Seattle Jew is planning to attend the Glenn Beck event, and he needs your help:
As a non violent demonstration, I would like to be accompanied by one or more liberals carrying (legally) holstered (unloaded)firearms. Realistic stage weapons or blank guns are also welcome buy I am informed that these will also require carry permits.
Don’t own a gun myself, but I’d love to see the reaction of the crowd to a cadre of armed liberals.
seattle jew, is your group going to be “organized”?
I think the reaction would be “Welcome to 1776, please continue catching up.”
I am a liberal with a concealed carry permit, but I won’t carry an unloaded firearm and I won’t do this because it would be every bit as stupid as when wingnuts do it.
Oh, this should be interesting. Perhaps as a rallying cry you should have a name. The “Seattle Jew Brigade”?
You may not have a gun, Goldy, but that shouldn’t keep you from joining up and entering the lion’s den arm in arm with SJ and everyone else who answers the call (which I don’t expect will be many).
As another concealed carry permit holder I agree completely with Paddy. I do not carry unloaded handguns on me (and seldom openly) and I will not be party to a stupid stunt because some other idiots did it. This is completely irresponsible no matter who does it and is bad for the image of responsible gun owners.
Sounds like someone just saw Inglorious Basterds.
@3 and 5 ..
Please reconsider. I am entirely serious about this and think you and I likely share the same feelings. I do NOT see this as a demonstration against guns but I do see it as a demonstration against those who endanger ALL our rights by abusing them.
First, when I discussed this with staff at a gun store they were shocked that I would feel safer carrying an unloaded then a loaded gun. I do not understand this .. can you explain?
Second, I have no personal objection if people want to come with loaded guns, it just seems to me to be unnecessary. I suppose we could follow a “don’t ask don’t tell policy?”
Third,, I hoped my intent would be clear. My intent would be to attract attention to the stupidity of anyone believing that carrying a gun to a public meeting was a benign form of free speech.
Again, please contact mne if you or any friedns are willinbg to participate.
@7 I do NOT see this as a demonstration against guns but I do see it as a demonstration against those who endanger ALL our rights by abusing them.
I think you miss the point. If something went wrong and some sort of a confrontation resulted, perhaps involving a loaded weapon that someone did decide to bring, there would be all sorts of condemnations involving guns, whose idea it was . . . and probably who helped promote the stunt to begin with.
I’m not a gun-user, but I believe the thinking on the loaded/unloaded thing is that if you alternately carry around loaded and unloaded guns, you’re more likely to be careless/make some horrible mistake. If the gun is always loaded, then in theory you’re always aware that it’s loaded. The corollary being, always treat a gun as if it was loaded.
jon is exactly right. The thing about gun fights is first, stay out of them. A very good way to do that is not to use your pistol as a megaphone or a tea bagger sign. It’s a gun. It kills people.
This is not a good idea. Now, have a beer, send $25 to the DNC and come up with another plan.
oh, and to the question. If someone sees you are armed and pulls a gun on you and your gun is unloaded…. quick, whaddya do?
Maybe yell… “It not lo-” [BANG!BANG!BANG!]
People who shoot people with toy guns don’t get in trouble. Ever notice that?
Geoduck, All firearms loaded or unloaded should be treated as loaded unless disassembled or the person handling it has looked inside for a bullet upon picking it up. At that point they can dem it safe to look down the business end. That however does not give them the right to point it at anybody. Whenever I am handed a gun (even if the person before me has checked) I inspect the weapon myself.
Well as a non gun owner, I really do not understand why anyone thinks one gun is a defense vs. another. It seems to me a bullet proof vest is a lot more likely to stop a bullet than a bullet I might fire at the other guy.
@9 No, the theory is: What good is an unloaded gun?
Carrying a sidearm openly in close contact with a lot of folks is a prime way to get involuntarily relieved of your weapon.
I have a suggestion for you. Carry eight $100 dollar bills attached to your side and see how long they last in a crowd. That’s the price of a decent handgun.
Now add the weight on your concience of your firearm now being on the streets with criminals due to your stupidity.
Back at my question …
exactly what danger am >I< in if I am carrying an unloaded gun or better yet a non firing replica?
1. Someone might shoot me BECAUSE I am armed? I guess I have seen John Wayne do this but has it ever happened in the real world?
2. Someone, seeing that I am armed, may challenge me to a duel???? Really?
Still seems to me that the only danger from an unloaded gun is that it might act as a lightening rod in a thunder storm?
@13 Trust me, you’d prefer not to be inside a bulletproof vest that’s hit with a high-powered handgun round. It probably won’t kill you, but it’ll give you a hell of a bruise. As for high-powered rifle bullets, well, a vest won’t stop those.
If I lived in the world of “but, what if…?” as it relates to exercising my constitutionally guaranteed rights, I’d never leave the house…i.e., I’d be a liberal.
@15 AHA!!!
So if you carry a gun it should be loaded in case someone tries to steal it?
Seriously? I do not understand this. I routinely carry a camera worth a lot more then most guns (and a LOT easier to get rid of in a pawnshop). Does this mean i need to carry a loaded gun to protect my camera???
BTW, at least at the gun shop I visited there were numerous impressive guns priced from $300 to $700. You really can not buy much of a camera for that porice even if you figger the added costs of a carry permit.
OTOH, with digital cams we get to reuse our ammo!
@17 Roger
Don’t Elmer Fudds use shot guns to kill rabbits?
Seriously, I do not understand why anyone thinks one gun prtoects you against another gun. What is the chance of drawing your weapon, aiming it, and hitting the oncoming bullet in mid flight?
Go ahead then. Strap on that ol’ hog leg and go give ’em hell, cowboy.
You have succeeded gloriously in convincing me that do not understand and that I have neither the patience nor the temperament to alter this condition.
