Sure, I’ve got some pretty vile, hateful people in my comment threads, but I respect all my readers, and so as a service to some of my far-right critics I thought I’d just pass along this invitation to join your brethren in a rally today at the state Capitol:
The neo-Nazi rally is scheduled from 2 to 4 p.m. on the steps of the Capitol Building. Members from all over the West Coast are expected to attend, said National Socialist Movement director Jeff Schoep.
“We want our message to be heard,” Schoep said. “We’re there for the white community.
“As with our other rallies, we are standing against immigration. These people are pouring over from Mexico and they’re not assimilating like our forefathers did. They’re coming here to exploit our country, and we don’t want them here.”
Hmm. At least the Nazis are upfront about what the whole immigration debate is really about.
I’m listening to KUOW discuss the Nazi rally, and how we should respond, and I can’t help but think that the opponents are coming off as just too touchy-feely.
So I’m wondering if perhaps the correct response would be to confront the Nazis with actual physical violence? I mean, if they have their way, it will eventually come to that anyway, so why not just kick their asses now before they grow any stronger?
I may be labeled “racist” by saying this, but I view the Neo-Nazis as a lot of poor white trash losers. They seem to have nothing going on in their lives and are attempting to blame everyone except themselves, the real culprits.
Do any of you righties find it strange that the “lefty” ACLU defends the free speech rights of these Farther-Right-Than-Far-Right wackos? If you don’t watch out, the ACLU might even defend YOUR free speech rights, or Ann Coulter’s free speech rights!
The Neo-Nazis should bend down on both knees and kiss the ACLU’s ass.
“They’re coming here to exploit our country, and we don’t want them here.””
Immigration? Gee, for a minute there I thought he was talking about Haliburton.
The only KKK member I know is Senator Robert Byrd, DEMOCRAT, WV.
““They’re coming here to exploit our country, and we don’t want them here.”
Comment by the first Native American to see the white settlers, rowing towards the shoreline of America.
“I like the internal freedoms the Swedes enjoy and the reality based militaristic doggedness of North Korea.”
Commentby headless lucy— 7/3/06@ 10:09 am […………………………70% tax rates in Sweden, and North Korea is the Perfect Hillary Village. HL, are you a NEA “teacher” in the public sector?]
“I respect all my readers”
You’re a bigger man than I am, Goldy.
(Come to think of it, I’m a rabbit, and only 24 1/4″ tall on my tiptoes.)
Goldystein, I must have missed your post on Durham, NC’s Black Panther’s March on Duke University. “Black women don’t lie about these things!” [Tawana Brawley]
6, 7
Now here’s an example of a reader I don’t respect, and who deserves no respect.
Port Louis – Scientists who unearthed a mass dodo grave in Mauritius say they have found evidence showing the birds were killed by a natural disaster long before humans arrived on the Indian Ocean island. Most theories about how the dodo became extinct blame early settlers who found the plump flightless bird on the Indian Ocean island in the 16th century and hunted it relentlessly.
Well man just has to be blamed somehow. Maybe the dodos heard that Al Gore’s global warming was coming and committed mass suicide to avoid the stress.
Follow on comment: Come on. There had to be a Republican driving an SUV involved somehow.
6, 7
Hey Craig, if Goldy filters you again, call the ACLU!
10, Yawn. JCH Kennedy
Rich retired Republican. Suck on that, RR!
Mexico’s election: Kind of like King County’s, but with less voter fraud.
Gee, Roger, perhaps you misunderstood me. I just wanted to point out that given the history of us “white men”, we aren’t in any position to complain about others coming into our country to “exploit it”. When someone complains about immigrants, I usually ask them if they are a registered member of a Native American tribe. If not, then they only have limited grounds for argument.
Now if you want to point out the hyprocracy of Republican policy which encourages immigration to keep labor rates low but then rails against it for political milage, then we can talk….
As for Libertarian in #1: Coming from a long line of “poor white trash losers”, I resent being linked with the likes of the KKK. Even we poor white trash losers have SOME pride.
