As of the close of business, Wednesday 11/4/2009, the day after the election, King County Elections had 572,611 total mail-in ballots on hand. As of the close of business yesterday, Tuesday 11/17/2009, two weeks after the election, KCE had counted 570,280 total mail-in ballots, with an estimated 1,400 ballots on hand and remaining to be tallied.
Of course, thousands of additional ballots have been received, processed and rejected, so these numbers don’t tell the whole story, but they sure don’t suggest that moving the ballot deadline would significantly speed up reporting of the final results.
still got buckets of halloween candy around. also.
Goldy, I’m updating and rechecking the data we talked about at DL. Hope to get that task finished in the next day or two.
Damn, I bet someone a beer that Constantine would get 60%, doesn’t look like it’s doable.
I’m still waiting for someone at King County Elections to dispute your claim that an earlier ballot arrival date would speed up the vote count.
On it’s face, your argument is compelling, and KCE’s silence makes it convincing.
KCE isn’t the agency pushing for the early deadline. It’s all Sam Reed, abetted by other Olympians.
KCE’s silence might indicate absence of support for Sam’s agenda.