A new music video from Seattle’s own Julie Mains.
UPDATE [Lee]: Palin will be dropping the puck at the Flyers home opener against the Rangers on Saturday night in Philly. Another hockey mom at her side or not, she’s gonna get booed out of the arena.
Heh, Palin has an 80% approval rating in her state as a governor, higher than any other governor in this nation! Despite your massive liberal attacks, she still draws a big audience.
So hows Gregoire faring these days in the Liberal land of Seattle, oops, King County, excuse me.
The majority of Counties in Washington are ready to throw that tax and spend happy B out of office and join Alaska!
In a Blue state in a Blue election even you folks can’t agree she is a complete and F’n failure at 50% – 50%
She deserves to be F’n retired.
Subject: Little Johnny
A teacher in Elmira , New York asked her 6th grade class how many of them were Obama fans. Not really knowing what an Obama fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, All the kids raised their hands except for Little Johnny.
The teacher asked Little Johnny why he has decided to be different again. Little Johnny said, ‘Because I’m not an Obama fan.’ The teacher asked, ‘Why aren’t you an Obama fan?’
Johnny said, ‘Because I’m a Republican.’ The teacher asked him why he’s a Republican. Little Johnny answered, ‘Well, my Mom’s a Republican and my Dad’s a Republican, so I’m a Republican.’
Annoyed by this answer, the teacher asked, ‘If your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot, What would that make you?’ With a big smile, Little Johnny replied, ‘That would make me an Obama fan.’
This is too good..
Have compassion for them. They’re just ignorant. That’s why it’s truly sad when people who know better don’t show up or think they can’t make much of a difference.
All right, I will cheat, and paste an earlier response in here with a couple other comments.
GS, tell me what Dino accomplished in his legislative career? Take the Locke budget away in 2003, which he added to only in making it slightly worse for people in need, and name one single meanigful act? Quick, the clock is ticking.
Okay, he bought an apartment with sleazy lobbyists who helped him make money while they came to him for money. He hooked up with his major felon fellow traveler, the mortagage thief and equity skimeer who knew subprime ripoffs before it was cool, Mel Heide. What else did he do? Name one accomplishment, please?
Now, as to Failin’ Palin. Being popular in Alaska is like being a conservative darling in Ferry and Pend Oreille county. Or maybe Yakima. Wow. Big friggin’ deal. She is not qualified to be King Co. Exec.
To quote T. Freidman, criticizing Palin is like shooting fish in the barrel. But I must add, what is most deeply disturbing to me is not her petty tyrant tendencies, her book burning concepts, her non-existent resume, her whacky past affiliations with anarchists and witch doctors, her mediocre academic and professional life, her inherent contradictions in her statements or her passing aquaintance with the English language, etc, etc.. Those bother me, but this is even worse-
What really bothers me is that she has never once shown an iota of interest in international affairs, national affairs, or economic challenges facing our country, and its people. She doesn’t even have an interest in our country! And “that one” (not the black guy, btw) wants to make her VP
I would also love to give her a map quiz- not of the world- but of our country. Does she know where East Lansing is? Wilmington? Trenton? Galveston? Birmingham? Jackson? Butte? Akron? S. Chicago or East LA? (Hint, Sarah- the answer is in the question on the last two if you look closely.) And even if she does, what can she say about these places?
But the bottom line is its not her fault. McCain chose her,. That is is his one major decision as candidate. Wow, that scares the absolute shit out of me. It makes Phil Gramm at treasury look good.
So let me know where you disagree, and what you base it on, gs. I am very interested in your response.
The Democraps today announced that it is changing its emblem from an Eagle to a CONDOM because it more accurately reflects their government’s political stance. A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you’re actually being screwed!
Damn, it just doesn’t get more accurate than that.
@1 An 80% approval rating is about average for welfare offices. I could get an 80% approval rating by handing out checks to people on the street, too!
@2 “So hows Gregoire faring these days in the Liberal land of Seattle, oops, King County, excuse me.”
Last time I checked, she’s ahead. Looks like your boy will get his butt kicked again.
It’s easy to have a high approval ratings in Alaska where there’s no state taxes and in fact the state sends you a $3,269 check.
