Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m sure gonna miss the news photos of his wife, not to mention Dennis’ fiery progressivism, but mainly, I’m gonna miss the news photos of his wife.
Roger Rabbitspews:
However, there’s always this website to fall back on.
Buuuuut … like I said, I’m sure gonna miss the news photos of Mrs. Kucinich. I hope she becomes a movie star, or something, so there’s lots of cover photos to look at while waiting in the grocery checkout line every month.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Shit. I drooled all over my chest fur.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Tell that to the parents living in Seatte. Only a dem can spend 10k per child and still have ovr 40% of the tax base pass it up and send their kids to private schools. hehehehe
Roger Rabbitspews:
NY Times Endorses Clinton, Says McCain Is Best GOPer, Blasts Rudy
“NEW YORK (Jan. 24) – The New York Times editorial board has endorsed Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and John McCain in the presidential primary race.
“In editorials posted Thursday on the newspaper’s Web site, the board argued forcefully on Clinton’s behalf, while saying that McCain was the best of a flawed field with which the board had ‘strong disagreements.’ …
“‘Hearing her talk about the presidency, her policies and answers for America’s big problems, we are hugely impressed by the depth of her knowledge … the force of her intellect and … the breadth of … her experience,’ it said.
“The board also spoke favorably of Sen. Barack Obama, calling him ‘incandescent,’ but concluded that ‘we need more specifics …, a clearer sense of how he would govern.’
” … McCain, the editorial said ‘is the only Republican who promises to end the George Bush style of governing from and on behalf of a small, angry fringe.’
“The editorial … excoriated former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, saying that … ‘The real Mr. Giuliani, whom many New Yorkers came to know and mistrust, is a narrow, obsessively secretive, vindictive man who saw no need to limit police power.'”
I hope Mrs. Kucinich runs for something in the next election so there’s lots of news photos. =:-D
Roger Rabbitspews:
(pant) (pant)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Get a grip on yourself, Rabbit.
Joke of a movespews:
Ironic. Back when W was sending $300 refund checks to everyone to kickstart his tax cuts (part of retroactive actual rate cuts, mind you), you all were making fun of it saying “What can anyone do with $300? Besides, those people will probably spend it wrong! (I ACTUALLY heard a democrat say this)”
Now when people are getting $300 you’re lauding it as some great thing that is just wonderful.
Just wanted to remind you all about that, since none of the contributors here will.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 No, I’m making fun of it — and so is Robert Reich, who served as President Clinton’s treasury secretary and, unlike you, is a qualified economist. Everyone knows the “stimulus” package is nothing but pre-election grandstanding (by both parties) and the only thing it’ll stimulate is more inflation.
Reich, in a Newsweek magazine, warns of “the serious potential of an economic meltdown” and says his Wall Street friends think there’s now a 20% chance of a “depression,” but “even absent a depression, it seems likely that the coming recession will be deeper than the last several [recessions].”
In other words, the U.S. economy hasn’t bottomed and we’re in for a rough downward ride.
This fuck up is brought to you by the Incompetent Party.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 For your info, I’ve been regularly posting about these tax rebates and interest cuts for several days now, and criticized them as political grandstanding that would exacerbate inflation and make the recession worse well before you showed up here with your inane comments.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Also for your info, I have been criticizing the leaders of BOTH parties for indulging in this counterproductive nonsense.
We have to eat a recession to wring the credit excesses out of the economy, period, and this tinkering will merely postpone it — and make it worse.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Which brings up another topic — Social Security. This program is one of the best depression-preventers ever invented. Why? Because most Social Security beneficiaries spend their checks as soon as they get them, and those checks keep coming no matter what business activity or employment is doing. Thus, Social Security acts as a sort of parachute for consumer spending, both slowing its descent and putting a stool under how far it can fall. The spending of Social Security checks keeps going unabated even in the worst of business and job market conditions, and you can depend on those senior citizens to come to the rescue when nothing else in the economy is working right.
And the Republicans want to dump this program? Idiotic. Simply idiotic!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Anyone got more links to Elizabeth Kucinich pix? Just wondering.
Roger Rabbitspews:
More from the Reich interview (use link in #12 above):
NEWSEEK: “There’s a U.S. News & World Report blog item that was making the rounds on the NYSE floor Wednesday reporting that Bernanke has privately been much more negative about the economy than he publicly admits. From the indicators you’ve been watching, how bad do you think things are really going to get in the next six months to a year? Is a recession avoidable at this point?”
REICH: “It’s going to be difficult to avoid a recession … because the scale of the problems is so much larger than any stimulus package or Fed rate cut can readily deal with.”
Reich then uses the “d” word (depression) a couple of questions later, being careful to mask his own feelings by referring to what his Wall Street friends privately say. As a former cabinet official, he knows his words can influence markets, and struggles to answer questions honestly without inciting a panic.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I have to admit that I’m stunned and sobered by what I read in this interview. I’m an investor, with a six-figure stock portfolio on the line, and like everyone else with that kind of money at risk I’ve been trying to read market signals and figure out whether to buy, hold, or cash my chips. Shifting money from stocks to cash, bonds, or other nonequity vehicles is not necessarily the solution because long-term interest rates are now lower than inflation, which means you lose principal by sitting on cash equivalents or debt instruments. On the other hand, an economic decline that crushes corporate profits wpuld surely smash stocks, erasing capital in giant bites. There appears to be no safe harbor for what’s coming. I’ve gone from 98% stocks and 2% cash to 90% stocks and 10% cash, and I’m inclined to take advantage of any opportunities to sell on temporary strength to further reduce my stock exposure and increase my cash reserves. That way, I’ll minimize capital losses and have the ability to snap up bargain stocks when the market slide bottoms — I don’t think we’re there yet, and don’t think we’ll get there for another 1,000 Dow points. But I’m guessing like everyone else, and if you make investment decisions based on what I think, that’s your fucking problem. I don’t get paid for giving advice and assume no liability for posting my personal opinions here. All I’m sayin’ is I made so much money in the stock market last year (over 50% return on my portfolio) that I’ve still got a healthy cushion, I’m still well ahead of where my portfolio was a year ago, and it still beats the shit out of working. Working is for saps! Congress doesn’t want you to work or produce anything! That’s why they tax wages 3 times as much as investment income, and don’t tax the first $1.5 million of inheritance income at all! Working is socially undesirable and therefore will be flogged with punitive taxation! The Bush administration is doing everything possible to discourage employment and productivity by pursuing economic policies that will take output down to Absolute Zero! At least, that’s their goal. Then everyone will be rich, because as we all know, the less you work in America, the more money you have! And, you don’t need Karl Rove to tell you that rich people vote Republican. This economic meltdown is a clever GOP scheme to establish a permanent Republican majority by making everyone wealthy through the elimination of all work and production.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Man, that Kucinich babe sure is a good-lookin’ chick. I mean, I’m a rabbit, and normally I go for long pink ears and cute cottonpuff tails, but she even turns ME on!!!
