Several troopers worked on high-occupancy-vehicle (HOV) lane enforcement for two hours and issued 52 citations for car-pool-lane cheaters using the westbound HOV lane.
Funny, I assumed that Goldy was speaking of the 52 HOV-lane cheaters as the assholes.
Right Stuffspews:
More proof that GP lanes are in short supply around here.
Question for DOT? Since we aren’t going to build more lanes, can we at least make the HOV lane accessible during non peak times? Make them HOV 6am-9am and 3pm-7pm, otherwise general purpose use?
I’d like to see Goldy Clarify this…
Logic would dictate that the “assholes” are the ones breaking the law.
Then again, it’s Goldy?
You might want to make clear who you are calling an asshole, the State Patrol officers doing their job, or the assholes who cheat.
Right Stuff: Because there is no need to open up the lanes during off peak hours. Think about it, won’t you?
You know, it occurred to me that some might wonder whether I was referring to the troopers or the cheaters as “assholes,” but then I thought, “Nyah… everybody would know I meant the cheaters, right?” Guess I should update and clarify.
This is a liberal blog. I support HOV lanes. And it really pisses me off when I see cheaters using them.
“This is a liberal blog”
Which means by definition that laws which are inconvenient to you, are not necessarily something you agree with.
RightStuff @3,
The HOV lanes are open 7 by 24, just have 2+ people in your car. Or in other words, share your ride with some one.
For some reason, support for HOV lanes tends to fall on the liberal side of the spectrum. It seemed silly to me that somebody would assume that I was opposed to HOV lanes.
Richard Popespews:
Goldy is just opposed to the HOV laws being enforced against liberals. It should be enough to buy carbon credits.
I’m sure the person with the suspended license was ticketed and sent on their merry way to offend again.
They should have their car impounded and sold.
headless lucyspews:
re 8: Examples, please. I don’t think you have a leg to stand on.
Can i buy slowness credits from my grandma, and then drive fast?
headless lucyspews:
re 11: Richard, do you say these idiotic things just to enjoy the brotherhood of the right wing submissive/authoritarian group-think experience?
@10 & 13….
A special lane that people who meet a certain criteria are only allowed to use?
The liberal creed is give me everything for free.
headless lucyspews:
If you speak in an abusive, controlling voice to a right wing submissive/authoritarian group-think personality, their first inclination is to hop to it and obey.
When they realize who’s ordering them about, they are filled with self-loathing — which generates hatred toward the authoritative liberal.
You guys can’t deal with the real!
headless lucyspews:
re 16: The creed of the right wing submissive/authoritarian group-think personality is to suck a rich man’s genetic inheritance.
18 …and to consider oneself empowered by so doing.
Huh… Funny, I always thought the Conservative Creed was to get an education, start your own business, work your ass of (emply a bunch of liberals), support your family and try and leave your kids with a nest egg.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
@21 No, it would appear the Conservative Creed is to rob, pillage and plunder, using other people’s children to do your dying and killing, and to advocate Torture, voter suppression and abolishment of Habeas Corpus.
So sad, You are found Out.
It doesn’t sound unreasonable to me to ticket mis-use of the HOV lanes. After all, revenue enhancment is the primary reason for being for the WSP.
Gee that’s really cute….
so, treefrog, do you still molest little boys?
union Firemanspews:
Why not use the HOV lanes for what they were designed for, and make it so that to be classified as an HOV, you either need to be providing transit or for cars make it so that there must be 2 licensed occupants in the lane. Driving in an HOV lane with an infant in a car seat defeats the purpose.
And down in Portland, they open the HOV lanes during off peak hours. Why not here?
Goldy says:
Almost all of my sexual overtures to John Edwards have been rebuffed.
Almost all.
Rosie said it was a conspircy on the part of the Bush Administaration to undermine the caring demeanor of a gay person and make him look like an ambulance chaser . I Heard it on the View so it must be true . No news agencies disputes what Rosie says .