Plus here ratings have dropped significantly in the last few months.
you know ive already fucked the governor out of about $1500.00 in sales tax i buy everything at the base exchange and buy my gas at her friends place the reservation.i feel great about my part in kicking here ass out.remember there is no deficit.hahahahahahahaha.
@2 I heard that one 48 years ago, except back then Little Johnny was a Nixon fan.
Sara Palin….the political gift that keeps on giving. John Sidney McCain’s plan to utterly wreck the delusional criminal organization known as the GOP and pay it back for the treachery by Bush and Rove in South Carolina in 2000 is working like a charm.
After all……….country first! Thank you, Sidney. Thank you Sara.
@5 Uh yeah, we really have price stability under Bush, don’t we? And how are the next generation’s retirement savings doing under Bush? I’ll give one thing to Bush, though — he managed to screw everybody including his gullible supporters. Just like Hitler did.
It’ll be interesting to see how many of these swaggering trolls have the guts to show themselves on HA the morning after the election. My guess is none.
Roger better ask Ole Barney Frank what a F’n poor ass job he did with Freddie and Fannie, or how about Clinton and the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act
Heh, Palin has an 80% approval rating in her state
A myth. It’s dropping like a stone.
Gassy ShitferBrains is going to be awfully scarce around here on Nov 5.
the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act
The bill authored by Phil Gramm, yes.
Freddie and Fannie? Rickie Davis thought their money was as green as the next outfit’s.
@14 Who’s been in charge the last 8 years, dumbass? (Hint: the voters know)
Was not this nation created to get away from the massive F’n taxation of England?
Was that not what the Boston Tea Party was F’n about?
It’s freaking true. After the last eight years Gassy Sewer wants four more of the same.
Fortunately for the country, a lot more folks don’t want that.
I mean, geez, even the conservative intelligentsia (to the extent there is one) don’t like Palin. They think she’s as toxic as a leaking barrel of chemicals. Only a dumb redneck could like her! Which makes you a guess what, gs?
the video is so so so boring
if Bruner can get her game on the economy in top form – she can win
get rid of the cozy family shit, silly to begin with, talk MONEY
@18 If you want lower taxes tell your Republican leaders to stop burning money with a blowtorch. Latest example: $700 billion Wall Street bailout, $440,000 of which went to entertain AIG execs at a posh California spa.
Who has been litigating and lobbying to give all these loans to people who could not afford them for the past 12 years? Why it’s the Democrats! And that is Bush’s fault?
Oh F’n please
Pelosi, and Franks were not looking for some cover to this 700 Billion dollar bailout, hell yes in fact they tied another 150 Billion on for Pure Pork.
But I am happy to say ACORN didn’t get a F’n dime to maufacture voters
um, might want to see Palin’s rating in AK now. It is not 80 percent.
Pelosi and Franks looked like two kids at a F’n helllllloweeeen party when they got the 850 billion dollars to pay back the BS loans they all voted for.
Roger you know way way better than that. You are a much smarter man than that….
OK so now her ratings are at 68% after all the liberal bashing damn that’s horrible, give me a few or even one with higher than that please.
Certainly not Gregoire! I Put Gregoire well under Lowry!
re 5: And the Republicans are changing their logo to a cropduster spewing DDT — so there are no more eagles’
Ever wonder what happened to the English lion? He fell into the purview of a ‘conservative’ — who conserves nothing.
re 18: Yes. And to get away from state sponsored monopolies — like the East India Company, Hudson’s Bay Company, Exxon, Enron, Halliburton, Brown&Root….
You are the sucker — not us.
re 27: What is Palin equipped to give this country? What do you get out of supporting her besides the satisfaction you apparently take in shoving a shit sandwich down the throat of every decent American.
You are the America hater — not us.
That’s my girl Julie! I’ll have to drop her an email to congratulate her on her fine work.
ha ha she’s been giving all of you a Shit sandwich thats enough for me
How would you like it ….Stacked
re 33: I know. You are a hateful little shithead — like Smigel.
I hope you like the debt slavery that Bush has put your progeny into — YOURS, not his.
Then again, that may be one of the things that is wrong with you. You can’t get laid. You have no children.