Damn. I drooled on my fur again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder if I’m turning into a human? Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, I hope not! There’s already too many humans, and who wants to be a fucking Frankenstein? Much better to be a normal, happy, well-adjusted rabbit who doesn’t suffer from conservatism or other emotional problems.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Your Tax Money At Work
The Bush administration quietly paid a controversial $5 million reward to a flight instructor in the Moussaoui case. Two other flight instructors who alerted authorities about the 9/11 suspect wonder why all they got was a congressional resolution commending them.
Probably because they voted for Gore, but I’m just guessing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The stimulus package endorsed by Pelosi probably won’t sail through the Senate without amendments that Bush opposes. Both Sen. Kennedy and Sen. Reid are signaling that the devil’s bargain made by Pelosi with Republicans that leaves the hungry and unemployed in the cold is unacceptable. I think the Senate should add increased spending on food stamps and an unemployment benefits extension back into the bill and let Bush veto it. Then they can tell angry voters that it was Bush and the Republicans who took their tax rebates away out of cussedness just because they like to abuse the poor and unemployed. That will assure a Democratic landslide in November.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wow! This thread is already up to 25 posts in less than 3 hours! This sure is a popular blog! That’s more comments than the sucky little rival wingnut blog gets on most of their threads.
“‘The biofuels route is a dead end,’ Dr. Andrew Boswell, … author of a recent study on the harmful effects of biofuels, told SPIEGEL ONLINE. ‘They are going to create great damage to the environment and will also produce dramatic social problems in (tropical countries where many crops for biofuels are grown). There basically isn’t any way to make them viable.’
“The evidence against biofuels marshalled by Boswell and other environmentalists appears quite damning. Advertised as … carbon neutral — it actually has resulted in … [v]ast swaths of forest [being] felled and burned in Argentina and elsewhere for soya plantations. Carbon-rich peat bogs are being drained and rain forests destroyed in Indonesia to make way for extensive palm oil farming.
“Because the forests are often torched and the peat rapidly oxidizes, the result is huge amounts of CO2 being released into the atmosphere. Furthermore, healthy peat bogs and forests absorb CO2 — scientists refer to them as ‘carbon sinks’ — making their disappearance doubly harmful. …
“‘We are causing a climate catastrophe by promoting agro-fuels,’ Greenpeace agricultural specialist Alexander Hissting told SPIEGEL ONLINE …. ‘We are creating a huge industry in many parts of the world. In Indonesia, something akin to a gold rush has broken out.’ …
“Environmentalists say that emissions aren’t the only serious problem created by the biofuel boom. Even crops grown in northern countries … harbor major dangers to the climate. Both maize and rapeseed are voracious consumers of nitrogen, leading farmers to use large quantities of nitrous oxide fertilizers. …
“Paul J. Crutzen, who won the 1995 Nobel prize for chemistry, estimates that biodiesel produced from rapeseed can result in up to 70 percent more greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuels. Corn, the preferred biofuels crop in the US, results in 50 percent more emissions, Crutzen estimates. …
“Another issue receiving increasing attention recently is that of rising food prices as foodstuffs are turned into fuel … there have already been food price riots in … developing countries. … In October, the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food Jean Ziegler called for a five-year moratorium on biofuels …. Using arable land for biofuels, he said, ‘is a total disaster for those who are starving.’
“Slowly, it appears that some governments are beginning to listen to the chorus of criticisms. Last autumn, the Canadian province of Quebec announced that it would cease building plants to produce the biofuel ethanol. And on Monday, the UK’s House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee called for a stop in the increase of biofuel use. ‘Biofuels can reduce greenhouse gas emissions from road transport. But at present, most biofuels have a detrimental impact on the environment overall,’ committee chairman Tim Yeo said, according to Reuters.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m as pro-environment as anyone, but we need to be careful that we don’t fall victim to herd mentality and support feel-good policies that end up doing more harm than good. Developing certain types of biofuels can have incremental (read: minor) impact on problems like greenhouse gas emissions and oil dependency, but a willy-nilly rush into biofuels that sacrifices food production and forests in the name of utterly unrealistic goals will only dovetail with our deepening economic problems to make the problems facing average citizens more difficult than they are now. The last thing we need is runaway food inflation for the sake of increasing pollution, accelerating deforestation, and depleting agricultural soils. People need to gather their wits and give this some thought instead of blindly supporting anything with the “biofuel” label slapped on it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Where are all the trolls? Did the Rapture come? Have they gone up? I sure hope so. There are too damn many Republicans on this planet and the Lord can take as many of ’em as She wants!*
* Just kidding! I hope to go to Heaven myself someday, and don’t want to get up there to find it’s been overrun with Republicans, and all the rivers have been dammed and allthe trees have been cut down. Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, send ’em all to Hell instead!! They deserve it. Besides, someone has to be the fuel that keeps the fires burning so Heaven has an energy source, and better them than me.
Too bad he dropped out. Now there won’t be any more news photos of her in this election cycle.
Broadway Joespews:
Down, Roger. Down! Bad rabbit!
But I’ll admit that Mrs. K is (as politicians’ wives go) is pretty hot. But I’ll throw in another that could be just as hot: Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Go on, look her up.
Piper & Puddy Stew, ewwww!spews:
This will make the rightwing trolls on this blog drool. If only the Bushies had tortured him it would be
the complete Repuiblican story. Don’t worry Puddy and Piper this won’t happen to you. But if it does, with you windbags, it may take a few hours or days for the authorities to figure out what the hell you are talking about.
