I’m glad the Democrats chose Patty Murray as Co-Chair of the bullshit deficit reduction committee*. To the extent that it’s almost certainly going to be an all cuts affair, I trust that the cuts she makes won’t be as godawful as some of her colleagues would make. It’ll probably be impossible to make cuts that aren’t godawful.
Her commitment to working people hopefully means that they won’t take quite the hit they’d take otherwise. And her work for veterans hopefully means that the military cuts will be things that ought to be cut and not the things that actually keep soldiers safe, or hurt their reintegration into society when they get home. She’s not really a firebrand, so hopefully she won’t draw the ire some people might in that position. Patty Murray: as good a choice as anyone for a committee that shouldn’t exist in the first place.
Also, one other thing. The Caucus piece linked above refers to her as the future “co-chairwoman” of the committee. I assume that means the Republican co-chair will also be a woman. Otherwise, let’s hear it for gender neutral language in the future.
* Editing this it looks like we’ve set up a committee to solve our bullshit deficit. Obviously, we have a surplus, but I’m keeping it written that way just for the asterisk.
Yes she’s been so frugal spending 6100 Billion more than was taken in….I can hardly wait!
The reason Sen. Murray is involved is to lend legitimacy to the shock doctrine policies we see being enacted. If she wants to help working people she should not accept the position and speak out against the policies.
Well, Cher can always set up another charity to buy helmets and flak jackets for our soldiers serving in combat zones, to make possible more tax cuts for billionaires.
Just remember, there will be tax increases in March 2013 unless the Rethugs hang onto the House, win 60 seats in the Senate, and win the White House next year — unless Spineless Democrats(TM) give in to GOP Bullying(TM) again and extend the Bush tax cuts for the rich again.
Pardon me, I’m not supposed to say “tax increases,” what I meant was “revenue enhancements.”
Let’s hope her Republican co-chair hails from the great state of Maine.
@5 You’re giving Mitch McConnell more credit for reasonbleness than he deserves.
So Harry Reid is trying to raise Patty Murray’s stature? The dumbest senator in sneakers will be on the committee? Whoopdedoo!
For you Benz lovers your car may have been built in Alabama!
Or this one:
Did you leftist pinheads forget Moody’s has given a negative outlook to the US Debt? What is Patty Murray gonna do about that?
From CNN, the latest web site Roger Dumb Rabbit visits:
Did you leftist pinheads forget S&P wants $4 Trillion pared from the US Debt? How will Patty Murray do that?
Now who added this additional $4 Trillion in US Debt? Obummer with his dope and pennies of change!
Jesus Christ Spudds, take your fuckin meds.
Fuckin nutball.
Anyone who really loves Mercedes Benz automobiles, buys the ones built in Germany. The American built ones are considered junk. I know, I used to work on them. The plant was so bad that they hired a bunch of Toyota engineers to straighten out the problems a few years ago.
Only a conservative would be cheering the guillotine while the Gendarmes are sneaking up behind him.
Take your meds leftist pinhead. The truth bothers you! Notice you have no comments on S&P and Moody!
Typical HA moron!
Patty Murray – Dumbest in the Senate! Needs stature help
John Kerry – Loser… the “I blame the Tea Party” fool!
Max Baucus – semi-Ok person, but made that deal with Big Pharma. Somehow Big Pharma was the pariah of HA leftist pinheads until DUMMOCRAPTS made the big deal approved by the whitey house!
These people don’t have any record of working together, none on the Gang of 6; people who rejected trimming the 8% continual increases. Yes we’ll have across the board reductions with these three on the DUMMOCRAPTIC side!
The GOPers eked out a breathless 1-seat victory in Wisconsin last night, and the stock market rewarded their victory this morning by dropping 400 points.
Or maybe the market read puddy’s latest brain farts and choked.
America’s new Poet Laureate is a champion of working stiffs
and you can learn what “locavesting” is (i.e., bypassing Wall Street and investing in businesses near your home) here
At this moment, things look pretty ugly, with the stock market giving up all of yesterday’s gains — the DJIA was down 450 points a moment ago.
We’re still suffering the hangover of the Bush Economy. This isn’t all bad; at this rate, stocks will soon be free, and even street derelicts can afford to be stockholders! Then companies will have their unemployed ex-workers showing up at their annual meetings to get the free hors d’oevres!
@10 “Yes we’ll have across the board reductions”
I sure hope so! Then we’ll see real reductions in bloated defense spending!