Illegals Run Teenager Off the Road; Rape, Stab
Waco Tribune-Herald, by Tribune-Herald staff
Two Mexia men have been arrested today in connection with the sexual assault of an 18-year-old Tehuacana resident who had to be airlifted Wednesday to a hospital because of stab wounds suffered in the attack, according to the sheriff’s office. [……………………………………………………….New Democrats to be “do the work American welfare hacks won’t do while waiting to vote in November!]
rhp6033 – No offense meant, dude! I come from PWT myself!
Hey Goldy – Am I one of those “pretty vile, hateful people” you refer to?
Shit, I thought I was “chilling” and “morally repugnant”. “Pretty” never occured to me.
Hey, have you guys noticed that comments NEVER get stuck in the filter, yet we don’t get any spam crap on here except from Rabbit.
But it’s tasty spam.
Illegals Run Teenager Off the Road; Rape, Stab
And as we all know, that means ALL illegals are raper/stabbers
get a clue
And of course, there were NO stabbings or rapings by “legal” Americans over the past several years????????
re 11: As a joke, I used to tell people that I was an orphan. Both my parents had been killed in a plane wreck before I was born.
So , your point is that all the birds were killed by a natural disaster long before the settlers kill them??!?
Redneck @ 19
I think “misogynistic sociopath” fits. Or, how about “penis-envying parasite?”
Back when Haden Lake Idaho was Nazi central the Nazi’s would parade through nearby Coeur d Alene ID every summer. The response Coeur d Alene used was to close down every shop in down town and open up a near by water park for free for the whole day. It worked great. The only people that were down town were the Nazi’s and cops. Most of the media focused not on the Nazi’s, but on the communities response to them and all the kids enjoying the free day at the water park.
Goldie, I think they would love to get us to respond to them physically. At these media rallys they try to incite violence with offensive symbols and speech, and have their camcorders ready to document it when anybody responds with physical force. Then they play the “victim”, and they especially like it when the person assaulting them is apparantly Jewish, Hispanic, African-American, etc. Of course, they like the idea that the police are there to actually protect them during this time.
But at night, or when the cameras are gone, or when its on a deserted country road and they outnumber their victims by at least three to one, then they emulate the Nazi brownshirts.
Kinda like the WTO pukes, eh rhp?
“These protestors were simply making a point. They were
protesting peacefully against this government and the
corporations/societies that are really running it, ”
Whaaa, Whaaa…booo hoooo
How come you didn’t go to your rally in Olympia? Was the liar quota filled?
MTR, you fucking flat Earth idiot.
Tell us again how much it cost you to lose your virginity to that crack whore?
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
About Nazis marching, I think Woody Allen said it best: “I think you should defend to the death their right to march, and then go down and meet them with baseball bats.”
/jack brummet
@ 32:
Yeah, good idea. I’d love to clobber JCH upside his head with a Louisville Slugger. The lying fuckin bastard.
Looks like GBS is out of rehab. So is REP Pat Kennedy, DEMOCRAT, RI. Question: Has anyone seen these two losers together?
JCH could not attend the rally. He could not get the stains out of his sheets, nor could he round up enough coins for public transit from Enumclaw to Olympia.
Don’t be such a pussy, JCH. BTW how’s the weather in “paradise?”
Hmmmm. . . it’s a 1/4 to 4, it’ll be dinner time soon in Hawaii, huh?
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
JCH, the phantom Enumclaw horse fucker.
So I’m wondering if perhaps the correct response would be to confront the Nazis with actual physical violence? I mean, if they have their way, it will eventually come to that anyway, so why not just kick their asses now before they grow any stronger?
C’mon, Goldy. That’s silly. The best weapon against these guys is humiliation. You get a bunch of people down there with a giant sign that says “How small does my penis have to be to join?” It makes the news, everyone laughs at the stupid insecure jackasses who wet their bed at night because blacks and Mexicans live in their town and the movement dies out like the militia movement in the 90s.
Roger this needs a translation:
“#Rich retired Republican. Suck on that, RR!
Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 7/3/06@ 12:41 pm
“Rich (has some loose change in his pocket) retired (aids infested to the point of incapacity) Republican (closeted, self loathing gay)”
In response to your update, Goldy: I don’t see any constitutional amendments being proposed against burning Nazi flags.
Burn a nazi flag to provoke them and when they come in to try to do something about it, encircle them and beat the living crap out of them. This will give our own homegrown fascists a thing or two to contemplate.
“it will eventually come to that anyway, so why not just kick their asses now before they grow any stronger?”
Good idea, Goldy, but let’s mix it up with the Republicans too, before THEY get any stronger! Just kidding, ha ha ha (click-click)
I’m always a little torn about the “right” response to this type of thing. Part of me thinks any kind of counter-protest is just playing into their hands by helping them make the news, and that the best response would be to simply ignore them. But, on the other hand, maybe having thousands of people come out and take a stand in favor of diversity is a good thing even if it takes a protest by a handful of racists to inspire it!
In any case, I agree with #27, physical violence would be the worst possible response. (I’m quite sure the nazi protesters are fervently HOPING they’ll provoke someone into throwing a rock or something!) Any action that could make them into the “victims” or create the least bit of sympathy for them would be wrong IMO.
Huh? I didn’t comment on your posts …
Oh, I see — #6 was yours. My comment was directed at JCH, not you. Sorry for the confusion.
“Hey, have you guys noticed that comments NEVER get stuck in the filter, yet we don’t get any spam crap on here except from Rabbit.” Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 7/3/06@ 12:58 pm
Are you insinuating that your comments aren’t “spam crap?”
The respectable citizens of Hayden Lake can think liberal lawyer Morris Dees of the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center for the fact the neo-Fucks aren’t hanging around Hayden Lake anymore.
The best part is, after they lost their Hayden Lake compound in a lawsuit, the new owners razed all the buildings and turned it into a “peace park” open to the public!
No wonder we haven’t the seen the cynical, irrelevant, BOZO lately.
I guess the bet-welsher was just filling in.
Rightwing liar @28, 29
Over 100,000 people legally and peacefully protested against the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Seattle. All of the violence was caused by a group of about 30 anarchists who premeditated and planned their actions. I was out of town at the time, but Mrs. Rabbit legally and peacefully demonstrated as a member of the AFL-CIO group, the largest group present.
You would think Libertarians and conservative Republicans would be in the forefront of opposition to WTO. WTO is a private, unelected, undemocratic organization dominated by corporations that claims to have authority to overrule national governments and public laws. The notion of such a group telling our country what it can or can’t do is completely antithetical to the “America First” blather that conservatives continually mouth — so why aren’t they out there demonstrating against WTO, and why isn’t Bush trying to destroy WTO?
WTO is the corporatist version of the UN, only worse.
The answer, of course, is that righties aren’t against anything they can make money off of. They’d join a Nazi movement in a flash if they thought they could get rich by running concentration camps and selling lampshades made from human skin.
How do you become an American citizen?
a. Run across the border.
b. Join a Democratic campaign.
c. Buy illegal social security card.
d. All of the above.
“The answer, of course, is that righties aren’t against anything they can make money off of.”
Commentby Roger Rabbit [……………………………………………………………………….Roger , Try not to end your sentences with prepositions. Doing so makes you look like a dumb ass public school Democrat “guvment” hack POS lawyer who couldn’t make it in the private sector.]
Hey GBS, tell me again the story of how JCH lied about his military service! I NEVER get tired of that story!!! ha ha ha
“The best weapon against these guys is humiliation.”
Commentby thehim— 7/3/06@ 3:57 pm
B-29s worked good, too.
It’s OK to end a sentence with a preposition. Isn’t it?
“Yo” is a contraction of the word “yahoo” (as in “redneck yahoo”) and is properly spelled “Y’o.” Like most wingnuts, Y’o can’t even spell his own fucking name right.
From HeadUptheASS Lucite: re 11: As a joke, I used to tell people that I was an orphan. Both my parents had been killed in a plane wreck before I was born.
