I have no idea how to stop the media from stupidly blibbering about 14 babies and tax cuts, nor do I have any idea how to stop the right wing narrative that revolves around how bad it is to fund things like education. Maybe if we made up words, say like “bankuporking,” it would help.
The morons are winning, that much is clear.
We are at a defining moment in our history. God bless the United States of America.
I would not blame just the Repricans and the Fauxies.
Pelosi, Frank et al. seem not to understand the need to show discipline.
While BHO come on the tube and talks about tough decisions and hard times, the proclaimed liberals utterly fail to offer a consistent argument for their hodge podge of offerings. … or they say, the miscellany reflects political reality. The latter might work IF the Repricans and not shown a unified front. Instead it appears that in order to do good, Demos had to acquiesce to a smorgasbord.
Can Democrats show discipline?
Lee knighted me with the Einstin title. I meant to just use it once.
I agree with you! I have been reading posted comments regarding education/Tacoma Bond issue/taxes/stimulus on the News Tribune website. It makes me embarrassed to live in Tacoma!
The neo-feudal lords of capital are dancing on tables filled with the most expensive of banquets, drinking scotch from $400 bottles and smiling radiantly on one another while singing: The sooner the masses die, the more we have for us!!! And you wonder, why why why why why what your grand children will say, when they realize it is all going away.
I thought the election was over and obama won.
Obama even said “I Won.”
Yeh. BHO won. Now WE need to help him help US win!
Or we get play Reprican games.
It’s relatively simple. For the last 30 years the Republicans have lived by the simple rule of “government bad”. This strain was a part of the Goldwater wing before that.
The Democrats meanwhile, have been running scared of and often hostile to their own base since at least McGovern. The DNC and Clinton folks were Reaganites in all but party name. The Democrats have flushed any principles (like standing up for workers rights, requiring that the people’s money be given to the banks with strings attached, the idea that government can do a good job and protect folks from say, poison food) down the drain of “electability”. Now the Democrats have no over arching narrative to pin their plan to, so it’s easy to tear it apart.
Enjoy the United States of America while you’ve still got it because the Moron Party is destroying it as fast as they can! They’d rather live in a fascist monarchy or a perpetual state of anarchy!
Coulter Investigated For Voting Fraud Again
This time by the state of Connecticut for voting there while living in New York City. I hope this liar and cheat goes to jail this time.
@2 Lee had nothing to do with it. If you change your screen name, you have to change it back in your next comment, or the software will default to it next time.
@7 I can’t say I disagree with it, but this merely reflects the fact both parties depend on corporate money to run hugely expensive campaigns, and the corrosive effect big money has on the political process. Our government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the banks and Wall Street regardless of which party is nominally in power. That’s why the banks and Wall Street were first in line for gummint gimme money, and food stamps for the hungry will be the last thing to get funded. The people be damned, let ’em eat caviar! Money must be overthrown! We are about to become a barter economy anyway.
It seems Newsweek is agreeing with Puddy. Socialism…
Sure go ahead and use the prescription drug benefit as an attack tool.
As Puddy remembers good old car dunk tank Kennedy ran to the media saying swill like this: “Republicans put a higher priority on tax breaks for the wealthy than on prescription drugs for the elderly. Seniors may be better off purchasing a bus ticket to Canada than relying on this Republican proposal.”
So yep, we’re going toward socialism. I expect HAs clueless idiot to get his lace panties all tight around his scrotum now…
@12 I remember listening to Lush Flimflam’s rant against the Rx benefit program. He went on for 90 minutes about how Bill Gates would qualify for benefits. Never once mentioned the millions of elderly Americans forced to choose between medicine and food. And why shouldn’t Gates get benefits — doesn’t he pay enough taxes to satisfy Flimflam? That broadcast was one of the most intellectually dishonest diatribes I’ve ever heard. And you winger freaks not only listen to this guy, but kiss his feet! Then you want us to listen to you? Get outta here! Until you renounce Flimflam and his fake ideology, puddinghead, you have nothing to say worth listening to.
Wise One @13…
…well stated, as always.
The morons aren’t winning – we vanquished them – they are cowards, fools, idiots, traitors, assholes, punks, dicksuckers, lowlifes and retards. America sent them packing on Nov 4.
While it’s clear they didn’t learn one fucking thing from getting their asses completely kicked, that’s a good thing. It means we’ll make them even more irrelevant next time.
The Democrats were smarter than the media. They put lots of things in the spending bill to stimulate the economy and then they put in extra stuff so that they’d have something to give back to the GOP to make it look like they are negotiating.
The bill will pass. The Dems will win. The GOP remains impotent.
Puffybutt is still an Oreo – Marvin is still a child molester and all is right with the world.
12 Fatso is probably just pissed because he can’t get Uncle Sam to pay for his hillbilly heroin fix.
12 Ah….”socialism”. The mere mention of the word is supposed to give us all hives, conjure up fantasies of hordes of suffering wretches in Stalin’s gulag, and make us think the neocons’ edition of “fascism lite” is the only alternative.
What a crock. You clowns proved to the whole world that unfettered capitalism doesn’t work for sour owl shit. If you can’t come up with something better, get the hell out of the way and let’s try something different.
@13 “Until you renounce Flimflam and his fake ideology, puddinghead, you have nothing to say worth listening to”.
In the unlikely event this should occur, odds are he will still have nothing to say worth listening to.
“You clowns proved to the whole world that unfettered capitalism doesn’t work”
This type of brianless regurgitation of liberal talking points is just as bad as the extreme Rush Limbaugh line….
“unfettered” capitalism? So…..those entities like say Congress or the IRS have no oversight? There are no laws regarding commerce? it’s just a free for all?
