Earlier today, I leapt into the abyss and signed up for a Twitter account. I only have time to write about a small number of the articles that interest me, so Twitter seems like a great format for all those posts and news items that I want to share but don’t have time to write full posts about. As you’d imagine, I’ll be posting a lot about drug policy and civil liberties, but probably also about sports, working in the high-tech world, TV, and some other mundane shit I don’t often write about here.
Dont tell YLB…if he starts twittering, he wont have any time to monitor the HA database..
My ex-wife once said that I spoke in topic sentences, which, if true, would keep me from using twitter; I don’t think I can get a topic sentence into 140 characters.
@1 thanks. I’ll mention your miserable chickenshit ass in my next tweet.