Capitalizing on his war record, McCarthy narrowly defeated the overconfident Senator Robert La Follette in the 1946 Republican senatorial primary and assailed his Democratic opponent, Howard McMurray, as a man so desperate for election that he would accept communist support. The baseless charge worked. McCarthy trounced McMurray and, in 1947, became the junior U.S. senator from Wisconsin. He quickly alienated his colleagues (especially after he tried to court the German-American vote by criticizing the prosecution of Nazis accused of slaughtering American troops during the Battle of the Bulge) and he soon feared that he could not be re-elected without a major issue to improve his political standing. Consequently, on February 7, 1950, he told a group of Republican women assembled in Wheeling, West Virginia, that there was serious “communist influence” in the Truman administration, declaring, ” I have here in my hand a list of 205 . . . names that were known to the Secretary of State and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department.” Even though no such list existed, McCarthy’s accusations gripped the media and he soon became a national figure, promoted on the covers of national news magazines.
The defining accomplishment of Van Jones’s life was his founding of the Ella Baker Freedom Center. While the controversy over his appointment was going on I meant to look into who she was, but didn’t get it done. Ron Radosh, an expert on the hard left of which he was once a member, has the answer:
[T]he name of Jones’ Oakland group, The Ella Baker Freedom Center, is most appropriate. Most people have referred to the late Baker as simply a civil rights activist. I am writing from vacation in Nantucket, without benefit of my files at home. But in my book, Divided They Fell: The Demise of the Democratic Party, 1964-1996, I point out that the late civil rights lawyer Joe Rauh had noted that everything Baker said in the 60’s might as well have been taken verbatim from The Daily Worker, the Communist Party newspaper. Baker was so pro-Communist that she attacked Hubert Humphrey and other liberal anti-Communists as ultra reactionaries. Known as the “grandmother of SNCC,” Baker was aligned with those in the movement who were trying to push the organization to the far left.
I think that sums up the Obama administration pretty well. If you think Hubert Humphrey was an ultra-reactionary, this administration’s for you!
Red-baiting never goes out of style.
This is just the beginning, unless someone with a really big megaphone decides to fight back. No, not the president, he’s too busy making sure bankers, health insurance executives and the rest of Wall Street are mollified.
You know who I mean. [ed. note update-I messed up my original link, the link is now to whom I am talking about. Congratulations to all who guessed “KO.” Sorry about the bad link.] Yeah, this is war. Either the far right puke funnel is brought to heel by utterly destroying its undeserved credibility, something that should have happened long ago, or our democracy plunges into neo-McCarthyite darkness for who-knows-how-long. Which obscure administration or member of Congress will be next? Will it it be a third under-secretary for African affairs, or will it be, um, YOU?
Throw in a still shaky economy and two foreign wars that seemingly have no end, and it’s difficult to predict what might happen.
How’s that post-partisanship civility working out? Yeah, I know, regular people get sick and tired of the clown shows, but the clown shows are not a bug, they’re a design feature. They show that many Democrats won’t fight for their principles, or that many Democrats are unprincipled whores, and in either case weakness and whorishness is exposed.
The clowns clown, the pundits pontificate and the “reasonable” Republicans chortle while they watch the polls and congratulate each other on what a great monkey wrench they possess. Next up will be a set of “promises” from the GOP, probably with some grandiose name only a Colbert could appreciate, that will list the requisite demands for lower taxes, bashing of immigrants, fear-mongering against gays and any clever phraseology Frank Luntz crafts to make a shit sandwich look like Pan-bagnat.
Democrats, please feel free to win this fight on policy grounds by carefully arguing your position, giving away the store to your opponents and then attempting to win over the public with excuses, that’ll work well.
Jon, could you explain your link to the WordPress log-in page?
Good argument Jon. First postulate a non-existent vast right wing conspiracy, then say all bets are off based on the same non-existent conspiracy.
Like it or not there is a very real ideological objection to what your side chooses now to call health insurance reform. You can run from honest statement of what the far left intends, but you can’t hide. That’s the fundamental mistake often made on your side of the political divide. You assume Americans are helpless and stupid and fail to reckon with the fact that they aren’t.