Damn the first true thing from Lucite the premier testtube baby. Can you you say “school janitor in a drum”?
If I feel like it, I’ll end my sentences a preposition with.
Now dats dere gud englis Pellit. Ebonics 101!
“The answer lies within.”
Cat Stevens
Personally, I can think of many situations where ending a sentence with a preposition is OK!!
re nazi rally
I just wish the media would ignore the vile little coward bastards.
Yo spells his name his way like you tell everyone you are a rabbit. To each his own.
Go YO go!
WHere have you been? The leftist moonbats lost their civility without your presence.
Hey Wingnuts:
We’re taking it back and your nutty heads will explode.
GOP: Grand Oil Party= corruption, incompetence, infantile greed, shit on the Constitution, Rubber Stamp Congress; failed neocon world view, exploding deficits, man-child president, tax cuts for the rich, right wing hate media, vote suppression, corporatist oligarchy
Democrats= integrity, the people first, accountability, tax fairness, transparency, a free press, DEMOCRACY
GO DARCY!! Reichert is toast and you wingnut knuckleheads know it-go ahead and have Deadeye Dick and the Chimperor come back for Puget Sound encores. It won’t matter,
We’re taking it all back.
Dingleberries: Your good friends the islamofascists are showing their true colors in Israel. TGhey are setting deadlines over the Israeli soldier and possibly killing him like they did to that 18 year old settler and then they burned his body. Yeah your good friends. So the next time they take a moonbat hostage like Nick Berg, by your reckoning we should leave them be right?
If moonbats had a stnce on the war on terror you guys would win congress hands down. But you don’t and you won’t.
About 150 protesters sat in front of the White House on Monday to savor their last meal before starting a hunger strike that some said will continue until American troops return from Iraq. The demonstration marking the Independence Day holiday was organized by CodePink, a women’s anti-war group that called on volunteers to abstain from eating for 24 hours from midnight on Monday. [………………………………………………………..I’m on my way to DC to sit in front of Headless Lucy and Comapany and enjoy a Philly cheesesteak, chips, and wash it down with a ice cold Pepsi. Let these fruitcakes starve!]
So here’s the deal. To answer Goldy’s question…yes we SHOULD just kick the Nazi’s ass because there’s a great likelihood we’ll get a chance to beat down the likes of Puddybut, Mark The Cowardly Redneck, YO, Ms Cynical and any number of other right wing racists that inhabit this board.
RE 64: The Bush Administration has done nothing to make us more secure against terrorists. In fact, ripping us off is all they are really interested in.
These neo-con nincompoops have been a disaster for America!
It seems to me that the strategy should be to observe their presence and the vehicles they arrived in, then follow them home, or wherever. Since they are likely to be anti-social assholes how live out in the boonies, an ambush should do the trick nicely.
[………………………………………………………..I’m on my way to DC to sit in front of Headless Lucy and Comapany and enjoy a Philly cheesesteak, chips, and wash it down with a ice cold Pepsi. Let these fruitcakes starve!]
Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 7/3/06@ 6:57 pm
Hmmm…. Pat that would be a rum and Coke,not Pepsi. Remember the Kennedy in you.
Just heard that LimpDickLush Flimbaugh couldn’t pee into a cup for his probation officer today because he had too much viagra in his system. He got a new blow up doll last night and the rest is history.
What a great example of the moral majority!
I’d recommend that you bone up on the Southern Poverty Law Center. It was not violence that broke the back of the Klan, it was the Sourthern Poverty Law Center and a series of civil lawsuits for damages caused. And that is the approach that should be taken with the Nazis. To die a violent death is a mark of honor for those guys. Martyrdon! Their ticket to Valhalla! Remember the Third Reich and their fascination with Wagner?
No. There’s nothing honorable about losing a lawsuit for damages caused by the direct outcome of your fascist rhetoric. And it was the stress of lawsuits, the lingering torture of them, that led a lot of the Klan to fold up their robes.
