What do you think? Sounds like a great opportunity to improve the quantity and quality of content here on HA, doesn’t it?
Dear Sir/Madam,
How are you? I hope you don’t mind that I contact you today. I am emailing to ask if you would be interested in accepting articles for your site.
I have a campaign I am currently running for which I feel that your website would be a great fit. My client is a respected provider of online casino. I am looking to provide you with an informative, entertaining, and well worded article which contains only one text link to the page of my client and does not look like advertising.
We are keen to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with you. Could you please let me know if you would be interested?
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Kind Regards,
Juliette Duprès
Marketing Specialist – Omnibuzzmedia
I get these sort of emails all the time. Yes, an “article” from a “respected provider of online casino” would be a “great fit” on a blog like HA with a long history of passionate screeds against expanding legal gambling. Makes me wonder how much of the Internet is composed entirely of advertorial link spam?
That said, I am always open to taking on new contributors. So if you’re a great local writer looking for your big shot at the minor leagues, let me know and I’ll give you read.
They used to just sneak free advertising into comment threads. I guess the spam filters have gotten good enough so that doesn’t work anymore.
(Full disclosure: I pay Goldy a monthly emolument to let me abuse Republicans in his comment threads.)
Take their offer, Goldy. It will help you get out of having to drive for Hooptie.
On a random side note– goldy, are u against horseracing? Like, emerald downs?
@3 Never really given much thought to horse racing. I oppose the expansion of legal gambling, particularly the explosion of casino gambling over the past 30 years. It’s certainly been good for some tribes (though not all), but in general it’s proven to be an ineffective economic development tool that has done more societal harm than good.
Just wondering, cuz horseracing is more than just mindlessly pumping money into a slot machine, or gambling online–there’s a culture and love behind it. In a further side note bc I know you’re the kind of person who can appreciate this– interestingly, there is a whole local history around racing– old longacres racetrack was sold off by the Alhadeff family to Boeing in the 90s, who tore it down and then realized they couldn’t build on that land–it was practically a historic landmark that was destroyed for nothing. And no one has ever forgiven the alhadeffs. Lol and I’ll stop going down this rabbit trail now :) I just wonder what gambling condemners (Im not necessarily referring to u) think about racing, cuz it’s a little different than casinos/the internet!
Have you considered getting a real job and finally leave adolescence? I’m sure you can find a place in a call center with an insurance company or some other firm that deals with its customers primarily through telephone contact.
@5 Yes, you stupid humans should stop making my horsey friends run in circles with midgets on their backs! The proper place for a horse is in a pasture. Horses shouldn’t have to work. They should live on stock dividends like everyone else.
Dear sir/madam,
How are you? I hope you don’t mind me commenting on this thread today. I am posting to ask if any of you are interested in giving thanks to Tim Eyman, our glorious leader?
I have a campaign I am currently running for which I feel that this audience will be a great addition. Tim Eyman is a respected posterior of horses. I am looking to provide you all with an expensive, dishonest, and poorly-conceived petition which contains a bunch of loopholes that makes a profit for Tim Eyman.
I am going to yell at you until you pay me. Could you please let me know if you would be interested?
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Don’t sell out your integrity, Goldy! It’s the most valuable thing you have.
@8 What did we say to cause you to think Eyman is “respected”?