Go ahead, argue on policy grounds if you can. But don’t bother trying to pretend that the acrimony is all on the right. Don’t bother trying to hide from yourself the growing upswell of discontent with the plans of your president and Pelosis’ far left HOR.
Blowhards like Glenn Beck and Limbaugh are regrettable. So are faux journalists like Olbermann and Rachel Maddow. At least have the intellectual honesty to acknowledge this. But I doubt you possess that admirable gift.
No, not the president, he’s too busy making sure bankers, health insurance executives and the rest of Wall Street are mollified.
But didn’t you write just last December,
Yes, it is change
“We are going to have a president who will side with regular folks.”
Your judgment is just a little suspect, don’t you think?
Beckism = outing an admitted communist truther
Swiftboatism = getting a blowhard to recant on his stories he had been telling for decades.
The Michael @1 isn’t the Michael that usually posts here. I’m the regular Michael.
When are you guys gonna realize that the Dems and Reps are different sides of the same coin? One one side is Neo-socialism and government control of economic resources and wealth re-distribution. One the other side is crony capitalism and useless adventures into foreign wars and troubles.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a political party that was actually looking after the country’s interests rather than pandering to their special interest masters?
McCarthy trounced McMurray and, in 1947, became the junior U.S. senator from Wisconsin. He quickly alienated his colleagues (especially after he tried to court the German-American vote by criticizing the prosecution of Nazis accused of slaughtering American troops during the Battle of the Bulge)
It’s a little known fact that Joe McCarthy tried to defend Nazi’s who massacred American POW’s in WWII. That’s something to throw in the face of right wing historical revisionists like Ann the man Coulter.
Ummmmmmm, Jon, I’ve got news for you.
By his actions, Obama is a Socialist.
He even made an unabashed pinko-buddy Van Jones a CZAR for cryin’outloud.
Look Jon, incrementalism is a Pinko tactic.
Obama’s hero was 6-time Socialist Party Candidate for Prez, Norman Thomas, who educated Obama that:
It ain’t red-baiting when the bottomfish (Obama) is a pinko!
Jones is a wacked-out 9/11 truther, black supremacist, communist, with enviro-wackiness thrown in for good measure. He doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near a government office.
Red-baiting is wrong? That should be the new national hobby. Communists killed something like 110 million people in the 20th Century.
The Hollywood blacklist? Not surprisingly, most of the fucks on the list WERE commies, some of whom were taking direction from the Soviets. The rest were useful idiots. Much like Jon.
This is what righties like Beck mean when they bring up communism.
A lot of people are going to have to come to their senses pretty soon, or the United States is going to end up learning the same lesson that Germany did in the 1940’s…in exactly the same way.
Same side of the same coin.
If they were different sides, excluding their rhetoric they would be living different lives. For example, ted kennedy didn’t want his ocean views spoiled by windmills exactly like how a republican doesn’t want his view spoiled. Or democrats would be paying more than required on their income taxes to help the poor. But just like greedy republicans, democrats lie and cheat on their tax obligation to say nothing about using all the same loopholes that the greedy republicans do.
Same side of the same coin. Only thing different is their talk.
Jon you are a piece of work. Really a piece of work. Puddy told Darryl he should review the crap you post because it’s really crap. Blame the messenger for Van Jones’ own commentary? Calling
The only plunge is “the messiah” choosing people around him that will plunge us into neo-McCarthyite darkness. You are the Labor Day Tool after spongebob wondermoron.
You forget all the scummy and dirty deeds of Chucky Schumer Jon? Or Nancy Pelosi going to Syria to perform foreign policy for Israel when they didn’t authorize it? Or how about the most ethical congress and we see people like William Frozen Money Jefferson and John I Hate Marines Murtha in action?
So Jon do you agree with that Code Pink Fool Medea Benjamin who said about Van Jones – “He was swift-boated.”?
Van Jones did himself in. It wasn’t Glenn Beck you moron. He was the one who bragged about his conversion to Communism. Read it in WikiPedia fool! Jones said he was “a rowdy nationalist” before the King verdict was announced. By August of that year, he said, “I was a communist.”