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns defense stocks, and will take it in the shorts if U.S. militarism is reined in, but will gladly trade capital gains for peace any day!)
More BULLSHITTIUM from Roger Dumb Rabbit. We all know this is another pathetic attempt at miscalling the union thuggery in Wisconsin!
BTW I like the badger state. Had some great vacations there over the years. The Dells are beautiful.
Nope… Wasserman Schultz called this Obummer’s economy! Keep dope alive Roger Dumb Rabbit!
@16 Is there some reason why you didn’t mention the Door County whitefish boils? You got something against eating fish?
@17 Gibberish.
So are you saying the stock market isn’t down over 400 Dow points this morning? Is my computer lying to me?
Randy Hopper, one of the GOPers who lost last night, owns both major radio stations in his district, but beaten anyway and by the same candidate he defeated when he was elected — it appears his constituents don’t like the way he represented them.
Wikipedia reports that both his wife and his maid signed the recall petition against him — he must be a hell of a guy! Oops, make that a guy from hell!
Oh, and Hopper is a liar, too — he ran TV ads claiming his opponent, Oshkosh mayor Jessica King, voted to raise her own pay when in fact she voted against the pay raise.
Good riddance to smelly garbage.
You have to be pretty pathetic to lose an election in a market where you own the media.
What we should be working towards is a pay-off of our debt held by foreigners. When I read my Keynesian economics book back in 1971, the author, Paul Samuelson, stated that the deficit didn’t matter because it was debt owed to ourselves. Well, fast forward forty years, and much of our debt is held by foreigners, and some of those foreigners don’t like us very much.
The reason for their dislike is the subject of another thread. What I think is important is moving towards an action plan to redeem all our debt held by foreigners. Let’s make Samuelson’s statement true again and only borrow from ourselves. There are a lot of ways we can get there. The most obvious method is to increase taxes and use those taxes specifically to cancel bonds held by foreigners.
Another idea I have is the pre-payment of estate taxes by wealthy individuals. What I propose is that we set up a program whereby wealthy folks can elect to pay their estate taxes early and receive, say, a 50% reduction from the normal estate tax. For example, suppose a 40-year-old multi-millionaire with an estate of $100 million wants to pay his estate taxes before he dies. If this guy’s hypothetical estate tax bill would normally be $45 million, he would only pay $22.5 million now. When he dies in 50 more years, let’s assume his estate has re-grown to the original $100 million. That $100 million would pass to his heirs totally free of federal estate taxes because he paid his estate taxes early.
Money today is always worth more than money tomorrow. What this idea does is accelerate the payment of estate taxes by the super-rich to pay-off current debt. Once the debt is paid-off, we should only issue new debt to American citizens. If we can’t fund our government with taxes and debt generated solely by taxes and loans from Americans, we’ll be is sad shape.
This is a long-term project and will require a lot of working-out of the details as to who would be elgible, the amounts of money involved, etc. But I think we can more to self-sufficiency in national government financing. (This same plan might be applicable to state governments, too.)
@3 Roger, those are some pretty big “unlesses”.
@7 “The dumbest senator”
Well, golly gee whiz, Pudwhacker….how many terms has she served now? If she’s all that dumb, then you guys must be even dumber.
@17 And who the hell are Wasserman and Schultz? Do they have their heads as far up their butts as the clowns at SubStandard and PissPoor?
@15 By the way, folks…if any of y’all are offended at Roger being so evil as to have a stake in military-industrial pig farm, you might take a look at what those nice fund managers have done with the money you’ve been pissing into–er, “investing” in your 401(k)’s all these years.
@24 That’s one hell of an idea, sir! Even Uncle Frank over on Fairview Avenue might see some merit in it–at least he might have before he completely lost his mind.
@19 I’ll at least give Puddy credit for avoiding the typical teabaggers’ propensity for butchering the English language. Instead, he’s chosen to use one of his own invention.
It’s called “P-bonics”…lol.
@29 Yeah, he’s thinking outside the box without blame. Kudos.
@30, 31 Darryl has a P-bonics Secret Decoder ring but he’s not sharing. Without one, I usually have very few clues as to what the loon is raving about.
True that!
@34 I’ve asked Darryl a couple of times to loan me the ring, but in hindsight I’m actually quite glad he never gave it to me. I really have no desire to peer deeper into the mind of that loon.
@24 “much of our debt is held by foreigners”
Less than a third of U.S. public debt is held by foreigners. China owns 1/12 of it. The other three biggest holders are governments friendly to us — Japan, U.K., and Brazil.
