Advocates of Initiative 912 like to claim that their campaign is about setting priorities and demanding greater accountability. And so as a public service to I-912 campaign contributors, I just thought I’d point out that of the $161,173.75 in cash expenditures through the end of August, $66,717.62 went to Madison Communications, a company owned and operated by campaign “spokesperson” (and lying piehole) Brett Bader.
Just thought you’d want to know.
“Throughout the campaign, for instance, Gregoire — like Rossi — repeatedly said she would not raise taxes for the state operating budget.”
“During the campaign, Gregoire also said she wouldn’t push for a gas-tax increase until taxpayers are convinced they are getting their money’s worth for the nickel-per-gallon increase lawmakers approved in 2003. She even criticized Rossi for having voted for the 2003 increase.”
As a public service, I’m pointing out the lying piehole of a Governor we are temporarily stuck with. If she had been honest during the campaign about her intent to raise taxes (and miraculously won) I 912 would not have even made the ballot.
From her comments, Gregoire didn’t go into office intending to raise taxes. After looking at the data from transportation engineers, she saw how important it was that we fund transportation. So she changed her mind. She’s not a liar. She got new information and used that new information to reach a different conclusion about what her priorities and plan of action should be.
I didn’t think Gregoire ran a very good campaign. Most Democrats would probably agree with what I just said. Gregoire should have done a better job of communicating what her true values are and then stuck to those values.
But she is doing a great job now. She’s a much better governor than Gary Locke.
As for this:
If she had been honest during the campaign about her intent to raise taxes (and miraculously won) I 912 would not have even made the ballot.
B.S., zip. Explain what Tim Eyman’s been doing the last few years. Conservative anti-taxers want to tear down government, period – doesn’t matter who’s in office. They don’t want any new taxes at all. They of course hate Gregoire and use her as a punching bag for their most recent diatribes. Are you one of these anti-tax zealots or not?
particularly shameless, Zip.
If you haven’t noticed, those of us not on the insane far right don’t fall for the ol’ “But the DEMOCRATS!” bait and switch much these days…
Goldy calls Mr Bader a lying piehole but does not say anything about our mayor, a Democrat, who broke the law by using our tax money to pay for campaign literature. At least Mr. Bader has not broken any laws and maybe the best company for the job.
So whats with the ‘lying piehole’? Did you miss mortar forking fig plucker?
Every time I think you begin to exhibit integrity you pull a stunt like this. You are spot-on about the Spokane slot machine deal, and you cite repeated votes to bolster the case. One might think you respect the political process and the outcomes. Not.
But here you go denigrating the process. One side actually spends money with one of their supporters to make their case. SCANDAL!! Quick, round up the usual suspects!
Did you expect them to make a donation to their opponents?
The issue is on the ballot. Try making an argument that supports your view. Also try to avoid making it a Seattle argument, as every other source opposed to 912 has made the case that 912 will hurt Seattle’s effort to replace the Alaska Way Viaduct. Most of the people in this State don’t really care about Seattle’s commuter freeway, and view the gas tax as a Seattle commuter fix. And even the gas tax won’t fix either the AWV or 520, so you will be back asking for more.
I could support an increase in the gas tax of moe than a dime if I thought it would get used sensibly and efficiently.
Want to start a Lefty-Righty Coalition Committee on Transportation? There are many issues we can agree on, a few we will dispute. I think you would be surprised at the extent of agreement.
Lying piehole, what do call our mayor, a Democrat, who used taxpayer money for campaing literature.
Ok windie, I’ll rephrase it just for you: I 912 is backlash against the Democratic feeding frenzy this past legislative session, fully supported and encouraged by Gregoire. If Gregoire had been honest about her intentions during the campaign, I 912 would not even be an issue and we would be happily paying our increased gas tax for the next millenium.
Merely pointing out that Goldy’s “scoop” doesn’t mean jack on election day.
Terry Jay @ 3
Try making an argument that supports your view. Also try to avoid making it a Seattle argument, as every other source opposed to 912 has made the case that 912 will hurt Seattle’s effort to replace the Alaska Way Viaduct. Most of the people in this State don’t really care about Seattle’s commuter freeway, and view the gas tax as a Seattle commuter fix. And even the gas tax won’t fix either the AWV or 520, so you will be back asking for more.
