@1 I’ve been to only a dozen states but I’m better traveled than you are. You’ve never been outside your own rectum.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Actually, I think we have about 6 times as many people as Canada, but the multiple isn’t that important to me. O’Reilly exaggerated, just like Al Gore inventing the Internet. Not exactly a penitentiary offense.
Let’s say we enact this health care plan all of you are clamoring for and give it a 10-year test. Then, we have a national referendum and vote on whether we want to keep it. If it’s popular, we’ll keep it, and if it’s not, we can always go back to what we have now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Al Gore never said he invented the internet. This bullshit has been debunked so many times it’s getting redundantly repetitious.
Snopes.com, the internet’s leading “urban legends” website, says:
“Despite the derisive references that continue even today, Al Gore did not claim he ‘invented’ the Internet, nor did he say anything that could be reasonbly interpreted that way.”
Internet falsehoods refuse to die because stupid, lazy, uninformed people keep repeating them without doing any fact-checking.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 (continued) Why not hold a national referendum right now on whether to keep the health insurance system we have.
Last time I checked, the polls showed 8 of 10 Americans think our health insurance system sucks and want Congress to replace it with something else.
Politically Incorrectspews:
OK let’s have a national referendum and see. I took a look at your snopes source. Al Gore used “clumsy” language, and that’s just what O’Reilly did. So what?
As for health insurance, the problem is that doctors have priced their services so high because they have no competition. You can’t “shop” bypass surgery, for example.
What we really need is three or four times as many doctors so we can get some price competition in this mess. When we see ads on TV for “1-800-DOCTORS,” then we’ll see better prices for health care.
Politically Incorrectspews:
@9 continued –
We also need more women docs. I believe they’d be more interested in healing the guys. Guys will view medical degrees as a method of having power and wealth.
@9 Al Gore used “clumsy” language, and that’s just what O’Reilly did. So what?
No, PI, that’s not what O’Reilly did. He didn’t just misspeak, he tried to make a logical argument that was utterly ridiculous.
As for health insurance, the problem is that doctors have priced their services so high because they have no competition. You can’t “shop” bypass surgery, for example.
What we really need is three or four times as many doctors so we can get some price competition in this mess. When we see ads on TV for “1-800-DOCTORS,” then we’ll see better prices for health care.
I really hope you can see the problems with that.
Every other modern society keeps their costs down below what ours are without resorting to having Dr. Nick Riviera advertising cheap surgeries on TV, and without sacrificing quality. We don’t need more doctors, we need to stop overpaying for our system under the false pretense that health care can be run efficiently by the free market.
Don Joespews:
@ 9
I’m wondering which point you don’t understand: that life expectancy is an average, or that an average is a ratio with respect to the population?
A national referendum sounds great. Even better lets get rid of Congress all together. We can just have the people vote on everything. I mean why do we even need to have a government in the first place? Oh wait, I voted to have someone represent me in the federal government.
I’m pretty sure you could tell the average citizen that they will have the best health care, a house for their family, food on their table, and a great school system. All they have to do is give up 50% of their paycheck. Although the majority spends more than 50% of their paycheck on all of these things together it would get voted down.
I do not thing the citizens as a whole are informed enough to make policy. I would rather the government not play so many political games, but it’s what we got for now.
I agree, it’s not exactly 10Xs. Are democrats getting so desperate that are getting this nitpicking ignoring the obama doing a 180 on lobbyists?
Marvin Stamnspews:
15. Piper Scott spews:
The failed sportscaster is an increasingly failing cable news commentator.
It’s not looking good for olbermann.
It always surprises me that the left bitch and moan about “right-wing” radio yet they don’t support their own. What ever happened to scare america, is it still on the air ripping off other children charities.
Don Joespews:
Let’s see: Piper’s response to O’Reilly’s stupidity is that O’Reilly has better ratings that Olbermann, and Marvin Stamn doesn’t quite seem to get the fact that when you multiply the numerator and the denominator of a fraction by the same number you really ought to get a mathematically equivalent fraction.
Ya think maybe the two comments show some kind of correlation?
Piper Scottspews:
I will admit that when I heard Bill make that statement I scratched my head. But since it was a response to a viewer e-mail, on a scale of one to ten, it doesn’t measure.
