The deficit financed $700 billlion Medicare prescription plan
He’s a comedian, too. He must be, to try to sell himself as a deficit hawk.