Wah, what???? Try this:
1) See the right sidebar? Scroll down to NWP Topic Hotlist and click on some of the against 912 posts. Many of them (and other posts on the source blogs) argue beyond Seattle.
2) Search 912 in Goldy’s search box and read Goldy’s posts on the topic. What fraction focus exclusively on Seattle?
Apparently you have been getting most of your information from talk radio or something.
Brett Bader is such a Master. You could even say he’s a Master Bader… you could say that.
Isn’t this argument around messaging? If so why are you guys always left upset that a master communicator is making your unmaster communicator look bad. Goldy, are you jealous that you are not receiving $66,717.62 in your pockets as Gregoire unmaster communicator? I think you should take that up with Chrissy. A person receiving legitimate payment for his communication skills is bad if he only espouses the anti-Goldy position. Dr. E., whip out the bullshit card here, you know like a Soccer referee when he sees a flagrant foul.
Supporters of I-912 are two things.
1.) Upset about campaign promises immediately broken with the unnatural use of the “emergency” clause. How many times did your friends attach emergency to legislation last session?
2.) Upset that the WSDOT “accountability” issues are still not addressed. Even your attempt at trying to show WSDOT “brings” their projects in on time and under budget had flaws, as identified on this blog by some great data analyses.
You guys attribute this initiative to Rossi losing the election. Some of it may be that. But I think Mr. X has said it correctly. Taxation is an detestable issue to many people. If your side explains the problem and explains the $.05 tax and what revenues are in the coffers along with matching funds RIGHT NOW, maybe people will listen to your side. Some have attempted to figure that out. Why hasn’t your side fessed up to that. Maybe they don’t want to? Otherwise, your argument is like a lazy dog that doesn’t hunt!!!
Indeed Terry J @ 3. Eastern Washington isn’t falling for it like planned. We are not going to vote for some initiative that cuts funding for transportation, so it can be re-vamped to give some solo Snohomish Co. commuter an extra lane or to for work. If you read the PI’s Monday interview, that was about all Bader could talk about. Relieving congestion. FUCKING CARPOOL. Lets go even further and talk about statewide funding for a rail system…anything! But don’t bitch to the eastside about your terrible commute. Adding more lanes just adds more cars.
You know, I-912 reminds me of Doc Hastings. It does absolutely nothing and people still want to vote for it…. hmmm….
Two other things about I-912 that seem to fly over the heads of those who are left.
When your “illustrious” governor and legislature decided to invoke the emergency clause on this 9.5 cent tax increase, the signature threshold went up by what; 50% more. That incensed “joe & jane public”!! Did you miss that messaging direct from your side? Also when signed I-912 forms were stolen by “illustrious” people on your side, that PISSED them off. Didn’t you leftt thinking people see the voter signature upswell in the last few days when this stealing was documented and it became widespread. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, you guys can’t accept a public who doesn’t see things your way! Your side thinks people are sheeple and you guys are the shepherders. Another myth busted on November 8.
Swifty @ 9
“Brett Bader is such a Master. You could even say he’s a Master Bader… you could say that.”
I’d would consider your statment an excellent refutation of the previous arguments, if we were all in fifth grade.
A Goldy blast from the past:
“The initiative process simply isn’t well suited to legislating complicated, nuanced issues… and is too easily hijacked by moneyed special interests and rhetorical blowhards.”
“Marquee names including Microsoft, Weyerhaeuser and the Seattle Mariners have helped the effort to retain Washington’s new gas tax collect more than $1 million, campaign reports show.”
If you look at the PDC reports for Yes on I-912 campaign their largest donation this far, is $12,006.04. Keep Washington Rolling has 18 donations of $15,000 or more many from special interest groups looking to benefit from increased highway construction. Keep WA Rolling seems to be the ones attempting to hijack the initiative for the moneyed special interests. You, and other sympathetic bloggers, seem to be filling the role of rhetorical blowhards. Your statemant was a criticism of Eyman. Now, ironically, you seem to have become what you loath most.