Olbermann, on the other hand, is such a legend in his own mind that he can’t walk past a mirror but what he doesn’t need to stop and stare into it for a couple hours.
When you look at the totality of their work and compare them side by side, it’s no contast, hence the ratings where Bill O. constantly, repeatedly, overwhelmingly, and gleefully kicks Keith O.’s butt from pillar to post and back again, week after week after week after week after week after week after…well, you get the point.
The Piper
Blue Johnspews:
#15. It is bad logic to compare Keith Olbermann’s ratings with oreilly’s intelligence.
You should know those are not the same thing.
Being smart or stupid has nothing to do with ratings. Dancing with the Stars beats both of them.
The point of this post was oreilly is either too stupid to do math, or lied about the facts to forward his agenda.
I don’t think oreilly is stupid, so I think he lied. Do you think oreilly lied when he said Canada has a longer life expectancy because they have less people?
But if we have 10 times the population as Canada, shouldn’t Americans live 10 times longer?
I found this on another blog, this shows the absurdity of Bill’s comment:
There’s more beer in a keg than in a bottle, so there’s more alcohol in the keg, therefore beer served out of a keg is stronger.
@15 “Ask anyone in the biz – the name of the game is butts in the seats. No butts, no bucks.”
@19 “When you look at the totality of their work and compare them side by side, it’s no contast, hence the ratings where Bill O. constantly, repeatedly, overwhelmingly, and gleefully kicks Keith O.’s butt from pillar to post and back again, week after week after week after week after week after week after…well, you get the point.”
Miley Cyrus crushes Yo Yo Ma, no contest – constantly, repeatedly, overwhelmingly, from pillar to post and back again, week after week after week after week after week after week after… By your reasoning, Yo Yo Ma is a failed…
well, you get the point.
Don Joespews:
@19 Piper
“well, you get the point.”
If your point is about the relative intelligence of the viewers of the two programs, then your point is entirely valid. Indeed, you and the other right-wing idiots here are doing an absolutely outstanding job of proving that point in spades.
If your point pertains to the quality of the information delivered in the two different programs, then I’m afraid you’ve fallen completely flat on your face. All you have is an ad hominem argument about Olbermann’s ego.
Show us where Olbermann has made an equivalently idiotic statement as O’Reilly’s claim that multiplying the top and bottom of a fraction by the same number should give you something other than an equivalent fraction.
Blue Johnspews:
And guys, remember the point of the post is not about Olbermann, it’s about oreilly lying to his audience, trying to dismiss the Canadian healthcare stats.
The Canadian numbers show they to be doing healthcare better than we are.
Why are the corporate conservatives fighting so hard from keeping us from finding out why?
We have a national referendum every 2 years. You guys have just been losing them. Try a little harder. Get a candidate who is not a “Look at me, I’m CRAAAAAZY!” wingnut. Get a policy that people outside the echo chamber actually like. Get a little better about not pissing off the black and Latino people who will be the majority in 15 years.
Daddy Lovespews:
26 PS
Or would the stupidest person be the one who:
a) Spells it “stupidist”
b) Compares a ridiculous and either-stupid-or-lying statement by a multi-decade conservative media personality to that of a college student who appears to be speaking in public for the first time.
America, you be the judge.
Daddy Lovespews:
24 DJ
Math is hard.
Daddy Lovespews:
10 PI
Shorter PI:
The problem with our health care system is that men are not competent caregivers.
Yeah, that’s it. That’s why 47 million uninsured, employer-paid health care is not portable, etc., etc.,…
Blue Johnspews:
So Piper, do you think oreilly lied when he said Canada has a longer life expectancy because they have less people?
Piper Scottspews:
Thanks for the spelling correction…a slip of the keyboarding fingers.
Still…the essential point remains that Bill O’Reilly beats Keith Olbermann sixty-six ways to Sunday.
It’s the job of the host on the show to present content in a way that attracts and retains the largest possible audience share. When a host is successful at doing that, then ad revenue goes up. Remember, both Fox News and MSNBC are in BUSINESS to make a DOLLAR.
Based upon that, it’s quite legit to say that Olbermann is a FAILURE – he has failed in his job. Failed!