@25 I think the only “unless” that has any chance of coming to fruition is Spineless Democrats(TM), and you’re right, that’s a big one.
@28 Shit, I probably bought it from them.
@24 (continued) How the hell do you limit ownership of Treasury bonds to U.S. citizens? Create a gigantic bureaucracy to keep track of each and every bond? Including those worth 100 bucks? Ask people for birth certificates before they can buy Treasuries? What about corporations and banks, will they need a photo ID to own Treasuries? Won’t restricting overseas circulations of Trasuries impair their liquidity and lower their market value?
@24 (continued) Oh, and one more thing, who in his right mind would volunteer to pay $22.5 million in taxes so his kids can inherit his estate tax-free? Most guys worth $100 million don’t even know their kids’ names — they delegate that chore to the wife. And they’re gonna leave the money to their foundation — tax-free — anyway. You don’t see Bill Gates Jr. or Warren Buffett giving money to their kids, do you? Hollywood figures don’t — they figure their kids will spend it on drugs. Frankly, I don’t think your idea will catch on.
One could argue that having the Chinese investing in our government bonds actually works well for us – it gives them a vested interest in the financial stability of the U.S.
It worked with regard to the Saudi and UAE oil shiekdoms. We paid them obscene amounts of money for their oil since the mid-1970’s, but they then turned around and invested it (diversification) in U.S. and European investments. That is why you never hear about oil boycots any more, and the Saudis have been pretty cooperative about pumping more oil whenever we have a shortage, to keep the costs within an acceptable range. Heck, the Saudis care more about the health of the U.S. economy than the Tea Baggers do.
In case you missed this article…
“Psychologist and social scientist Dacher Keltner says the rich really are different, and not in a good way: Their life experience makes them less empathetic, less altruistic, and generally more selfish…
The rich are different — and not in a good way, studies suggest
Roger; I’m still reading “Roger Morris, Financier of the Revolution”. It’s got a conservative bent, but it’s really fascinating to read about the mechanics of the early mercantile trade, and the various types of debt instruments which were created in an attempt to finance the war. It has lots of quotes from Morris’ correspondence with Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, etc. in which they are searching for ways to turn pledges into cash, at a time when there were no banks, a shortage of hard currency (coin), and negotiable instruments and government bonds were considered risky investments.
At several points Morris had to pledge his personal fortune to back the debt instruments of the U.S. government, and to secure supplies for Washington’s army.
@41 “One could argue that having the Chinese investing in our government bonds actually works well for us – it gives them a vested interest in the financial stability of the U.S.”
Even better, it gives us opportunities to rip them off, so they’ll pay our debt for us instead of using their money to buy submarines and aircraft carriers.
After all, our trolls don’t seriously believe a government that steals from its own citizens won’t steal from its enemies, do they?
@43 I haven’t read that one, thanks for the heads up.
I’m one of those rabbits whose appetite for books exceeds the aperture diameter of his eyeballs — my records show I’ve check out 500 books from the public library in the last three years. And that doesn’t count the books I buy; I have a dozen new books arriving from Amazon (or its affiliates) this month alone.
@36 A very sizeable portion of the national debt total consists of money borrowed from–and presumably owed back to–the Social Security trust fund.
GOP Appoints Tea Partiers And Anti-Tax Militants To Bullshit Deficit Reduction Committee
“Republicans named their six members Wednesday to a U.S. congressional deficit-reduction super committee, including a favorite of the conservative Tea Party movement and other no-new-taxes hardliners.
“In a move that could deadlock the 12-member panel over taxes, … Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell named Tea Party ally Patrick Toomey to the panel with Jon Kyl and Rob Portman. …
“Speaker John Boehner … appointed Dave Camp, who chairs the tax-writing House Ways & Means Committee, along with conservative ‘young gun’ Jeb Hensarling and Fred Upton. …
“[T]he six Republicans are a diverse group, but they were expected to toe the Republican anti-tax line. The GOP appointments ‘will make sure that you don’t get any tax increases,’ said FBR Capital Markets policy analyst Ed Mills, predicting that Portman — who directed the U.S. Office of Management and Budget for a year in the Bush administration — will be the star of the committee. ‘The best news is that we have avoided appointment of any bomb-throwers. You have some serious people here,’ Mills said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We’ll see. It’s hard to find a reputable economist who thinks anyone can be serious about reducing the deficit without increased revenues.
Leukemia Treatment ‘Sensational’
In other news, researchers report “sensational results” from a new leukemia treatment.