If you weren’t so blinded by elitism, and hatred of Eyeman, you’d see that I-912 is a populist movement, something Democrats used to stand for, but seem to have forgotten after being in power so long.
If I had donated to the YES on I-912 I’d be demoralized beyond belief that my hard earned money went into the pockets of some loudmouth supporters purporting accountability.
And why is it that Eyman never was prosecuted for sucking up donors’ funds?
Thomas Trainwinder: Did Tim Eyman break any laws?
The right-wing’s paid shills like Bader aren’t very good at lying, but they’re good at lining at their own pockets, which is their whole objective.
The bad news for Republicans just doesn’t stop:
1) GOP majority leaders in both houses of Congress are indicted or under investigation;
2) Bush’s right-hand man Rove is summoned before a grand jury for the fourth time and is warned he may be indicted;
3) Bush’s bungling of FEMA and hurricane response produces an unprecedented PR disaster;
4) Conservatives are fighting among themselves over Bush’s latest SCOTUS nominee;
5) The U.S. body count in Iraq pushes toward 2,000 as the situation on the ground continues going to hell.
But, as if that weren’t enough, now …
6) September economic figures to be released today will show an annualized inflation rate of 12 to 18 percent, rivaling the inflation of the Nixon and Carter years;
7) In response to rising inflation, the Federal Reserve is likely to continue raising interest rates, setting the stage for even more consumer pain and deepening economic woes;
8) A new survey shows Bush’s approval rating dipping to 39 percent, with only 28 percent approving of the direction the country is going; and
9) The same survey shows voters preferring a Democrat-led Congress, 49% to 38%, possibly setting the stage for a crushing GOP defeat in the 2006 midterm elections.
10) Oh — and global warming is for real, intelligent design is not.
Ever since their congressional victory in 1994, the GOP has been shoveling dump-truck loads of steer manure on ordinary citizens while lining their own pockets at the expense of taxpayers, ratepayers, workers, and Aunt Millie. Now all their shit is catching up with them.
Good. About time. The flames of Hell await Republicans for the evil they have done.
zip @1
Is there some reason why you don’t, as a public service, point out any of the GOP lies emanating from the cesspool of the GOP-controlled White House and Congress? Is it because you’re a dishonest partisan propagandist? Is there nothing Republicans can do that would ever outrage you or offend your conscience?
Do you even have a fucking conscience?
So, here we have inflation running at 12 to 18 percent, the Federal Reserve continually raising interest rates, the GOP Congress refusing to raise the minimum wage from $5.15, the Iraq body count pushing toward 2,000 while battlefield violence shows no signs of ever abating and there is absolutely no evidence that U.S. troops are winning against the insurgents — in fact, the GOP has turned our whole society into a fucking disaster of unimaginable proportions — and the trolls on this board have nothing better to do than bitch about our governor wanting to fix our roads?
Sheesh. Give us a fucking break already. Give your mouths a rest, take a vacation.
“Ok windie, I’ll rephrase it just for you: I 912 is backlash against the Democratic feeding frenzy this past legislative session, fully supported and encouraged by Gregoire.”
Yes, zip, we all know already that I-912 is little more than a manifestation of right-wing rage at Rossi losing the election (and losing his bullshit election contest lawsuit, too).
Call it “GOP road rage.”
How is this a constructive solution to our state’s problems? How does this right-wing juvenile temper tantrum benefit our state’s citizens, or do anything to fix crumbling bridges or prevent traffic congestion from getting even worse?
You chose a good screen name for yourself. People like you contribute “zip” to our state’s and citizens’ well-being. Zip as in “zero,” “nada,” “nothing.”
Get a fucking life. If you don’t know where to find a fucking life, you can mail-order one from L.L. Bean.
Putty fer Brains @10
So your argument, as I understand it, is that I-912 deserves to pass because Brett Bader gets paid $66,000 to argue the case against saving Washington’s roads and Goldy gets paid $0 for arguing that letting bridges collapse and Seattle traffic congestion implode is bad for our state’s citizens and economy?
Typical Republican “logic.”
take a lude Roger it’s a lefty blog.
Putty fer Brains @12
How does any of this actually do anything about our state’s transportation crisis?
Putty fer Brains has attained a new low of disingenuous irrelevancy, even for him (her? it?).
