At the town hall meeting in Centralia on Wednesday night, Rep. Brian Baird turned the tables on a city of Centralia candidate for mayor named Matthew Trent. The Columbian included an account of the exchange in an article this morning:
One of the more contentious exchanges of the evening came when Centralia City Council candidate Matthew Trent approached the microphone.
Trent read quotes from a number of founding fathers, among them Declaration of Independence author and third president Thomas Jefferson.
Trent, who is opposing Centralia Mayor Tim Browning in the November general election, said that he had no doubt Jefferson would consider Baird “an enemy of God and the Republic” for his record on spending and supporting government controls.
Baird responded strongly, refuting the notion that Jefferson would frown upon his record.
“It’s not just my ilk, my friend,” Baird said, noting that there was no budget deficit when former President Bill Clinton left office.
As Chris notes at his blog, Trent is the beneficiary of a public education, attended a public community college and actually works for Lewis County, according to a blog created by Trent.
It’s great that Baird responded forcefully, but with great dignity, and one can hope the lesson he will take back to D.C. to share with leadership is that there is no negotiating with people like this. They’ve concocted a fantasy world of black and white in which they are the sole arbiters of the meaning of the Constitution, and of what the Founders actually intended.
They can puff up their chests and say stuff like this until the cows come home, but until and unless the U.S. Supreme Court agrees with them, they’re simply delusional fringe characters who deserve to be rhetorically smacked down with a vengeance.
It would be laughable if it weren’t so pathetic. Good luck with your campaign, there, Mr. Trent.
The guy who lost his finger after punching a pro-reform demonstrator in the nose is lying about what happened. According to a wire service story reprinted by the Seattle Times,
“‘I didn’t go out to demonstrate my beliefs; I happened to be driving by and I stopped to ask people what their purpose was,’ Rice, 65, said in a telephone interview Thursday. ‘I had no signs; I was not part of the demonstration.’ …
“Rice declined to say Thursday which side of the debate he falls on. Ventura County sheriff’s spokesman Eric Buschow said a confrontation erupted after the biter crossed … the street to the counterprotest, where Rice was standing.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah right. This liar claims he was just a passing motorist who happened to be standing in the counterprotest crowd. Bullshit!
My point is these people have disrupted public meetings, brandished guns, started fights, and they’re just plain goddamned liars. They don’t deserve any consideration from us whatsoever, until they grow up and act like responsible citizens who want to make a constructive contribution to the debate.
Until then, Congress should IGNORE them, listen to the responsible voices, and pass a reform bill. If these yahoos and lunatics don’t like it, they can leave the country.
re 1 Seconded.
This post, I believe, is at least tangentially related to this subject:
Hey HA’ers, after a summer-long hiatus, I am quivering with delight to announce to you the return of the Troll of the Week Award (aka The Golden Goat). Getting a quorum of the Academy’s board members together this summer simply was not possible. Board members had troubles ranging from jail time for an inconvenient drunk and disorderly charge, detox and rehab stints, detention by Mexican border officials, you name it. So, despite trollism having revved into overdrive over the summer, our board members were unable to reward our trolls for their truly awe-inspiring efforts. On behalf of the Academy, I must apologize with all due sincerity to our trolls for failing to acknowledge you this summer. We are, however, now back and eager to return to the business of honoring those trolls who through deflection, projection, reality allergies, chutzpah, gall, and insanity make observing American politics such an entertaining pastime.
Recalling some of the wingnuttery developments of the past few months causes heartfelt admiration for the ingenuity of the wingnut world when it comes to the political alchemy that wingnuts have mastered. With nary a wink at evidence, a wave of the wishful wand of wingnut whackery can turn a duly elected American president into an illegal alien, and a speech to schoolkids about working hard into a socialist screed. How can a guy not rise to his feet in tribute? Such devotion to task, such focus, such implacable ideological rigidity. Damn, if only Democrats could show such discipline . . .
Over the past few months, the level of lunacy that passes for political truth on the right must be provoking woodies in social psychologists. Who could ever have imagined such an abundance of case studies? Even in Wonderland, Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann could never be considered serious presidential candidates, Glenn Beck’s ratings could not climb after claiming that Obama hates white people and white culture, and paranoid gun-toting teabaggers could not be considered special patriots. This summer, we have seen the blossoming of rage, noise, and rudeness as the political tools of choice for wingnuts, and, man, I’m jealous. Profane screaming is such a much more satisfying means of communicating my opinions than trying to come up with nuanced points supported by facts, all politely presented.