Washington is an “open carry” state, i.e. it is legal to openly carry a holstered pistol, but according to Wikipedia, some police agencies are “unfriendly” to open carry.
Washington law is complicated, so it would be a good idea to read the Wikipedia article before attempting it.
BTW ..leaving the flack aside, I am utterly if not deadly serious about this.
I did notice that admission to the event is still available for @25. I will happily buy two tickets for the first two armed HAers willing to join in this effort.
BTW, the volunteers need NOT be a liberal, merely someone like myself who wishes to make a statement vs. the misuse of the second amendment to abuse free speach.
Even if you want to come but do not have a weapon, the acto of photpograhy itself can be quite provocative when sealing with crazt people like Beckies.
I probably will have tee shirts with the Beck as Goebbels logo from my web site. These will be available at Cafe Press.
PLEASE contact my blog if you are willing to help put.
Dumb idea, Goldy. Righties carried guns to the Obama event to protest his past anti-2nd Amendment comments. In 2004, Obama said he supports a federal ban on concealed carry for personal protection.
So the reason for lefties talking guns to the Beck even wouldn’t be the same.
@22 (continued)
In particular, RCW 9.41.270(1) makes it illegal to “carry … any firearm … in a manner, under circumstances, and at a time and place that either manifests an intent to intimidate another or that warrants alarm for the safety of other persons ….”
This language gives the police a lot of latitude to make an arrest, especially of a demonstrator who is packing a gun expressly for the purpose of “making a statement.”
@22 Roger Wabbits are welcum too!
@24 “Righties carried guns to the Obama event to protest his past anti-2nd Amendment comments.”
How is that different from carrying guns to the Beck event to protest Beck’s anti-Obama comments?
“So the reason for lefties talking guns to the Beck even wouldn’t be the same.”
Says you.
@24 Troll
Gee, I SAW dem guys carrying anti healthcare shit as well as their pewter penises faboulous phallises blankie boomers guns.
Dumbfuck @24: So, it’s okay for wingnuts to flash guns at a presidential event; but it’s not okay for liberals to flash guns at a punk event?
@26 I have a cannon and a carry permit, but I don’t want to be on teevee.
@25 .. Roger
Hmm … so it might be cheaper to ask the cops for permission, let them say NO and then go to protest the infingement on free speech by Beck and the cops?
Would this get SJ on the Beck show?
However, I do think LIBERALS MUST ARM! And, from a tactical viewpoint, it’s best if the wingnut traitors contemplating a violent overthrow of our elected Democratic government and/or conducting a Holocaust against liberals don’t know what you’ve got. Let ’em find out when they kick your door in.
@29 I will buy you and Puddy disguises .. you van both go as Pookahs!
Is there a law against being armed while being a pookah?
Do you mind if he goes as a white wabbit and you as a black one?
Tell me the Rodent rabbit didn’t just utter that nonsense. What a dope. Is this the same Goldy and Roger wabbit that went apeshit when someone wore a holstered gun at an Obama rally in Phoenix? Now you’re openly advocating (in Goldy’s case, not so much in the rodents case) wearing one to an event put on by a radio talk show host just because he has you soiling yourself by exposing liberal hypocrisy and administration lies?
@31 No, but getting arrested by a paranoid cop for openly carrying a holstered handgun at Beck’s appearance might. And you’d probably have the ACLU and NRA fighting each other over who’ll get to provide your legal defense.
@33 Yes I mind if he shows up as a rabbit. He should dress up as a skunk, because there’s no closed season or bag limit on those, and it suits his personality and ideology.
My firearm is loaded and in an undisclosed location. I got your back, Rabbit.
BTW geniuses.
The Obama rally was an outdoor rally presumably on public land near phoenix. The Beck event is at Qwest field and that is private property.
So SJ and the pistol packing posse will most likely not be allowed to enter Qwest field carrying their weapons.
Qwest will be the final arbiter if you’re allowed to enter.
@34 So you think it’s okay to flash a gun at the president, but it’s not okay to flash a gun at a little twerp like Beck?
You’re even dumber than I thought.
“However, I do think LIBERALS MUST ARM!”
Seems to me, you people are already armed. The top ten cities with the highest murder rates are all run by Democratic mayors.
In other words, most gun-related murders in America aren’t committed by Republicans.
So yeah, you people are already armed.
@37 It’s a good idea to be prepared for anything. I don’t think those blowhards are brave enough, but they might be stupid enough.
@38 Who said anything about Qwest Field? We’re talking public street, idiot. If Beck has any balls he’ll come to us. Don’t hold your breath.
Is this bathhouse code terminology by 2 HA regulars? Sick and wrong.
42. Roger Rabbit spews:
Ah yes, the cowards want to confront an unarmed private citizen that criticized their candidate. Fucking only a coward would do that.
For the most part, criminals are cowards and pick on those that can’t defend themselves. That’s why you never hear of a 6’4 200 pound man getting jacked like you hear about older women getting robbed.
If the criminal believes you have a gun he will pick an easier target.
@40 We’re only cleaning up the riff-raff.
@43 “Sick and wrong.”
Oh, but it’s okay when an asswipe like Chris Broughton does it, right?
Have you shitheads noticed yet that we’re behaving more and more like you? Have any idea where we got it from?
@43 See #47.
@24 I don’t think those gun toters were protesting Obama on his 2nd Amendment views.
Mid page
This is an asymmetric demonstration. On one level 2 wrongs do not make a right but I don’t think the other side sees this bullying as a wrong. More like a feature.
Like when you people shot and killed that armored car driver down in Tacoma?
@44 “If the criminal believes you have a gun he will pick an easier target.”
Given that “Republican” and “criminal” are synonymous, this is a true statement.
@50 Nope. Like when those Army Rangers fired up a bunch of drug dealers in Tacoma.
still amazes how liberal have hissy fits when conservatives do any kind of protesting.