Could you translate that into English please? No spikka your pidgin Idiot, no comprende either.
“I-912 is a populist movement”
Well, we’ll find out in a couple of weeks, won’t we?
re 17: Well said , Roger. George W. Bush should resign because of his and his family’s multi-generational war profiteering. Cheney is also personally profiting from the war. This is unsupportable misfeasance, malfeasance, and any kind of bad feasance you can think of…
Puddybud. Why don’t you trot out the imaginary Negro conservative intellectual, “PacMan”, to lecture liberals about their “racism”? This would nicely derail the thread. You disgust me.
Resign, hell, he should be fitted for a pinstripe suit and fed prison loaf.
Comment on 28
Puddwhacker is merely a self-marginalized irrelevant incessant background drone. Like the whirring of a noisy fan in a computer housing, he manages to be annoying and meaningless at the same time.
Just out of idle curiosity, is it slow at work for everyone today?
Yeah, Goldy. I’m sure the little “keep Washington Rolling” BS group has a halo and Angel’s wings. Typicial leftist TV ads scare-tactics propaganda and half-truths. Ho-hum.
Oh yeah, maybe you’re little buddy Mayor Greg Nickels can flip the bill for that one too with a seedy source of taxpayer’s money. But, then again, he couldn’t possibly do wrong; whiney Dems. would never think of such a thing!
Hey, Roger, put down the coffee cup. Unless, of course, you are just trying to get Goldy’s stats up.
RR @ 17:
1. This shows that the Dem attack machine is in full swing. DeLay’s indictment is for breaking a law that many grand juries said wasn’t in effect at the time. Frist went to the ethics committee repeatedly over the last year to find out how to sell without triggering an ethics violation. Maybe we need to wait and see if any of this is more than “indicting a ham sandwich.”
2. The Rove situation is still not clear. I have real troubles believing that Judy Miller sat in jail for 6 months to protect Rove. She got her info somewhere else, probably from another of the media elite.
3. FEMA – get past it, already.
4. SCOTUS – at least we have honest disagreements, rather than walk in lockstep to the latest chatterings of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.
5. No progress in Iraq? Read a paper lately? Seems to me that the Sunnis are deciding to join the discussion, and that the insurgents (terrorists) are losing the battle. It is now clear that al qaeda thinks the major battle is there. Seems like a better idea than it being here.
Oink Oink
Janet S – Really, dear, posting on the comments on is probably NOT the best way to get a job with the Bush administration — though you sure are giving it the old college try. May I suggest trying this site: — that’s the only way people really get jobs working for Bush.
@35: Wow, that was sure a profound statement! Did it take you long to come up with it? I suspect actual sentences are too much of a challenge to the lefties on this site.
janet @34
Nice to see you are still the keeper of denial and delusion regarding the wacky mayhem and hijinks of the Captain Codpiece, Chickenshit in Chief and the Mayberry Machiavellis.
Just compare and contrast the Roberts v Meirs dustup for a real LAFF RIOT.
Frist, Rove, Libby, Cheney (and more)…7 Billion PER MONTH (new figures y’all) in Iraq, corruptiuon here…more corruption there…dang! them guys REALLY know how to run (ruin?) a country.
There must be some kind of groovy little alternative universe you live in…or else you are higher than a fucking kite.
I’m waitng for “how bad it’s gonna get before the true believers REALLY start jumping off the bus”. I’m telling you…it’s like Nixon…only better!!!!
The Bush Administration-When it absolutely, POSITIVELY has to be fucked up OVERNIGHT!
What kind of fucking “moral imperative” do you REALLY STUPID proponents of 912 have anyway.
What a bunch of stupid…no (again) REALLY STUPID sickening suckasses.
OK…calling ALL anti-tax BRAIN SURGEONS…let’s all drive another nail into the coffin of the economic viability of the State.
Great Idea, RIGHTY SHITHEADS. Oh and per the REPUBLICAN TRADITION…let’s STEAL as much money as possible to line our own little pockets.
I think I’ve changed my goals in life…I’ll be a REPUBLICAN politician. Easy track to run on…parrot endlessly the most arrant nonsense until a bunch of really gullible twerps start believing…thenn…TAKE THE FUCKING MONEY AND RUN!!!! Gawd, what a life! What a scam! What a dream!