On the local scene here on HA, our blessed trolls have more than kept up with national wingnut trends. Puddy, Cynical, and Marvie continue to do yeoman’s work for the cause of righteous rightwing nonsense. Many short-timers pop in to blather then disappear. The Marks and Little Ricky Dumbass appear regularly to spew their love all over the threads. I have to say I’m so proud of our trolls for standing fast against the current of reason, all the while claiming that they are the future, the majority, and the truth. And, they’ll cite you to polls to prove it. (One of the more endearing claims that we are seeing our trolls voice with consistency is that polls trump elections when it comes to determining the American electorate’s moods, and that such polls should be slavishly followed in formulating public policy. Isn’t that just so cute?)
This week’s winner, while relatively new to this blog, has quickly became one of wingnuttery’s bravest soldiers. He directs an arrogant sneer toward all things liberal, which can’t help but produce affection in those of us at whom he sneers. He has an enviable ability to categorize—all progressives have an aversion to work, hate showers, and yearn for someone to take care of them. His black-and-white worldview, that harbors no doubts, precludes him from acknowledging even the possibility of positive traits in his political opponents. Hence, he can compare an intellectual wonk like Barack Obama to Eddie Haskell. Oh, what I would give for such certainty . . . Enough of this puffery.
And, the Goat goes to—
Empty Suit Obama. Way to go, man. You may have set a record for the shortest time on HA before winning the Goat. Damn, your mother is going to be so proud of you. Go ahead and find yourself a quiet, private place in which to reward yourself for your remarkable achievement. Kudos, Squirt. You are now in the pantheon of wingnut heroes.
I was at this meeting. MT was the only rude and out of line speaker of the entire 2 hour session with Brian Baird. I am not sure that I am a proponent of Tim Browning, but I will be making a political donation to him. MT deserves to sink back into the slime from which he arose.
Um… I thought we were having these town hall meetings to discuss healthcare policy. How does anything said in that clip relate to healthcare policy?
Rather than turning the tables on Matthew Trent and talking about the Bush Deficit, Baird should have reminded Mr. Trent that they were meeting to discuss healthcare, not the founding fathers.
What an idiot this kid is!
The founding fathers NEVER wanted a permanent standing army. Now we TAKE $600 billion from the public’s wallet every year to support our 800 base world wide military empire. That’s ok though right? Because “times have changed” and just citizens with rifles are good enough to stand up against the Russians and their nuclear bombs and jet fighters? Fair point.
But times DO change. Health care in the founding fathers time was a dry cloth bandage, a wet washcloth to the forehead and some alcohol compound. NOW we want gamma ray nuclear medicine for brain cancer, hundreds of millions spend on high tech synthetic drug compounds and the ability to do micro vascular surgery. Times change.
Health care, and defense, have gotten SO expensive, so big, so high tech, that the average person can’t do this anymore. The average citizen can’t really afford a $300K medical bill for the high tech medicine we expect, any more than they can stop a nuclear Russian submarine with their semi-automatic rifles. It’s not 1776 anymore.
And why wasn’t this kid and all the ‘tard Republicans angry and Bush spending $500 billion on a new socialized medical program? Or Reagan running up a trillion dollar debt? Or Bush saying the government can take you without recourse to a lawyer, listen to your phone and email without a warrant. Or a gov bureaucrat can have a list of “government approved” sexual positions, and you’re not allowed to have sex with another adult in YOUR home in the middle of the night in a sexual position that’s not governmental approved. That’s ALL ok. But health care is EVIL!? Idiot.
Like all anti-science anti-reality Republicans now a days. No common sense. No sense or proportion or reality. Where are the old fashioned main street business Republicans? Why are we stuck with the religious lunatics and tin foil hat crazies?
@3 Marvin will be heartbroken, I’m sure. He tried so very hard to win his first goat. He gave it his best shot but I reckon it’s just not meant to be. Alas, he remains goatless, and we all know how much that must suck for him.
3 – I guess ESO isn’t little Rickie Dumbass after all?
Comment removed for off topic.
Comment removed for off topic.
The radio station that got its towers knocked down called it vandalism and said there was no way of knowing who did it.
Marvin hasn’t won a goat award yet?
If that’s so that is sad.
I was hoping by this time Marvin would have a goat and Stupes would be going whirling dervish batsht insane trying to get his first.