I’d bet that if you checked it out, you’d find that some of them traded in their robes for brown shirts and that the same consequences for their hateful dogma will have similar outcomes.
You tell em left turn. Yeah what an example. (roll eyes)
I’d bet that if you checked it out, you’d find that some of them traded in their robes for brown shirts and that the same consequences for their hateful dogma will have similar outcomes.
Commentby Greg— 7/3/06@ 7:48 pm
That or a senate seat in West Virginia. Got to keep the constituents (Dems) happy you know. hehe
The Conservative street encounter will involve beer and disorganized phalanxes of “dualies” careening around the streets like gigantic , drunken Shriners.
of “dualies” careening around the streets like gigantic , drunken Shriners.
Commentby headless lucy— 7/3/06@ 8:04 pm
We Kennedys careen oldmobiles around the streets and a few road blocks.
RUFUS- tell me, who rode to power on a “Southern Strategy”? Byrd has his past, the Repubs have their present.
re 78: …Or, the sound of crunching bones as Laura Bush drunkenly drove over her boyfriend and killed him……Or, one of the numerous drunk driving tickets Dick Cheney has received…..Or, the drunken, coke-fueled road shenenigans of our DOOFUS IN CHIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rufus: Chill out , poopy pants….
Let’s not forget the Bush Twin Whores and their numerous run ins with the law. Having been arrested at least twice that we know of. And then there’s Jeb Bush’s crack-whore daughter who’s been arrested 13 times and is currently in prison.
RUFUS- tell me, who rode to power on a “Southern Strategy”? Byrd has his past, the Repubs have their present.
Commentby K— 7/3/06@ 8:29 pm
Yep, and you donks presently elect KKK Byrd to office. Nuff said.
Rufus is a dithering poopy pants moron.
re 78: …Or, the sound of crunching bones as Laura Bush drunkenly drove over her boyfriend and killed him……Or, one of the numerous drunk driving tickets Dick Cheney has received…..Or, the drunken, coke-fueled road shenenigans of our DOOFUS IN CHIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Commentby headless lucy— 7/3/06@ 8:29 pm
Or how about drowning as the driver runs away.
re 82: I hope she’s in a privatized prison so one of Jeb’s cronys can make some money off the deal!
And then there’s WhatADickCheney and the special treatment he got, shooting a poor bastard in the face with a shotgun after getting drunk and never having to so much as talk to a cop. Yeah that would happen if it were you or me, sure it would!
And don’t forget the cowardly AWOL Bush’s little drunk driving conviction. I guess it runs in the Bush family.
Speaking of Nazi’s, GW Bush’s Grandpa Prescott was VERY cozy with Hitler. I guess we see where Baby Bush gets his racist views don’t we?
LeftTurd: I trust the librul left leaning guardian before I’d trust anything that came from your asshole,00.html
“While there is no suggestion that Prescott Bush was sympathetic to the Nazi cause, the documents reveal that the firm he worked for, Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), acted as a US base for the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler in the 1930s before falling out with him at the end of the decade.”
AS I stated before he was pals with Averill Harriman and he was Hitler’s friend.
Just like you falsely claim Rush Limbaugh pees is a cup (but then again you are there to drink it), this is another LeftTurd lie. Keep it up and you’ll be known as a serial liar!!!!
Hitler wasnt that bad of a guy. I was hoping that one of soms would turn out like him but they are all drunkards.
Let’s not forget the Bush Twin Whores and their numerous run ins with the law.
Commentby LeftTurn […..Left Turn, Something about Al Gore’s son doing 85 in a 55 with DRUGS in the car? I remember. Do you? So the Bush babes had a drink in a Mexican cantina at 20 years old. Big deal.]
Speaking of Nazi’s, GW Bush’s Grandpa Prescott was VERY cozy with Hitler. I guess we see where Baby Bush gets his racist views don’t we?