1. All cops are assholes
2. The HOV lanes are well-intentioned but ineffective
3. I hope we run out of oil so that the Bush family and the bin Laden family will run out of money
I know you support HOV lanes, but the post seemed so random, I thought you violated the sanctity of the diamond lane, and got caught.
headless lucyspews:
re 27: “Peple who live in log cabins shouldn’t throw stones.”
Kenneth Brian Mehlman, RNC
Forget the HOV lanes for the moment (and the raucnhy false posts above), and think about the ordinary surface streets. Suppose you’re going to work on a surface street that has two lanes in each direction.
Why is it that people think the inside lane is the fast/passing lane? As far as I know, none of the lanes on a surface street are designated the passing lanes or fast lanes, yet people drive like maniacs on these streets, acting as if they were on the stupid freeway. I’d like it very much if the cops would “enhance revenue” at the expense of jerks like that!
headless lucyspews:
re 20: “Huh? says:
Huh… Funny, I always thought the Conservative Creed was to get an education, start your own business, work your ass of (emply a bunch of liberals), support your family and try and leave your kids with a nest egg.”
That’s the liberal creed. The conservative creed is to find scapegoats for their own failures and persecute them, a-la KRYSTALNACHT.
“An … investigation has already led to the removal of one lawyer connected to the project. The inquiry has also discovered that California congressman and current presidential candidate Duncan Hunter — who is the ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee — is a client of the firm, Blackwater USA, a massive US security contractor in Iraq.
Minutes of a planning meeting raise questions about whether Hunter was involved in lobbying for the project. At the Feb. 8, 2007 planning meeting, Vice President for Blackwater West Brian Bonfiglio said Hunter was one of the firm’s clients.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 You know, I think there may be some substance to the recent posts implying that Richard Pope’s mental health has been deteriorating lately and the poor guy is now on the verge of going completely insane.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 “Huh? says: The liberal creed is give me everything for free.”
No, that would be you Republicans, as the last 6 years have so amply demonstrated.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 “Huh? says: Huh… Funny, I always thought the Conservative Creed was to get an education, start your own business, work your ass of (emply a bunch of liberals), support your family and try and leave your kids with a nest egg.”
No, that would be us Democrats. Conservatives don’t have any education (as the last 3 years of comments on this board so amply demonstrate) nor do they work; in fact, the whole fucking point of being a Republican is to live off other people’s work.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 “After all, revenue enhancment is the primary reason for being for the WSP.”
You’d have a hard time finding any state trooper who thinks his job is to raise money for the state, Lib. Those guys are out there at all times of day and night, in all weather, to keep you alive and safe.
Why do you hate cops? How long have you been a cop-hater? Is it because you get a lot of tickets?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 You got something against kids?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why shouldn’t kids have the same right to ride in an HOV lane as licensed adults?
Heathen Sinnerspews:
#8 – I always thought that thats how the conservatives felt.
Roger said,
“Why do you hate cops? How long have you been a cop-hater? Is it because you get a lot of tickets?
04/04/2007 at 1:06 pm ”
I don’t hate cops, and I have only 2 tickets on my record of 39 years of driving. I resent cops beause they behave like a bunch of arrogant jerks.
Roger said,
“You’d have a hard time finding any state trooper who thinks his job is to raise money for the state, Lib.”
Maybe, but the state government doesn’t donate ticket money to charity either!
Heathen Sinnerspews:
The Conservative creed – Be lucky enough to earn a good living but then spit on the face of democracy (the system that helped get you there) by not wanting to pay taxes. Because taxes naturally go towards suckas that live off your back….whos going to pay for the war? Not me says the rich man, but go fight (risk limb and life)for my freedom and my right to earn a great living – Because I have to think about leaving my kids the millions that I earned.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Huh?@23 That would be the dipwad who teaches engineering up at SU. . .you know, the dipwad that posts as Mark the Retarded. . . . .
43 Mark teached at SU? He certainly didn’t pick up his attitude from the Jesuits.
Ugh. I’ve got to start typing more carefully. People will think I’m just another example of the “I R A En-guneer” stereotype.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
ArtFart@45 Umm, times do change. I believe it was 1947 when Gonzaga let women in. . .but they still had to walk five blocks to a Gas Station to use a bathroom for the first two years. . .
