As long as there is a washington dc, spocan will always be a second rate “scam capital.”
A google search for scam spokane finds 220,000 hits.
A google search for scam seattle finds 2,060,000 hits.
A nice place to visit, but I guess you wouldn’t want to invest there.
I spent quite a bit of time in Spokane back in the 90’s, and found it pleasant. I’m a trifle disappointed because my wife, who hasn’t been feeling well, decided not to attend a professional conference this month that’s being held at the Davenport.
Spokane ain’t that bad but don’t get me started on Yakima!
Blue Johnspews:
“Who is your City” has an interesting take on why some cities thrive and some don’t. Spokane doesn’t attract the Creative Class, so won’t get out being a 2nd tier, feeder city.
“This entails that cities that loose the young adults are loosing talent permanently. Once a college grad leaves town, he is unlikely to come back. Young college grads cluster in just a few cities. Those are the winners in the competition for talent.”
Now you see itspews:
#1 – giggle
Er, I bet, just guessing, NY has MORE scam’s than Seattle. Maybe, just MAYBE it’s because it’s LARGER? Hmmm? Seattle metro area is 3.5 million, Spokane is 400k (almost 10x diff). The New York metro area is 18.5 million. Might have something to do with it?
#4 – I always find that interesting. There are essentially 3 types of cities. Cities that are the creators/designers (NY, Seattle, etc)…cities were people just work (Davenport Iowa) due to clustering of factories/bases/transit, and cities were people retire/live (Phoenix)
5 Don’t forget cities where people play (Las Vegas)
Roger Rabbitspews:
They didn’t need a monorail, they had a parking garage.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Well, wudduya know! Spokane, the heartland of Washington Republicanism, is the fraud capital of the U.S., a robbers’ roost, the North American equivalent of Somalia’s pirate dens. Who wudda thunk?!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
And Yakima, eastern Washington’s other iconic Republican town, is the drug transshipment capital of the Pacific Northwest …
Interesting that the city of Spokane is trying to force out bus-bench ads at STA stops, because people call them unsightly. If people don’t want to subsidize it(took two attempts post-695 to raise the sales tax, and the second time they said it would only be 5 years, but the voters renewed it when it came up for renewal), and fare revenue is not enough, the ad revenue must be another source.
The old Spokane Stock Exchange that folded in the early 1990’s was formed in the 19th century primarily to trade Idaho silver mining stocks. Over the years it morphed into trading penny stocks. It was a scam artists playground that provided lifetime employment security for SEC prosecutors.
An entire article on Spokane scams and not one mention of Metropolitan Mortgage & Securities Co. How can that be? Truly the most successful of the scams for quite some time ($450 million), the Sandifur’s were able to be jet setters for a while in non-extradition countries. Oh well, the fact that Forbes didn’t mention it probably has more to do with Forbes endorsing the corporation for many years as great success. Our own lovely Congresswoman is genuinely incapable of telling the truth about anything, though i am sure all of the statements sent out are always written by someone else: FoxNews, Wall Street Journal, George Will — liars all.
The bus benches are not only unsightly, they are physically dangerous because the company that controls them doesn’t care at all about public safety.
As long as there is a washington dc, spocan will always be a second rate “scam capital.”
A google search for scam spokane finds 220,000 hits.
A google search for scam seattle finds 2,060,000 hits.
A nice place to visit, but I guess you wouldn’t want to invest there.
I spent quite a bit of time in Spokane back in the 90’s, and found it pleasant. I’m a trifle disappointed because my wife, who hasn’t been feeling well, decided not to attend a professional conference this month that’s being held at the Davenport.
Spokane ain’t that bad but don’t get me started on Yakima!
“Who is your City” has an interesting take on why some cities thrive and some don’t. Spokane doesn’t attract the Creative Class, so won’t get out being a 2nd tier, feeder city.
“This entails that cities that loose the young adults are loosing talent permanently. Once a college grad leaves town, he is unlikely to come back. Young college grads cluster in just a few cities. Those are the winners in the competition for talent.”
#1 – giggle
Er, I bet, just guessing, NY has MORE scam’s than Seattle. Maybe, just MAYBE it’s because it’s LARGER? Hmmm? Seattle metro area is 3.5 million, Spokane is 400k (almost 10x diff). The New York metro area is 18.5 million. Might have something to do with it?
#4 – I always find that interesting. There are essentially 3 types of cities. Cities that are the creators/designers (NY, Seattle, etc)…cities were people just work (Davenport Iowa) due to clustering of factories/bases/transit, and cities were people retire/live (Phoenix)
5 Don’t forget cities where people play (Las Vegas)
They didn’t need a monorail, they had a parking garage.
Well, wudduya know! Spokane, the heartland of Washington Republicanism, is the fraud capital of the U.S., a robbers’ roost, the North American equivalent of Somalia’s pirate dens. Who wudda thunk?!!
And Yakima, eastern Washington’s other iconic Republican town, is the drug transshipment capital of the Pacific Northwest …
Interesting that the city of Spokane is trying to force out bus-bench ads at STA stops, because people call them unsightly. If people don’t want to subsidize it(took two attempts post-695 to raise the sales tax, and the second time they said it would only be 5 years, but the voters renewed it when it came up for renewal), and fare revenue is not enough, the ad revenue must be another source.
The old Spokane Stock Exchange that folded in the early 1990’s was formed in the 19th century primarily to trade Idaho silver mining stocks. Over the years it morphed into trading penny stocks. It was a scam artists playground that provided lifetime employment security for SEC prosecutors.
An entire article on Spokane scams and not one mention of Metropolitan Mortgage & Securities Co. How can that be? Truly the most successful of the scams for quite some time ($450 million), the Sandifur’s were able to be jet setters for a while in non-extradition countries. Oh well, the fact that Forbes didn’t mention it probably has more to do with Forbes endorsing the corporation for many years as great success. Our own lovely Congresswoman is genuinely incapable of telling the truth about anything, though i am sure all of the statements sent out are always written by someone else: FoxNews, Wall Street Journal, George Will — liars all.
The bus benches are not only unsightly, they are physically dangerous because the company that controls them doesn’t care at all about public safety.