I will agree with the whiners over at (u)SP about one thing: the turnout in last week’s special election for Elections Director was absolutely pathetic. A week into the counting it looks like barely 22% of registered King County voters cast a ballot last Tuesday, compared to almost 84% in November. To put that in perspective, the 48,001 votes runner-up David Irons Jr. managed to garner would have only amounted to about 5% of the November vote.
Huh. I guess folks weren’t all that exercised about the performance of the elections office after all, a notion reinforced by the fact that Sherril Huff, the winner, was not only the incumbent, she was the only candidate in the race to speak out against electing the Elections Director in the first place.
It has been suggested to me that with the 2004 gubernatorial race finally over (and this was indeed the final nail in the coffin of that controversy), we can perhaps amend the charter back to appointing the Elections Director before the position goes back on the ballot in 2011.
Well, good luck with that. Understandably, voters rarely vote for less democracy, no matter how sensible that option might be.
I will LAUGH AT those whiners for just about anything they whine about.
I think this is emblematic of just how politically tone deaf the SP crowd is. They seem to be simply dead wrong about everything.
They assured us it would be Rossi this time around after four years of Gregoire.
They hate Sam Reed.
They are deeply suspicious of Rob McKenna.
They can’t imagine why anyone would vote for Obama.
They keep putting up palpably ridiculous candidates like Pam Roach & David Irons for office.
They actually think Sarah Palin was qualified to be Vice President of the United States.
And most laughable of all, they actually think Rush Limbaugh tells it the way it really is.
One of the Republicans’ problems was that they really had no credible candidate to run for the office. All they had was their misplaced anger over a 4 year old election but it seems the voters had moved on.
The Republicans are finding that pretty commonplace today. They are still looking to the past while the voters are moving toward the future by solving problems that really exist, not ones already taken care of.
Maybe we need a new HA initiative to put a whole bunch of these admin posts on the ballot:
KC Medical Examiner
UW and SCC President
KC IT head
Seattle Zoo Director
Seattle Center Director
Seattle Art Museum Director
KC Public Safety head
Seattle Library Head Librarian
or …
How about “nationalizing” the PI/Times? Then we can elect an Editor and a Publisher. Goldy can be the Editor, I want to be the Publisher.
“How about “nationalizing” the PI/Times? Then we can elect an Editor and a Publisher. Goldy can be the Editor, I want to be the Publisher.”
Ahh, but then we’d have to rename it “Pravda Times”…
@4 I think we should elect garbage collectors! Yeah, I realize that could fuck up garbage collection if unqualified hacks win, but western populism is how we do things around here.
Palin! I couldn’t believe the fantasies they were spinning about her “qualifications”!
What a bunch of loons over there!
The GOP candidate vacuum. Nuff said!
re 5: If newspapers go the way of the Dodo, Palin will look prescient for not knowing the names of any of them.
And, yes, you could call it the ‘Pravda Times’, but you’d have to explain to Sarah Palin what you meant.
By the way, have you ever read ‘The Naked Communist’ by W. Cleon Skousen. I think it would be right up your alley.
Unfortunately, even after you explained it to her, she still wouldn’t have a clue. Which pretty much applies to the SP dittohead crowd as well. They have their own world view and it’s not very adaptable. They know what they know, and believe what they want to believe.
Don’t confuse them with the facts.
goldstein, were born in new york? or maybe your parents. its amazing they send jews 3000 miles so they have one to monitor stuff thats none of their kike business.
I’m wishing for some analysis of the press conference!
Stupes – one of yours @ 11.
And you accuse me of being anti-Israel?
5. Right Stuff spews:
Actually, MAD Magazine or The Dipshit Chronicle would be more appropo.
Roger – So when do you expect the State Retirement accounts to go broke and the State won’t be able to ask the Feds for money because they will be broke also? So then you won’t have social security payments or any state retirement payments. Oops – I know – You will have plenty of carrots saved in your lair for you and your wife! Gee guess I will need to become a self sufficient rabbit since I want to retire this year also. (Nothing like positive comments)
manofthruth, Goldy is from Philly burbs.