The Jebbies are marvelous people, by and large, BUT, there are exceptions. . . .
Goldy seemed perfectly clear to me.
@23 Your statement is kinda funny in light of all the men on the right that have shown a fondness for boys lately.
Heathen Sinnerspews:
I love it how a conservative measures hardwork and success based on how much money is made. Nothing more in life than to make money to show your net worth.
Heathen Sinnerspews:
If you lie, steal and cheat like a Republican you can make a lot of money. Just don’t rob a bank, you’ll be branded a thief.
It stands to reason that assholes are republicans. See, there’s ‘assholes’ and then there’s ‘assholers’ from which the popular name is derived. Assholers are the ones who dig the graves for donkeys when they, as all living things do, die. The hole is an ass hole and assholers are those who dig the hole. Being that the mascot for the democratic party is the donkey, and that all philosophy associated with democracy, democratic participation etc are summarily reviled by those who hold dear its opposite philosophy, that of “me, myself and mine”, republicans, it is republicans who wish to bury the donkey democratic party an thus become assholers more popularly, “ASSHOLES”.
The HOV lanes get me out of my car and into the bus.
It seems to me that we need a term for fans of this blog. Assholes won’t do for all of us, so maybe we can use it for the conservative fans? They can prouldy proclaim themselves Horesesassholes!
That means the liberals will need an equivalent term. Any suggestions?
I think “Horsesassholes” will work for everyone on this blog.
And I’d be willing to bet that every time Goldy has been stopped by the police for anything, he was 100% guilty most of the time, but like most liberals and their naive thinking: ‘That surely dosen’t apply to me! Syndrome’ certainly shows itself. Get over it you douche-bags. Kudos to the hard working men and women of the WSP for doing an excellent job. Most whiney liberals would get their asses kicked the first day on the job if he or she were doing the job of law enforcement. Try throwing the P.C. and “race” card around to try and justify why you got stopped even though you know it was your actions that caused you to get stopped in the first place. Huh? That’s NEVER happened before right?….
Heathen Sinnerspews:
MarkZero – thanks for informing me – I didn’t realize every cop in America is a Conservative.
I take it you were one of the 52?
Funny, I assumed that Goldy was speaking of the 52 HOV-lane cheaters as the assholes.
More proof that GP lanes are in short supply around here.
Question for DOT? Since we aren’t going to build more lanes, can we at least make the HOV lane accessible during non peak times? Make them HOV 6am-9am and 3pm-7pm, otherwise general purpose use?
I’d like to see Goldy Clarify this…
Logic would dictate that the “assholes” are the ones breaking the law.
Then again, it’s Goldy?
You might want to make clear who you are calling an asshole, the State Patrol officers doing their job, or the assholes who cheat.
Right Stuff: Because there is no need to open up the lanes during off peak hours. Think about it, won’t you?
520 basically sucks donkey balls.
Jacob @1,
You know, it occurred to me that some might wonder whether I was referring to the troopers or the cheaters as “assholes,” but then I thought, “Nyah… everybody would know I meant the cheaters, right?” Guess I should update and clarify.
This is a liberal blog. I support HOV lanes. And it really pisses me off when I see cheaters using them.
“This is a liberal blog”
Which means by definition that laws which are inconvenient to you, are not necessarily something you agree with.
RightStuff @3,
The HOV lanes are open 7 by 24, just have 2+ people in your car. Or in other words, share your ride with some one.
Huh @8,
For some reason, support for HOV lanes tends to fall on the liberal side of the spectrum. It seemed silly to me that somebody would assume that I was opposed to HOV lanes.
Goldy is just opposed to the HOV laws being enforced against liberals. It should be enough to buy carbon credits.
I’m sure the person with the suspended license was ticketed and sent on their merry way to offend again.
They should have their car impounded and sold.
re 8: Examples, please. I don’t think you have a leg to stand on.
Can i buy slowness credits from my grandma, and then drive fast?
re 11: Richard, do you say these idiotic things just to enjoy the brotherhood of the right wing submissive/authoritarian group-think experience?