“Thomas Warziniack was born in Minnesota and grew up in Georgia, but immigration authorities pronounced him an illegal immigrant from Russia.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement has held Warziniack for weeks in an Arizona detention facility with the aim of deporting him to a country he’s never seen. His jailers shrugged off Warziniack’s claims that he was an American citizen, even though they could have retrieved his Minnesota birth certificate in minutes and even though a Colorado court had concluded that he was a U.S. citizen a year before it shipped him to Arizona.
On Thursday, Warziniack was told he would be released. Immigration authorities were finally able to verify his citizenship.
“The immigration agents told me they never make mistakes,” Warziniack said in a phone interview from jail.
It’s really worth reading the whole article: no right to a lawyer, no help getting documents, no one believes the documents you get or the witnesses you find, and you have the burden of proof of showing you are a citizen — while in custody
You really should change the name of this blog so as to include Roger’s name: he pontificates here so often that he should have some ownership stake.
How about “”
Yeah, that should work!
BTW, why is horsesass a “dot org” and everbody else is a “dot com”?
Piper & Puddy Stew, ewwww!spews:
hey Puddy! Hey Piper! How would you like to shoot children and do it with impunity? You can you know! Just join a military contractor coporation and go to Iraq. You President “guaranntess that you can rape and kill all the little children you desire-and do so with impunity. Republican values!! They are special-ain’t they?
With its international mandate in Iraq set to expire in 11 months, the Bush administration will insist that the government in Baghdad give the United States broad authority to conduct combat operations and guarantee civilian contractors specific legal protections from Iraqi law, according to administration and military officials.”
Rabbit talking to himself, which is symptomatic of early dementia, isn’t the hallmark of an exciting blog. Neither are links to pics of foreign born, tongue studded Elizabeth Kucinich who’s married to Congress’ resident Hobbit, Dennis Kucinich, D-Middle-earth and who stands nearly a full head taller than than the most recent failed Dem Prexy candidate (how soon before Huey P. Edwards folds what little is left of his tent?).
If you want to see a striking woman in politics who’s not hanging onto hubby’s size 32-short suit coat, then check out Alaska’s Republican – that’s GOP – Governor Sarah Palin.
Republicans don’t need to trot out trophy (not that EK is, mind you, since there’s something decidedly Quentin Tarantino about her) wives because we get beautiful women elected to office on their merits, not on how many buckets of drool fall from the yellow-toothed mouth of some rabbit about to be bitch-slapped by his Mrs. for using suspiciously large amounts of tissues while looking at pics on the Internet.
EK? You can have her! And the Hobbit too since he’ll be lucky to keep his still-shops-in-the-boys-department little seat in a larger Congressional one. Write when you find work, Dennis.
Damn those Alaskans anyway! Beautiful scenary, king salmon and king crab to die for, and drop-dead-gorgeous Gov. Sarah Palin. And we’re stuck with…Christine Gregoire?
Because we’re all such a loving family, that’s why!
C’mon now, everyone…GROUP HUG!
The Piper
Piper & Puddy Stew, ewwww!spews:
Bush tortures people and kills civilians including children
Puddy and Piper and Marvi support George W. Bush
therefore Puddy and Piper and Marvin support torture and killing civilians.
Don’t believe me? Ask Piper and Puddy and Marvin if they oppose the use of torture by Bush.
Piper, you have son in the military. I know this because you like to use that fact for advantage in discussions here. If he were captured and waterboarded-would you then call waterboarding torture?
isn’t the hallmark of an exciting blog.
Need excitement Pooper? Check out the circle jerk at (un)SP.
Comes in Paul, McCain, Huck Norris flavors with a touch of Pandering Mitt.
If puffing out your virtual chest over who’s more “conservative” is your thing, you’ll love it over there.
You won’t be missed.
Piper & Puddy Stew, ewwww!spews:
“If there is even one person out there who has developed doubts that any Democrat would be better than any Republican in the Oval Office, this should dispel them.”
Watch this video excerpt of the Republican debate.
“Bill Clinton, with his trembly, red-faced rage, makes John McCain look young. His divisive and destructive daily comportment—this is a former president of the United States—is a civic embarrassment. It is also an education, and there is something heartening in this.
There are many serious and thoughtful liberals and Democrats who support Mr. Obama and John Edwards, and who are seeing Mr. Clinton in a new way and saying so. Here is William Greider in The Nation, the venerable left-liberal magazine. The Clintons are “high minded” on the surface but “smarmily duplicitous underneath, meanwhile jabbing hard at the groin area. They are a slippery pair and come as a package. The nation is at fair risk of getting them back in the White House for four years.”
That, again, is from one of the premier liberal journals in the United States. It is exactly what conservatives have been saying for a decade. This may mark a certain coming together of the thoughtful on both sides. The Clintons, uniters at last.”
“On the pundit civil wars, Rush Limbaugh declared on the radio this week, “I’m here to tell you, if either of these two guys [Mr. McCain or Mike Huckabee] get the nomination, it’s going to destroy the Republican Party. It’s going to change it forever, be the end of it!”
This is absurd. George W. Bush destroyed the Republican Party, (with the help of it’s constituent wackos) by which I mean he sundered it, broke its constituent pieces apart and set them against each other. He did this on spending, the size of government, war, the ability to prosecute war, immigration and other issues.
Were there other causes? Yes, of course. But there was an immediate and essential cause.
And this needs saying, because if you don’t know what broke the elephant you can’t put it together again. The party cannot re-find itself if it can’t trace back the moment at which it became lost. It cannot heal an illness whose origin is kept obscure.
I believe that some of the ferocity of the pundit wars is due to a certain amount of self-censorship. It’s not in human nature to enjoy self-censorship. The truth will out, like steam from a kettle. It hurts to say something you supported didn’t work. I would know. But I would say of these men (why, in the continuing age of Bill Clinton, does the emoting come from the men?) who are fighting one another as they resist naming the cause for the fight: Sack up, get serious, define. That’s the way to help.”
Piper & Puddy Stew, ewwww!spews:
Your Republican Party, Puddy, Piper and Marvin and the rest of you right wing wacko trolls, is dead and stinking. All that remains is for the historians to sum up the costs-to this country and to the world.