Your dumbass isn’t going to be there anyway rabbit- Not to mention Qwest field security will not allow you in-.
You go into some fantasized RAMBO mode in here and start babbling talk that you don’t intend to walk. The other night it was “aiming about 6 inches from the ground so when they fall, the 2nd shot is a head shot”. Hell, the only gun you probably own is a glue gun.
It’s evident that SJ didn’t think this through logically re: Private vs. public venue. Ooops. But thanks for the laughs, that alone was worth the price of admission.
I’d agree with those who think this isn’t the brightest idea – in part because the people who would most react to it aren’t the brightest people to begin with, are more likely to start a violent confrontation than the average person, and having a firearm in that kind of crowd is just an invitation to a disaster.
These guys don’t even understand how hypocritical it is for political figures to engage in extramarital affairs while proclaiming that they are champions of “family values” – how do you expect them to get the point that this is an exercise of your First Amendment rights?
I can just see the Fox News Coverage now – “Hero stops probable Beck assassination by shooting assailant first”. Or more likely, “Toddler killed by stray bullet in shootout with suspected Beck assassin.”
My old Scoutmaster told me once: “Don’t carry a gun unless you plan to pull it out. Don’t pull it out unless you plan to shoot it. Don’t plan to shoot it unless you plan to kill”. If you can’t satisfy all three conditions, you are better off keeping the weapon at home. He didn’t mention anything about the firearm being loaded, but that was understood anyway.
Troll @ 50: Who is “you people”???? You want to rephrase that, or should we just call you a liar right now?
Here’s a picture of the four who are accused in the murder of the armored car driver down near Tacoma.
Would you say these four are more likely Democrats or Republicans?
I think the Legislature should make all county offices nonpartisan. There’s no reason for King and Chelan counties to have different rules. This policy cries out for statewide uniformity.
@57 They look like puddy’s cousins.
Short term memory RHP? “These guys”, “you people”..kind of interchangeable isn’t it? There is no end to liberal hypocrisy, exhibit ‘A’ is this post by goldy and the ensuing inanity contained within its comment thread.
What a bunch of hypocritical idiots.
@55 Here’s a compromise. SJ can have his cake and eat it, too. He should take a huge cardboard replica of a gun to the event, say 4 feet x 6 feet. It’ll make a statement and mock the righty gun-wavers at the same time, won’t provoke the cops, and doesn’t require a permit.
No, I meant to say you people. You liberals. When I see a picture of four blacks who are suspected of murdering an armored car guard, I’m 99% sure they are Democrats. Look at those four. You think they preferred McCain to Obama?
So yeah, you people … liberals … murdered that armored car guard.
In fact, I think everybody should go there with cardboard guns and mock the righties by waving them in the air.
So yeah, I think you people are armed enough. It ain’t Romney supporters who are doing drive-bys in inner cities. It’s Democrats.
@63 When I read your comments I’m 105% sure you’re an idiot.
Your scoutmaster’s quote ain’t quite right. He should have said “Don’t carry it unless you are willing to use it and willing to use it means firing and killing.” If not, leave it at home unloaded for range use and save the permit money.
@65 If by “armed enough” you mean that right now we command the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and National Guards, you’re right — if you asswipes try to play the armed insurrection game, we’re armed enough.
@ 23:
I see SJ has deserted his ill thought ought plan. Even if he did get 2-3 loons to join him with him by buying their ticket, they’d have to surrender them to the Qwest gate security checker.
I love it when a plan goes awry.
Gotta be an easier way to lose $75 bucks Seattle Jew…like, say, investing in the batshit crazy “Beck is Goebbels” shirt line at cafe press.
@69 et al.
I did not say (nor would I ) that the intent was to carry guns into Qwest field. The idea is stand outside. If I understand WaSTATE LAW THAT IS LEGAL!.
Don’t lie SJ. You’re on record already.
So, in sumnation. Your dumbass is willing to buy 2 tickets to the event only to stand outside the venue, which you can do for free?
Wow, I’ve heard of stupid but his takes the cake. If not stupid, it’s outright lying in order to cover your ass- I’ll chalk up the oversight to inadequate legal counsel- see Goldy and Roger Rabbit-.
Of course, only republicans commit crimes.
chuckle chuckle
In re the Rabbit’s proposal to use supersize guns …
This is intriguing I wonder if one can buy gun shaped balloons?
@72 Empty Suit …
Well you and Lee seem to share a takent for calling folks a liar.
FWIW, my offer is real and open. I do, however, agree that anyone wishing to take me up on this generous offer understand that they will need to remove their weapon before entering into the Sturmabteilung rally.
The intent to carry is intended to be as people enter, not inside the stadium. Based on past experiences with rallies inside Safeco, I ‘spect the Beckites will have their brown short security folks there to prevent picture taking anyhow.
The natural evolution when a liberal is left to devise a strategy:
An ‘armed’ demonstration against free speech? Interesting batshit crazy logic Steve. Highly unAmerican, but interesting nonetheless.
Once plan A is thwarted, SJ (Steve S.) moves immediately to plan B.
Goldy spews:
SJ is a bit too portly to wear a holster.
hey, wait a minute. those are the same people in the fake glen beck video of the acorn workers explaining how to defraud the irs.
he must have got them to act in his fake video.
@73 “Of course, only republicans commit crimes.”
I didn’t say that. I said all Republicans (big “R”) are criminals. Not the same.
@76 “An ‘armed’ demonstration against free speech?”
No, you don’t get it. An armed demonstration is free speech. Your AR-15 waving nuts were supposed to explain that to you.
How old are you?
Have you started Kindergarten yet??
All you will accomplish is to get more & more NRA members to openly carry weapons.
Is that what you are trying to accomplish?