He was the one who claimed the most liberal mayor ever in San FranFreako, Willie Brown, his police force is “killing black people.” What did that mean?
He was on the organizing committee of the 9/11 Truthers.
“Organizing Committee (organizations listed for identification purposes only):
Jan Adams, former associate director, Applied Research Center
Linda Burnham, executive director, Women of Color Resource Center
Max Elbaum, former managing editor, CrossRoads magazine
Adam Gold, STORM
Rebecca Gordon, Seminarians for Peace
Felicia Gustin, co-director, Speak Out
Van Jones, national executive director, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
Elizabeth (Betita) Martinez, director, Institute for MultiRacial Justice
Steve Williams, executive director, POWER ”
Look up Elizabeth (Betita) Martinez fool!
December 2, 2005: “You’ve never seen a Columbine done by a black child. Never. They always say, ‘We can’t believe it happened here. We can’t believe it’s these suburban white kids.’ It’s only them. Now, a black kid might shoot another black kid. He’s not going to shoot up the whole school. My cousin is up in here. I’m not gonna shoot up the whole school. I might hit my cousin” Now if a conservative white man said that Jon would have been howling fowl here.
How cum Van Jones was given a pass and not required to fill out the questionnaire Jon?
He was the one who named his child Cabral after Amilcar Cabral his radical hero. And you cann this neo-McCartyism.
What a tool!
How cum Van Jones was given a pass and not required to fill out the questionnaire Jon?
When will Glenn Beck deny or confirm he raped and murdered a girl in 1990?
A lot of people are considering glenn beck an art critic.
How else could you explain how he made a van go.
Red-baiting never goes out of style.
Having this hate site to set as an example only highlights the importance of exposing the fucking commie bastards like yourself Jon.
Hey MarkS, The Tin-foil hat society called, they can’t start their annual meeting without their chairman, so better hurry on over there. Loony fuckwit.
The GOP resembles McCarthy more every day. They wave blank pieces of paper. They’ve taken complete departure from truth. Their platform’s only plank is paranoia. And they’re continually drunk on something. McCarthy was an alcoholic; today’s leading Republican noisebox is addicted to Oxycontin. The more times change, the more they stay the same.
@9 Neither does any Republican you could name.
@8 “By his actions, Obama is a Socialist.”
The Savior of Wall Street is a socialist? Hmmm. By your actions, you’re an idiot. Or maybe just a gullible goat.*
* The bright side of this coin is that if Mr. C is, in fact, a goat then his goatfucking activities aren’t as perverted as we thought they were.
@11 Don’t leave out wearing a peace t-shirt to a Social Security townhall. They consider that communism, too. Republicans arrest people for that.
@12 The difference is we understand that LIBERALS MUST ARM!
I’ve seen that website so it must be true, at least for people that don’t have the ability to use the google.
In very small print at the bottom of the page is-
Notice: This site is parody/satire. We assume Glenn Beck did not rape and murder a young girl in 1990, although we haven’t yet seen proof that he didn’t. But we think Glenn Beck definitely uses tactics like this to spread lies and misinformation.
Why not check out what they consider evidence from their link “totally legit police report.”
Of course this “evidence” is suspect. For example, the address listed 610 N Buchanan. Just happens to be the same address of the duke team that was accused of rape.
The totally legit police report also tells us glenn beck stole a sanyo cellphone in 1990 worth $300. Of course, the fact that- After much success in Japan, Sanyo started selling phones in the United States in 1998 shouldn’t be a giveaway the legit police report isn’t legit.
Go figure, the report officer listed on the totally legit police report lists Gwendolyn Sutton, amazingly the same report officer in the duke rape case.
Sounds like you got suckered by some left-wingnuts that are peddling hate and lies to slander someone. Typical leftist behavior.
VWRC @ 18 Get it right if you’r going to use it, dumbass.
Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Only a simpleton can think this is true, but never underestimate the stupidity of today’s liberal.
The Daily Worker was the only major publication that carried non-religious opposition to racism for a long time. The rest, as they say, is commentary.