Commentby LeftTurn […………………………………………………..Left Turn, I must have missed you post on Old Joe Kennedy and his relationship with Hitler. Would you please post it again? hehe, JCH Kennedy]
GHW Bush was a Naval pilot. GW Bush flew F-104s in the USAF Reserves. Left Turn, What did Bill Clinton do? [besides raping Ms Broderick]
And REP Pat, can you compare Bush’s service to Kerry’s? Getting shot at is different than doing shooters.
Straight up, two questios, Should the Nazi’s be allowed to spew thier hate? And do you agree with it?
To bad Kerry will never reveal his military medical records on how he suffered that buttock wound. Someting tells me he never will either.
Mexico City – Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and Felipe Calderon maneuvered for advantage ahead of Mexico’s presidential recount tomorrow, with Lopez Obrador laying the groundwork for a possible legal challenge and Calderon seeking a potential alliance with the third-place party. /break/ Lopez Obrador probably wouldn’t win a legal contest because the July 2 election had few reports of fraud and voter turnout was high, said Joy Langston, a political scientist at the Center for Economic Research and Teaching in Mexico City. [OK………………..If 10 million Mexican illegals commit voter fraud and vote Democrat in elections in the USA, can 10 million Democrats commit voter fraud and vote in Mexico? ] Democrats vote in
You commies are allowed to spew your hate so why not. You dems must agree with the Nazi racists because because you elect one to the Senate.
How does LeftTurd know the Bush Twins are whores? Did his sister tell him from her whorehouse?
And REP Pat, can you compare Bush’s service to Kerry’s? Getting shot at is different than doing shooters.
Commentby K— [……………………………………………………………..I would gladly compare GHW Bush’s and Robert Dole’s military service to Kerry’s and Clintons. Also note that GW Bush has 350 hours in F-104s. Futher, The 200 Swift Boat Vets, many true combat American heroes, have exposed Kerry’s bull shit stories. [hehe……………..Much of Kerry’s bull shit was “seared…..seared” into his mind!!!!]
The Bush twins wouldn’t look twice at a loser like Left Turn. Maybe he should try Miss Clinton or Amy Carter.
goldy, predictably, tries the Nazi allusion
“Hmm. At least the Nazis are upfront about what the whole immigration debate is really about”
Not to worry Goldy, I caught your weak jab. Caught ya, you arent imflamed about 50 cavedwellers, rather trying to tie mainstream conservatives..
Did they teach that play at your summer Young Pioneers/Demo party retreat you loved..?
And REP Pat, can you compare Bush’s service to Kerry’s? Getting shot at is different than doing shooters.
Commentby K— […………Swift Boat Vets, K. Suck on that!!]
It sounds like Lopez Obrador needs serious help. Hay un Dean Logan en la casa.
Did they teach that play at your summer Young Pioneers/Demo party retreat you loved..?
Commentby righton [Goldy, Could you do a post on your Junior Communist “Progressive” Retreat? Did you wear little red “bandanas” and march around like Mao on his journey? We would love to hear the details]
re 94: …not enough air time. He flew little training planes.
Libertarians are anarchists who want police protection from their enemies.
GORDITOS DE LOS ALBERTO, Get in the Border Patrol van and go back to Mexicoland! No free welfare, food stamps, and Democrat lawyers for you!!! Have your 12 babies in your Mexico shit hole!
LA General Hospital: The Democrat Hillary Village Of “Baja Norte”!
re 94: …not enough air time. He flew little training planes.
Commentby GORDITOS DE LOS ALBERTO [………..Tell me about your flight experience, LA General welfare hack?]
GORDITOS DE LOS ALBERTO: ANother name for Mrs Rabbit Pellet! Friend of Alberto Goridiot!
Too much bullshit pretending to be humor. No doubt Bush I and Dole were heros. Actual combat. Kerry was also in combat. Bush II drank his shots. Gotta go.
Make believe you are funny some more.
No matter what, Happy 4th of July Moonbats!
