It’s official (and remember, you heard it here first): BIAW (Bastard Idiot Association of Washington) executive vice president Tom McCabe is out.
Here is the release,which comes amid rumors and background statements by sources close to BIAW that McCabe was negotiating a $1.25 million buy-out.
A $1.25 million buy-out. Sweet. Perhaps if the Seattle Times editorial board is so concerned about rising workers compensation rates, they might want to look at how the BIAW manages to use the retro program to siphon so much money out of workers comp that they can even consider paying McCabe a $1.25 million buy-out.
Anyway, goodbye and good riddance.
Great headline!
I’ve noticed that you’ve had a hard-on for this guy and his organization for a helluva long time, Goldy. Well, maybe he won’t be a problem for you in the future.
I heard on the radio that he was planning “other ventures”.
I can only think of one: “Boss McCabe” of the WA State Republican Party.
I didn’t realize that I was a kommie-fascist until the good folks at the BIAW told me so.
Wow. $1.25m. Wow.
I don’t know why, but the failing upward phenomenon still surprises me.
Lookout door! Here comes another ass!
“the failing upward phenomenon still surprises me”
If it wasn’t for that, Republicans would be living in poverty.
I woulda gone with “Bastards, Idiots, and Wankers”, but that’s just me.
@8: That’s better…
$1.25 million buy out? His contract must have been pretty rich. You don’t pay that kind of money if you don’t have to. And if they had to, they must have been really interested in getting rid of McCabe.
Check it out boys and girls! The Lipton Tea Bags are so fiscally responsible!
Heh. Obviously even lower taxes will soon be called for! How “grown up”!
Of course the INTRANSIGENT UNIONS comment is lost on ylb. Looks like his DUMBOCRAT predecessor left him a county mess. Isn’t this the same argument used by Odumbarobots on Bush?
Seriously, all those teabaggers have the same mentality as George W Bush: Live and spend however you want. Someone else will have to come along later to clean it up. Let them worry about how to pay for it.
The BIAW is doing the same thing on an environmental level. See. Brought the topic back to BIAW.
@10 Or…keeping him quiet. He couldn’t have acted alone. More than likely, cost containment/ need new business plan due to all of the litigation.
I’m waiting for goatfucker to post a comment stating how obscene it is for taxpayers to underwrite a $1.25 million Xmas gift to McCabe. When I left the state, I got a cashout of 25 cents on the dollar for my unused sick leave and forfeited the other 75% — and goatfucker thinks I was overpaid.
Boss McCabe must have had a pretty good employment contract to negotiate a buyout that huge. Ironically, he devoted much of his time to trying to prevent working people from getting a decent contract through their union.
In this economy, when most companies, governments and organizations are laying off people and cutting wages and benefits, it seems pretty selfish for McCabe to demand a golden parachute like that. But I can’t say I’m surprised.
I wonder if BIAW has suffered wage/benefit cuts or layoffs like the rest of us.
Lookout door, 63 jackass democrats are walking through Jan 1
And a Lifelong Pension I might add, which must likely continues on to your wife till her death.
@17 All that means is America’s downward slide has just accelerated.
The more Republicans get elected the more America is gonna come to resemble Haiti.
It does seem that way. You ever notice:
Progressive’s worst scenario = Somalia, Haiti.
Conservative’s worst case scenario = Holland, Denmark or Finland.
Just say’n.
The fuckin’ BIAW is just another organized crime syndicate. Where’s Rob McKenna when you need him?
Hmmmm….don’t we remember a certain! other! local! executive! who left his gig with a big severence and took a shot at running for public office?
RR @ # 15: Wasn’t there a Washington State Supreme Court decision a few decades back to the effect that vacation and sick leave are “for the benefit of the employer to have a healthy and well-rested workforce”, and absent a contract the employee has no rights to the money upon termination?
Of course, in the meantime they screw the loyal employees who come in to work while sick and skip vacations due to job-related deadlines and workload, and encourage the less loyal to “use it or lose it”. Despite Republican claims that they best know how to run a business, they really have no clue on what constitutes real leadership and motivation of the workforce.
Our Supreme Court can be such right-wing tools, at times.
I know one company which, quite a few years ago, fired all it’s workers in December and hired them back again in January, with a new “use it or lose it” policy, just to get rid of the accumulated vacation and sick leave being carried on it’s books. Can you imagine the utter lack of conscious of the guy in that company who advocated layoff notices to go out two weeks before Christmas, just to save a few bucks on accrued vacation and sick leave? To make matters worse, they let it be known that anyone who tried to use vacation or sick leave during the two-week notice period would not be among those who would be considered for re-hiring.