Were the primary election results everything you hoped for? I’m glad in the 7th, we’ll get 2 fairly liberal Democratic candidates. We’ll wait to see what two. I was hoping for a better turnout for Angie Marx, but maybe it was inevitable when a legislator stepped in. In any event, more results will come in over then next few weeks.
In Okanogan county, voters tossed out the nut-case incumbent County Commissioner. He finished 3rd behind a pretty normal Republican and a very good independent. My candidate doesn’t win very often here in Okanogan County, but this is heartening.
COMMISSIONER DISTRICT 2 Commissioner District 2
Candidate Vote Vote %
Andy Hover
(Prefers Republican Party)
624 41.66%
Stan R. Kvistad
(Prefers Republican Party)
71 4.74%
Ashley W. Thrasher
(States No Party Preference)
473 31.58%
Ray Campbell
(Prefers Republican Party)
330 22.03%
Total Votes (not including write-ins) 1,498
As somebody who was drafted and served during the Vietnam war, I find draft dodging Trump insulting and revolting. I worked in military hospitals for many years and know first hand what our service people give to our nation. How dare he say vile things about people who serve and sacrifice? How is it possible another American would vote for such a despicable, disloyal and mean spirited person? How could any person think he should be commander and chief of the largest and arguably most important military in the world? And now he wants to use nuclear weapons? What is this sickness of the mind his supporters exhibit? They have let their hatred of others drive them to madness. And still, 88 million eligible voters don’t vote.
As somebody who enlisted and served in Vietnam, I don’t understand someone who would give away his Purple Heart, but it doesn’t surprise me that someone as clueless as Trump thinks there’s honor in wearing someone else’s Purple Heart.
@2 “They have let their hatred of others drive them to madness.”
Repukes may have built Drumpf, but Society has built hate. You can’t have approximately 50% of the people engross themselves in being against something like same-sex marriage, and only a portion of the other 505% speak out against that 50% and develop a loving relationship….not to mention current and past history of racism.
The silent majority has more power than the minority but only when they don’t stay silent. Staying silent can be as responsible as being vocally/physically oppressive.
Things are getting crazier by the minute. It’s hard to keep up with all the batshit insanity that’s out there.
“Ben Carson Tells CNN The Khan Family Should Apologize To Trump”
“Our campaign just finished up our strongest month of fundraising to date, we’re adding talented and experienced staffers on a daily basis and Mr. Trump’s turning out bigger, more enthusiastic crowds than Hillary Clinton ever could,”
Talented and experienced? Name even one, you lying piece of shit. Not only is the Republican Presidential campaign still woefully understaffed, they aren’t even geared up to recruit. The state primaries passed, the convention passed, and no professional, well organized campaign effort ever materialized to reach out to state delegates and state party vols from battleground states to recruit them. As usual Cheeto Jesus and his personal staff just flew in and flew out.
And at this point, it may not be worth the effort. With Republican prospects augering into the dirt, and their Presidential candidate busy searching out some key voter group he has yet to offend, only the truly desperate would take a position with that campaign.
Hey Republicans! YOU BUILT THAT!
The RNC is preparing for Armageddon.
Never gonna happen. He’s waaay to proud of it.
It’s just one of the Kubler-Ross stages of Trump.
“Even if people don’t like me, they have to vote for me. They have no choice,” he said in Ashburn, Virginia, on Tuesday. “Even if you can’t stand Donald Trump, you think Donald Trump is the worst, you’re going to vote for me.”
Boob can think of someone else. So can lots of other folks.
Worth a read. A man of honor, a Republican, telling it like it is, praising the honorable and brave Captain he lost and then taking down a man who has no honor at all.
“I was Capt. Khan’s commander in Iraq. The Khan family is our family.”
I’m not sure about Drumpf taking this to Election Day….I sometimes think that he may drop out.
This guy should be banished from the United States….but I doubt that there is any Country that would want him…..maybe Russia? North Korea?
Heh, I bet you Tea-Fuckheads can hardly wait until he becomes President.
He won’t y’know. He’s a lunatic. He’d probably blow his own brains out on live television and blame the (insert minority-designation nomenclature here) with his last breath.
He has always been a flim-flam man. He has actually been pretty successful at outright bullshitting people into handing over their money. There isn’t a Bank anywhere in the EU or North America that will do business with him. He’s been very skilled at committing outright fraud. But he got sloppy sometime ago, maybe back during the Clinton or GHW Bush period. Now, he’s in a hole he dug for himself, and looking up at the dudes around the rim holding more shovels.