Because of this disgrace, he should RESIGN!
He has no shame nor is he a workman worth of his hire – his employer hired him to do a specific task, and he has completely FAILED at that task therefore he must, for the good of his comany, RESIGN.
As a matter of honor, he should RESIGN.
If he were a baseball manager turning in stats like he does, he would have been fired long ago. Were he running a business that performed so badly he would have been Chapter 7 liquidated long ere this.
His product has been rejected by the marketplace – he must, and without delay, RESIGN!
The Piper
Blue Johnspews:
But Piper, that’s not the point. The topic is about oreilly’s ability to be correct about Canadian health care, and you are pontificating about something completely off topic, like the color of the drapes or something.
Please try to focus. Hummm,….could it be you are you trying to change the subject on purpose?
Piper Scottspews:
I already said that I scratched my head when I heard Bill say that. Saying that the one statement makes him the dumbest man alive is akin to saying that, because he’s a toker, Lee is the biggest dope fiend in the history of humanity. Doesn’t wash.
And the O’Reilly comment wasn’t about Canadian health care per se but, rather, about death rates in Canada, a country that has a national health plan.
How fascinating that the HA Happy Hooligans demand perfection and snow-white purity from those with whom they disagree (and pillory), but give a complete and absolute pass to the total and serial liar that is Keith Olbermann, someone the Hooligans fawn over as if he’s the one true god.
No wonder so many of you are scorned even by those within the Democrat Party who find your rhetorical thuggery and pettiness increasingly distasteful.
The Piper
Apparently in Crackpiper’s world, you determine the factual accuracy of something by how many people believe it.
That’s the form of illogic that Colbert makes fun of when he jokes about why he believes in global warming (because An Inconvenient Truth did well at the box office, so it must be true).
It would be a shame if Crackpiper ever figured out that most of what he consumes as news only exists because there are enough people as stupid as him to believe it.
Blue Johnspews:
I’m not sure you want use the Keith Olbermann watch site as an authoritative debunker. All the comments seem to be about his size, bathroom habits and how much they hate Obama. 1% facts, 99% hate.
Rank country ( years) Date of Information
8 Canada 81.23 2009 est.
9 France 80.98 2009 est.
10 Sweden 80.86 2009 est.
11 Switzerland 80.85 2009 est.
23 Spain 80.05 2009 est.
32 Germany 79.26 2009 est.
36 United Kingdom 79.01 2009 est.
37 Finland 78.97 2009 est.
50 United States 78.11 2009 est.
71 Mexico 76.06 2009 est.
This entry contains the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year, if mortality at each age remains constant in the future. The entry includes total population as well as the male and female components. Life expectancy at birth is also a measure of overall quality of life in a country and summarizes the mortality at all ages. It can also be thought of as indicating the potential return on investment in human capital and is necessary for the calculation of various actuarial measures.
Piper Scottspews:
Silly boy…
I read a lot of differing news sources, including this one (though it’s often a stretch to call it “news”).
The point you fail to get is that, over all and on balance, O’Reilly KO’s Olbermann night after night after night, which, from the business side of it is exactly what he’s supposed to do. Olbermann, on the other hand, is a failure because it’s also exactly what he’s supposed to do.
And you also fail to address the comparative morality issue whereby you conveniently condemn O’Reilly for what is, in the cosmic scheme of things, one statement while giving a complete pass to Olbermann’s error after error after error.
And, Lee, will you hold perfidious Goldy to the same standard after his unapoligized-for errors about Susan Hutchison that included a mad dash by both him and Blatherwatch to cover their stinky scat?
Now’s your chance to show an even-handed intellectual honesty.
The Piper
Anybody who uses the term “hooligans” serially is beyond the pale. The Height of Pomposity is a player of the Scottish Sewer Flute lecturing REAL Americans on “How We Should Do It”.
If he played something even vaguely American (or musical) then he might have more credibility than a Fantasy Scot trying to pretend he’s American.
And if $$$ are the goal, we can expect him to blessedly wink out of existence at any moment.
God. It’s way too hot to tolerate idiots like Piper the Foreigner
Daddy Lovespews:
32, 34 PS
Shorter Piper Scott:
Bill O’Reilly? Hey everybody, look over there!
