The Olympian will be holding a live, online chat with WA State Democratic Party Chair Paul Berendt, Wednesday at noon. But you can submit a question in advance.
So if you truly believe that Paul is some criminal mastermind, bent on destroying our state’s democracy, here’s your chance to ask him point blank: “Paul, are you a criminal mastermind, bent on destroying our state’s democracy?”
Or you could pose the kind of useful question a sane person might ask. It’s up to you.
How about “Paul, was that you we saw holding hands with Karl Rove last week?”
Felons and Democratic politicking
[Goldy, Here’s my Question……………]
Should convicted murderers be allowed to vote? If the federal Count Every Vote Act of 2005 passes, they will be. The bill –sponsored by Democratic Sens. Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Barbara Boxer, Barbara Mikulski and others –would mandate felon voting across the country, regardless of state law. The bill shows that Democrats are more interested in the potential voting bloc than what the Constitution allows or what Americans actually want.
I personally have no love for Paul Berendt, and rarely feel that he represents my viewpoints the way I’d like them represented. It matters as much to me how a position is argued/presented, as the position itself.
You’d make a lousy juror, Daniel K.
P.S.: Dubya is a very charming guy, but his positions suck anyway.
My Questions for Paul:
1. How long did it to take you to organize maniplulating the last election?
2. Did you pay Dean Logan off with Cash of Sexual Favors?
3. How does one get a state job? I don’t like being forced to actually be held accountable for “results” at work and would like a steady paycheck without ever having to worry about being laid off?
Mr. Berendt: The election recount/fiasco/contest has damaged the credibility of the State government amongst the voting public. Agreed? Won’t this loss of credibility increase voter support for more anti-tax and anti-government initiatives? Wasn’t this outcome predictable to you and Gregoire when you called for the hand recount? If Eyman’s next anti-tax and anti-government initiative passes, will you and Gregoire acknowledge any responsibility?
Dear Zip: No. No. That’s your opinion. Why should they?
Hey Paul…is it true that Mike O’Grady-Gregoire is now working in the Governors office? [He worked before in the AGO’s office…..]
Is he still on the payroll as an investigator?????
Hey Paul;
Quit emailing me for money every week. I know that you have defend yourself from the people who request you to prove you didn’t do anything wrong. But, I haven’t figured out how to use the write offs like Cynical has. Can you claim to be a church, so I can write off my tithings? How about becoming an collective buying group like BIAW that scams its members, so we can send our rebates to the party?
Don @ 3
My point is that Berendt has done little IMO to warrant his re-election as state party chief by his demeanor during this post election. His rhetoric has been divisive and has not projected an image that would attract non-Democrats to the party, while surely alienating many within. He has countered hyperbole with hyperbole, rhetoric with rhetoric. Is it any wonder people are so turned off by politicians?
We need someone who is not a polarizing figure, who engages with the media in a composed and dignified manner in person and in print, who has the demeanor that attracts people to the party. Berendt is not that person IMVHO.
How about “Paul, what are the names of all the democrats who collected signatures for those 400 provisional votes and are they willing to themselves sign affidavits that every signature obtained actually belongs to the people whose names are on those provisional ballots?”
jcricket @ 6
Your answer to my first question (The election recount/fiasco/contest has damaged the credibility of the State government amongst the voting public. Agreed?) is “NO”????
WTF? Are you in a blue, left leaning dream environment? Check the polls. There has not been any other election in this state with so many people doubting that the winner was actually the person receving the most votes. And they have been there since the hand recount, so don’t blame it on BIAW and Rossi.
WRT my other questions, time will tell if my opinion is right. And just to be perfectly clear, I think Gregoire knew or should have known that by calling for the hand recount the state would be subjected to this loss of credibility (a la Florida 2000) but selfishly did it anyway. Eyman’s ilk has been handed an opportunity to reap the rewards of her selfish act.
Goldy, I hope you submit my questions just to get his anticipated pathetic response on record.
Cancel that, I just noticed the link ans submitted it myself. Maybe jcricket will answer for him.
Zip @ 11 Selfishly? I think you are very delusional. Do you for one moment think that Lossi would have let the outcome stand if he had finished second in the second machine recount? Don’t lie to your self. Gregory did the right thing at the right time and the state of Washington will benefit from her honesty and integrity. Now, that will give your brothers…cynicalidiot, rch etc something to gang up on me for again….LMAO
jpgee@13. Heard Stephan is starting his own I Love Lossi Show this season. I think he should do be a take off from Apprentice.
jp gee:
Try to rise above your impulse to revert to delusional-partisan-group-think before you answer.
No matter who lost the machine count and called for the hand recount, that step started the snowball rolling which is further eroding the public’s trust and confidence in state government. The situation the state is in right now was totally predictable based on Florida 2000, that is my point. Do you disagree that Eyman’s ilk has been handed an opportunity?
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