There goes that crazy Socialist Kshama Sawant being soooo divisive by bringing class into it again:
[I]t’s hard to escape the suspicion that class interests are playing a role. A fair number of commentators seem oddly upset by the notion of workers getting raises, especially while returns to bondholders remain low. It’s almost as if they identify with the investor class, and feel uncomfortable with anything that brings us close to full employment, and thereby gives workers more bargaining power.
Oh. Wait. That quote wasn’t from Sawant. It was from Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman. My bad.
Yeah, but Krugman would be considered a socialist, wouldn’t he? Anyway, the majority of the complainers seem to think that everyone except themselves is getting paid too much.
Race and Economic class. Nobody wants to admit we still have problems with either.
It will be a sweet day, when that Commu…erm…Socialist is off the council.
Didn’t much of the “investor” class vote for Obummer in 2012? Hmmm… Now which of those libtard economists did Puddy post that pearl of wisdom from before?
Search HA, you’ll find it DUMMOCRETINS!
Bonds are for idiots. Anyone dumb enough to invest in bonds deserves to get reamed. The only investments worth owning are dividend-paying stocks! Why would anyone pay taxes on bond interest income, when they can get one-third the tax rate on dividends? Plus, dividends go up every year, but bond income is set in stone no matter what inflation does. Bondholders merely own someone else’s debt. Stockholders own companies!
@1 Krugman I believe would be considered a neo-liberal. He does seem to believe in rampant capitalism, albeit with environmental & safety regulations and a reasonable safety net. He bristles when people call him a socialist.