Speaking of “fail”, check out this map of the middle east that appeared on Faux News.
It would appear that some wingnut graphic artist was “left behind”.
Piper Scottspews:
Hey, Lee!
I have a comment on this thread hung up (probably because I included four links). I’m sure you’ll want to give my comment its freedom ASAP…
The Piper
LOL. I can’t believe I missed this. That’s GOTTA go up at EffU.
On the blackberry now, so someone else will have to do it, if it hasn’t been done already.
Blue Johnspews:
piper, meet the reality based world. You are being blocked by chunk of code logic, Lee is not lurking there waiting to deny your postings. If you know that 4 links keep you from posting, the logical thing to do would be post 4 times.
Blue John, Canadians live longer because they have “imperial years”. HHAHAHAHAHAH…….
Politically Incorrectspews:
When I say referendum, I don’t mean re-electing the same political hacks (Dems and Reps) who think they have a God-given right to be in office. Let’s try your version of socilaized medicine and see if it works. Give it a 10-year tryout, and hold a national referendum (not one of the sham elections that’s held every 2 years where the pompous jerks get another term at the government sugar-tit). If the system is good, it’ll be a hands-down winner. If it ain’t, we can always go back to what we have.
Yes, I do believe that more womern as doctors would be better than having the medical world dominated by men.
And, one more time, I am not a Dem or a Rep. I did not vote for Grampa McCain or the Milk Chocolate Messiah in the last election.
Yes, PI – you are just someone who does not understand math or statistics enough to cath O’Reilly spilling out BS – same as he has done on many topics (such as the Netherlands permissive drug laws encourging a hedonistic society).
#38. Olbermann’s staff getting a map wrong is NOT the same as oreilly lying about canadian health care.
Olbermann’s bad graphic caused one of his followers to get confused on the freeway, until they read the road signs.
oreilly’s lie caused one of his followers to vote against their self interest and die of cancer when their insurance company rejected their needed treatment.
Oreilly is by far the worst. And you know that.
But has he been to all 57 states?
Um, there’s a very big difference between misspeaking and having a prepared segment for your television show.
Did you come here to prove to us that you’re not as stupid as O’Reilly? If so, you failed too.
No, he is not the dumbest person alive, he is not as dumb as the people that believe him.
You are correct, sir. :)
@1 I’ve been to only a dozen states but I’m better traveled than you are. You’ve never been outside your own rectum.
Actually, I think we have about 6 times as many people as Canada, but the multiple isn’t that important to me. O’Reilly exaggerated, just like Al Gore inventing the Internet. Not exactly a penitentiary offense.
Let’s say we enact this health care plan all of you are clamoring for and give it a 10-year test. Then, we have a national referendum and vote on whether we want to keep it. If it’s popular, we’ll keep it, and if it’s not, we can always go back to what we have now.
@6 Al Gore never said he invented the internet. This bullshit has been debunked so many times it’s getting redundantly repetitious.
Snopes.com, the internet’s leading “urban legends” website, says:
“Despite the derisive references that continue even today, Al Gore did not claim he ‘invented’ the Internet, nor did he say anything that could be reasonbly interpreted that way.”
“Status: False.”
Internet falsehoods refuse to die because stupid, lazy, uninformed people keep repeating them without doing any fact-checking.
@6 (continued) Why not hold a national referendum right now on whether to keep the health insurance system we have.
Last time I checked, the polls showed 8 of 10 Americans think our health insurance system sucks and want Congress to replace it with something else.
OK let’s have a national referendum and see. I took a look at your snopes source. Al Gore used “clumsy” language, and that’s just what O’Reilly did. So what?
As for health insurance, the problem is that doctors have priced their services so high because they have no competition. You can’t “shop” bypass surgery, for example.
What we really need is three or four times as many doctors so we can get some price competition in this mess. When we see ads on TV for “1-800-DOCTORS,” then we’ll see better prices for health care.
@9 continued –
We also need more women docs. I believe they’d be more interested in healing the guys. Guys will view medical degrees as a method of having power and wealth.
That should read “than guys,” not “the guys.”
Al Gore used “clumsy” language, and that’s just what O’Reilly did. So what?