You guys really kill me, even when the NAZI party stemmed from the German national sociallist party, which leans much more to the Democratic platform, you still try to toss NAZI barbs towords the Republicans…
Chuck: You are spot on! Socialism = Democratic Party. The party of give away you hard earned wealth to the leeches of society.
and the party that can spell “your”
as in “your brains” just got flushed down the toilet
People infected with the virus that causes AIDS may sue the sexual partner who transmitted the virus to them even if the partner did not do so knowingly, the California Supreme Court ruled yesterday. Bridget B. and John B., as they are known in court papers, started dating in 1998 and married in July 2000…. [……………………………………………………………GBS, Left Turn, RR, K……….Looks like this is NOT good news for many of you Democrats!!!!!!]
Anybody seen Darcy WHO??? the cotton-candy debutante on America’s birthday????
Sing along now…
“Where in the 8th is little ‘darcy WHO??’ ”
Comeon goldstein, with that updown downup music talk voice thing you do, you’re a natural to sing RIGHT along…
“Where in the 8th is little ‘darcy WHO??’ “
57 – “If I feel like it, I’ll end my sentences a preposition with.” Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/3/06@ 5:14 pm
58 – “Now dats dere gud englis Pellit. Ebonics 101!” Commentby Puddybud Michael Kennedy— 7/3/06@ 5:18 pm
Typical wingnut illiterate … doesn’t know the difference between “spelling” and “grammar”!
“Yo spells his name his way like you tell everyone you are a rabbit.” Commentby Puddybud Michael Kennedy— 7/3/06@ 5:45 pm
I spell “rabbit” correctly. Y’o spells the contraction of “yahoo” incorrectly.
“Your good friends the islamofascists”
Hail Mary time for the desperate wingfucks …
Let’s drive the faith-racists and America-haters, aka, Seattle liberals around the bend on their convenient excuse to drink mid-week day…
God bless America
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Through the night with a light from above.
From the mountains,
To the prairies,
To the oceans white with foam.
God bless America,
My home, sweet home.
God bless America
My home, sweet home.
57 – “If I feel like it, I’ll end my sentences a preposition with.” Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/3/06@ 5:14 pm […………………………………………………….hehe…..Another “guvment” hack who is English challenged!!!!]
howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedyandanASS, Welcome, and have a great 4th!! Best regards, JCH Kennedy
Meanwhile, I see in today’s news the CIA is disbanding a unit that focuses on hunting Osama bin Laden.
Of course, Osama is the neocons’ best asset, and capturing or killing him would be very damaging to their global imperialist ambitions and to the Republican Party. That’s why George W. Bush said in a rare moment of off-guard candor,
“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority. I am truly not that concerned about him.” — George W. Bush, March 13, 2002
Translation: “It’s a lot easier to whip up irrational public fear with Osama on the loose.”
Of course they’re disbanding it!…. it’s just not very effective when pukes amd traitors like the NYTimes and LATimes broadcast the plans to the world!
You America-haters should be celebrating along with the terrorist… NM, you ARE.
Your services are needed in Mesko in order to put a commie into office.
rufus, go hang out with your pal, David Duke
This is relevant the Neo-Nazis are; I follow the news pretty closely and I didn’t know about this until this morning. :)
I would have taken the day off work to counter protest.
The best thing to do is completely ignore the Nazi protesters.
Oh, the nazis were socialists. We’ll expect you to be joining them.
Darcy alert;
I heard she was taking 1 day in 7 to care for her infanct..
and heck, only Fremont might want her, and its hard to have a 4th of July Parade in Moscow by the ship canal.
So the news reports say that the neo-Nazis rallying at the State Capital, coming from “around the nation” to attend, numbered about a dozen. They were considerably outnumbered by the police and counter-protesters who were in attendance.
Just as a figured. They got free publicity far in excess of their miserable numbers. Best thing to do with those people is to ignore them. Literally and symbolically. When they appear, counter-protesters should just cross their arms and turn their backs to them. If they march down the street, everyone else on the street should do the same. Let them know they are not only hated, but shunned.
By the way, why are the counter-protesters always from the left? Where is the Republican outrage of the hate these guys are spewing while waving the American flag? Instead, we only have Republicans on this board trying to change the subject…..
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