Sorry people in Clark County, you just got a new Director of Environmental Services (Columbian link).
State Sen. Don Benton was tapped to become Clark County’s director of environmental services Wednesday in a surprise and controversial move by commissioners David Madore and Tom Mielke.
Yeah, he’s pretty terrible as a senator, he’ll probably be just as bad as an anything. At least he’s out of the state’s hair. Wait, really? You’re joking? No.
The sudden move to hire followed an email Madore received from Benton. Madore said Benton told him he will remain a state senator and split his time between the jobs.
Fuck the fuck? In case you’re wondering, I hate that our legislature is part time.
* Just Another Republican Double Dipper
Making Clark County “more favorable to job creators” translates to “Regulations? We don’t need no effing regulations!”
Another reason to laugh at Clark County, aka Northwest Mississippi.
There may be legal implications. If the county job has federal funding in any way it may be covered by the Hatch act that restricts partisan political activity by employees.
Yeah, this is no surprise….’small government’ nitwit trying grab as much government power – and pay – as he can.
4)If the job had federal funding, he probably would be turning the job down.
This sounds like an opportunity to float an initiative. “The No Double Dippers” petition. It would also make life uncomfortable for Tim Sheldon, State Senator and Mason County commissioner.