Like most dumbass, immature LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS, SeattleJew fails to even consider the unintended consequences of his boneheadedness.
SJ @ 75:
Um, you didn’t say that before SJ. You actually thought you could carry into Qwest field. Don’t bullshit me with your nuanced position. It’s right there in black and white that you were willing to purchase 2 tickets to anyone willing to join you. Will they just be placing their firearms in the bushes outside the venue or on the sidewalk hoping they’ll still be there afterwards? Nice try.
Then why buy the 2 tickets?
…also steve, the nazi references only highlight your mental imbalance. For a jew like yourself , presumably by your website old enough to remember 1930’s Germany is embarrassing.
Quit making an ass of yourself. I listen to Beck quite regularly and nothing he says is even remotely close to being compared to “Goebells” as you, an “educator” has done.
It’s simply batshit crazy talk, steve.
@57 I would say they probably don’t vote at all.
@76 Empty Suit
errr ahhh …..
what makes you think SJ is a “liberal?” Some folks here would not agree with you.
FWIW, I am not and never have been a member of the Democrat Party or the Communist Party.
I have been pro-life, voted against Gregoire, supported the Iraq invasion …. does this qualify me to be a liberal? or does that depend on my atheism and support for Obama? I hope this does not confuse you!
I rather consider myself a Jeffersonian Enlightened Worldling though some here believe the W stands for wastrel or wiseacre.
I have also been called a fat douchebag by a certain someone on this blog … doesn’t THAT qualify me to be on your side?
@ 75 SJ wrote; “brown short security folks”.
SJ is this some sort of bad racist humor you have? Sure looks that way to me.
Lee has such a way with words.
I’m guessing after lee called you that he ran to his blog to brag about it.
Lee is sooooo daaaaaamn predictable.
@80 Empty Suit
You want to know my credential at detecting Geobell’d descendents?
I have read Goebell’s writings and Lenin’s on the use of propaganda. I have also read about how Stalin edited Pravda and how Mao used lies to come to power.
I have audited father Coughlin’s speeches and read Richard Nixon’s speeches. I lived through efforts by McCarthy to get one of my teacher’s fired and another friend deported.
I grew up in a neighborhood where my next door neigbbor was a Bund member until the Nazis began (also) killing Catholics and went to a school where the nuns taught my classmates that I personally had killed their God.
I lived through race riots and helped smuggle a Jewish family ouit of the USSR. I even worked with Reagan’s cabinet to assist a colleague captured by the Stasi for trying to esdacape the DDR and helped protect another collaguye against the efforts of the KGB
None of this is a brag. There are many other things I am less proud of.
So tell me Bubbelah what you do not understand about totalitarian propaganda?
@83 racist? hardly unless folks running around the US pretending to the SA comprise a race! I call them brown shorts because they deserve the diminutive term and calling an adult “Hitler Jugend” seems .. well childish.
So your complaint against Beck is that he holds Obama’s history up to the light of day? That he exposes the ACORN connection which are true; exposes an admitted “communist” Van Jones in his cabinet, which was true; exposes corrupt politicians in congrees, which are true.
You’ll need to expound on the reasons you would compare Beck, a radio talk host and private citizen, to Goebbels…a nazi propagandist (though it’s a shameful act for any person of Jewish extraction to do so with a lick of historical knowledge).
To me, you’re like most in America who see the Obama you want to see and not the man behind the mask- in short, you have your blinders on. You hear bullshit like “hope and change” and “post racial nation” and believe it. I hear one thing out of his mouth and actions that do the opposite. If you don’t agree with Obama’s incoherent healthcare plan, you’re part of the “stale politics of old”. Nice sales pitch, but I don’t believe a man that says one thing and does another on almost a daily basis. This man has done nothing but ensure generational debt for our future while telling us “we must do this now!” If we don’t pass the stimulus it will be the Great depression all over again. If we don’t pass healthcare, people will be dying in the fucking streets tomorrow.
I hear the politics of fear mongering, and it’s coming from the white house lawn.
@80 empty suit indeed
I think you said it all!
@80 “It’s simply batshit crazy”
Is there a reason why you didn’t think so when your side did it?
OMG.. This is just so freaking cool:
Apparently the little fiend is not liking getting a taste of his own medicine.…
Back on topic ..
It si too late for me to obtain a carry permit.
If there are no volunteers I am open to any other ideas as to how to make this appearance OF Mr. Beck memorable.
A visit by a mad man is too rare an event to waste.
@82 “I have also been called a fat douchebag by a certain someone on this blog … doesn’t THAT qualify me to be on your side?”
Nah. You have to blow up frogs to become an Official Wingnut.
@91 Like I said, cardboard guns. The hilarity factor alone guarantees you air time on the evening news.
More example of bad liberal planning…SJ appears as unprepared and disorganized as HA contributor Darryl Holman. This doesn’t speak well for the professorship at the UW.
This pretty much sums up your thought process, SJ.
Which is why it’s disappointing that you couldn’t round up a posse to attend. Nothing like watching a batshit crazy mad man that bought 3 tickets to attend the event, only to be turned away at the gate.
You clowns are too functionally disorganized to handle weapons anyway.
Troll @ 57. In other words, you don’t know if they are Republican or Democrats or Independents or completely apolitical. You decide you want them to be Democrats, so you proclaim it as a fact, and then try to imply that the “look like” Democrats, so it must be true.
All of which is pretty good example of how you regularly make up facts out of whole cloth, construct straw men in arguments, and otherwise lie in order to make a political point.
Pot? Meet Kettle.
I used to think RHP6033 had some semblance of common sense and reasoning within in his posts, but I think this thread is a clearer example of how frequenting hate sites like HA tend to alter ones grasp on reality. At some point, the thinking stops and the parroting of DNC talking points begins.
