Hey, turn in your primary ballot. Postmarked or dropped off by tomorrow. If you’re in King County, you can find your drop off locations here. But for goodness sake, please vote. The trolls here get a vote, so at least cancel one of their dumb asses out.
It’s official: Trump is a blathering idiot. Even the former chief of the CIA and NSA thinks so:
“When asked on ‘CBS This Morning’ about Trump’s comments, Gen. Michael Hayden — a former director of the National Security Agency and the CIA — said, ‘Well, it certainly was a fact-free description of what’s going on in the Ukraine.’ Co-anchor Gayle King asked if Hayden agreed with Hillary Clinton’s characterization of Trump’s comments and making him ‘totally unfit and unqualified to be commander-in-chief’? ‘That would add to a body of evidence that would actually draw one towards that conclusion,’ Hayden said.”
And then there’s the firestorm over Trump’s attacks on the family of a dead American soldier.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: While Democrats shouldn’t take anything for granted or breathe easy, there are positive developments: Clinton is getting a convention bounce and has a 6-point lead, and we probably can count on Trump to be our best campaigner. As this weekend demonstrates, he can build up HIllary’s lead just by being himself.
I think the attack on the Gold Star Mom is going to be his biggest fuckup so far. In one brief televised interview he probably killed his outreach to moderate “conservatives” in swings. And I suspect it will help Clinton win a few more of them over. It will even hurt him with his core, the angry aging racist males, many of whom themselves have served, and many of whom have kids who served or are serving. As dumb as he was, and as detached from the lives of normal folks as he was, W would have never said such things. Not ever. Doesn’t have the heart.
People are going to be forced to see a side of Cheeto Jesus that they’ve tried not to look at. He’s a mean bastard. And he’s not just mean to “our enemies”. He’s mean to the best of us. He’s mean and vicious to the people we owe the most to. He’s mean to selfless patriots and heroes, and their moms. This doesn’t just hurt Trump. It hurts every single Republican who continues to side with him and back him up as he crisscrosses the country treating good Americans like shit.
Well done, Republicans. YOU BUILT THAT!
Trump isn’t even prepared for the campaign. How can he be prepared for the White House? How can Republicans offer him to the American people in that way? Go back and watch the Stephanopoulos interview. It’s a pre-recorded, pre-arranged, pre-vetted studio sit with makeup, lighting, sound, the whole shebang. This is not an ambush. And Stephanopoulos is hardly going for blood. He asks tough topical questions. But he gives the Republican nominee all the time he wants to respond and never interrupts or pushes back directly.
And yet the thin-skinned asshole of a Republican nominee goes right ahead and lashes out a a grieving mother of a slain hero. He’s prepped as he wants to be. He’s in control. And he still does it. Because he’s an asshole. That’s just who he is. Even now, with everything riding on it, he’s simply too arrogant to believe that anything he says or thinks could be in any way wrong or in need of careful review. Someone like that cannot possibly be an effective President. If he can’t be bothered to prepare himself at this point, when his whole future and the future of the Republican Party is at stake, how can he be expected to prepare himself when out country’s future is at stake?
@1 Drumpf aint the only blathering idiot.
Sooner or later the conservatives and Repukes, people and politicians – if you can call them that, have to realize how fucking stupid they are and how much of hypocrites they are. They better start to try to govern than brainwash…they are failing at brainwashing, sooner or later.
Progressives aren’t voting in tomorrow’s primary election. They find it much easier to cry all the fucking time about how unfair things are.
@5 Speak for yourself. I’m voting tomorrow.
No trolls this morning? They must be working. After all, it’s Monday. Too bad for them. I don’t have to work.
Moody’s, bastion of capitalism, endorses Hillary.
“Moody’s Analytics likes Hillary Clinton’s economic plan much more than it did Donald Trump’s. A little more than a month after Moody’s said Trump’s proposals would cause a ‘lengthy recession,’ the firm took a look under the hood at the Democratic nominee’s plans and said the prospects were more encouraging. ‘Secretary Clinton’s economic proposals will result in a somewhat stronger U.S. economy,’ Mark Zandi, Moody’s chief economist, and two others wrote in the report.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Roger Rabbit also is a bastion of capitalism, and he endorses Hillary, too.
In politics one needs to learn to not take rhetoric too seriously.
But the vile attack by Trump and the yellow Republican chicken hawks upon the Gold Star family of Captain Khan is the most reprehensible disgusting disgraceful unparalleled unpatriotic use of free speech we’ve ever seen in a political campaign.
There are many reasons to be against Republican candidates, but this episode of unvarnished bigotry is vomit inducing.
Republican cockroaches fall in line. Here they are “expanding the Overton Window”:
More Republican “Overton Window”:
Day four of the ongoing Republican smear of Gold Star Mothers.
The Republican Gold Star Mom smear machine fans out and shifts into high gear:
Such wonderful human beings.