If you’re going to quote lengthy excerpts from Peggy Noonan’s latest column, have the decency – Ha! I delude myself into thinking you have any – to attribute her thoughtful insight to her by name. It’s not only the courteous thing to do, it’s ethically mandatory (again, I delude myself).
Hers was an even-handed assessment of what she sees are failings in both parties, and she’s not without justification for all her comments. Still, come November, I’ll bet Peggy pulls the lever by the “R” designated Prexy candidate.
No matter who wins in November, you life will still suck.
The Piper
Pooper – you bankrupt talking points swallowing fool, you should see watch that tape @ 40.
The only guy who makes anything close to sense is Paul who I wouldn’t vote for in a million years.
See that band in distance? It’s a massive tsunami that’s going to wash away your bankrupt, corrupt party and all its sycophants and that includes you.
It’s what you do AND how you do it. For example: Corn Ethanol from the mid-west doesn’t work, but making ethanol from wheat chaff over in eastern Washington works just fine.
Ultimately we need to be focusing on using less energy, there’s no way to make our current level of energy use healthy or sustainable.
Bush=Bin Ladenspews:
@45 I gave the link Piper. But that’s not enough for you.
You support torture Piper. that’s all anyone needs to know about you. You are an amoral supporter of torture. Am I wrong Piper. tell us, your avid readers, that you are opposed to the use of torture by George W. Bush. Through your support for that evil bastard you betray everything that is good about this country. And through your support for him, you are, personnally, as responsible as Bush is for all the babies he has killed, all the people he has tortured and all the evil he has inflicted on the world. bush is a right wing religious wacko American version of Osama Bin Laden. He thinks he is doing the work of God. He is in deep shit when he goes to meet his maker. And what will you tell your maker Piper. That you supported torture and killing and other war crimes because you were a pompous windbag incapable of ceeding even the smallest point to a liberal? Torture and killing and other war crimes are wrong Piper. You are wrong Piper!
Thou shall not lie!
Thou shall not kill!
Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s goods (oil)!
The Iraqis did not attack this country. Most of the terrorists were Saudi. Bin Laden is Saudi. Bush visits and dines with and holds hands with Saudis. he is amoral! His supporters are immoral.
Bush Tortures and kills civilians
Piper supports and enables Bush
Therefore Piper supports and enables torture and Killing
No matter who wins in November, you life will still suck too.
Like, I could care who you support and why?
Try a distemper shot.
The Piper
Bush=Bin Ladenspews:
@45 Piper I will also tell you as I have your doppellganger Puddy I AM NOT HEADLESS LUCY! I tell you this so you know that it is not her addressing your sorry ass. It is me. I will not respkond again to this accusation.
Bush tortures and kills children
Piper supports and enables Bush
Therefore Piper supports torture and child murder
Bush=Bin Ladenspews:
Piper am I wrong to accuse you of enabling and supporting torture?
Bush=Bin Ladenspews:
Or am I just going to hear some silly shit about not having decency for posting a link instead of a name? Or aree you going to hearken back to those days of tweny muleteam borax when Ronnie Reagan saved us from communism. And he was so great he did it while suffering with Alzheimer’s disease.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 “Down, Roger. Down! Bad rabbit!”
Why would anyone ever think I was good?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 (continued) “Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner”
Could look worse, considering she’s twice Mrs. K’s age.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 Is that a girl? Coulda fooled me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 Aren’t you even a little embarrassed that your guy makes Bill Clinton look positively good?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I never voted for Bill Clinton, he was so bad, but these days I never even think about that. His faults pale to insignificance compared to Bush’s dishonesty, stupidity, and failures. A trained monkey literally would have been a better president than George. For all his faults, Clinton actually did quite a bit of good for America and the world; you can’t say the same for chimpface.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 “I’ll bet Peggy pulls the lever by the “R” designated Prexy candidate.”
Of course she will! She’s a Republican fer chrissakes! She’s no more nonpartisan than I am. She was a speechwriter for Reagan, and marches right alongside the rest of you goose-stepping wingnuts. What else would you expect?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 “making ethanol from wheat chaff over in eastern Washington works just fine” as far as it goes, which isn’t nearly far enough to make a noticeable dent in our 21 million bpd oil consumption.
Let’s say we produce 300 million gallons of ethanol a year from wheat chaff. That’s about 7.1 million barrels, but because a gallon of ethanol produces only about 2/3rds the energy of a gallon of gasoline, that translates to about 4.75 million barrels — roughly 1/5th of one day of U.S. oil consumption.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 Looks like Piper’s last-ditch argument comes down to this: Life under Democrats sucks as much as life under Republicans.
Trouble is, even that’s a lie — life may not be perfect under Democrats, but it’s far less imperfect than life under Republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 So, this is supposed to be an argument for electing Republicans?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 fyi, Headless Lucy is a “he”.
THE Puddybud The Prognosticator...spews:
Go read WEW
* ISBN 0-07-070378-7 The State Against Blacks (1984)
* ISBN 0-8179-7562-4 America: a Minority Viewpoint (1982)
* ISBN 0-89526-569-9 All It Takes Is Guts: A Minority View (1988)
* ISBN 0-275-93179-X South Africa’s War Against Capitalism (1989)
* ISBN 0-8179-9382-7 Do the Right Thing: The People’s Economist Speaks (1995)
* ISBN 0-8179-9612-5 More Liberty Means Less Government: Our Founders Knew This Well (1999)
Broadway Joespews:
Piper @ 36:
Gov. Palin ain’t half bad at all. But I think I’d take a president over a governor. Now I just have to work on my Spanish……
Broadway Joespews:
Roger, the way you’ve been drooling, you’re about to fry MY computer!
THE Puddybud The Prognosticator...spews:
Piper: In Clueless’ case (YLB), it’s the anal plug his wife makes him wear since she wears the pants in their house. It’s the only retentive he has because he sure ain’t American History retentive!
$7.1 billion is nothing. Republicans can squander that much in 24 hours.
Kucinich Drops Out
“CLEVELAND (Jan. 24) – Democrat Dennis Kucinich is abandoning his … long-shot bid for the White House ….