Rabbit @59, Sorry dude they look like prime time Democrats. Not my cousins! Here are what fine looking Republican blacks look like Roger. Burn their image into the small feral dumb bunny mind fool!
What say you ROTCODDAM? Aren’t they handsome looking brothas? Articulate, clean-cut, and able to withstand the heat of a libtard MSMer.
Empty Suit
Tks for the offer to help plan the revolution. Bring your gun to Safeco … I guess it doesn’t matter to me if a reprican makes a fool of himself.
@ 97 Puddybud.
HAHA. you see that fool interviewer drop his notepad about 40 seconds in and try to act nonchalantly?
I think he was genuinely surprised by their responses and didn’t want to look like an ass in retrieving the notepad from the floor.
Reminds me of when Mack Strong and Matt Hasselbeck gave President Bush a Jersey a year or two back sending Seattle groupthink liberals into a full on hissyfit (to include Holmgrens wife). Strong’s mother worked for Bush back in Texas when he was governor.
Seattle liberals just assume you’re “one of them”. I get this all the time at work -especially around election time. They know better now that I’ve outed myself as the dreaded Republican…only problem is that they can’t debate worth a damn and lose on every point. The difference between facts and ideology can easily be disseminated.
Hearing voices again steve?
The only fool out there will you be you,steve. But I promise to tune into the nightly news to see you hauled away by the SPD when you go ape shit over being denied entry into the event.
…Like I said, it’ll be worth the price of admission. Any chance we can get you and Roger Rabbit to post a photo of your attendance?
This whole gun thing escalated over some pastor preaching about Obama in very negative terms. The whackamole liberal web sites got their pink lace panties in a twist over him and two other pastors and the HA faithful ate it up. Poor rujax went for a whole day attacking little ol Puddy over three pastors because Puddy wouldn’t give him the time of day. Thanks to Darryl’s Rules (Did Proud Leftist figger them out yet), rujax stopped the stupid attack. Rujax and ylb StrangeEye posted some lefty site where the black man with the AR-15(?) attended church with one pastor.
Now we see the reaction from the HA Leftist faithful to Glenn Beck because he has been exposing certain peeps in “the messiah’s” administration. They are very upset over his people deep diving into truths.
Roger Rabbit continues to make the clarion call for “Liberals Must Arm” then reverts to some stupid comment and declares it Ann Coulter humor. Well it seems some liberals residing here on HA are armed but won’t accompany SeattleJew sporting their firearms. Maybe they know it’s Seattle they are traipsing around in and they don’t feel comfortable doing it. Or could it be they would be identified and ridiculed? Puddy thinks they would be welcomed as 2nd Amendment citizenry, taking their constitutional rights seriously. Butt, as soon as they open their mouths and the DNC platitudes start rolling off their forked tongues, people will scream “eeek a liberal rat”. Because Glenn identifies the liberals by their own words, the HA faithful feel this stifles progressive talk. Puddy wants Progressives to talk. As people have heard other congresspeople speak on the Internet, many chuckle over glad that’s not my fool. When Glenn plays some of their August commentary for millions to see, it scares them.
When Glenn called “the messiah” a racist (Puddy disagreed with Glenn’s characterization as it’s Michelle who has said the inflammatory statements) Van Jones started his boycott Glenn attack. Well when that happened Glenn dug deeper into Van’s past. Now we see the reaction of liberals to a conservative who has popular appeal.
Thanks Puddy kept that three black men interview to use it at the right time. Yes, Puddy has previously commented on Rick Sanchez and his blatant liberal biases at CNN. Ask ylb StrangeEye to post my previous Rick Sanchez posts. Puddy doubts he will because he don’t take orders from conservatives. Well he does take orders to be a moron from a higher power.
I have also been called a fat douchebag by a certain someone on this blog
Fat lying douchebag, to be precise.
Tx for the correction. I will try to remember that in the future.
You may also want to note that I called you boobelah.
Your post at 101 explains a lot that I wasn’t getting in between the insane “beck is goebells” inanity that the SJ was spewing. I heard something last week on the Dancin’ queen Dave Ross’ show regarding some obscure pastor somewhere saying something about “praying Obama will die” or some other departure from logic talk.
Not sure how that relates to Glenn Beck and the unhinged liberal reaction, but then, these people seem to have a tenuous at best grasp on reality…I can’t say I’m surprised.
I’ve asked the SJ here to explain his batshit crazy comparison of Beck to Goebells, but he appears to prefer to mutter to himself and instead shuffle along like a dottering fool into the recesses of his deteriorating mind, so, I’m at a loss on that one.
I find it amusing though that a supposed educator like SJ (with support from HA mascot David Golstein and legal counsel Roger Roadkill) expected to attend a private venue armed.
It’s a microcosm of liberalism in general…all logic out the window, only emotional reactions to perceived wrongs. It’d be amusing if it weren’t so pathetic.
Come off of your failed feline heinee.
About all your Goebelloid showed was that Mr. Johnson was smart enough to spell Communist. As a libertarian you of all folks should celebrate the freedom of intellectual inquiry. He also bad mouthed Diego Rivera .. just another Commie propagandist unless you happen to be a Mexican peasant fighting for the freedoms you are all to willing to dismiss as liberal luxuries … much the same thinking as other great conservatives like Stalin and Mao.
If the Hannity cum Beck cum OReilly cum Limbaugh cum Coulter comprise anything more than the arm pit of conservative thought, your side seems pretty hopeless.
I did not mean to deprive you of an education.
An unloaded gun, is like a car with an empty gas tank. What’s the use?
Liberals, with guns. A scary thought indeed. Since it seems as though Libs that own guns keep them unloaded and locked up, I question their profeciency and experience in handling them. Might be safer and prevent accidental discharges, if Libs just leave the guns at home.