“No trolls this morning?”
Don’t know about Bob, but I hear the loon’s doomsday death cult is still trying to put his head back together. Apparently his last words before his head blew up were, “KHAAAAAAAAAAN!! KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!”
@ Steve @ 13
I’ve noticed that they’ve become very quiet since the Democratic Convention.
Of course, it’s only a matter of time before the Schizo and SnideShow Bob there start hammering on Roger Stones new notion that Khan was really a terrorist who was all set to betray his own troops but was killed before he could do so.
They’ll figure out a way to equivocate and qualify their words on the subject, but in the end, they’ll still vote for Trump as often as they can get away with it.
They’re Fascists, after all. Fascists have but one moral purpose, that is to create a Police State where the “Authorities” have nobody to tell them NO.
He did it again.
“Donald Trump’s new favorite target: the fire marshal for his various rallies and town halls.”
Trump softens the beach.
Before this is over he’s going to start blaming the Republican Party. And it won’t matter one bit that so many of them sold their souls and remained behind him even when his behavior become universally despicable. If he can, he’ll take Ryan and McConnell down with him. Anything to shore up his fragile ego.
Well this is interesting to ponder. There’s some CW in the press about Trump busting through because of the “wrong track” numbers. 66% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track.
OK. But President Obama is now over 50% job approval and has been at or near there since January. Congressional approval otoh is abysmal and who controls Congress? Depending on which poll, 55-60% disapprove of Congressional Democrats. The same polls 70-80% disapprove of Congressional Republicans.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that those “wrong Track” numbers have more to do with Congressional Republicans not holding Nominee hearings, Investigating Benghaaaazi!!!! ™ many many times, lying about Planned Parenthood many many times, wasting time overturning Obamacare, and of COURSE nominating Donald Trump. It’s been clear for many months that Trump would be the nominee and people who may even vote for him flat out don’t like him.
A wave election isn’t out of the question at this point. Crappy GOP Nominee, popular President, Hillary is going to win the Presidency, Republican infighting (No he’s the nominee and he LOVES dead soldiers, er no, wait, he loves their families…We need to support him RINO!), Bad fundraising for the GOP (See Trump), Traditional conservative Editorial Boards endorsing Hillary and no GOP GOTV game plan from the top of ticket campaign. That’s going to be one small demoralized electorate.
Then again, could be wishful thinking….
@9 Why would we expect Republicans to be anything but vile?
No Donald. You’re going to get your ass handed to you fair and square. Like 10-15 million votes nationwide. Like 200 Electoral vote ass kicking.
I wish for our sake it was true. But I’m afraid it’ll still be a lot closer than that. The simple sad truth is that a solid core of “conservative” voters are really this depraved. And a plurality of Republicans are so invested in tribalism, obstructionism, and de-legitimizing Democrats that they will (perhaps reluctantly) go along with the new Republican tide of America hating racist nihilism. I can only hope that after November a sufficient number of them are so deeply ashamed of themselves that they depart from political life forever.
Trumpty Dumbty won’t release his taxes because we would see the system he complains is “rigged” is rigged in his favor. And btw, he now complains the election is “rigged” against him. He’s the most rich and worthless human being I’ve ever seen or heard. He’s going to find out that the base he thinks is for him will turn on him like wolves when he loses and nobody will want to do business with him anymore. This will eventually leave him a broken man who will always be remembered for his mean spirit and threat against civil society.
@ 20
I wish for our sake it was true. But I’m afraid it’ll still be a lot closer than that. The simple sad truth is that a solid core of “conservative” voters are really this depraved.
Then there’s that 20% of the Democrat voting electorate that thought Crooked Hillary Clinton should have been indicted.
She’s a truly awful candidate, up against a truly awful candidate, and some people have difficulty choosing the lesser of two evils.
It will be closer than that because the best reason someone might choose to vote for Crooked Hillary Clinton is that she is not Donald Trump.
There’s your second sad truth for the day.
@ 19 & 20
Or, as Roger Stone and Alex Jones are openly implying they would do and that is to go on national television and tell people to start breaking things and killing people if their Orange Julius Caesar loses the election.
Thats what Fascists do. It is what they’ve always done.
Thats what they want.
@22 Aaaaand heeeeeere’s Boob whipping out the classic Republican run-for-cover feint: “Your candidate is just as bad as ours.”
No, Boob, she’s not. It’s not even close.
Clinton doesn’t help, that’s for sure. But that’s not unremarkable. Each party has from cycle to cycle run politically weak nominees. Many arguably quite a bit worse politically than Clinton. But once again Boob, you’ve fallen for false equivalence.
Your party’s candidate isn’t just a “political” liability. And I’m so tired of cataloging the specific offenses for you trolls in these comments I won’t do it anymore. But they obviously transcend politics. Bottom line is, the man doesn’t like most of us. Us. Americans. I’m beginning to suspect he doesn’t like people period. He isn’t just a dangerously unqualified and temperamentally unsuited nominee. He’s a sociopathic nominee. He lacks the capacity for empathy. He should not be trusted under any circumstances. And he’s the Republican Party nominee to be President.