“In an interview with Cleveland’s Plain Dealer, the six-term House member said he … would make a formal announcement on Friday.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story &/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m sure gonna miss the news photos of his wife, not to mention Dennis’ fiery progressivism, but mainly, I’m gonna miss the news photos of his wife.
However, there’s always this website to fall back on.
Personally, I like ’em better with long ears, and prefer THIS photo gallery:
Buuuuut … like I said, I’m sure gonna miss the news photos of Mrs. Kucinich. I hope she becomes a movie star, or something, so there’s lots of cover photos to look at while waiting in the grocery checkout line every month.
Shit. I drooled all over my chest fur.
Tell that to the parents living in Seatte. Only a dem can spend 10k per child and still have ovr 40% of the tax base pass it up and send their kids to private schools. hehehehe
NY Times Endorses Clinton, Says McCain Is Best GOPer, Blasts Rudy
“NEW YORK (Jan. 24) – The New York Times editorial board has endorsed Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and John McCain in the presidential primary race.
“In editorials posted Thursday on the newspaper’s Web site, the board argued forcefully on Clinton’s behalf, while saying that McCain was the best of a flawed field with which the board had ‘strong disagreements.’ …
“‘Hearing her talk about the presidency, her policies and answers for America’s big problems, we are hugely impressed by the depth of her knowledge … the force of her intellect and … the breadth of … her experience,’ it said.
“The board also spoke favorably of Sen. Barack Obama, calling him ‘incandescent,’ but concluded that ‘we need more specifics …, a clearer sense of how he would govern.’
” … McCain, the editorial said ‘is the only Republican who promises to end the George Bush style of governing from and on behalf of a small, angry fringe.’
“The editorial … excoriated former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, saying that … ‘The real Mr. Giuliani, whom many New Yorkers came to know and mistrust, is a narrow, obsessively secretive, vindictive man who saw no need to limit police power.'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or news photos of Mrs. Kucinich whoops I mean copyright info, see
I hope Mrs. Kucinich runs for something in the next election so there’s lots of news photos. =:-D
(pant) (pant)
Get a grip on yourself, Rabbit.
Ironic. Back when W was sending $300 refund checks to everyone to kickstart his tax cuts (part of retroactive actual rate cuts, mind you), you all were making fun of it saying “What can anyone do with $300? Besides, those people will probably spend it wrong! (I ACTUALLY heard a democrat say this)”
Now when people are getting $300 you’re lauding it as some great thing that is just wonderful.
Just wanted to remind you all about that, since none of the contributors here will.
@11 No, I’m making fun of it — and so is Robert Reich, who served as President Clinton’s treasury secretary and, unlike you, is a qualified economist. Everyone knows the “stimulus” package is nothing but pre-election grandstanding (by both parties) and the only thing it’ll stimulate is more inflation.
Reich, in a Newsweek magazine, warns of “the serious potential of an economic meltdown” and says his Wall Street friends think there’s now a 20% chance of a “depression,” but “even absent a depression, it seems likely that the coming recession will be deeper than the last several [recessions].”
In other words, the U.S. economy hasn’t bottomed and we’re in for a rough downward ride.
This fuck up is brought to you by the Incompetent Party.
@11 For your info, I’ve been regularly posting about these tax rebates and interest cuts for several days now, and criticized them as political grandstanding that would exacerbate inflation and make the recession worse well before you showed up here with your inane comments.
@11 Also for your info, I have been criticizing the leaders of BOTH parties for indulging in this counterproductive nonsense.
We have to eat a recession to wring the credit excesses out of the economy, period, and this tinkering will merely postpone it — and make it worse.
Which brings up another topic — Social Security. This program is one of the best depression-preventers ever invented. Why? Because most Social Security beneficiaries spend their checks as soon as they get them, and those checks keep coming no matter what business activity or employment is doing. Thus, Social Security acts as a sort of parachute for consumer spending, both slowing its descent and putting a stool under how far it can fall. The spending of Social Security checks keeps going unabated even in the worst of business and job market conditions, and you can depend on those senior citizens to come to the rescue when nothing else in the economy is working right.
And the Republicans want to dump this program? Idiotic. Simply idiotic!
Anyone got more links to Elizabeth Kucinich pix? Just wondering.
More from the Reich interview (use link in #12 above):
NEWSEEK: “There’s a U.S. News & World Report blog item that was making the rounds on the NYSE floor Wednesday reporting that Bernanke has privately been much more negative about the economy than he publicly admits. From the indicators you’ve been watching, how bad do you think things are really going to get in the next six months to a year? Is a recession avoidable at this point?”
REICH: “It’s going to be difficult to avoid a recession … because the scale of the problems is so much larger than any stimulus package or Fed rate cut can readily deal with.”
Reich then uses the “d” word (depression) a couple of questions later, being careful to mask his own feelings by referring to what his Wall Street friends privately say. As a former cabinet official, he knows his words can influence markets, and struggles to answer questions honestly without inciting a panic.
I have to admit that I’m stunned and sobered by what I read in this interview. I’m an investor, with a six-figure stock portfolio on the line, and like everyone else with that kind of money at risk I’ve been trying to read market signals and figure out whether to buy, hold, or cash my chips. Shifting money from stocks to cash, bonds, or other nonequity vehicles is not necessarily the solution because long-term interest rates are now lower than inflation, which means you lose principal by sitting on cash equivalents or debt instruments. On the other hand, an economic decline that crushes corporate profits wpuld surely smash stocks, erasing capital in giant bites. There appears to be no safe harbor for what’s coming. I’ve gone from 98% stocks and 2% cash to 90% stocks and 10% cash, and I’m inclined to take advantage of any opportunities to sell on temporary strength to further reduce my stock exposure and increase my cash reserves. That way, I’ll minimize capital losses and have the ability to snap up bargain stocks when the market slide bottoms — I don’t think we’re there yet, and don’t think we’ll get there for another 1,000 Dow points. But I’m guessing like everyone else, and if you make investment decisions based on what I think, that’s your fucking problem. I don’t get paid for giving advice and assume no liability for posting my personal opinions here. All I’m sayin’ is I made so much money in the stock market last year (over 50% return on my portfolio) that I’ve still got a healthy cushion, I’m still well ahead of where my portfolio was a year ago, and it still beats the shit out of working. Working is for saps! Congress doesn’t want you to work or produce anything! That’s why they tax wages 3 times as much as investment income, and don’t tax the first $1.5 million of inheritance income at all! Working is socially undesirable and therefore will be flogged with punitive taxation! The Bush administration is doing everything possible to discourage employment and productivity by pursuing economic policies that will take output down to Absolute Zero! At least, that’s their goal. Then everyone will be rich, because as we all know, the less you work in America, the more money you have! And, you don’t need Karl Rove to tell you that rich people vote Republican. This economic meltdown is a clever GOP scheme to establish a permanent Republican majority by making everyone wealthy through the elimination of all work and production.