So tell me, where was the capitalist opposition to racism that the libertarians keep talking about?
Welcome to the modern Republican party. Anti-reality, anti-science, anti-common sense. They’re a total joke. Just like 7 year old kids, calling names (Nazi, socialist, commie) with rational thought.
Take the Czar thing. That was a creation of the Republicans too. LOL. Saint Reagan used it. So did George H.W. Bush. So did George W. Bush. Were they called commie’s by right wing? No. A Democrat fills the SAME posts and it’s proof of their commie nature. ROTFLMAO.
If Republicans weren’t so violent and dangerous, they’d just be cute and funny for being so stupid. They created the Czar thing and used it for decades, but “now” it’s a bad thing. By the way, it’s just a name. You could just call the “Drug Czar” the “Director of Anti-Drug Policy”. Same thing. These are just appointed executive branch jobs. Why Saint Reagan choose to call them Czars I don’t know.
Posting that above comment on a certified liberal hate site like HA is just comical. Thanks for the laughs, dumbass.
I don’t watch Glenn Beck. I don’t like Glenn Beck. I simply do not care for Glenn Beck. So I don’t want to read about him on my commie blogs. No more Glenn Beck, mmkay?
Foolish Tool@27:
Reagan had _______ Czars
Bush The Elder had ______ Czars
Clinton had _______ Czars
Bush The Younger had _______ Czars
Obama has over 30 Czars, more than historical Russia had before Communism. Where will “the messiah’s” Potemkin Village next year? Wasn’t it Martha’s Village in 2009? Fake issues to boot!
Afghanistan Czar
Border Czar
CA Water Czar
Car Czar
Climate Czar
Domestic Violence Czar
Drug Czar
Economic Czar
Energy Czar
Faith-based Czar
Great Lakes Czar
Green Jobs Czar
Guantanamo Closure Czar
Health Czar
Information Czar
Intelligence Czar
Mideast Peace Czar
Mideast Policy Czar
Pay Czar
Regulatory Czar
Science Czar
Stimulus Accountability Czar
Sudan Czar
TARP Oversight Czar
Technology Czar
Terrorism Czar
Urban Affairs Czar
Weapons Czar
WMD/Terrorism Czar
Rumor has it there will be at least 2 more Czars soon. None of them have met congressional scrutiny. Why is that Foolish Tool@27?
Marvin@24, great smackdown of MarkS@15. What a bunch of crapola swallowed like the Kook-aid provided by left-wing whackamole sites.
Hey David@27 there is a Green Czar position available for Foolish Tools such as yourself!
Be sure to fill in the blanks Foolish Tool!
@27 Take the Czar thing. That was a creation of the Republicans too.
Right, it was a total invention by the right. And yet the administration shoved him out the door without so much as a yelp or a protest (did anyone catch a “thanks for all your fine work” speech by Obama or anyone else within the administration?) Which means, if you believe that narrative, the administration is just a little thin on principle and backbone.
You’re looking at the wrong culprit.
@24 Wow. You even found the parody website and you still don’t get the point of his comment.
Foolish Tool@27:
Here are the Czar names
Richard Holbrooke
Jeffrey Crowley
Alan Bersin
David Hayes
Ed Montgomery
Todd Stern
Lynn Rosenthal
Gil Kerlikowske
Paul Volcker
Carol Browner
Joshua DuBois
Cameron Davis
Van JonesOpen position for Foolish Tool@27Danny Fried
Nancy-Ann DeParle
Vivek Kundra
Dennis Blair
George Mitchell
Dennis Ross
Kenneth Feinberg
Cass Sunstein
John Holdren
Earl Devaney
J. Scott Gration
Herb Allison
Elizabeth Warren
Aneesh Chopra
John Brennan
Adolfo Carrion, Jr
Ashton Carter
Gary Samore
Cummin soon:
Copyright Czar
Cyberspace Czar
@25 He got it right: Vast White Ring Conspiracy
@23 The difference is we understand that LIBERALS MUST ARM!