This is your new Republican brand. Clinton won’t change the Democratic party. There’s even a pretty good argument to be made that the Democratic Party will change Clinton. Whatever happens in November, Trump’s damage is done. He’s already changed the Republican Party forever. All the sewage of racial resentment and lost privilege has poured forth for all to see. There’s really no comparison to be made between the moderate Republican voters who will refuse to vote for their party’s nominee, and the extremist Democratic voters who will refuse to vote for their party’s nominee. Whatever reasons they may cite for refusing to vote for the other party’s nominee are beside the point. What tells are the real reasons so many moderate Republican voters will go ahead and vote for a lying, racist, anti-American, blundering, thin skinned narcissist who is probably being controlled by a hostile foreign power. They will stay by his side no matter what depths of moral debasement he drags them to. The why is no longer important.
@ RR @ 24
“Your candidate is just as bad as ours.”
Thats an old Conservative disenfranchisement technique. Drawing a nakedly false equivalence to create an environment of uselessness in the voting process.
Why bother voting if both candidates can be more or less accurately described as being assholes?
I don’t think Hillary Clinton can be accurately described as being an asshole. To the extent that “conservatives” think at all, I doubt they really think that either. She tried to do something that every single member of Congress, their staff, and every office within the White House gets to do every single day: she tried to hide her office email from FOIA. And that’s pretty much it. The rest of it is off-the-chart Info-Wars, Birfer, SovCit lunacy. As a political candidate she may be calculating and scripted. But no more so than most others, and far less so than many other nominees of either party.
This emerging feature of the Republican Party – the impulse to viciously attack the character of every politician with whom they disagree – is not really on Trump. It’s been growing for decades. I suppose we have Nixon to blame.
The unique thing about Trump is that it really isn’t necessary to attack his character. As this weeks events have so amply demonstrated, he does a fine job of it on his own.
Remind me again, how many electoral is Florida?
@20 & 22
That take doesn’t fly.
Which Democratic convention speaker urged the party to vote their conscience and not necessarily the nominee
Name a Democratic state Senator or Rep who has publicly left the party over the nominee.
Name the living former president on the Democratic side who is not supporting their party’s candidate.
What well known Liberal newspaper has endorsed Teump?
How does the Evangelical set feel about a First Lady with nude lesbian photos on the Internet?
How does losing the VFW vote help?
Trump goes from attacking Gold Star mothers to attacking fire fighters.
Stay classy Donald
Come Nov. 9, I hope to post:
And now that the Zika virus is in Florida, how do those folks feel about the do nothing Congress. Measures were proposed and killed to address the problem. Now Republican governor Rick Scott is begging for federal CDC assistance
Heard a trump surrogate yammering that she loved how trump speaks his mind, that he is not politically correct, and then complained bitterly about the rude language she was being subjected to, on Twitter from people who didn’t agree with her.
@32 & 33 Yep, that’s how these people operate.
Remember when Rick Perry slashed his state’s firefighting budget by 90%, then when his state caught on fire he went crawling to Obama for $50 million of federal aid? Obama’s a better rabbit than me; I’d’ve let ’em burn.
Rick Perry’s another one who should never be president. Or a senator. Or anything but retired.
Trump on The Old Grey Lady…
Well the Times has been around without a Bankruptcy longer than a whole bunch of your business vetures. But hey, you’re the expert on failing businesses, amiright?
I have to be honest – I think Boob is a Nazi. I think the National Inquirer and the NFL was right – Boob might actually be a Nazi.
I’m afraid that that is the third sad thing of the day. Boob might be a Nazi!
I hear Boob is now calling for anarchy too, if the crooked one gets elected. She is so bad he wants riots if she wins, like Baltimore riots. The ends justify the means for Boob, just like Puffballs has been saying. Just like Puffyballs was thinking that Boob could be a Nazi too. Ohhhhh My!
Allways! Allways the ends justifies the meanz for them people. Allways. Allways Allways!
@32 they all should die from Zika, that would be my wish.
@33 hey that kind of sounds like me. I wonder if the Cunt’s vagina itches and she just trying to scratch it.
Where is Puffball? Is he with Milo at the offices of Twitter?
The Repukes set the bar so low, it’s so easy to jump! Come on guys! Jump!
Sometimes people need to be offended just as bad as they are offensive to realize how fucking offensive they are. They are stupid people, it will take a long time, but they’ll get it eventually, especially if I have anything to say about it.
The other day I was with s friend and he was complaining that too much political correctness today. So I asked him, what if I called your wife a bitch? You going to cry later?
People don’t like the taste of thier own medicine. Just ask HA’s sideways talking Abigail Adams.