Man, that Kucinich babe sure is a good-lookin’ chick. I mean, I’m a rabbit, and normally I go for long pink ears and cute cottonpuff tails, but she even turns ME on!!!
Damn. I drooled on my fur again.
I wonder if I’m turning into a human? Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, I hope not! There’s already too many humans, and who wants to be a fucking Frankenstein? Much better to be a normal, happy, well-adjusted rabbit who doesn’t suffer from conservatism or other emotional problems.
Your Tax Money At Work
The Bush administration quietly paid a controversial $5 million reward to a flight instructor in the Moussaoui case. Two other flight instructors who alerted authorities about the 9/11 suspect wonder why all they got was a congressional resolution commending them.
Probably because they voted for Gore, but I’m just guessing.
The stimulus package endorsed by Pelosi probably won’t sail through the Senate without amendments that Bush opposes. Both Sen. Kennedy and Sen. Reid are signaling that the devil’s bargain made by Pelosi with Republicans that leaves the hungry and unemployed in the cold is unacceptable. I think the Senate should add increased spending on food stamps and an unemployment benefits extension back into the bill and let Bush veto it. Then they can tell angry voters that it was Bush and the Republicans who took their tax rebates away out of cussedness just because they like to abuse the poor and unemployed. That will assure a Democratic landslide in November.
Wow! This thread is already up to 25 posts in less than 3 hours! This sure is a popular blog! That’s more comments than the sucky little rival wingnut blog gets on most of their threads.
Joe Leiberman has endorsed McCain, and there’s even talk he could be McCain’s veep pick.
Environmentalists Condemn Biofuels Craze
“‘The biofuels route is a dead end,’ Dr. Andrew Boswell, … author of a recent study on the harmful effects of biofuels, told SPIEGEL ONLINE. ‘They are going to create great damage to the environment and will also produce dramatic social problems in (tropical countries where many crops for biofuels are grown). There basically isn’t any way to make them viable.’
“The evidence against biofuels marshalled by Boswell and other environmentalists appears quite damning. Advertised as … carbon neutral — it actually has resulted in … [v]ast swaths of forest [being] felled and burned in Argentina and elsewhere for soya plantations. Carbon-rich peat bogs are being drained and rain forests destroyed in Indonesia to make way for extensive palm oil farming.
“Because the forests are often torched and the peat rapidly oxidizes, the result is huge amounts of CO2 being released into the atmosphere. Furthermore, healthy peat bogs and forests absorb CO2 — scientists refer to them as ‘carbon sinks’ — making their disappearance doubly harmful. …
“‘We are causing a climate catastrophe by promoting agro-fuels,’ Greenpeace agricultural specialist Alexander Hissting told SPIEGEL ONLINE …. ‘We are creating a huge industry in many parts of the world. In Indonesia, something akin to a gold rush has broken out.’ …
“Environmentalists say that emissions aren’t the only serious problem created by the biofuel boom. Even crops grown in northern countries … harbor major dangers to the climate. Both maize and rapeseed are voracious consumers of nitrogen, leading farmers to use large quantities of nitrous oxide fertilizers. …
“Paul J. Crutzen, who won the 1995 Nobel prize for chemistry, estimates that biodiesel produced from rapeseed can result in up to 70 percent more greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuels. Corn, the preferred biofuels crop in the US, results in 50 percent more emissions, Crutzen estimates. …
“Another issue receiving increasing attention recently is that of rising food prices as foodstuffs are turned into fuel … there have already been food price riots in … developing countries. … In October, the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food Jean Ziegler called for a five-year moratorium on biofuels …. Using arable land for biofuels, he said, ‘is a total disaster for those who are starving.’
“Slowly, it appears that some governments are beginning to listen to the chorus of criticisms. Last autumn, the Canadian province of Quebec announced that it would cease building plants to produce the biofuel ethanol. And on Monday, the UK’s House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee called for a stop in the increase of biofuel use. ‘Biofuels can reduce greenhouse gas emissions from road transport. But at present, most biofuels have a detrimental impact on the environment overall,’ committee chairman Tim Yeo said, according to Reuters.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m as pro-environment as anyone, but we need to be careful that we don’t fall victim to herd mentality and support feel-good policies that end up doing more harm than good. Developing certain types of biofuels can have incremental (read: minor) impact on problems like greenhouse gas emissions and oil dependency, but a willy-nilly rush into biofuels that sacrifices food production and forests in the name of utterly unrealistic goals will only dovetail with our deepening economic problems to make the problems facing average citizens more difficult than they are now. The last thing we need is runaway food inflation for the sake of increasing pollution, accelerating deforestation, and depleting agricultural soils. People need to gather their wits and give this some thought instead of blindly supporting anything with the “biofuel” label slapped on it.
Where are all the trolls? Did the Rapture come? Have they gone up? I sure hope so. There are too damn many Republicans on this planet and the Lord can take as many of ’em as She wants!*
* Just kidding! I hope to go to Heaven myself someday, and don’t want to get up there to find it’s been overrun with Republicans, and all the rivers have been dammed and allthe trees have been cut down. Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, send ’em all to Hell instead!! They deserve it. Besides, someone has to be the fuel that keeps the fires burning so Heaven has an energy source, and better them than me.
Man, that Kucinich chick is one hot babe!
Too bad he dropped out. Now there won’t be any more news photos of her in this election cycle.
Down, Roger. Down! Bad rabbit!