Now, us Conservatives, who shoot and practice frequently, that’s another matter. We’re skilled, and able to handle loaded weapons, in a crowd, even one with that phoney asshole who is masquerading as “President”.
I think any “shootings” would mostly involve Libs, shooting themselves in the foot with their own guns, totally upsetting the Secret Service.
@110 freeman54?
So you are making me curious.
If you bring a loaded gun to a public place, what exactly is your purpose?
At this point in the discussion you may want to drop the idea of open carry altogether. Loaded or unloaded, carrying a weapon in public to create “confrontation” is called brandishing under Washington state law and that is exactly what you are proposing to do. Brandishing is a threat and can be responded to with lethal force by the Seattle Police and anyone else who feels “threatend”. They will not know that you have weapons and no ammo. In law enforcement the rule is if it looks like a gun, it’s a gun, even if it’s a stick, and if you brandish it or make a motion toward it during any “confrontation” the error in judgement is yours not theirs. Case in point is the recent shoreline shooting by 3 deputies, and the recent self defense shooting of the young man that was camping. The statements you have made in this blog constitutes a threat and the intent to brandish. As such you are now on the loosing end of the law from the very start. The owners of SAFECO field are now in a position to have you tresspassed off the premises and arrested the moment you show up. The content of the blogs would be used against you in court and you would be convicted. Maybe if there hadn’t been so many death threats against various people who will be at this event it would be less serious.
However for a Class “B” felony like Assault Second Degree, the firearm enhancement is three years. These enhancements apply even if the gun is unloaded and even if the person does not fire, or has no intention of firing, the gun!. If it’s your 3rd strike you are gone for life ….
RCW 9.41.270 (1)
It shall be unlawful for any person to carry, exhibit, display, or draw any firearm, dagger, sword, knife or other cutting or stabbing instrument, club, or any other weapon apparently capable of producing bodily harm, in a manner, under circumstances, and at a time and place that either manifests an intent to intimidate another or that warrants alarm for the safety of other persons.
I appologize on getting the venue wrong when I mentioned SAFECO, I ment QWEST. I was just recently at an event at SAFECO so it was on my mind.
Irregardless, learn how to protest peacefully. And please remember that you and our dear brother glenn both have first amendment rights to state your opinions. He just happens to be making very good money doing it. If your opinions and ideas are significantly better than his perhaps you should express them in the same manner. Publish a book refuting his claims rather than attempting to intimidate people with guns when they choose to express their support for his ideas over yours. Adolf was very good at intimidating people when thy expressed views other than his. I suspect you do not stand on the same moral high ground as Adolf and would thus be far less effective.
Because you’re not any safer. You’re protected against accidents, but not against people who take the weapons as a sign that you are their enemy, or against hot-shot police officers with convulsers (“Tasers.”)
Far as I know, in most of the Northwest liberals are almost as likely to own & use firearms as conservatives. The most reliable predictor of firearms ownership is growing up with firearms.
I think any “shootings” would mostly involve Libs, shooting themselves in the foot with their own guns, totally upsetting the Secret Service.
Something tells me that the secret service won’t be anywhere near Safeco Field when all this is happening.
I’m one of those armed liberals. I was born and raised in Iowa (Keokuk) as an old school pro-union pro-hunting liberal.
I have a carry permit in this state, and several guns (mostly pistols at this point) which haven’t been confiscated by the ‘evil liberal gov’ in my lifetime (or my fathers, or grandfathers). One of them is from my grandfather.
Anyway, while I APPRECIATE the sentiment of the original post. I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable doing it. Bringing an openly visible gun to a non-hunting/gun function specifically for the point of intimidation isn’t really cool. Just because the Republicans did it and are jerks, doesn’t mean the Democrats need to try and be as crazy. Leave the Republicans to look crazy (death panels, rifles at speeches, shouting out in Congressional addresses)…it just makes them look nuts. That’s good enough.
“us Conservatives, who shoot and practice frequently, that’s another matter”.
Once again, a Republican with a “belief” that doesn’t match “facts”…same old pathetic story. Name the last President or Vice President to be involved in a gun “accident”? Reality check…it was a Republican, Dick Cheney, who didn’t clear his line of sight and shot a friend in the face following a ‘bird’ and bringing his gun down to near horizontal level before firing.
I grew up in down state Illinois where 45% of the people were still liberal, and nearly all owned guns and/or hunted.
Anti-fact, anti-reality. The Republican Party.
Wow. Thank you Paddy and drool, for injecting some sanity right off the bat. What an absolutely childish (what SJ is proposing) thing to do.
Hans and Alki
I am surprised about how folks react to this idea.
FWIW, I will still make the same offer and suggest that others join in .. either with Roger Rabbit’s paper guns or, if they have legal rights, the real weapon. I do think such weapons should be unloaded, given the magical beliefs evidenced in this thread I suspect the amulet power of anything that looks like a gun would be similar.
Most of the folks here seem to regard guns as religious objects, not unlike the Siekh daggers or the cross shaped hilts of Columbus’ sword.
Guns seem to be mystical and perhaps sexual objects, but very private affairs.
Guns are magical, having one protects you against violence ..though no one can tell me how this works? Is it like carrying a cross or amulet? Would a gun in his holster have saved MLK’s life? Would James Earl ray NOT have fired at Dr. King if the scum knew the leader was .. armed?
Guns are iconic .. carrying one openly identifies you as a dangerous person … sort of like the duck tailed hair cuts and leather jackets of my youth.
This mystical view seems to be held by both sides of the current political spectrum.
The radical right sees guns as akin to family bibles, religious symbols that will somehow protect them against Herr Obama and his evil wizard Billary. I suppose a gun in a holster over the chest is more likely to stop a bullet than a bible in the same place?
The moderate liberal (there is no radical left left), crew accepts this magic, seeing “carrying” as a provocative event that would justify police action because the statement of carrying is itself dangerous … as opposed to the rhetoric expressed by homophobes, Nazis, and Beck?
