I was going to write about how you should contact Council Member Sawant if you were harassed by SPD at the airport demonstration, and obviously, please do that.
But instead: Snow. It’s snowing, y’all. Snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooowwwwwww.
by Carl Ballard — ,
by Carl Ballard — ,
Between Reuven Carlyle opposing light rail to Ballard last year and now Sharon Tomiko Santos wanting to restructure Sound Transit, there really should be some primary elections. You can’t keep opposing this vital institution in the Puget Sound and expect no consequences. I don’t know if they have an eye toward statewide office and think pissing on Sound Transit is the way to go, or if they genuinely think it’s a problem. But either way, they’re wrong.
by Carl Ballard — ,
I couldn’t be prouder of the fact that Washington State is leading the legal fight against Trump’s immigration order. I’ve been saying on this blog since Trump won the presidency that much of the resistance will be local. Our local officials are doing great work.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Another weekend another massive protest against the horror of the Trump administration. The SeaTac and Westlake protests against the anti-refugee, anti-immigrant garbage. It’s going to be tough to maintain it throughout 4 years. But for now it is very heartening to see, and to be a part of these.
There will be more loses than victories for liberals over the next few years. And the victories will often times be things like people who shouldn’t have been detained at all are allowed to go about their lives.
by Carl Ballard — ,
While I’ve had problems with Mayor Murray before, I have to say, his stance on keeping Seattle a sanctuary city has been pretty great. The federal money could be a hit in places. But it’s not even near as bad as turning the city into an arm of Trump’s anti-immigrant goon squad.
I was also heartened to read the outlines of a legal strategy. I’m not a lawyer, but Trump’s usual strategy of bullying people with an incentive to settle probably won’t work as well in this case. Our elected officials have a much greater incentive to fight him.
In the mean time, I’m all for creative ways to make up the money.
by Carl Ballard — ,
A while ago, I wrote my Seattle elected officials asking to keep Seattle a sanctuary city. Now here’s one asking my legislators (find yours here) to keep, and hopefully improve our health care system:
I don’t know exactly how Donald Trump and the GOP Congress plan to change healthcare in America, but I’m urging you to make sure Washington residents still have access to healthcare after the Republican Congress repeals Obamacare. I hope that means a health care exchange, and I would love to see a public option included in that. Or if you can find the votes, just universal health care.
If Congress allows sales across state lines, I would hope we sell a public option as widely as possible. Without a motive to skim off the top, it might be able to make money for the state and provide better health care for the rest of the country.
Thank you,
Carl Ballard
by Carl Ballard — ,
I’m glad to see that homeless people are suing Seattle and Washington State about the sweeps (h/t to Geov on Facebook, I’d recommend a follow if you aren’t already). As long as Seattle is mostly going to be sticks, there has to be this sort of push back.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Well, the Womxns March in Seattle was a grand success. Great crowds, amazing energy. You can see some great pictures at the link above or the hashtag on Twitter.
I will note 2 things: First off, it was pretty white. You can “Imeanit’sSeattle” it if you want. And it was certainly more diverse than a lot of protests and marches I’ve been to. But it is worth noting.
The other thing, I was thinking was that the only 2 other protests I’ve seen of a similar magnitude were WTO and the Anti-Iraq war ones. While they were both important, and probably had many positive long-term reverberations, they didn’t succeed in their initial goals. I hope that’s a note of let’s keep working rather than of despair.
by Carl Ballard — ,
by Carl Ballard — ,
The Republican Senate, and particularly Matt Manweller, are sure into local control. Let the locality make its own decisions, they say. You wouldn’t want the state to micromanage where it’s not even their business.
You know what, I can’t keep this joke going. It’s pretty bad, but their desire to not let Seattle do commercial rent control is bad policy on its own. And hypocrisy is the laziest charge in politics.
Also, when a literal socialist cares more about small business than the freemarketwillsolveeverything guy, it’s time to just ignore labels.
by Carl Ballard — ,
A lot of us were shocked when the Islamic Center of the Eastside was burned. (video autoplays) Thank goodness they have a suspect in custody, but it still must be horrible for the people who use the facility. It’s a helplessness and not knowing who in your community would maybe be on their side. Even if it’s only a small fraction, it’s got to be scary as fuck.
If you want to do something a bit more tangible, this is the place I’ve seen on social media to donate to the repairs.
by Carl Ballard — ,
by Carl Ballard — ,
by Carl Ballard — ,
It’s the first day of the Washington legislature. And that means it’s the what-do-you-want-from-the-legislature thread:
Mostly for me it’s playing defense against some of Trump’s excesses. It’s making sure that don’t tangle ourselves up in any attempt to deport people. It means making sure that the people kicked off Obamacare get health care in Washington; Maybe it means keeping up the exchange. Maybe it means universal health care from the state. But it can’t mean we let people die for want of health care.
But I don’t think we can just be stuck in react to Trump mode. I was kind of inspired by California’s we’ll launch our own satellites thing (a reaction to Trump, sure, but would also be pretty cool if Clinton had won the election). I’d like Washington State to build a space elevator. It seems like with Boeing and the universities and some good places to build it East of the mountains, it’s the sort of thing the whole state could be involved in.
Every year I say I’d like the reproductive parity act, or whatever we’re calling it. Every year, it doesn’t pass, but it’s still a good idea.
Anyway, those are the things I’m hoping and maybe dreaming will happen in the legislature. What do you want to see?
by Carl Ballard — ,
Did you get your democracy voucher? I did! I’m super excited to use them. Like, should I just find one candidate I like and give them all of the money? I can’t just use them to reject Tim Burgess due to the fact that he’s retiring. But surely there will be someone.