@10 & 13….
A special lane that people who meet a certain criteria are only allowed to use?
The liberal creed is give me everything for free.
If you speak in an abusive, controlling voice to a right wing submissive/authoritarian group-think personality, their first inclination is to hop to it and obey.
When they realize who’s ordering them about, they are filled with self-loathing — which generates hatred toward the authoritative liberal.
You guys can’t deal with the real!
re 16: The creed of the right wing submissive/authoritarian group-think personality is to suck a rich man’s genetic inheritance.
18 …and to consider oneself empowered by so doing.
Huh… Funny, I always thought the Conservative Creed was to get an education, start your own business, work your ass of (emply a bunch of liberals), support your family and try and leave your kids with a nest egg.
@21 No, it would appear the Conservative Creed is to rob, pillage and plunder, using other people’s children to do your dying and killing, and to advocate Torture, voter suppression and abolishment of Habeas Corpus.
So sad, You are found Out.
It doesn’t sound unreasonable to me to ticket mis-use of the HOV lanes. After all, revenue enhancment is the primary reason for being for the WSP.
Gee that’s really cute….
so, treefrog, do you still molest little boys?
Why not use the HOV lanes for what they were designed for, and make it so that to be classified as an HOV, you either need to be providing transit or for cars make it so that there must be 2 licensed occupants in the lane. Driving in an HOV lane with an infant in a car seat defeats the purpose.
And down in Portland, they open the HOV lanes during off peak hours. Why not here?
Goldy says:
Almost all of my sexual overtures to John Edwards have been rebuffed.
Almost all.
Rosie said it was a conspircy on the part of the Bush Administaration to undermine the caring demeanor of a gay person and make him look like an ambulance chaser . I Heard it on the View so it must be true . No news agencies disputes what Rosie says .
1. All cops are assholes
2. The HOV lanes are well-intentioned but ineffective
3. I hope we run out of oil so that the Bush family and the bin Laden family will run out of money
I know you support HOV lanes, but the post seemed so random, I thought you violated the sanctity of the diamond lane, and got caught.
re 27: “Peple who live in log cabins shouldn’t throw stones.”
Kenneth Brian Mehlman, RNC
Forget the HOV lanes for the moment (and the raucnhy false posts above), and think about the ordinary surface streets. Suppose you’re going to work on a surface street that has two lanes in each direction.
Why is it that people think the inside lane is the fast/passing lane? As far as I know, none of the lanes on a surface street are designated the passing lanes or fast lanes, yet people drive like maniacs on these streets, acting as if they were on the stupid freeway. I’d like it very much if the cops would “enhance revenue” at the expense of jerks like that!
re 20: “Huh? says:
Huh… Funny, I always thought the Conservative Creed was to get an education, start your own business, work your ass of (emply a bunch of liberals), support your family and try and leave your kids with a nest egg.”
That’s the liberal creed. The conservative creed is to find scapegoats for their own failures and persecute them, a-la KRYSTALNACHT.
Still waiting for your marching orders?
“An … investigation has already led to the removal of one lawyer connected to the project. The inquiry has also discovered that California congressman and current presidential candidate Duncan Hunter — who is the ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee — is a client of the firm, Blackwater USA, a massive US security contractor in Iraq.
Minutes of a planning meeting raise questions about whether Hunter was involved in lobbying for the project. At the Feb. 8, 2007 planning meeting, Vice President for Blackwater West Brian Bonfiglio said Hunter was one of the firm’s clients.”
@11 You know, I think there may be some substance to the recent posts implying that Richard Pope’s mental health has been deteriorating lately and the poor guy is now on the verge of going completely insane.
@16 “Huh? says: The liberal creed is give me everything for free.”
No, that would be you Republicans, as the last 6 years have so amply demonstrated.
@20 “Huh? says: Huh… Funny, I always thought the Conservative Creed was to get an education, start your own business, work your ass of (emply a bunch of liberals), support your family and try and leave your kids with a nest egg.”