I take President Obama at his word that he desires change and working together to solve American problems as Americans, not party affiliated individuals…
I expressed the same problems with the chicken little “the sky is falling” emergency TARP passed last fall…..Not Enough Detail……
There has been too much money authorized.
If there is such an emergency, then the lawmakers have to know exactly where the real specific problems are. I mean specific. If the specifics aren’t known, no emergency…
Why the rush? Politics….
If there are iminent needs, and there are, allowcate funds to address those immedietly. If 900Billion isn’t going to be spent this year, don’t authorize that much…
Specific targets, over time….
19 Taken as a whole, that has to be one of the most intelligent posts I’ve seen here in a long, long time.
Suffice it to say, though, that the excesses of recent years have led to the present crisis, and that the paring away of regulation permitted that to happen.
Are you old enough to remember Muntz TV’s? Back in the 50’s Earl “Mad Man” Muntz sold really, really cheap TV sets. The way he did so was to buy a set built by another company (say, RCA), take a pair of wire cutters, and start clipping components out of it until it quit working entirely, then put the last one in, so it worked again (maybe not as well, but it worked) and build and sell copies of what was left–this is sometimes called “value engineering”. Well, that’s what 30 years or so worth of “deregulation” (and for that matter, “re-engineering” a la Tom Peters) has led to with our whole society. Chop away at constraints and rules until airplanes start crashing, or people all over the place start getting sick from food poisoning, or banks start failing left and right.
The education money and many of the other fake topics for Republicans to fulminate over will be revisited in the budget.
In the meantime, one female Republican Senator has remarked on the size of Obama’s package and the speed with which he uses it.
In my opinion, there are multiple layers of issues that have contributed to the current economic situation….
Oversight has been one issue. It spans all parties.
Greed has been an issue. It spans all parties
Unethical behavior in business, poltics, government, religion, and personal…It spans all parties.
As an American first and foremost, I don’t want to authorize my government, who works FOR me, to spend another trillion dollars. Be transparent. Tell us all where the real fires are and then spend the appropriate $$ to address it.
There is a story out today that the money allocated/guaranteed with the stimulus bill could pay for 90% of all home mortgages in the US….
I mean WTF?
Authorizing money now to “weatherize” homes is not the answer….PUT OUT THE HOT FIRES NOW>>>> If the “fire” is bad debt, which is preventing money flow in the business/consumer marketplace, then take care of it! Then wait and see what happens next before authorizing Billions more….
@22 “WTF?”
A few trillion here, a few trillion there, next thing you know you’re talking some real money. And to think I used to worry about 16 billion being spent on a missle defense system that didn’t work. Or where the faith-based money was going. Or a half trillion wasted on a misbegotten war. Chump change.
Uhhhhhh….I’d think it’d be pretty obvious that the real “fire” is the prospect of a lot more people out of work, and the myriad consequences that stem therefrom. There are too many people who are still concentrated on what the problem was six months or a year ago: the collapsing housing market feeding the rate of mortgage defaults, and vice versa. Now the issue at hand is somewhat different. It’s more like putting people to work (or keeping them working) so they can afford apartment rent and not have to tell their kids they’re having “air pudding” for dinner tonight. What falls from that is that if you’re going to put people to work, have them do something useful.
@19 “So…..those entities like say Congress or the IRS have no oversight? There are no laws regarding commerce? it’s just a free for all?”
Yes, that’s pretty much the size of things under Republican government, and that’s pretty much how we got where we are.
You insinuate there was government oversight under Bush. Where was this oversight when Enron crooks were shutting down power plants to drive up the price of power? Where was it during the repeated tainted-food scandals that occurred under Bush’s FDA? Where was it when the Busheviks allowed the growth of an unregulated shadow banking system that bought stock on 5% margin, just like in 1929? What, exactly, do Republicans regulate besides political dissent? I can’t think of anything.
RR @ 13 said: “Never once mentioned the millions of elderly Americans forced to choose between medicine and food….”
If there is anybody who should have ever been forced to choose between food and pills, it should have been Rush Limbaugh!
@23 Or a couple billion spent trying to talk teenagers out of having sex …
@24 Actually, the problem is subtle. It’s not so much the people out of work as those still employed being afraid to spend money because they think they could end up out of work, too. That’s what’s making it feed on itself. The theory is that if you can break this vicious circle of psychology, you can stop the downward spiral.
28 In other words, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
Try to be practical for one minute….
Give the crooks some credit for outsmarting the watchdogs…It’s a fact that in most cases, laws and regulations are put into place AFTER a crime or violation has occured.
RE the FDA? their budgets went UP every year…
So no, there weren’t cuts, and there was oversight. Did some crooks get away with with something they shouldn’t have? Yes.
I mean, there was a time when you bought OTC Tylenol, Asparin etc and it didn’t have a child tamper cap or tamper proof seal….until after a crime occured and tragedy struck…
Shadow banking system? or one that was smarter than the regulators? either way, both Dems and Republicans hold responsibility for this, no hands are clean, but more to the point…..
Now those same elitists are about to authorize themselves another Trillion, the same people who were supposed to stop this from happening in the first place…….
I agree, there is fear all over the news and media, and that doesn’t promote spending….
However, the prices and deals are everywhere right now…. Hell, you can even buy a car, and return it if you lose your job….
I think that many many people were living WAY above their means, and the ability to constantly move credit balances from card to card, refinance, home equity credits etc etc have all stopped. They aren’t happening becuase unless you have really good credit, you don’t qualify….I should qualify that a little….There are plenty of refi’s happening due to killer rates (see great deals to be had) but only for those with good credit, which excludes the vast masses who were living beyond the zero in their bank accounts…..