Last ADD…
I know what the Washington rethugs are afraid of now…by being such a bunch of dumbasses and putting up the shittiest of shitty candidates for YEARS…they totally missed out of the payday!
After chimpy and his RICO pals get done an “R” after your name won’t get you elected dog catcher.
The armored car has left the building and ALL that public money is…out of reach. What a pathetic bunch of moronic ding dongs.
Hey, Rujax, you must have gone to the same school as NocturN. Lots of emotion, complete lack of thought and facts. But, raving lunacy is SO much more fun than reasoned analysis!
RE Roger @ 18
Is there some reason why you don’t, as a public service, point out any of the illegal acts by KCE under the supervision of Ron Sims? Is it because you’re a dishonest partisan propagandist? Is there nothing Democrats can do that would ever outrage you or offend your conscience?
Do you even have a conscience?
So, wait. In all this fighting, nobody’s actually been able to come up with a 2005 Transportation Tax Package project they disagree with?
Dumbshit @ 40-
You oughta know.
Ouch! Another profound thought from the left! I am so changing my opinions based on the dispassionate discourse @43!
BTW – I don’t see any support for RR’s allegation that inflation is at 12-18%. Want to give some links? Links to real sites, not some leftist wacko?
44 NewsMax is credible.
My Name is Janet…
I LIVE on a different PLANET…
The One I’m on is GREAT, you know…
It’s Just Like the TRUMAN SHOW!!!
Everyone is sooo freshyou see…
They Look and Sound…
Oh yeah, maybe you’re little buddy Mayor Greg Nickels can flip the bill for that one too with a seedy source of taxpayer’s money. But, then again, he couldn’t possibly do wrong; whiney Dems. would never think of such a thing!
Actually, I don’t think you’re going to find many Nickels fans or defenders here.
Does anyone else find this amusing?
GOP gets data from Logan.
GOP finds problems within Logan’s data.
Logan complains that GOP won’t tell him what he should have figured out all on his own.
Does anyone else find this amusing?
GOP gets data from Logan.
GOP finds problems within Logan’s data.
Logan complains that GOP won’t tell him what he should have figured out all on his own.
You forgot a couple steps.
GOP promises to give their findings to Logan.
GOP releases findings when it’s too late to do anything about it.
Swifty @ 9
“Brett Bader is such a Master. You could even say he’s a Master Bader… you could say that.”
I’d would consider your statment an excellent refutation of the previous arguments, if we were all in fifth grade.
Comment by ConservativeFirst— 10/13/05 @ 7:33 am
Aquire a sense of humor, douchebag
Janet really comes accross as a ‘Janet’ type from the Rocky Horror Picture Show…..naive, easily led and totally confused….
Swifty @ 50
“Aquire a sense of humor, douchebag”
That’s about a 10th grade insult, so at least you are maturing a little. Only a couple of more posts until adulthood.
CF @ 13
“I-912 is a populist movement”
RR @ 26
“Well, we’ll find out in a couple of weeks, won’t we?”
I think we know now. The “little guy”, clearly supports I-912 as indicated by the large number of small donations made to the supporting campaign and the large donations made to the campaign against I-912 by the “moneyed special interests” as Goldy calls them.
For example, the Keep WA Rolling campaign has exactly 4 contributions of $100 or less, one of those being from IBEW Local 46.
In contrast, the Yes campaign has nearly 2000 donations of $100 or less. I’d call that a populist movement, especially when compared to the Keep WA Rolling campaign.
Puddy @15
Stealing is against the law–not to mention fraud.
But I guess the folks who had their money stolen have to press charges. I assume none of them were willing to do it. I wonder why.
54 post on this thread as of 2:37 PM Thursday 101305
Roger Rodent/Rabbit has 11 of them. Hhhhhhmmmmmmmm……
20.37% of the total posts;
Loser with nothing better to do. Get a life if you can let go of that tree long enough moron.
Thomas Trainwinder. I was not paying much attention to Tim Eyman’s woes. Why? Your side was trying to denounce him so any further initiatives from him would fail. It was on the news for almost two weeks. I thought some gov agency was looking at his problems.