No, PI, that’s not what O’Reilly did. He didn’t just misspeak, he tried to make a logical argument that was utterly ridiculous.
As for health insurance, the problem is that doctors have priced their services so high because they have no competition. You can’t “shop” bypass surgery, for example.
What we really need is three or four times as many doctors so we can get some price competition in this mess. When we see ads on TV for “1-800-DOCTORS,” then we’ll see better prices for health care.
I really hope you can see the problems with that.
Every other modern society keeps their costs down below what ours are without resorting to having Dr. Nick Riviera advertising cheap surgeries on TV, and without sacrificing quality. We don’t need more doctors, we need to stop overpaying for our system under the false pretense that health care can be run efficiently by the free market.
@ 9
I’m wondering which point you don’t understand: that life expectancy is an average, or that an average is a ratio with respect to the population?
A national referendum sounds great. Even better lets get rid of Congress all together. We can just have the people vote on everything. I mean why do we even need to have a government in the first place? Oh wait, I voted to have someone represent me in the federal government.
I’m pretty sure you could tell the average citizen that they will have the best health care, a house for their family, food on their table, and a great school system. All they have to do is give up 50% of their paycheck. Although the majority spends more than 50% of their paycheck on all of these things together it would get voted down.
I do not thing the citizens as a whole are informed enough to make policy. I would rather the government not play so many political games, but it’s what we got for now.
No, that would be Keith Olbermann.
The failed sportscaster is an increasingly failing cable news commentator.
Bill O’Reilly grabs well over three times the audience that Olbermann gasps on.
Ask anyone in the biz – the name of the game is butts in the seats. No butts, no bucks.
The Piper
Failed math?
He said 10X the population.
Canada 33,729,099
America 304,059,724
I agree, it’s not exactly 10Xs. Are democrats getting so desperate that are getting this nitpicking ignoring the obama doing a 180 on lobbyists?
It’s not looking good for olbermann.
It always surprises me that the left bitch and moan about “right-wing” radio yet they don’t support their own. What ever happened to scare america, is it still on the air ripping off other children charities.
Let’s see: Piper’s response to O’Reilly’s stupidity is that O’Reilly has better ratings that Olbermann, and Marvin Stamn doesn’t quite seem to get the fact that when you multiply the numerator and the denominator of a fraction by the same number you really ought to get a mathematically equivalent fraction.
Ya think maybe the two comments show some kind of correlation?
I will admit that when I heard Bill make that statement I scratched my head. But since it was a response to a viewer e-mail, on a scale of one to ten, it doesn’t measure.
Olbermann, on the other hand, is such a legend in his own mind that he can’t walk past a mirror but what he doesn’t need to stop and stare into it for a couple hours.
When you look at the totality of their work and compare them side by side, it’s no contast, hence the ratings where Bill O. constantly, repeatedly, overwhelmingly, and gleefully kicks Keith O.’s butt from pillar to post and back again, week after week after week after week after week after week after…well, you get the point.
The Piper
#15. It is bad logic to compare Keith Olbermann’s ratings with oreilly’s intelligence.
You should know those are not the same thing.
Being smart or stupid has nothing to do with ratings. Dancing with the Stars beats both of them.
The point of this post was oreilly is either too stupid to do math, or lied about the facts to forward his agenda.
I don’t think oreilly is stupid, so I think he lied. Do you think oreilly lied when he said Canada has a longer life expectancy because they have less people?
But if we have 10 times the population as Canada, shouldn’t Americans live 10 times longer?
I found this on another blog, this shows the absurdity of Bill’s comment:
There’s more beer in a keg than in a bottle, so there’s more alcohol in the keg, therefore beer served out of a keg is stronger.
@15 “Ask anyone in the biz – the name of the game is butts in the seats. No butts, no bucks.”
@19 “When you look at the totality of their work and compare them side by side, it’s no contast, hence the ratings where Bill O. constantly, repeatedly, overwhelmingly, and gleefully kicks Keith O.’s butt from pillar to post and back again, week after week after week after week after week after week after…well, you get the point.”
Miley Cyrus crushes Yo Yo Ma, no contest – constantly, repeatedly, overwhelmingly, from pillar to post and back again, week after week after week after week after week after week after… By your reasoning, Yo Yo Ma is a failed…
well, you get the point.