I suggest that liberals of this persuasion read Gandhi and Alinsky. Non violence IS a superior weapon, but there are times and evil people against who the great weapon does not work.
While the Mahatma understood and proved that British guns were pretty useless against a determined crowd non violent movement, he also criticized the Jews for passiving acceting what happened to us.
As for Alki and Hans, I expect the admin at Safeco would certainly claim their right to restrict arms … hell they go further ..they claim the right, in a public place, to restrict free speech.
However, bringing guns into Safeco was not and is not my proposal. I intend to photograph those coming to see Mr. Beck, those with so little respect for America that they would pay money to encourage this Goebelloid. Photography in a public place IS protected in the US under the first amendment. Having even a few carrying liberals present would simply make the point of non violence more explicit.
BTW, if your defnition of brandishing is correct, then anyone bringing a gun to a public, political gathering is breaking the law. Fine by me but somehow I think you are wrong.
If anyone is willing to help with this, I will certainly contact the SOD and ask them what they would do if an armed liberal were to show up at such a meeting.
I think Gandhi would see Beck for the thug he is.
Obviously I do NOT want to defend the practice of showing weapons at political events. The issue is rather a political statement.
Carrying a weapon in the opne, according to Hans’s definition, is always brandishing since yu are using it to advertise that .. you are carrying a weapon.
The Beck event is at Qwest field and that is private property.
Anybody catch what just happened here? ESO, by royal fiat has just turned over $1 billion of public property to a private citizen. But that’s what the righties are famous for, giving to their rich buddies money and property that is paid for by the taxpayers of this state.
Of course, I understand why he would do that. He needed to because to be consistent with his inconsistencies, he would not be able to argue with a straight face that citizens should be prevented from entering a public facility carrying a gun. By saying Qwest is private property, he won’t be on Alan Gotlieb’s shit list. You’ll remember the hooha when Nickels tried to enforce a citywide ban on handguns in parks following a shooting at Folklife at the Seattle Center.
OMG! I never laughed so hard!! The whole idea of this and then reading these comments!!
Yeah, I think you people should leave the guns alone. First, because it appears most of you are alcoholics/drug abusers, which does not mix with firearms, and second, well, it requires some COMMON SENSE, which is clearly lacking as is evidenced in most of these comments. Good Lord, you guys will end up shooting each other or even yourselves!
The right wing is so laughably out of sorts with the thought of liberal leaning folks brandishing weapons.
How dare they, knee-jerk the wingers. The second amendment applies only to patriotic Rush Limbaugh listeners.
Meanwhile they strut armed outside townhalls and scream their fool heads off to drown out discussion. What pathetic excuses for human beings.
You must have been in Bill Montgomery’s troop.
First of all, the event is at Safeco Field, not Qwest field. From what I know about Paul Allen’s politics, I suspect he’d take a dim view of his facility being used for this thing.
Secondly, it’s a private event, so they can admit or turn away anyone they want. They might indeed shake people down for cameras. However, as was shown recently in Iran, a cellphone is a very convenient tool for quasi-covert surveillance.
Thirdly, if Stephen and his pals want to do something worthwhile outside, they might simply count the charter buses, and after they’ve unloaded chat up some of the drivers and find out where they came from. Betcha a lot of ’em will have come from either the airport, the train station (oh, socialist Amtrak!), eastern or southwest Washington, or even further away. If you try to do that and some goons come up and hassle you, you’ll know you’ve hit a nerve.
The other thing you could do is hold your nose, pony up the $100 for a ticket to the private reception and take note of whatever prominent members of Seattle’s business community happen to be in attendance.
My guess is that they’re assigning seats so as to make sure to fill up one or two sections so they can take some video that looks like Beck drew a full house–and that they’ll still have to bring in a lot of out-of-towners on freebies to do that. If it gets down to a week or so before the event and they haven’t recruited enough bodies, look for a sudden change to a smaller venue.
I bet that place is going to be full of real Americans! Go Glen Beck! American hero!
@125 Dude, if Beck is the best example of an “American hero” we can come up with, then it’s time to stick a fork in America. It’s done.
I think it is a bad idea for Liberals to bring guns to the Beck thing.
All it will accomplishing is to fan the flames.
artfart @ 126,
I did not say “best example”. Anyone who exposes fraud and enemies of the state like Glen Beck does is doing good by America. He is exposing the communist infiltration in the top ranks of our government. He is doing a good thing, and people that make him out to be some sort of bad guy, well, I think they are the bad guys themselves. Has Glen Beck personally hurt you or your family in some way that you feel compelled to insult him and bring guns to where he wants to talk?
Again you missed the point of what brandishing is. You have stated your intent was to intimidate. That is brandishing. If I were to show up with my pistol in a holster openly carrying without making any PRIOR statements of intent to INTIMIDATE I would not be brandishing. If I did it AFTER making statements such as you have in this blog I WOULD BE BRANDISHING. I suggest you consult legal counsel before you go off into some mental la la land about ghandi. The judge will look at you like you are a nutt job and you will have a mandatory 3 years added on your sentence because you have committed a gun crime.
Despite the use of public funds to build safeco and qwest they are PRIVATE buisnesses and have at their disposal all the RIGHTS enumerated under the law of such entities even to exclude YOUR RIGHTS in the interests of the their greater good. You have no rights under the law to damage their buisness other than by lack of patronage or to disuade others from that patronage to the extent that your statements do not constitute libel or slander.
Your only rights under the frist amendment are to peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of greivances and to speak your opinions. I suggest you use a more apropriate venue to exercise the rights you so diligently oppose anyone else having.
Everyone else who has contributed to this nonsense should educate themselves and keep in mind that the map is not the territory.