Sarah’s popularity is falling in Alaska. Must be they are starting to find her wanting. Ah, too bad.
The loan sharks could give out those loans do to deregulation. You’re boy McSame is the self professed king of deregulation.
Both parties are responsible for deregulation, but it’s mostly the Republicans game.
And who woulda thunk it?
Son of Tenn. Democrat indicted in Palin hacking
By DUNCAN MANSFIELD, Associated Press Writer
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – The son of a Democratic Tennessee state lawmaker pleaded not guilty Wednesday to hacking the e-mail account of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
David Kernell, 20, of Knoxville, Tenn. entered the plea in federal court in Knoxville, the same day prosecutors unsealed an indictment charging him with intentionally accessing Palin’s e-mail account without authorization.
Kernell, an economics student at the University of Tennessee, was brought into court wearing handcuffs and shackles on his ankles.
He was released without posting bond, but the court limited his computer use to checking his own e-mail and doing class work.
Kernell’s father is longtime state Rep. Mike Kernell of Memphis, chairman of Tennessee’s House Government Operations Committee. The lawmaker has said he had nothing to do with the hacking incident.
David Kernell was indicted Tuesday by a federal grand jury in Knoxville and faces a maximum of five years in prison, a $250,000 fine and three years of supervised release. Trial is set for Dec. 16.
The investigation is continuing. The indictment said at least one other person successfully reset Palin’s e-mail password and accessed her e-mail account after the hacker named “rubico,” whom the government contends is Kernell, posted his exploits on the Web.
“I wouldn’t say specifically whether that other individual may be charged or not,” Justice Department spokeswoman Laura Sweeney said from Washington.
U.S. Magistrate Judge C. Clifford Shirley restricted Kernell from discussing the case with any potential witnesses, which include his roommates.
Kernell was also restricted from having any contact directly or indirectly with the Alaska governor or her family.
Shirley warned that if Kernell violated any part of his release conditions, he would be held until the trial.
Kernell’s attorney, Wade Davies, accompanied his client in court.
“As soon as we found out about the charges this morning, David voluntarily turned himself in,” said Davies, who refused to answer any other questions.
The indictment alleges that on Sept. 16 Kernell reset the password to Palin’s personal e-mail account to gain access to it. Authorities say Kernell then read the contents of the account and made screenshots of the e-mail directory, e-mail content and other personal information, later posting some of the information to a public Web site.
Sometimes I wonder if posting so many anti-Palin posts on this blog is meant to promote hate and intolerance, which may eventually inspire some kind of violence against her?
The shooting of the wolf was sick.
This HA blog is sick. It’s a sick, hate-filled, intolerant blog, and I honestly wonder if he’s trying to inspire people to act on their hate. There’s a pattern here. A pattern of bashing and belittling people who don’t think like him. There is a hate and intolerance that he revisits day after days. It’s almost like he’s trying to inspire more hate. And when you do that, you inspire people to act on their hate.
I come here to fight the hate and intolerance.
I honestly believe HA is a left wing hate blog.
Stupid Troll @38
No, it is meant to educate everyone as to who the Sarah really is.
Stupid Troll @40
Why don’t you go fight the hate and intolerance on the right?
In all my years of fighting hate, the one thing I have found is people filled with hate and intolerance do not like to be challenged.
That is why I am here. And the more people tell me to go someplace else, the more I know I am on the right track.
Let me ask you a question. Why does it anger you when I hold a mirror up to you?
Do you not like what you see?
I found this….
Since Palin gave a speech giving aid and comfort to the Alaska Independence Party, who wants to break away from america and whos leader cursed America and her “damned institutions” can Palin be charged with treason? Her husband definitely can right because he’s a member of the party?
Why doesn’t Bush declare her an “enemy combatant?”
Also, why do the Palins hate America so much?
silly troll @ 40
LMAO!!! Go over to (un)SP. There’s loads of hate over there. Lots and lots of belittling those who don’t agree with them.
Should keep you occupied for the remainder of what passes for your life.
Here’s a video of troll’s kind of people:
Goldy, are you proud that you’ve whipped-up people like Blue John into a hate-filled frenzy? Or do think he’s not gone far enough?