But I’ll admit that Mrs. K is (as politicians’ wives go) is pretty hot. But I’ll throw in another that could be just as hot: Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Go on, look her up.
This will make the rightwing trolls on this blog drool. If only the Bushies had tortured him it would be
the complete Repuiblican story. Don’t worry Puddy and Piper this won’t happen to you. But if it does, with you windbags, it may take a few hours or days for the authorities to figure out what the hell you are talking about.
“Thomas Warziniack was born in Minnesota and grew up in Georgia, but immigration authorities pronounced him an illegal immigrant from Russia.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement has held Warziniack for weeks in an Arizona detention facility with the aim of deporting him to a country he’s never seen. His jailers shrugged off Warziniack’s claims that he was an American citizen, even though they could have retrieved his Minnesota birth certificate in minutes and even though a Colorado court had concluded that he was a U.S. citizen a year before it shipped him to Arizona.
On Thursday, Warziniack was told he would be released. Immigration authorities were finally able to verify his citizenship.
“The immigration agents told me they never make mistakes,” Warziniack said in a phone interview from jail.
It’s really worth reading the whole article: no right to a lawyer, no help getting documents, no one believes the documents you get or the witnesses you find, and you have the burden of proof of showing you are a citizen — while in custody
@31: Yeah, but Mrs. Kirchner doesn’t have a tongue stud.
You really should change the name of this blog so as to include Roger’s name: he pontificates here so often that he should have some ownership stake.
How about “”
Yeah, that should work!
BTW, why is horsesass a “dot org” and everbody else is a “dot com”?
hey Puddy! Hey Piper! How would you like to shoot children and do it with impunity? You can you know! Just join a military contractor coporation and go to Iraq. You President “guaranntess that you can rape and kill all the little children you desire-and do so with impunity. Republican values!! They are special-ain’t they?
With its international mandate in Iraq set to expire in 11 months, the Bush administration will insist that the government in Baghdad give the United States broad authority to conduct combat operations and guarantee civilian contractors specific legal protections from Iraqi law, according to administration and military officials.”
Rabbit talking to himself, which is symptomatic of early dementia, isn’t the hallmark of an exciting blog. Neither are links to pics of foreign born, tongue studded Elizabeth Kucinich who’s married to Congress’ resident Hobbit, Dennis Kucinich, D-Middle-earth and who stands nearly a full head taller than than the most recent failed Dem Prexy candidate (how soon before Huey P. Edwards folds what little is left of his tent?).
If you want to see a striking woman in politics who’s not hanging onto hubby’s size 32-short suit coat, then check out Alaska’s Republican – that’s GOP – Governor Sarah Palin.
See her here:
And especially here:
Republicans don’t need to trot out trophy (not that EK is, mind you, since there’s something decidedly Quentin Tarantino about her) wives because we get beautiful women elected to office on their merits, not on how many buckets of drool fall from the yellow-toothed mouth of some rabbit about to be bitch-slapped by his Mrs. for using suspiciously large amounts of tissues while looking at pics on the Internet.
EK? You can have her! And the Hobbit too since he’ll be lucky to keep his still-shops-in-the-boys-department little seat in a larger Congressional one. Write when you find work, Dennis.
Damn those Alaskans anyway! Beautiful scenary, king salmon and king crab to die for, and drop-dead-gorgeous Gov. Sarah Palin. And we’re stuck with…Christine Gregoire?
There is no justice!
The Piper
Why .org, not .com?
Because we’re all such a loving family, that’s why!
C’mon now, everyone…GROUP HUG!
The Piper
Bush tortures people and kills civilians including children
Puddy and Piper and Marvi support George W. Bush
therefore Puddy and Piper and Marvin support torture and killing civilians.
Don’t believe me? Ask Piper and Puddy and Marvin if they oppose the use of torture by Bush.
Piper, you have son in the military. I know this because you like to use that fact for advantage in discussions here. If he were captured and waterboarded-would you then call waterboarding torture?
isn’t the hallmark of an exciting blog.
Need excitement Pooper? Check out the circle jerk at (un)SP.
Comes in Paul, McCain, Huck Norris flavors with a touch of Pandering Mitt.
If puffing out your virtual chest over who’s more “conservative” is your thing, you’ll love it over there.
You won’t be missed.
“If there is even one person out there who has developed doubts that any Democrat would be better than any Republican in the Oval Office, this should dispel them.”
Watch this video excerpt of the Republican debate.
From the Wall Street Journal-The Clintons:
“Bill Clinton, with his trembly, red-faced rage, makes John McCain look young. His divisive and destructive daily comportment—this is a former president of the United States—is a civic embarrassment. It is also an education, and there is something heartening in this.
There are many serious and thoughtful liberals and Democrats who support Mr. Obama and John Edwards, and who are seeing Mr. Clinton in a new way and saying so. Here is William Greider in The Nation, the venerable left-liberal magazine. The Clintons are “high minded” on the surface but “smarmily duplicitous underneath, meanwhile jabbing hard at the groin area. They are a slippery pair and come as a package. The nation is at fair risk of getting them back in the White House for four years.”
That, again, is from one of the premier liberal journals in the United States. It is exactly what conservatives have been saying for a decade. This may mark a certain coming together of the thoughtful on both sides. The Clintons, uniters at last.”
More from the WSJ:
“On the pundit civil wars, Rush Limbaugh declared on the radio this week, “I’m here to tell you, if either of these two guys [Mr. McCain or Mike Huckabee] get the nomination, it’s going to destroy the Republican Party. It’s going to change it forever, be the end of it!”
This is absurd. George W. Bush destroyed the Republican Party, (with the help of it’s constituent wackos) by which I mean he sundered it, broke its constituent pieces apart and set them against each other. He did this on spending, the size of government, war, the ability to prosecute war, immigration and other issues.
Were there other causes? Yes, of course. But there was an immediate and essential cause.
And this needs saying, because if you don’t know what broke the elephant you can’t put it together again. The party cannot re-find itself if it can’t trace back the moment at which it became lost. It cannot heal an illness whose origin is kept obscure.