Like bentoverbreathinghisfarts is yours.
Like rujax! is yours
Like Ekim is yours
Like real american is yours
bottom feeders like you!
re 4: And we could nationalize the Weakly Standard — and still call it that. The Washington Times could be the Orient Express from crack a lackin’ Ricebowl Jesus.
The National Review could be Cracked Magazine and the Heritage Foundation could publish Glamour Magazine.
But none of it would interest the Republican base, because it’s the written word.
Roger – I hope you and you wife are healthy rabbits in your retirement because the current Medicare and other health systems are about to change with the passage of the stimulus bill. There is interesting commentary at:
“Medicare now pays for treatments deemed safe and effective. The stimulus bill would change that and apply a cost-effectiveness standard set by the Federal Council (464).”
Goldy – You have a chance!!! :-)
@11 I already knew wingnuts are racist pigs but it appears they’re anti-semitic nazi slime, too.
@15 “Roger – So when do you expect the State Retirement accounts to go broke”
My pension check arrived on time this month, as always. So did my social security check. My stock investments … well … they’re looking a little pale right now. Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit I’ve got my gummint pension and social security!!! I feel sorry for all those private sector graybeards who’ll now have to keep working until they’re 85. They shoulda got a gummint job like I did!!
@16 I’m glad 1 troll around here occasionally knows his ass from a hole in the ground. That’s not much, but it’s a humble beginning.
manoflies calls Goldy:
1. A New Yorker
2. a Kike
and Pubbydub takes time to tell monoflies that Goldy is from Philadelphia.
The racism of the right is so blatant, and still they can’t even recognize it.
Congrats, Pubbydub. You are earning your Republican cred.
@20 Since my insurance is through Group Death this won’t affect me at all. I won’t live long enough to get killed by cost-effective care.
@25 I can hardly wait until they go at each other after losing in 2010 and 2012!
We’ve probably seen the last Republican president and congress of my lifetime. Haley’s Comet will return before they’re in power again. Good riddance!
Fool @ 17
Poor excuses for humanity like 11 and YOU are the reason I don’t jackboot to that Limbaugh bullshit, as if Limbaugh wasn’t enough of a reason.
You’re such a freaking idiot.
not that any of you give a flying fuck, but the reason i sound like a redneck from alabama is i’m sick and tired of jews like barney frank, alan greenspan , giethner , fuld, mo greenburg, robert rubin, bernie madoff and the rest of the ny jews ripping this country off. they dont give a fuck because most of them either have dual us/israeli citizenship or would be welcome by tel aviv with open arms if this country collpases.
you are all “hollywood denyers”
30 “not that any of you give a flying fuck”
No, we really don’t.
actually, this site kind of reminds me of the audience of network talk shows. they all clap and boo in unison, like good comrades.
by the way, did you notice that the yentels over at “the view” treated the scumbag blago better than a war hero like john mccain. what dirt bags. i hope someday they really need war heros, maybe they can count on the idf.
Hey woman of truth while I was fucking your wife in the ass last night she said you like little boys – she said your parents taught you that right wing religious scumbags should bend over and let young boys fuck them in the ass – just like your hero Ronnie Raygun did. How’s it feel to be in the extreme minority asshole?
Turns out (as I reported here earlier in the week) that the head of the GOP – Puffybutt’s Oreo brother Michael Steele – has even MORE legal problems on the horizon. Now we have evidence he engaged in not one, not two but THREE illegal deals where he funneled campaign money to relatives and others for jobs they never did. Now we’re also hearing about half a million dollars he transferred illegally from his campaign account to a secret bank account. This fucking crook represents the GOP – and we all know they picked someone with similar morals to their own.
hey webentover, i hope u enjoyed my wife. the part i dont agree with is that you said i’m in the minority. here’s how it works. our country is now like a reeducation camp, where we have certain things you cant say, like being a “holacust denier”. affirmative action, and all that other shit. when we are behind closed doors, all white male christians, it doesnt sound to me like i’m in the majority. like i said once before, i give you guys credit, you own the newspapers, tv, courts, schools. and in about fifty years, all people with think like you want. so you won. but for the time being there is still a bunch of us, you cant put us all in a coincentration camp. what you have to hope for is that this country doesnt collapse before we are all dead. enjoy your lox and bagles.
