Joel Connelly has a piece potential Metro cuts. He uses the Route 2 changes as a hook to show what the changes could mean. And he has links to when citizens can attend Metro Open Houses.
–Tonight (Thursday): North Seattle Community College, 6 to 8 p.m.
–Tuesday, Dec. 10, Union Station in downtown Seattle, noon to 2 p.m.
–Wednesday, Dec. 11, Bellevue City Hall, 6 to 8 p.m.
–Monday, December 16, Kent City Commons in Kent, 6 to 8 p.m.
–Thursday, January 16, Peter Kirk Community Center in Kirkland, 6 to 8 p.m.
–Thursday, January 23, South Shore K-8 School in Southeast Seattle, 6 to 8 p.m.
You should definately go and let people know how the cuts will hit you if you’re interested. But I’m more interested in this hook that he starts it:
The key to whether cuts are prevented likely rests with a quartet of Eastside legislators who are members of the Senate Majority Coalition — Republican State Sens. Andy Hill, Joe Fain and Steve Litzow as well as renegade Democrat and titular Senate Majority Leader Rodney Tom.
Well, it could, still I suppose rest on them. Or it could rest on if King County can bypass those people and pass something. It could rest more on if the King County Council (that has some of the same problem) has enough members willing to put something on the ballot, or just pass something outright.
But…but…the county council is nonpartisan. The Republicans pushed through an initiative that made it so. Now, since nobody on the council can be publicly identified as a Republican, the council members can all hold hands and sing kumbaya together, right? Right?
When the Ride Free Area was sacrificed, it was to get 2 as I called at the time, sort of Republicans, to vote for the$20 license fee, without sending it to the voters.
I’m going to be at my Metro open house, and I’m bringing fellow riders and business leaders.