@47 The federal government owns about a third of its own debt.
There’s been a few advances lately cancer wise that have had awesome results. There’s also a local trial going on with ovarian cancer patients using taxol and cisplatin that looks like it’s going to have great results.
Yeah, the deficit reduction committee is crap on so many levels. One that doesn’t seem to have been mentioned yet is that, this committee needs to be a forward looking group of folks. They need to understand what’s coming at us in the next 30 years. Who on the committee fulfills that role? Anyone?
The 6 Republicans are all bat-shit crazy and in the pocket of a handful of wealthy fascists.
@52 Look 30 years ahead? Are you kidding? These yahoos will have their congressional pensions long before then.
@53 Yeah, I think we can pretty much count on automatic spending cuts.
Wall Street thinks so, too, judging from what it did today to my defense stocks.
CNN Poll: GOP Out Of Touch
A new CNN poll shows nearly two-thirds of Americans want Congress to raise taxes on the rich, leave Social Security and Medicare alone, and a solid 47% favor deep cuts in military spending.
@7. Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American cities spews:
Patty may be stupid but at least she knows that the best way to combat terrorism is by building day care centers.
“WASHINGTON — Sen. Patty Murray intended to be provocative when she told a group of high school students terrorist leader Osama bin Laden is popular in poor countries because he helped pay for schools, roads and even day care centers.”
@14. Roger Rabbit spews:
We’re still suffering the hangover of the Bush Economy.
Rodent, you old fart, at least you still think like a child, always blaming somebody else, never taking responsibility for anything.
@24. Politically Incorrect spews:
What we should be working towards is a pay-off of our debt held by foreigners. When I read my Keynesian economics book back in 1971, the author, Paul Samuelson, stated that the deficit didn’t matter because it was debt owed to ourselves. Well, fast forward forty years, and much of our debt is held by foreigners, and some of those foreigners don’t like us very much.
Do you think that the Fed paid gold for the junk bonds it bought, you nitwit?
Nope… just your stupid as always reasoning!
Those are comments from leftist DUMMOCRAPTS in the senate. Do you read the newspapers Roger Dumb Rabbit or do you use them as butt wiping only?
Do Republicans Want Great Depression 2.0?
Sometimes it sure looks that way. GOPers have spared no effort to tell ordinary Americans that “stimulus” is a dirty word. But listen to what experts say:
“The reason we didn’t go into a depression three years ago is the policy response by Congress and the Fed,” said Dan Seiver, a finance professor at San Diego State University.
Which almost makes you wonder whether Republicans are saboteurs working for Al Qaeda who are trying to destroy America, doesn’t it?
@60 I don’t need to use newspapers for wiping my butt. I print out your comments for that.
@58 “Rodent, you old fart, at least you still think like a child, always blaming somebody else, never taking responsibility for anything.”
How, exactly, am I responsible for all this shit? I have no debt, I pay my bills, and I invest in American companies. And by refusing to work for Republican bosses at Republican wages and Republican working conditions, I leave a job vacant for someone who needs it! Personally, I think I’m one of the very few REAL AMERICANS left in this country, even though I’m only a feral rabbit living in a hole in the ground in a public park.
Oh my Artfart wins the moron of the day award!
Here are Debbie Wasserman Schultz own words Artfart! Is being old affecting you like Roger Dumb Rabbit!
BTW Artfart and Roger Dumb Rabbit… Wasserman Schultz said it so who is butchering the English language now morons?
@63 Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I don’t vote for Republicans, either. So, I repeat, how am I responsible for this shit?
i’m sure eveyone here thinks/labels me as a fruitcake, and i certainly dont care what a bunch of jew loving wackos think. however, i’ve been saying for 2 or 3 years now we are about to crash. whats funny is that thruout history, those who were cowards enough to went along to get along, and the brave, who spoke out, like a galileo, were arrested. so, you aint gonna here any of our wonderful leaders, dem or gop, say anything brave. but we are now fucked. at best we might survive and george soros will have destroyed another currency (how you libs dont know this or recognise it is beyond me). at worst the whole world turns into london. too bad.
@58 “Do you think that the Fed paid gold for the junk bonds it bought, you nitwit?”
For once you’ve got a point. The Fed paid for hot air with hot air. Everybody wins.
@66 “however, i’ve been saying for 2 or 3 years now we are about to crash”
Now all you have to do is learn how to time it a bit more precisely and you can make a killing on 60-day puts and calls.
@66 “but we are now fucked”
You mean you humans are fucked. I can live on grass.