Wow- the freak show is out today!
We have the so-called “manoftruth” who is a certifiable bigot. Unfortunately, he sounds like many of the recalcitrant right – uninformed except by their own prejudiced world views. People who make blanket statements about entire classes of Americans – be it African Americans, Jews, Latinos, Asians, women, liberals or anyone they don’t like who is not “just like them”.
And they don’t stop there – they create “facts” like the New Deal did not turn around the great depression (false according to GDP numbers AND unemployment numbers). They pretend that the few scientists on the payroll of of Exxon count as some type of consensus on global warming not being real. They claim that the government cannot create jobs (like that idiot (and crook) Steele).
Nice job republicans – you are the party of irrelevance, intransigence and idiocy.
u are the party of
barney frank tim geithner
sandy wheil bernie madoff
steve schwartzman richard fuld
chuck schumer jaimie dimond
diane feinstein barbara boxer
rahm emanuel
henry waxman
russ feingold
robert wexler
gary ackerman
robert rubin
mo greenburg
alan greenspan
larry summers
yup,u got quite a party there
@38 Hate leads to violence, such as with the right-wing extremist whacko, James Adkisson, who killed liberals in their house of worship. In his own words:
I’m sure Bernard Goldberg sleeps well at night, knowing that he inspired the liberal death list of an fellow extremist. And I’m sure manoftruth is cut from the same cloth as Adkisson, except as a Jew hater, manoftruth will more likely target a synagogue. Goldberg should know that hate both goes around and comes around.
what was the named of that guy who machined gunned 150 arabs? oh yeah baruk goldstein
@41 Are you going to write a manifesto before you start killing people or will we just be left with your insipid posts?
When you write your manifesto, manoftruth, perhaps you’ll want to crib a few lines from Adkisson. Just substitute “liberal” with “Jew” and you’re good to go!
“Know this if nothing else: This was a hate crime. I hate the damn left-wing liberals. There is a vast left-wing conspiracy in this country & these liberals are working together to attack every decent & honorable institution in the nation, trying to turn this country into a communist state. Shame on them….
“This was a symbolic killing. Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg’s book. I’d like to kill everyone in the mainstream media. But I know those people were inaccessible to me. I couldn’t get to the generals & high ranking officers of the Marxist movement so I went after the foot soldiers, the chickenshit liberals that vote in these traitorous people. Someone had to get the ball rolling. I volunteered. I hope others do the same. It’s the only way we can rid America of this cancerous pestilence.”
“I thought I’d do something good for this Country Kill Democrats til the cops kill me….Liberals are a pest like termites. Millions of them Each little bite contributes to the downfall of this great nation. The only way we can rid ourselves of this evil is to kill them in the streets. Kill them where they gather. I’d like to encourage other like minded people to do what I’ve done. If life aint worth living anymore don’t just kill yourself. do something for your Country before you go. Go Kill Liberals.”
no, as a christian i couldnt condone killing, but the good people of barington vt have solved the problem. they voted to arrest bush and cheney if they enter the town. whats happening now is that people are creating lists of people to be arrested after the crash. ted kennedy is on the list, too bad he probably wont be available when the time comes. my personal favorite is the slimeball jon stewart. i cant wait to see that creatin behind bars. thanks barrington vt
by the way, any of you that have conections to ruthieeeeeeeeee madoff, ask her if she can lend me a few bucks out of the 10mil she coincindenatally withdraw the day before bernies arrest. such an honest chosen people.
Couldn’t agree more.