This old and very stale version of American Nationalism is nothing really surprising really. It goes back to people like George Lincoln Rockwell, and Henry Ford et al. This was pretty normal stuff back in the 1920s and early 30s.
The reality is, he’s in very serious trouble with his benefactors in the former Eastern Bloc. It isn’t just the Russians. There are some pretty serious gangsters in Eastern Europe. The kind that make the old Cosa Nostra look like pimps. Real, hard-line Fascists. The sort of folks that can and often do move Armies around and ship incredible amounts of modern weaponry to whomever can afford the price. He does do business with these folks, I’m damn certain of that.
He, personally, cannot afford to lose this election.
I wonder what is going to happen when he does? Or perhaps sometime in the next few weeks someone in the position to do so will make the decision to solve the problem the quick and dirty way. It would be easy then, to lay blame on someone of any random ethnicity or religion and raise a little Hell based on that.
Thats how Fascism works. It’s how it has always worked.
Double digits. A Fox News poll released today has Clinton up 10 in a two-way matchup, up 9 in a three-way.
It’s not like it’s over, but the trend isn’t Trump’s or the GOP’s friend. It’s presently a disaster of epic proportions. If it gets worse, and that’s the direction it’s trending, it becomes a nightmare – the destruction of the GOP and, for Trump, he’d be tagged as the biggest loser EVAH!
Something went right in Kansas for a change? Perhaps a sign of more to come?
“Conservatives trounced as Kansas voters shut down Gov. Brownback’s disastrous Tea Party ‘experiment’”
“It’s taken six years, but it looks like Kansas voters have finally seen enough of Gov. Sam Brownback’s “real live experiment” in supply-side economics.”
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
That elephant has the worst case of tapeworms in recorded history.
“Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.”
Heh. Maybe President Hillary Clinton will grant him a pardon.
Dr. Ben puts in his 3/5ths of a nickels worth.
It’s like watching a bunch of little kids in a tickle fight, trying to see who is going to piss their pants first.
Missouri politics are weird. For Governor, they have a Democrat who used to be a republican running against a Republican who used to be a democrat.
No sign of boob, no sign of the babbling jackass.
Wow, it’s looking good for HA heroes beating the zeroes into the dust.
If the troll’s klownservaticism can’t defeat the one political figure they despise and HATE the most, indeed klownservaticism is worthless.
“no sign of the babbling jackass”
The loon hasn’t been able to put his head back together since it exploded during Obama’s DNC speech.
@ 20
I suspect he’s on a downcycle and is presently curled up in that little cupboard under the stairs with his thumb up his ass.
Well, well. It appears that the Republican Party’s nominee is married to an illegal alien.
They probably hope to dodge this until November. But I sure don’t see how. Her visa status from when she first entered the U.S. will be a matter of public record. If she took work here while visiting under a B-1 or B-2 she’s guilty of immigration fraud. That would make her subsequent applications for Permanent Resident Status and later Citizenship fraudulent as well. Even her lawful marriage to el Douche would not protect her from deportation. She would have to return to her nation of origin, apply for a new Permanent Resident Status, reside here in the U.S. for three years, and then re-apply for citizenship based upon marital status.
Those are the rules that apply to all the rapey Mexicans and Mooslim terrist Fugees. I think they should apply equally to the silicone and botox injected stripper trophy wives of fake billionaires.
Every time I think this Republican cluster fuck can’t get any more fun…
@22 – Nothing new there – every Republican can qualify to be an illegal alien. They are a bunch of sideways talking freedomless hypocrites.
I think Boob an Puffy disappeared for good!
Mission accomplished?! Thanks Donald!
Heard a cheap labor conservative argue that raising wages will make prices go up so we shouldn’t raise wages. But not the reason you think. His logic was not about cost of labor, it was that the cost of something is what the company thinks the market can pay, so if people are making more money, the market can pay more it so they will raise prices.
I can’t believe I’ll say this….and I’ll say it without knowing his stances on the issues (but I’m sure we disagree on most if not all)….but I like this Republican.
@25 solution solved. Higher wages and higher prices (for the wrong reason – translates into maintaining profits) – money for everyone!
I wonder if his asshole is as puckered as his face is in this picture.
@24 I should have added – Donald is a Uniter!
The Uniter State of America
Fox News Question of the Day:
“Q: Is the Trump campaign in need of an ‘intervention,’ as some Republicans are planning?