The liberals must arm? But the liberals – you’re becoming a rare exception – are pushing Obama to exit Afghanistan post-haste, leaving him to rely on the right to fight the good war.
So good luck with that call to arms!
Pelletizer why would someone have to confirm or deny something that never happened? Everything known about Van Jones are from his own words or actions. Not like your “sexual prowess” actions exposition here on HA!
By the way, Hillary was right, too: There is a vast rightwing conspiracy, funded by people like Scaife and Koch, that spreads lies and smears about Democrats and liberals.
@38 That’s the point, puddlehead. Making someone prove a negative is intellectually dishonest. So why do you guys do it?
You do know what a parody is, don’t you? The parody is of the rightwing. There wouldn’t be a parody if this wasn’t a pervasive rightwing tactic.
@37 My comment has nothing to do with Afghanistan and everything to do with domestic rightwing terrorism.
@35 “Czar” is a term coined by the lazy media, idiot.
@35 is undermining the Presidency of the United States of America. That’s not anything a freedom-loving real American would do, is it?
@40 By the way, Hillary was right, too:
Wow. During the primaries Hillary – maybe we’re talking about two different people – was pilloried by the Obama cultists for her views and judgment. But that was then, eh?
… I forgot “God-fearing.” I’ll get the hang of this yet.
The point is, your comment is inane. Obama was supposedly the call to arms, your delivery. That hasn’t quite worked out, though eight months ago any suggestion that Obama may not be everything he was being presented as was more often than not met with derision.
So that judgment wasn’t all so grand. Now you’re putting out another call to arms? Good luck getting consensus on that.
Except drudge proved bill had sex with that woman.
If it was proven, where is the conspiracy?
Yet the website about glenn beck raping a woman is asking for proof that beck didn’t rape a woman.
Notice: This site is parody/satire. We assume Glenn Beck did not rape and murder a young girl in 1990, although we haven’t yet seen proof that he didn’t.
Hey it’s Valerie Jarrett was gushing about Van Jones last month…They’ve been watching him out in Oakland? All his “creative ideas”?
Amazing… They knew about this guy!
Wow Pelletizer
There is no proving the negative. Van Jones hung himself dumb bunny!
Wow the nut is cracked and now we’re seeing what’s inside.
First we start here… Notice there is a reference to Illinois State Senator Barack Obama.
Partners and Affiliated Projects:
“Business for Shared Prosperity is a network of business owners, executives and investors committed to sustainable public policies and business practices that broaden economic opportunity, expand wealth ownership, and reduce inequality.”
Then there is Chuck Collins. He’s the Director of and Co-Founder, Business for Shared Prosperity as denoted above. Then we see Collins suggesting Van Jones to be the the Green Czar.
So as Puddy said earlier a friend of a friend of a friend!
Puddy, why do you credit Wikipedia in a controversial matter? So far as I can tell, Ella Baker was actually an anarchist as a young woman–not a communist at all, which is fairly remarkable for a black activist in the 1930s. She went on to become an organizer and a pivotal figure in the post-war fight against racism. For the rest, I’m puzzled by your objections. Someone referred him to Obama. So?
@3 Yes, it does appear that my judgment that Obama would side with regular folks was, in fact, wrong
Don’t blame yourself.
You watched the liberal media while complaining that fox was lying about him.
To The Raven… Puddy hasn’t commented on Ella Baker. Please show Puddy where Puddy made that comment. Puddy discussing Van Jones. Puddy uses WikiPedia because of it’s known left-wing slant and no one can accuse Puddy of slanting the info through WikiPedia. You know how spongebob wondermoron calls “right-wing bullshit” to known truths.
Marvin, it’s been funny watching the liberal media play catch-up this weekend! Expect them to do the same ignorance on John Deadwards and the potential alleged illegal payoffs to his mistress unless the news gets too big to ignore like Eliot Spritzer!
@10: Blacklisted by History (Evans) is the book that Jon needs to read but never will. Jon’s too dementedly deep in smelly left-wing orthodoxy to start getting a clue now.
Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit: Hillary was wrong. It’s not a vast right-wing conspiracy. It’s a half-vast right-wing conspiracy.