Oh well!
You have proof that it was the ELF and not a disgruntled neighbor that knocked down the towers?
@12 Well, it certainly wasn’t for a lack of trying.
You’re sure?
Do you mean like gbs being sure and having the proof I’m Puddy?
The two of you guys are so funny with all your “proof” and “i’m sures.”
You guessed it, comment removed for off topic. See open thread above.
@12 “Stupes would be going whirling dervish batsht insane”
I’ve noticed that winning a couple of goats hasn’t slowed down Puddy’s whirling dervish batshit insanity one bit. No wonder Marvin can’t win.
Well, Marvin, perhaps if you continue to accuse me of being racist a couple thousand more times without offering one iota of proof then you’ll at least get my vote.
Um, you do know that the Golden Goat is just a statue, don’t you?
Rep. Brian Baird really schooled the Yelling Marine Tenther Dude the other night at a town hall shown on TVW. Other than the Yelling Marine seeking attention, it was a great town hall meeting.
It was really hard this week. We had shouting in the board meeting, with many Marvie advocates decrying the injustice of his longterm service without having won a Goat. All I can say is, Marvie keep trying. You are on the precipice.
YLB @ 8
I think ESO and Little Ricky might well be the same. But, lacking compelling evidence, which is something us leftists must have before drawing conclusions, I just don’t think we can come to that conclusion.
@3 “Board members had troubles ranging from jail time for an inconvenient drunk and disorderly charge, detox and rehab stints, detention by Mexican border officials, you name it.”
Um, speaking of which, I’ve been meaning to apologize to the board for the unfortunate Mexican border incident.
Empty Suit Obama,
Before accepting the “golden goat” make sure there are no lips on the nether regions of the goat. Proud Leftist has been known to suck out “something approximating goat secretions” from the goat nether regions. He got the idea from Steve, ekim, clusterfucked cinderblock, and Pelletizer. When Puddy received his goat from the Kitsap County Courthouse steps, Puddy found a set of lips on the “goat penis” and it was extremely light. Marvin’s goat was fully loaded. Beware if your goat is empty.
Didn’t you know, Puddy, that the previous week’s winner, Mr. Klynical, is the one who left the golden goat on the courthouse steps for you? If the goat looked a little bit, um, used and abused, you might want to discuss that with your narcissistic friend.
Did God approve of Baird’s torrid affair during his first campaign where Baird spewed Family Values…then filed for divorce right after the election??
I’m just askin’?
Baird is a public figure. I really don’t think he ought to go muckraking with his track record.
Baird comes off sounding like an angry liberal. “Where were you?” Kid was probably in grade school. Where was Baird? He didn’t get elected until 1998, so taking credit for Clinton’s “surplus,” is a little scurrilous, don’t you think?
Nope Steve. Puddy went and received his from the hands of Proud Leftist himself. How else would Puddy know the Neanderthal appearance of Proud Leftist. He’s hairier than the GEICO dudes!
@25 “Did God approve”
Mr. Klynical believes that God smiles upon Republican perverts:
@27 “He’s hairier than the GEICO dudes!”
heh- Are you sure that wasn’t Mr. Klynical wearing his Panda costume?
You have a great weekend, Puddy.
That was, indeed, a very unfortunate incident. As a good liberal, however, I’m confident that you’ve learned your lesson and we will not see a repeat performance.
Puddy @ 27
Hey, man, being a two-time honoree, I’d think you could show a bit more appreciation than you’re showing.
Sorry Proud Leftist for “exposing” your secret.
Steve, you need a whole new show. The goat thing? Really, really, really OLD. Jesus you are stupid!
Baird, just another arrogant angry liberal who never listens. That guy was spot on.
One only needs to listen when the other side is making sense. Angry, baseless ranting need not be listened to. And is was Baird’s “ilk” (Democrats)who were in office when there was a surplus, and it was the Republicans who spent like drunken sailors (apologies to the Navy) and destroyed the economy. I do not see him taking personal credit for it.
On the subject of ESO, not only does he remind me of Little Ricky Dumbass, he also bares a striking resemblance to pbj, a right wing asswipe so obnoxious he’s been known to purity troll (un)SP.
Now you have to be a super numbnuts to accomplish trolling (un)SP from the right.
What do you think, is ESO sockpuppeting Little Ricky? The resemblance is, indeed, rather striking.
Eh, Mark seems a little bitter about never contending for a Golden Goat. Loser.