@19 Piper
“well, you get the point.”
If your point is about the relative intelligence of the viewers of the two programs, then your point is entirely valid. Indeed, you and the other right-wing idiots here are doing an absolutely outstanding job of proving that point in spades.
If your point pertains to the quality of the information delivered in the two different programs, then I’m afraid you’ve fallen completely flat on your face. All you have is an ad hominem argument about Olbermann’s ego.
Show us where Olbermann has made an equivalently idiotic statement as O’Reilly’s claim that multiplying the top and bottom of a fraction by the same number should give you something other than an equivalent fraction.
And guys, remember the point of the post is not about Olbermann, it’s about oreilly lying to his audience, trying to dismiss the Canadian healthcare stats.
The Canadian numbers show they to be doing healthcare better than we are.
Why are the corporate conservatives fighting so hard from keeping us from finding out why?
Now HERE is the stupidist person in the world.
The Piper
6 PI
We have a national referendum every 2 years. You guys have just been losing them. Try a little harder. Get a candidate who is not a “Look at me, I’m CRAAAAAZY!” wingnut. Get a policy that people outside the echo chamber actually like. Get a little better about not pissing off the black and Latino people who will be the majority in 15 years.
26 PS
Or would the stupidest person be the one who:
a) Spells it “stupidist”
b) Compares a ridiculous and either-stupid-or-lying statement by a multi-decade conservative media personality to that of a college student who appears to be speaking in public for the first time.
America, you be the judge.
24 DJ
Math is hard.
10 PI
Shorter PI:
The problem with our health care system is that men are not competent caregivers.
Yeah, that’s it. That’s why 47 million uninsured, employer-paid health care is not portable, etc., etc.,…
So Piper, do you think oreilly lied when he said Canada has a longer life expectancy because they have less people?
Thanks for the spelling correction…a slip of the keyboarding fingers.
Still…the essential point remains that Bill O’Reilly beats Keith Olbermann sixty-six ways to Sunday.
It’s the job of the host on the show to present content in a way that attracts and retains the largest possible audience share. When a host is successful at doing that, then ad revenue goes up. Remember, both Fox News and MSNBC are in BUSINESS to make a DOLLAR.
Based upon that, it’s quite legit to say that Olbermann is a FAILURE – he has failed in his job. Failed!
Because of this disgrace, he should RESIGN!
He has no shame nor is he a workman worth of his hire – his employer hired him to do a specific task, and he has completely FAILED at that task therefore he must, for the good of his comany, RESIGN.
As a matter of honor, he should RESIGN.
If he were a baseball manager turning in stats like he does, he would have been fired long ago. Were he running a business that performed so badly he would have been Chapter 7 liquidated long ere this.
His product has been rejected by the marketplace – he must, and without delay, RESIGN!
The Piper
But Piper, that’s not the point. The topic is about oreilly’s ability to be correct about Canadian health care, and you are pontificating about something completely off topic, like the color of the drapes or something.
Please try to focus. Hummm,….could it be you are you trying to change the subject on purpose?
I already said that I scratched my head when I heard Bill say that. Saying that the one statement makes him the dumbest man alive is akin to saying that, because he’s a toker, Lee is the biggest dope fiend in the history of humanity. Doesn’t wash.
And the O’Reilly comment wasn’t about Canadian health care per se but, rather, about death rates in Canada, a country that has a national health plan.
How fascinating that the HA Happy Hooligans demand perfection and snow-white purity from those with whom they disagree (and pillory), but give a complete and absolute pass to the total and serial liar that is Keith Olbermann, someone the Hooligans fawn over as if he’s the one true god.
No wonder so many of you are scorned even by those within the Democrat Party who find your rhetorical thuggery and pettiness increasingly distasteful.
The Piper
Apparently in Crackpiper’s world, you determine the factual accuracy of something by how many people believe it.
That’s the form of illogic that Colbert makes fun of when he jokes about why he believes in global warming (because An Inconvenient Truth did well at the box office, so it must be true).
It would be a shame if Crackpiper ever figured out that most of what he consumes as news only exists because there are enough people as stupid as him to believe it.
