I like Bob Ferguson and his work against Comcast being assholes. But I’m not sure Batman is the best analogy. Bruce Wayne really should be using his money on other things if he wants the best return on investment. Ferguson is pretty much doing best for the customers. I’d rather read about Batman (no offense, Bob) but live in a state with Ferguson as AG (no offense Bruce).
AARP is a vermin infested swamp:
Puffy’s got a point, black people are being murdered in Chicago, but he misses the mark by blaming it on DUMMOCRETINS. Betcha anything this guy was shot by a racist rightwing cop.
“Chicago police, in a nationwide conference call and bulletin, warned of ‘civil unrest’ and potential violence against cops following the department’s anticipated release of video showing an officer fatally shooting a black man in the back, two law enforcement officials said Friday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: By the way, how many cops are Trump supporters? I’ll bet this guy is one.
Of course, we shouldn’t overlook the vast majority of responsible cops who do their job properly. Those folks are heroes every day. The problem cops are a small number of bad apples.
“Donald Trump on Friday unveiled his team of economic advisers, which draws heavily on industry executives in finance and real estate. The list has some big Wall Street names, such as Steven Feinberg and John Paulson, and billionaires, including Harold Hamm and Andy Beal.”
Wait — Harold Hamm, the fracking king? No economist, just a high school diploma.
Feinberg — former Drexel Burnham trader (think Michael Milken), smart guy with Princeton degree in politics, but not an economist.
Beal — made his chops flipping houses, and as a poker player. Went to college (Michigan State U., mathematics), but not an economist.
Paulson — credit default swaps (CDS) king, very smart guy with Harvard MBA, made billions from the housing crash. Not an economist.
So, now we know, Trump gets his economic advice from: An oilman, a banker, and a pair of hedge fund guys. I guess it doesn’t really matter, because Trump is getting slaughtered in the polls, and isn’t going anywhere except back to his penthouse.*
* We don’t want to get complacent, but the polls are moving the way they should be: More voters are realizing Trump is a dangerous and ignorant demagogue whose election would have catastrophic consequences for America.
Career CIA man says Putin played Trump.
A former CIA deputy director today called Trump an “unwitting agent” of Russia who fell under ex-KGB officer Putin’s spell. Trump immediately called the CIA guy a liar.
@1 Interesting. Now that I think about it, it’s been a while since I’ve heard many of my Republican acquaintances spewing invective against AARP like they used to. I would have figured they’d just found other things to bitch about.
Actually, a lot of us older folks view AARP as primarily peddling the wares of a few insurance companies. Most of us who belong only do so to get travel discounts, and those aren’t as great as they once were.
When Clint Eastwood was born prohibition was still in effect.
Some other things that weren't considered racist when Clint Eastwood was growing up, stollen from the twitters
The word Nigger
Jim Crow
Poll Taxes
Blackface minstrel shows
Amos and Andy
Steppin Fetchit
Whites Only restraints
Whites only ‘public’ pools and beaches
Segregated schools
Segregated Bathrooms
Segregated military
The word Nigger.
To mark the end of a truly a horrible week for Trump, the latest poll to come out has Clinton +4 in Georgia.
Live by the FOIA, die by the FOIA.
Carefully adhering to the Judicial Watch political slap suit playbook, pro patriot group Democratic Coalition Against Trump announced yesterday that they are filing a FOIA request for Melania Trump’s fraudulently sworn immigration documents.
Honestly, I don’t understand why Democrats are so circumspect about this shit. Sitting back and relying on “Journalists” to do this kind of hard work is like expecting Trump to pivot going into the general. It ain’t gonna happen. We should be conducting FOIA at every possible level on everything having to do with Trump, The Republican Party, and the shit bird traitors who are supporting them. Dig, sift, expose. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Looks like the Trolls have vanished….Drumpf – certainly a Uniter (of Nazi’s maybe).
Melania Trump girl on girl and full frontal photos in the NY Post. Oh my. And the Donald took the Internet Porn pledge? How is that working out for him?
@11 That’s hee-larious! Christians everywhere rejoice in your new lesbian porn star first lady! Fucking fools. Fall for anything. Why Democrats are not plastering this all over the south and Utah, I’ll never understand.
“Christians everywhere rejoice in your new lesbian porn star first lady!”
No doubt they’ll rejoice.
“The red state gay porn habit: Why conservative states like Mississippi and North Carolina lead the nation in same-sex porn consumption”
@12 Why Democrats are not plastering this all over the south and Utah, I’ll never understand.
You don’t think this ain’t reverberatin’ amonst the God fearin’ already?
It’s going to be tough to hope that you can convince people, your supporters, that the election was rigged, after losing, when every Republican wants you to drop out.
