The VA has had problems for a long time. Still, I don’t think it was the best idea in the world to give the position to someone with no relevant experience. Call me old fashioned.
Open Thread!
Still a bit blah. Sorry.
Open Thread (The OT)
I went home fairly early after Drinking Liberally last night. Nonetheless, I am feeling tired. So instead of a coherent post, I am just going to do the half-sleep on public transit thing. Talk among yourselves.
Open Thread
So. Now we’ve seen the Stormy Daniels interview, does it add much? I think we all knew the outlines. I guess it’s good to hear it from her. I don’t care about an affair. And consensual sex is less gross than the sexual assault he has bragged about.
Campaign finance violations? Sure, probably. So blackmail possibilities from his careless behavior? Maybe. Hypocrisy of his religious supporters? Doy, but we already knew that.
Open Thread (today’s date)
Shouldn’t the President know what’s in a spending bill before Fox News tells him? Honestly, the bill is probably a piece of shit, but it’s his fucking job to know what’s in it during negotiations. He has experts at his disposal; Don’t rely on a semi-fictional TV talk show.
Open Thread Today’s Date
I have been listening to The History of English podcast, and it’s very strange for me to listen to a history podcast that’s still going. Usually I will binge a series once it’s done. Anyway, it has got to Edward I. The podcast hasn’t got there yet, but pretty soon, he is going to ban Jewish people from England.
As I was listening to this, I walked by Seattle Shakespeare. I see that The Merchant of Venice is coming up. It. Made me realize that the vast majority of people who the play was written for had never met anyone Jewish. It had been over 300 years, and yet the stereotypes were popularly understood.
Open Thread
At this point, any Republican who hasn’t actively denounced Donald Trump is trying to turn the US into a dictatorship. The McCabe firing means that a Muller firing is almost inevitable. At some point, a point that has almost certainly passed, anything but actively working against him is complicity.
Open Thread 3-16-2018 AD
I was recently cleaning out my closet, and I came across a pin I was given in October/ November 2001, when I was protesting the war in Afghanistan. On the one hand, it feels fucking futile. We’re still there, and people like John Fucking Bolton are still around along with team torture. On the other hand, it may be the protest I’m most proud of participating in. Just me and a couple Quakers on the street corner holding signs when the world had gone mad.
Open Thread
Come the hell on, Microsoft (h/t).
When we talk about the worst in the nation gender pay gap in Seattle, often Boeing, Microsoft, and Amazon come up. As if manufacturing and tech just have to favor men. It doesn’t. It’s choices we make. It’s systematic discrimination in our largest companies, and down the line. It’s seeing 238 internal complaints and not doing anything.
Open Thread (3/12)
I feel like I’m more tickled by KEXP doing every Sub Pop release than I should be. I was a teenager in Seattle at a time when they were huge. I guess that may be true of any time in the last 30 or so years.
Open Thread 3/9/2018
I think Netflix and Amazon (and similar subscription based companies) should start giving spots in corporate governance to members. I think there are many Prime members who would like some representation in corporate HQ. I know, they don’t need some asshole blogger telling them how to run their bidness, but I do think companies in the US ought to become more democratic.
Thread, Open
Another day, another Seattle head tax proposal. I have supported these probably since the 1990’s. The homelessness crisis is so bad at this point we need to build more, and if this helps, great. We’re woefully behind.
()pen Ťhread
The legislature banned licensed therapists from trying to torture gay kids straight. Great! It’s about time. I was glad to see a number of Republicans support the measure, although I will note that it took Democrats controlling both houses of the legislature to make it happen.
Open Thread
I forgot to write something and now I’m almost at work. I guess this will have to do. Sorry.
Open Thread 2-28
At the end of February, I always feel like I was overcharged for rent (and an ORCA card, even though I get mine through work). This usually gets me through 30 or 31 days, but this time it’s only 28. I know it works out over time, but part of me wishes it was prorated.
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