I’m not sure you want use the Keith Olbermann watch site as an authoritative debunker. All the comments seem to be about his size, bathroom habits and how much they hate Obama. 1% facts, 99% hate.
Here are some facts.
Country Comparison :: Life expectancy at birth
From the CIA fact book
Rank country ( years) Date of Information
8 Canada 81.23 2009 est.
9 France 80.98 2009 est.
10 Sweden 80.86 2009 est.
11 Switzerland 80.85 2009 est.
23 Spain 80.05 2009 est.
32 Germany 79.26 2009 est.
36 United Kingdom 79.01 2009 est.
37 Finland 78.97 2009 est.
50 United States 78.11 2009 est.
71 Mexico 76.06 2009 est.
This entry contains the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year, if mortality at each age remains constant in the future. The entry includes total population as well as the male and female components. Life expectancy at birth is also a measure of overall quality of life in a country and summarizes the mortality at all ages. It can also be thought of as indicating the potential return on investment in human capital and is necessary for the calculation of various actuarial measures.
Silly boy…
I read a lot of differing news sources, including this one (though it’s often a stretch to call it “news”).
The point you fail to get is that, over all and on balance, O’Reilly KO’s Olbermann night after night after night, which, from the business side of it is exactly what he’s supposed to do. Olbermann, on the other hand, is a failure because it’s also exactly what he’s supposed to do.
And you also fail to address the comparative morality issue whereby you conveniently condemn O’Reilly for what is, in the cosmic scheme of things, one statement while giving a complete pass to Olbermann’s error after error after error.
And, Lee, will you hold perfidious Goldy to the same standard after his unapoligized-for errors about Susan Hutchison that included a mad dash by both him and Blatherwatch to cover their stinky scat?
Now’s your chance to show an even-handed intellectual honesty.
The Piper
Anybody who uses the term “hooligans” serially is beyond the pale. The Height of Pomposity is a player of the Scottish Sewer Flute lecturing REAL Americans on “How We Should Do It”.
If he played something even vaguely American (or musical) then he might have more credibility than a Fantasy Scot trying to pretend he’s American.
And if $$$ are the goal, we can expect him to blessedly wink out of existence at any moment.
God. It’s way too hot to tolerate idiots like Piper the Foreigner
32, 34 PS
Shorter Piper Scott:
Bill O’Reilly? Hey everybody, look over there!
Speaking of “fail”, check out this map of the middle east that appeared on Faux News.
It would appear that some wingnut graphic artist was “left behind”.
Hey, Lee!
I have a comment on this thread hung up (probably because I included four links). I’m sure you’ll want to give my comment its freedom ASAP…
The Piper
LOL. I can’t believe I missed this. That’s GOTTA go up at EffU.
On the blackberry now, so someone else will have to do it, if it hasn’t been done already.
piper, meet the reality based world. You are being blocked by chunk of code logic, Lee is not lurking there waiting to deny your postings. If you know that 4 links keep you from posting, the logical thing to do would be post 4 times.
Blue John, Canadians live longer because they have “imperial years”. HHAHAHAHAHAH…….
When I say referendum, I don’t mean re-electing the same political hacks (Dems and Reps) who think they have a God-given right to be in office. Let’s try your version of socilaized medicine and see if it works. Give it a 10-year tryout, and hold a national referendum (not one of the sham elections that’s held every 2 years where the pompous jerks get another term at the government sugar-tit). If the system is good, it’ll be a hands-down winner. If it ain’t, we can always go back to what we have.
Yes, I do believe that more womern as doctors would be better than having the medical world dominated by men.
And, one more time, I am not a Dem or a Rep. I did not vote for Grampa McCain or the Milk Chocolate Messiah in the last election.
Yes, PI – you are just someone who does not understand math or statistics enough to cath O’Reilly spilling out BS – same as he has done on many topics (such as the Netherlands permissive drug laws encourging a hedonistic society).
Just a bunch of rightwingnut BS.
#38. Olbermann’s staff getting a map wrong is NOT the same as oreilly lying about canadian health care.
Olbermann’s bad graphic caused one of his followers to get confused on the freeway, until they read the road signs.
oreilly’s lie caused one of his followers to vote against their self interest and die of cancer when their insurance company rejected their needed treatment.
Oreilly is by far the worst. And you know that.