I think if this goes further that Drumpf will drop out, to save embarrassment of losing and to stick it to Republicans in hopes they lose regardless.
Panicked ‘Politico Insiders’ Want Trump To Drop Out Of Race http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....8?section=
@10 They’re refurbishing and restocking their fallout shelters. They still believe Trump is gonna be put in charge of the nuclear button.
@15 Maybe not. It increasingly appears the guy’s either too stupid to realize the house is on fire, or so narcissistic that he’s transfixed by how pretty he looks in warm glow.
@15 Trump won’t drop out as long as he can make a dollar by staying in. He’s made his millions by running corporations into the ground. And he is going to make even more by running the Republican party into the ground.
Which reminds me, the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City just announced it is closing. 3000 jobs lost.
Paul Manafort: “Well we certainly are not using him as a role model”
Yeah, you stay classy, Paul.
@18 do you think that sooner or later that he will suffer financially, after losing and after getting such a bad reputation? His only friend will be Putin (and only for 2 minutes). He’ll have to move to China.
Didn’t he make all or most of his money on Branding his name….how is that going to work out after he makes millions of enemies….I know the crazies are crazy….but the Tea Party no longer is thriving….his supporters will lose interest in him too….unless they become completely stupid.
So Trump finally endorsed Ryan and McCain. He had to read it word for word to stay on script.
If that mother fucker Julian Assange dumps more e-mails I’m fucked. I hope he doesn’t drop the one about me and the Russians and the uranium deal. Oh by the way FUCK YOU roger rabbit, what a dumb name.
@22 Yawwn.. More mostly false crap from the always wrong wing fever swamps.
Damn! That Drumpfhole Hindenburg disaster. You always wrong wingers built that!
@7 And he was three when prohibition ended. Born in San Francisco. Grew up on the west coast. Was going to attend Seattle University in 1951 but was drafted. So your saying the west coast was a hive of racism during these years with lots of lynching’s and lots of use of the word nigger?
@24 “Was going to attend Seattle University in 1951 but was drafted.”
Pity. The Jesuits might have hammered some sense and sensibility into him.
Is that Boob @22?
Notice how not one Troll has come here to say how great Drumpf is (or Pence) – looks like they really like thier choice.
Me, I have no problem with Hillary. I actually hope she’ll be President…..she is smarter than any other dumb fucking men.
You need to stop getting your education from watching Teevee.
Read a fucking book.
Something written by a professional academic. James Loewen comes readily to mind. Lynching was just too inefficient in the West. And too melodramatic. We burned them out of their homes. We flooded entire thriving communities out. And yes. We called them “niggers”. Plenty still do. At one time Oregon had the largest membership in the KKK of any state.
Things that weren’t considered racist in California when he was growing up…
It’s never a good idea to have the White guy tell you what should or should not be considered racist.
1. We don’t need it. The Trump campaign is a flaming drum of toxic sludge so why waste some gas.
2. It doesn’t matter what Milania did (slut shaming) to earn a living. It only matters to some people and they’ve heard about it. Those people aren’t going to care because Hillary is Satan so better to wed Homer than let the beast into the White House.
1. We don’t need it. The Trump campaign is a flaming drum of toxic sludge so why waste some gas.
2. It doesn’t matter what Milania did (slut shaming) to earn a living. It only matters to some people and they’ve heard about it. Those people aren’t going to care because Hillary is Satan so better to wed Gomer than let the beast into the White House.
Don’t forget…
Bead twirlers
From WWI to the mid twenties Anaheim city hall was controlled by the KKK. With so few Blacks or Jews to kick around they turned their attention to the Roman Catholic Church, with the usual cross burning, night raids, molotov cocktails, and such (bear in mind these were elected officials).
Most of Eastwood’s youth was spent in Piedmont, at the time an incorporated exclusively all-white (except for live-in house maids) wealthy enclave within Oakland. Before WWII non-whites were not allowed to own or rent in Piedmont. Nor were they allowed to be present within the city unless they were in the direct employ of whites and not on the streets after sun down. African Americans out on the street after sun down would face at minimum arrest on charges of vagrancy followed by imprisonment for a period of several months – if they were lucky. If police felt a “message” needed sending they would savagely beat the individual(s) and then deliver them to emergency rooms in Oakland. Needless to say for many decades thereafter non-whites were savagely discriminated against in Piedmont. Post WWII de jure red lining only began to diminish following decisive federal court rulings of the late 60s and early 70s. De facto red lining continues to this day in parts of Mr. Eastood’s boyhood home.
Those are Mr. Eastwood’s “good old days”.
don’t jinx it.