@66 (continued) If you think George Soros has the ability the destroy currencies, at least in the absence of the willing complicity of duplicitous governments, you are truly ignorant.
Guys like George Soros make their bones by trading government-issued hot air for real money before other people realize what the government issued is nothing but hot air.
Judging from how many people are piling into gold the public isn’t as gullible this time around. As for me, I’m waiting for the stock market to hit bottom, before I trade my government-issued hot air for a share of the future earnings of profitable companies in perpetuity.
Believe me, I don’t want to be a long-term holder of cash in this environment.
If you think George Soros has the ability the destroy currencies, at least in the absence of the willing complicity of duplicitous governments, you are truly ignorant.
well, you said it. duplicitous, for us less educated, in cahoots with soros. seriuosly, do you really believe that soros has just used smarts? then why did a lot of other smart guys do the same? do you really believe soros hasnt bribed, cajoled, manipulated etc? why would he play by the rules, but not for example bernie madoff. soros plays at a higher level, where if the highest levels of government are involved, who’s going to police them?
roger i meant why did a lot of other smart guys not do the same
Oh how you’ve grown, Rabbit. Only a year ago you would have cited how low interests rates and brisk bond auctions were a sign of a strong economy and confidence in the USA. I guess you took the red pill and figured out what QE and fake balance sheets were doing… It was all a mirage.
It does help that Europe is imploding, but i think The Bernank will unleash QE3 (or some other form of it) before year end.
What do rabbits store for when for TSHTF moment? Carrots and grass?
Long silver.
@76 “Only a year ago you would have cited how low interests rates and brisk bond auctions were a sign of a strong economy and confidence in the USA.”
I don’t remember saying that a year ago. Where have you been? I’ve been posting for months that QE2 simply pumped $600 billion into the stock market and caused inflation while having virtually no stimulative effect. I opposed QE2 almost from its beginning.
” i think The Bernank will unleash QE3 (or some other form of it) before year end”
I think he won’t.
“What do rabbits store for when for TSHTF moment? Carrots and grass?”
See #69.
I’m sure glad I sold my Exxon stock for $79 last week. It’s $68 today.
So Warren Buffett and Bill Gates who are giving almost all of it away suck rhp6033?
Well lets see about these libtardos are doing with their wealth
Ted Turner – stipulations on his largess???
Steve Jobs???
Larry Ellison???
George Soros??? Dodd-Frank Regulation Evasion
Bernie Madoff??? In Jail
S. Donald Sussman??? Many HA nutcases may not know this moron but he Claims che lives in the Virgin Islands so wants a tax break while living with a DUMMOCRAPT Congresswoman in Maine! Big DUMMOCRAPT Donor
Thomas Daschle??? Tax Evasion
J Allen Stanford??? In Jail
Charles Rangel??? Oh yeah Tax Evasion
John Effin Kerry??? Blatant Tax Evasion
Timothy Geithner??? Oh yeah again Tax Evasion
Steve Spielberg???
Jeffrey Katzenberg???
Nancy Pelosi??? Used illegal immigrants
Dianne Feinstein??? Husband involved in WRAMC Scandal
Howard Marks???
Herb Alpert???
Harrison Ford???
George Clooney???
Rob Reiner???
Jennifer Aniston???
Larry David???
Jamie Lee Curtis???
Tom Hanks???
Denzel Washington???
Renee Zellweger???
John M. Noel???
Michael Moore???
Denise Bauer???
Russell Benioff???
Joelle Benioff???
Lynne Benioff???
Marc Benioff???
Jan Birenbaum???
Larry Birenbaum???
Zachary Bogue???
Brian Buenneke???
Kelly Bulkeley???
Jon Burgstone???
Lee Christensen???
Ron Conway???
Frank Currie???
Stephen Davis???
Quinn Delaney???
Michelle Douglas???
Alec Douglas???
Jake Douglas???
Becky Draper???
Leni Eccles???
Tawnie Farmer???
Jerry Fiddler???
Denise Foderaro???
Rufus Gifford???
Cindy Goldberg???
Evan Goldberg???
Lisa Goldman???
Doug Goldman???
Matthew Goldman???
Jim Greenberg???
Eric Green???
Lee Greenberg???
Bob Gregory???
Colleen Haas???
Doug Haas???
Drew Hickory???
Wayne Houston???
Jon Jordan???
Craig Newmark???
John Scully???
Regina Scully???
Steve Spinner???
Garen Staglin???
Noosheen Hashemi???
Shari Staglin???