No, that would be us Democrats. Conservatives don’t have any education (as the last 3 years of comments on this board so amply demonstrate) nor do they work; in fact, the whole fucking point of being a Republican is to live off other people’s work.
@22 “After all, revenue enhancment is the primary reason for being for the WSP.”
You’d have a hard time finding any state trooper who thinks his job is to raise money for the state, Lib. Those guys are out there at all times of day and night, in all weather, to keep you alive and safe.
Why do you hate cops? How long have you been a cop-hater? Is it because you get a lot of tickets?
@24 You got something against kids?
Why shouldn’t kids have the same right to ride in an HOV lane as licensed adults?
#8 – I always thought that thats how the conservatives felt.
Roger said,
“Why do you hate cops? How long have you been a cop-hater? Is it because you get a lot of tickets?
04/04/2007 at 1:06 pm ”
I don’t hate cops, and I have only 2 tickets on my record of 39 years of driving. I resent cops beause they behave like a bunch of arrogant jerks.
Roger said,
“You’d have a hard time finding any state trooper who thinks his job is to raise money for the state, Lib.”
Maybe, but the state government doesn’t donate ticket money to charity either!
The Conservative creed – Be lucky enough to earn a good living but then spit on the face of democracy (the system that helped get you there) by not wanting to pay taxes. Because taxes naturally go towards suckas that live off your back….whos going to pay for the war? Not me says the rich man, but go fight (risk limb and life)for my freedom and my right to earn a great living – Because I have to think about leaving my kids the millions that I earned.
Huh?@23 That would be the dipwad who teaches engineering up at SU. . .you know, the dipwad that posts as Mark the Retarded. . . . .
43 Mark teached at SU? He certainly didn’t pick up his attitude from the Jesuits.
Ugh. I’ve got to start typing more carefully. People will think I’m just another example of the “I R A En-guneer” stereotype.
ArtFart@45 Umm, times do change. I believe it was 1947 when Gonzaga let women in. . .but they still had to walk five blocks to a Gas Station to use a bathroom for the first two years. . .
The Jebbies are marvelous people, by and large, BUT, there are exceptions. . . .
Goldy seemed perfectly clear to me.
@23 Your statement is kinda funny in light of all the men on the right that have shown a fondness for boys lately.
I love it how a conservative measures hardwork and success based on how much money is made. Nothing more in life than to make money to show your net worth.
If you lie, steal and cheat like a Republican you can make a lot of money. Just don’t rob a bank, you’ll be branded a thief.
It stands to reason that assholes are republicans. See, there’s ‘assholes’ and then there’s ‘assholers’ from which the popular name is derived. Assholers are the ones who dig the graves for donkeys when they, as all living things do, die. The hole is an ass hole and assholers are those who dig the hole. Being that the mascot for the democratic party is the donkey, and that all philosophy associated with democracy, democratic participation etc are summarily reviled by those who hold dear its opposite philosophy, that of “me, myself and mine”, republicans, it is republicans who wish to bury the donkey democratic party an thus become assholers more popularly, “ASSHOLES”.
The HOV lanes get me out of my car and into the bus.
It seems to me that we need a term for fans of this blog. Assholes won’t do for all of us, so maybe we can use it for the conservative fans? They can prouldy proclaim themselves Horesesassholes!
That means the liberals will need an equivalent term. Any suggestions?
I think “Horsesassholes” will work for everyone on this blog.
I am an asshole.
How about Holy Ass?
And I’d be willing to bet that every time Goldy has been stopped by the police for anything, he was 100% guilty most of the time, but like most liberals and their naive thinking: ‘That surely dosen’t apply to me! Syndrome’ certainly shows itself. Get over it you douche-bags. Kudos to the hard working men and women of the WSP for doing an excellent job. Most whiney liberals would get their asses kicked the first day on the job if he or she were doing the job of law enforcement. Try throwing the P.C. and “race” card around to try and justify why you got stopped even though you know it was your actions that caused you to get stopped in the first place. Huh? That’s NEVER happened before right?….
MarkZero – thanks for informing me – I didn’t realize every cop in America is a Conservative.