Cropduster Bunny Woger Wabbet Dingleberry
So much for 12-18%
Roger Bunnywhacker: What is your problem? Reading this Goldstein entry and looking at all the comments says to me that the I-912 Dissolution Team of David Goldstein, Roger Rabbit and their furry friends have not done the yeoman’s task of stating their case to the public. No longer does the general public accept what the newspapers and news says in unequivocal mode! What is funny here is the left saying this project and that project are all part of the 912 monies and when caught don’t say oops, you are right, that project is not in the 912 mix. I want to know about the supposed $Billions from existing revenue? Why is your side not talking about it.
Now to headless Loocy. Oh Loocy ‘you got some ‘splaining to do. Hello racist pig. I am a figment of Puddy’s imagination? David Goldstein will you tell YOUR BIGGEST JACKASS ON ANIMAL HIND PARTS that I post from a different location from Puddybud. Also one can see my writing style is different. Guess what, dingleberry? I am not hijacking the link. I answered Roger’s stupid rants from above. I am so glad GBS called you on your BS. U R a BS serf. Now that some lefties are waking up and realizing that stupid people like you need remedial training. If someone started you at potty training, you could be rehabilitated.
Rupert Wabbet: It is not my job to solve the state’s transportation problems. If the governor and the legislature don’t want to be honest regarding the problem, why should we, the citizens of WA State continue to throw money down a rat hole without accountability?
Regarding the citizenry; do you feel bad the people aren’t goosestepping to the governor like you Rupert? Maybe people look at life from their pocketbook and road times. If accountability was proven by the governor, maybe more people will say yes. Until then see ya!
Lucite in diapers? Now there is a Kodak moment. Good for you GBS! Poor Lucite. Getting called as a racist pig (nice PacMan) it poignant. You are no longer in my racist enabler list. Now only 38 more lefties to go!
I really wish I knew what trigger his filter.
Roger Rabbit, Lucy, Ajax or whatever, et al.
Typical LEFTIST PINHEAD argumment, ignore facts, call names, etc.
But what really bugs you all is that your are irrelevant. The train of reason has left the station without you. The rest of America (and that includes Seattle, although kicking and screaming) is moving ahead without you.
See ya!
(and you can kiss my right cheek, either one they are all right)
Bader is (becoming) a bunghole.
Hey Lucite, animal hind parts resident evil oops… racist. Now that PacMan has clarified the stoopidity of your little mind, why not crawl back under your rock and figure out how I-912 is liked by the peeples of WA State?
This will prove to be the dumbest thing Bader has ever done. The only outcome of a successful I-912 will be next to no roadbuilding at all – no matter whether its building the right roads or simply fixing roads and bridges that will fail and take us all down with them.
Here’s what happens if I-912 passes: the state legislature does nothing for a few years. I-912 is simply viewed as another indication that voters don’t support new taxes for roads (road taxes have never been approved by voters even though they use tons of roads) Sound Transit will cruise to the ballot next year (2006) and win big. (Know that I-912 also revokes funding to produce any regionally funded road package) We will build more rails in Puget Sound and live with the roads we have here and everywhere else in the state.
Bader, Carlson and the state GOP are pandering to people frustrated by high gas prices and trying to spin any support they have for 912 as some sort of referendum on a 1970s era transportation policy. It is absolutely bonkers. This is the biggest road and bridge package the state has ever produced – and the wacky fundy wing that controls GOP is opposed to it. Success at the ballot will doom them.
Chris vance was the guy running around very recently saying that transportation was the one government service that needed more funding. He’s lost his credibility. His party leadership is way divided on this. This dopey pandering will have the following results: more democrats in the state legislature, two terms for Chris Gregoire, no new roads, and plenty more transit – inlcuding more light rail.
Not bad results really. But we really do need to fix a few roads and bridges around here. And we’ll get to them, but it’ll cost a lot more and people will be killed and maimed by the time we get the likes of Vance, Carlson and bader to smell the coffee. But of course by that time vance will have been dumped by the failing party, Carlson dumped for poor ratings, and Bader will be running a lot more losing campaigns.