I’ll tell you what’s really getting old, asshole. What’s getting really fucking old is your delusional right-wing bullshit. You can take the whole fucking thing, all the lies and the hate, the entire treasonous fucking wing-nut load of America-hating shit, and shove it right back up your fucking ass where it came from, you stupid goddamned goatfucker.
I think Mark has certainly contended for a Goat–he’s been around here a long time, he never has anything meaningful to say, and he seems like he’s just a fearful, hateful fuck. I mean, I don’t want to judge him or anything, but doesn’t that seem to capture who he is? I think he can grab a Goat if he puts in a little effort. Hell, you’re on the board, what do you think?
Marvy-poo can’t do ANYTHING right!
37 – I saw ESO referring to Goldy as “Goldstain” – I can’t recall right now if that’s Little Ricky Dumbass or pbj usage. Maybe another commenter’s recollection is better.
I gotta go to bed.
Focused on goats. Shows your true level of maturity. It’s all you got. Truly pathetic.
@39 Mark simply doesn’t try hard enough. Sure, he’s got the hate thing going for him, but what troll doesn’t? Also, the “I’m a stupid brute” demeanor he tries to bring just doesn’t translate well in a blog comment. It’s not at all intimidating. Perhaps if he put a little more effort into it. I’m thinking that posting in all CAPS might help elevate his game.
Yeah, posting in all CAPS is an easy step to take to boost his profile. I guess he hasn’t figured out that rather apparent little trick.
I must admit “horsesass.org” is a new website for me. Real nice place you have here. I’m that wingnut idiot from the video.
I hate to disrupt such an enlightening and rational exchange of ideas, but…
It was actually Baird who said (earlier, before the short clip) that defense spending was off the table for cuts. I said in my comment we should SHOULD cut it (also not in the abbreviated clip). You can find the full video at chronlinemedia.com.
Indeed the founding fathers (except that snake Hamilton!) were against a standing army.
I’m completely against the Patriot Act and the Iraq war. Civil liberties and justice are sacred to me.
I’m against legislating morality and for church/state separation.
I am on average MORE critical of Republicans than Democrats. Pull the plank out of your own eye before assisting your neighbor with the speck in his, right?
I’m very much for charity and compassion, just not the government kind which necessarily involves aggression and coercion.
Exactly how much of a “benefit” my public education was is debatable. And, yes, I’m a public employee. Perhaps not the most consistent of arrangements, but at least IT is all about leveraging technology to create efficiencies.
And I’m not running for mayor. I’m running for city council. Seriously, did anyone actually read the article?
Snarkiness aside, we all tend to put people in boxes; and given the context, it’s probably to be expected. If the charge is I’m not perfect, you’re right. But if I may, I’d just ask that you consider not everything and everyone fits nicely into the modern conservative/liberal dichotomy.
MT @ 45
Don’t you think that referring to a sitting House Representative as “Mr.”, and as “your ilk” might make you look like a bit of a flamer? C’mon, man, reality is there, just for the grasping.
@proud leftist – FYI the founding fathers were against titles for themselves, it’s even addressed in the constitution. So sounds like MT was just being respectful by calling him Mr. Of course it is Baird’s “ilk”, look at his voting record. If you listen to the whole speech/question, Trent clearly says that Republicans are some of the worst offenders. The fact that all of you (those who jumped on board) have bitterly come at a guy for calling out one of our legislators for being irresponsible with our liberties and our property/money, is sad. Forget what party Baird is with, look at his votes. I have to agree with Mr. Trent.
@Matthew Trent – If our congress and senate had the understanding and love for our liberties that you seem to have, I believe we would not be in this mess. Not bad for a “kid”.
By the way, I’m not a Republican, I’m not for the war, I’m not for killing life, I’m not for stealing our liberties and acting like the government gives us our rights. The government’s job is to protect the rights that are inherent to us.
I’ve come to the realization that the majority of politicians are screwing us. I don’t care what party you are associated with. Your job as an elected is to protect my inherent rights as outlined in the constitution. It really is that simple…it really is that cut and dry… It really is black and white. Stop creating grey areas with my freedom.
Message to all. Let’s work at educating ourselves. Understand the constitution. If you don’t agree with the constitution, you have the freedom to leave this country. If you do agree with it, fight for it. It is a wonderfully made document, that setup the foundation for freedom. It came at an incredible price. Read it, understand it, understand the people behind it.