It’s still early August. And polls will change a lot between now and Nov. 8th. But media narratives tend to take on a life of their own, at least until some “surprise” shifts them to a new narrative. So I certainly think it’s worth noting that even FOX News is now taking on the narrative that the Trump Campaign is out of control and that the candidate is an unstable bully (needing an intervention) at war with his own party. Sure that personality may play well to the fake anti-establishment mouth breathers that voted for him in the primaries. But it hurts him badly with the more moderate, less involved “conservative” voters his campaign must persuade and motivate if they are to win even a few key states.
I have serious doubts that Trump is capable of making the kind of pivot he must make in order to capture states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, or Florida. This is more about personality than policy. But if the candidate continues to project the personae demonstrated in the last seven days I don’t think he stands a chance of getting those voters off their butts. With his own behavior (the one thing every candidate can absolutely control) Trump is giving them the excuse they are already looking for to sit this one out.
Trump is eventually dropping out – that is my call.
Then beginning of the end of the American Government.
Long Live Ireland! The real Home of the Free and the Brave.
“I have serious doubts that Trump is capable of making the kind of pivot he must make…”
It’s probably too late anyway. It’s not like he can blow a kiss and all is well. The bridges to his own party are ablaze. Too little time is left to put the fires out, let alone rebuild the bridges. My guess is that he’ll flame out as he’s lived, as the greatest narcissist of our times, which means the show has only just begun. I just hope he doesn’t destroy our nation in the process.
I don’t think so. Any hope that Republican elites might have that they can convince Trump to drop depends on appealing to a sense of party loyalty and patriotism. He has neither. I think he’s probably a bit of a sociopath.
So long as Trump believes that staying in will benefit himself and his immediate family he won’t drop out. Even now he continues to build outreach and brand loyalty among his millions of angry racist/nationalist followers. There is every reason to expect that to continue. While there is almost no reason to expect that to result in the 65 million votes he’d need to win. Still, establishing a brand loyal following of even ten million U.S. consumers (and countless global consumers) has enormous value to a company like Trump. When he loses he’ll play it down, make excuses, and brag to the world how he came out ahead – just like he always has with all his many business failures. And in a way he’ll be right. At tremendous cost to the Republican Party he will have expanded his branding empire on a global scale. The real losers in this will be credulous dupes like Boob and Puddy.
When it comes to Republicans, it is always about the grift.
And in the same breath he probably also accused Clinton of being “calculating”.
My wife just received a Republican mailer disguised as a census survey. They even call it a “census.” They want you to answer political questions and hopefully send in a contribution.
@33 but I see him knowing that he is going to lose, and then taking his ball and running home, screwing the Republican establishment – he is vindictive, he has to get the last punch even if he has to run while doing so.
@ 36
No, he’s not. He is going to go on national television and openly claim that the election was rigged, that he is in fact the rightful President, and for everyone to go out and start fucking shit up.
He’s a complete fucking psychopath a 6 year old petulant spoiled brat wrapped up in a completely phony “friendly super-rich guy” body. He has made his entire career out of destroying peoples lives for money. You think he’s going to go quietly?
Nicely played.
“While Donald Trump is running on a platform to deport 12 million people, apparently including his own wife, Johnson-Weld stands for allowing people in Melania’s circumstances to stay if they learn English, pay their back taxes, and pay a fine,” the campaign wrote.
The Johnson-Weld ticket also promises to make “legal immigration vastly simpler and more available to people around the world — including Slovenian models.”
Much gnashing of teeth and weeping by wingnuts today. Marist poll just out with Clinton +15 nationally. State polls released today show Clinton up double digits in Michigan, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire, and +6 in Florida.
What kind of people leave 15 month old children in a car by themselves? And how come no one is outraged?
Check out this story from Breaking News: Update: 2 young children die after being left in hot car in Carrollton, Ga. – Atlanta Journal-Constitution http://on-ajc.com/2aHw1HP
One of the Repukliklan Parties litmus test for being a Repuke is if you can boo good.
The rise of American authoritarianism.
What happens when you allow the Conservatives to control the media and the educational system.
Authoritarian rule means never having to think much about anything. For decades, the GOP has had an internal Party policy of not needing a an individual of real Leadership in the Executive office, they just need someone that knows how to write his name.
A pretty damn good article on Maj. Gen. John Batiste, the commanding General of the 1st Infantry Division that Capt. Humayun Khan served in.
What a waste. That total, absolute and very deliberate misuse of the Military has got to be about the worst Crime ever committed in this country.
Fuckin’ Republicans make me sick.
More Nazi Propaganda.
It’s gotta be brain worms or something.
What’s the current over/under on the number of days before the election that McConnell takes up the Garland nom?