I believe that some of the ferocity of the pundit wars is due to a certain amount of self-censorship. It’s not in human nature to enjoy self-censorship. The truth will out, like steam from a kettle. It hurts to say something you supported didn’t work. I would know. But I would say of these men (why, in the continuing age of Bill Clinton, does the emoting come from the men?) who are fighting one another as they resist naming the cause for the fight: Sack up, get serious, define. That’s the way to help.”
Your Republican Party, Puddy, Piper and Marvin and the rest of you right wing wacko trolls, is dead and stinking. All that remains is for the historians to sum up the costs-to this country and to the world.
Piper & Puddy Stew Headless Lucy…
New name for the day, same stinky argument…
@42…headless lucy a/k/a fool…
If you’re going to quote lengthy excerpts from Peggy Noonan’s latest column, have the decency – Ha! I delude myself into thinking you have any – to attribute her thoughtful insight to her by name. It’s not only the courteous thing to do, it’s ethically mandatory (again, I delude myself).
Hers was an even-handed assessment of what she sees are failings in both parties, and she’s not without justification for all her comments. Still, come November, I’ll bet Peggy pulls the lever by the “R” designated Prexy candidate.
No matter who wins in November, you life will still suck.
The Piper
Pooper – you bankrupt talking points swallowing fool, you should see watch that tape @ 40.
The only guy who makes anything close to sense is Paul who I wouldn’t vote for in a million years.
See that band in distance? It’s a massive tsunami that’s going to wash away your bankrupt, corrupt party and all its sycophants and that includes you.
It’s what you do AND how you do it. For example: Corn Ethanol from the mid-west doesn’t work, but making ethanol from wheat chaff over in eastern Washington works just fine.
Ultimately we need to be focusing on using less energy, there’s no way to make our current level of energy use healthy or sustainable.
@45 I gave the link Piper. But that’s not enough for you.
You support torture Piper. that’s all anyone needs to know about you. You are an amoral supporter of torture. Am I wrong Piper. tell us, your avid readers, that you are opposed to the use of torture by George W. Bush. Through your support for that evil bastard you betray everything that is good about this country. And through your support for him, you are, personnally, as responsible as Bush is for all the babies he has killed, all the people he has tortured and all the evil he has inflicted on the world. bush is a right wing religious wacko American version of Osama Bin Laden. He thinks he is doing the work of God. He is in deep shit when he goes to meet his maker. And what will you tell your maker Piper. That you supported torture and killing and other war crimes because you were a pompous windbag incapable of ceeding even the smallest point to a liberal? Torture and killing and other war crimes are wrong Piper. You are wrong Piper!
Thou shall not lie!
Thou shall not kill!
Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s goods (oil)!
The Iraqis did not attack this country. Most of the terrorists were Saudi. Bin Laden is Saudi. Bush visits and dines with and holds hands with Saudis. he is amoral! His supporters are immoral.
Bush Tortures and kills civilians
Piper supports and enables Bush
Therefore Piper supports and enables torture and Killing
No matter who wins in November, you life will still suck too.
Like, I could care who you support and why?
Try a distemper shot.
The Piper
@45 Piper I will also tell you as I have your doppellganger Puddy I AM NOT HEADLESS LUCY! I tell you this so you know that it is not her addressing your sorry ass. It is me. I will not respkond again to this accusation.
Bush tortures and kills children
Piper supports and enables Bush
Therefore Piper supports torture and child murder
Piper am I wrong to accuse you of enabling and supporting torture?
Or am I just going to hear some silly shit about not having decency for posting a link instead of a name? Or aree you going to hearken back to those days of tweny muleteam borax when Ronnie Reagan saved us from communism. And he was so great he did it while suffering with Alzheimer’s disease.
@31 “Down, Roger. Down! Bad rabbit!”
Why would anyone ever think I was good?
@31 (continued) “Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner”
Could look worse, considering she’s twice Mrs. K’s age.
@36 Is that a girl? Coulda fooled me.
@41 Aren’t you even a little embarrassed that your guy makes Bill Clinton look positively good?
I never voted for Bill Clinton, he was so bad, but these days I never even think about that. His faults pale to insignificance compared to Bush’s dishonesty, stupidity, and failures. A trained monkey literally would have been a better president than George. For all his faults, Clinton actually did quite a bit of good for America and the world; you can’t say the same for chimpface.
@45 “I’ll bet Peggy pulls the lever by the “R” designated Prexy candidate.”
Of course she will! She’s a Republican fer chrissakes! She’s no more nonpartisan than I am. She was a speechwriter for Reagan, and marches right alongside the rest of you goose-stepping wingnuts. What else would you expect?
@47 “making ethanol from wheat chaff over in eastern Washington works just fine” as far as it goes, which isn’t nearly far enough to make a noticeable dent in our 21 million bpd oil consumption.
Let’s say we produce 300 million gallons of ethanol a year from wheat chaff. That’s about 7.1 million barrels, but because a gallon of ethanol produces only about 2/3rds the energy of a gallon of gasoline, that translates to about 4.75 million barrels — roughly 1/5th of one day of U.S. oil consumption.
@49 Looks like Piper’s last-ditch argument comes down to this: Life under Democrats sucks as much as life under Republicans.
Trouble is, even that’s a lie — life may not be perfect under Democrats, but it’s far less imperfect than life under Republicans.
@49 So, this is supposed to be an argument for electing Republicans?
@50 fyi, Headless Lucy is a “he”.
Go read WEW
* ISBN 0-07-070378-7 The State Against Blacks (1984)
* ISBN 0-8179-7562-4 America: a Minority Viewpoint (1982)
* ISBN 0-89526-569-9 All It Takes Is Guts: A Minority View (1988)
* ISBN 0-275-93179-X South Africa’s War Against Capitalism (1989)
* ISBN 0-8179-9382-7 Do the Right Thing: The People’s Economist Speaks (1995)
* ISBN 0-8179-9612-5 More Liberty Means Less Government: Our Founders Knew This Well (1999)
Piper @ 36:
Gov. Palin ain’t half bad at all. But I think I’d take a president over a governor. Now I just have to work on my Spanish……
Roger, the way you’ve been drooling, you’re about to fry MY computer!
Piper: In Clueless’ case (YLB), it’s the anal plug his wife makes him wear since she wears the pants in their house. It’s the only retentive he has because he sure ain’t American History retentive!