The conservatives are trying to condemn Obama for associating with Bill Ayres for events that happened when Obama was 8. Was Obama supposed to get a hall pass, zip down on his big wheel and stop him?
I listed some palen facts, in the same spirit, using the same tone as the republican attacks, and you take that as a hate filled frenzy. Why is that? Are you able to see the amusing irony in that?
Given your sense of fairness, are you posting like crazy to the conservatives, asking them to stop their distortions about Obama?
If I were currently prison pen-pal buddies with Ted Bundy, would that be okay? I mean, after all, he murdered those women when I was around 8 years old.
Answer: No, it wouldn’t be cool. It would show a lack of judgement on my part to befriend or associate with someone who committed such horrendous crimes, no matter what my age was at the time of the crimes.
If it were up to me, Ayers would be tried and executed.
And that’s coming from a Democrat.
Wait, that would be quite a trick if I were Ted Bundy’s pen pal buddy. I meant if he were alive.
If it were up to me, Ayers would be tried and executed.
This is not hate-filled? Ayers had his day in court. He walked.
You’re no Democrat. You’re a small-minded fascist.
GS @ 5 said:
“…allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you’re actually being screwed!”
Well, you pretty much sums up the last eight years under Republican rule. It’s a wonder that you didn’t even think better of it before posting it.
Obama is right. Ayers is a guy in his neighborhood, a professor of Education.
People from all walks of life serve on non-profit boards.
Hmmm. For a while, David Duke was a Republican in the Louisiana State legislature.
All those Republicans who served with him definitely showed poor judgement by associating with a Nazi and a white supremacist.
They should have resigned on the spot.
While we’re on a guilt by association jag, how about Palin? Her husband was a member of an America-hating Alaska Independence Party whose goal is secession.
She should have divorced the guy on the spot. What poor judgement.
Only thing is she taped an address to that party and said “God bless you”.
Country First indeed.
Wait, if you’re going to refer to the terrorist Ayers a Prof of Education, why aren’t you referring to David Duke as an author?
#55. Good point. Nice showing of the double standard.
Troll, do you believe in redemption? Do you believe that people may have done bad things in their past, but can be good, or at least, not bad, people now.
Here is an example: Would you associate with a felon who killed a man when he was in his 20s, but did his time and is now in his 50s and working at a sub shop and seems to be living honorably? Or once bad, always bad?
Given your logic, would you condemned anyone who associated with that person?
I AM a Democrat, but this is one issue where I don’t agree with most other Democrats. I am very hard core on criminal justice. I have no use for redemption. I’m glad they executed that Tookie Williams guy. And I hope they do it to Mumia, too.
I think all violent felons should be executed.
If Obama wants to associate with Ayers, that’s fine. I wouldn’t. I think Ayers is garbage and should be executed.
We differ, I believe in redemption, but with a strong dose of caution. I believe that some people can change. But some cannot. And it’s hard to know which is which.
Troll, would you condemned anyone who associated with violent felons that served their terms and were released and seemed to be rehabilitated?
re 57: Who did Bill Ayers “terrorist” ever terrorize?
Talking about Ayers is a deflection. Ollie North is more of a terrorist than Bill Ayers. North is a convicted felon.
Hmmm, good question. I suppose it would depend on the circumstances.
I don’t think any of this whole Ayers stuff matters anyway, as it looks like Obama is going to win, and I’m not complaining about him winning, either. One of my main issues is the Iraq war, and I think he is just the candidate to get out of there. I don’t think McCain would have. On some other issues, I disagree with Obama. But the war is a biggie with me.
More guilt by association game.
So mccain palls around with groups that approve of terrorists. Nice…..
Re 37:
“In 2006, in the first federal challenge ever argued against the president’s NSA spying program, the ACLU defeated the Bush administration when a district court declared the program unconstitutional.”
And you are worried about a 20 year old hacking Palin’s ‘hotmail’ account – upon which she was illegally conducting the business of the state of Alaska to avoid public scrutiny of her actions?
You are one sick puppy!
49 What the hell…McCain spent five years living really close to thousands of Communists!!!!!!
That singer had a flat note in there. Sustained even, unfortunately.