Jeremy Stoppelman???
Jon Streeter???
Cissie Swig???
Ronald Taylor???
Sandi Thompson???
Ellen Thrower???
Jeff Ubben???
Raju Vegesna???
Bala Vegesna???
Steve Westly???
Stevie Wonder???
Pegi Young???
There are so many more rich DUMMOCRAPTS who must fit that definition eh rhp6033…?
Most all of these documented by me in the HA archives documented by the arschloch!
I’m even gladder I sold my Disney stock in April for $43. It’s $31 and change today.
@79 Is that a list of people who signed your involuntary commitment petition?
So that’s how you read and process facts… And I was right by saying sometimes you are all arschloch!
@77 – maybe you have been posting for “months” about QE. But 12+ months ago, you said nothing about QE1, or the start of QE2 – Just praise about the recovery and that rising stock market and low interest rates proved it. And no, I won’t look it up because I’ve had 8 beers and a hurricane. See, I can play the crazy character too: I’m just a stinky New Orleans Boozer! Hiccup!
I think The Bernank will wait for the dollar to strengthen(based on euro implosion), commodities and market to fall further, and then unleash QE3 – at that point, he’ll have more political cover and ‘room’ to do so – And it will do nothing to help the economy that us NOLA boozers and rabbits live in.
Ummm Roger Dumb Rabbit… you forgot what you said on a Friday the next Monday. Check with the crazed HA databaze arschloch to review your stupidity in action. I stopped chronicling Roger Dumb Rabbit stupidity last fall.
Do you ever pay attention to other HA libtardos and their comments in a thread?
Don’t answer that… the above answer proved your lunacy for all to see Roger Dumb Rabbit!
There’s fear in the air, and for good reason. I just watched a video clip of Nuriel Rubini
(you can see it here: http://money.cnn.com/2011/08/1.....hpt=hp_bn3)
saying he thinks it’s “likely” there will be a double-dip recession, and it will be worse than 2008-2009 because the government has exhausted all its recession-fighting policy tools. Also, Great Recession II will be starting from a much higher unemployment level: 9.1% vs. 4.7% in Nov. 2007.
Can it still be avoided? Not by slashing government spending and dumping hundreds of thousands of federal workers and contractor employees onto the unemployment rolls. Not by cutting senior citizens’ social security checks and raising their Medicare premiums and copays. Not by giving more tax breaks to corporations to ship more jobs out of the country.
It was stupid Republican policies that got us to this point (with complicity of some Spineless Democrats (TM) who allowed themselves to be pushed to the right in the ’80s and ’90s), and the last thing America needs right now is another big dose of Hooverism.
@84 Why don’t you? I’m not your fucking research assistant. If someone wants to claim I said something the burden is on him to prove I said it.
@85 “Don’t answer that”
OK, I won’t. I usually don’t respond to your ravings anyway, so you haven’t lost anything.
Puddy’s theme song.
so 84 members of congress are going to israel. thats too funny. so lets see. the senator in the godfather went to fredos brothel and they set him up by killing the hooker and pinning it on him. so they owned. hmmmm. now i know why all politicians keep get invited to israel. oh wait, jews wouldnt do that. well, i mean not all jews.
How can we have only Americans own our government’s debt? The same way the Japanese limit ownership of Japanese government debt to only Japanese citizens.
Any debt of the US owned by foreigners is too much. I’m looking for ways to reduce the countries debt, and I’d like to see any debt owed be debt owed only to US citizens.
There are a lot of ways we can get ourselves out of this quagmire, but Keynesian economics ain’t gonna be the solution. Wealth comes ony from the private sector, and that’s who is going to provide the wealth to be paying-off the $14.5 trillion.
If you’ve got an idea, then let’s hear it. Stop running your mouth and put some ideas out there! I put ideas out there as a possible and partial solution. There are lots of ways we can reduce the national debt – I can’t come up with every idea that would help.
I can’t understand why we seem to treat Israel as a defacto 51st state. We’ve done enough for Israel. They can take care of themselves. It’s time for us to declare neutrality in the Jewish-Muslim war and get out of the Middle East entirely.
@61 “Do Republicans Want Great Depression 2.0?”
You’re damn right they do. Roger, we need to crank up the Wayback Machine and revisit some of your old postings regarding “cheap labor conservatives(tm)”.
I already proved it to everyone here. Don’t need to PROVE IT AGAIN!
Not your flunkie, flunkie!
Wrong again Michael.
It’s an Issac Hayes tune. Can you figger it out?