@128 The only fraud/enemy of the state “exposed” by Glenn Beck is himself. It’s about time he put it back in his pants.
@34 So you think it’s okay to flash a gun at the president, but it’s not okay to flash a gun at a little twerp like Beck?
Moron: exactly when and where did someone “flash a gun at the president”? The folks who OC’d at Obama rallies weren’t within range of the Scumbag-in-Chief. Secret Service gave them all a pass. Such Hyperbole.
And carrying unloaded guns is the STUPIDEST thing I ever heard. SJ, you’re unhinged.
And still, you smart, intellectual know-it-alls just don’t get it. And you insist on knowing what’s best for ME??
Molon Labe!
…not me. I’m fairly certain you’re not intelligent enough to figure out how to disengage the trigger lock let alone where the safety switch is…
@131: Thanks for the Greek. Sums up the argument very well.
@130: Figgers people like Yosi and Van would make your day ArtFart.
Non-Seeing Eye Moron@122; Reread the middle section of #103. If you need remedial assistance contact Proud Leftist.
@132 – No progressive worth his salt follows the orders of a right wing tool, fool, and FIEND! like you.
Especially orders to imbibe his keyboard diarrhea..
All yours Marvin and Puddybud.
I’m on hiatus. Why post when they simply erase your post if it doesn’t fit the moderators agenda.
@132: Bwaaaaaaaaaaawk Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaawk
You would be wrong. I am quite proficient in the use of my firearms and have a CPL. Ever see a progressive with a Kalashnikov with a 75 round drum? Rock and roll baby.
Is that the progressives weapon of choice?
I’m down with joining up with Seattle Jew. Btw, it is legal to open carry a holstered and loaded pistol in Washington State, Seattle in specific too.
Armed, liberal, and dangerous. Let’s see if or how Goldy and Big Media (BM) report this little episode of abortion activism.
@ 137. drool,
Hahahaha… you say “Ever see a progressive with a Kalashnikov with a 75 round drum?”
Heheheheh… yeah, you are talking about a Marxist insurgency, right? Hehehehehaaahh….
Will you be coming out of the jungle with your Che Gueverra t shirt and beret on??
I am still confused by those who see an unloaded gun as a risk.
Exactly what bad can happen to me if I am carrying an unloaded gun?
Ok …
“I am still confused by those who see an unloaded gun as a risk.
Exactly what bad can happen to me if I am carrying an unloaded gun?”
SJ made a threat on His blog that he wishes to take pictures and intimidate people. He may have changed His blog to remove the wording but I however have a copy of the original as does several other internet cache sites.
Now to the unloaded gun. You obviously haven’t been able to understand this. So I will say it again.
RCW 9.41.270 (1)
It shall be unlawful for any person to carry, exhibit, display, or draw any firearm, dagger, sword, knife or other cutting or stabbing instrument, club, or any other weapon apparently capable of producing bodily harm, in a manner, under circumstances, and at a time and place that either manifests an intent to INTIMIDATE another or that warrants alarm for the safety of other persons.
Notice the word INTIMIDATE in defining BRANDISHING under the Revised Code of Washington. It is not open carry when the specific intent as stated was/is to INTIMIDATE people. This law also makes zero distinction between loaded or unloaded. Only YOU know if it is unloaded or loaded. The security and SPD at the event will not.
Now on to the rest. Since BRANDISHING is a GUN CRIME and you are now discussing a Class “B” felony like Assault Second Degree, the firearm enhancement is three years to your sentence. This enhancement would apply even if the gun is unloaded and even if the person does not fire, or has no intention of firing the gun.
Next. If you have been convicted of past criminal activities that trigger the 3rd strike rule … You will be in jail a long, long time.
If not … You will have lost your right to vote along with your right to own a gun. You will be a felon and in the Domestic Violence Database. You will have fun every time a law enforcement officer runs your plate. With luck TSA will ignore you unless you are placed on the Terrorist Watch List due to the nature of your specific crime. Then there is the possiblity of the No Fly List as well.
Call a lawyer, stop pissing off Obama, his Big Brother DHS, and don’t make your employer look stupid for hiring you.
I am sure you are brilliant at what ever it is you do. Stick to that and use your vote. Redress your grievances to government through your congressional representative and senators, and elect those that represent your opinions and perspectives.
P.S. The question is not openly carrying a gun loaded or unloaded. The question is openly carrying a gun at all after the statement that was made. The difference between the two is the response of law enforcement and the length and nature of your sentence provided they do not use lethal force to disarm you. If they are confronted with multiple armed persons of unknown intent who knows what the SPD might do.
Be aware that the WTO riot response is not a guage of current DHS FUSION policy or HRT staffing and strategy.
I reserve the Right to be Incorrect due to legal precedent and amendments by government and their associated agencies to the RCW and WAC …
Have A Nice Day.
I should point out that I am an advocate of both open and concealed carry. I am not an advocate of placing law enforcement in an adversarial role to that of the public. Most law enforcement officers are just trying to do the job the public (YOU) hired them to do. If you don’t like the laws they enforce change them through your representatives or the initiative and referendum process and voting. Just don’t expect them to treat you with respect if you put them in a situation where they feel their life and limb or someone elses is in danger. They have wives, children, parents, bills, mortgages, and lives just like you. The difference is they are risking their lives and trying to protect you within the limits and bounds you have given them. Please allow them the honor of their service and don’t make it harder for them than it already is.
The Kalishikov is more of a “toy”. Incredible design however. No wonder third world insurgents love them. You cannot stop them from working (the rifle, not the insurgent). However, I have other firearms that I would choose first if I had to have a short list of guns to pack for “survival”. My primary packing weapon is a compact .45 auto.
Che and Marx were not progressive.
Carrying a weapon uloaded or not to intimidate counts as intimidation. The man will pick you up and you can fight it in court at a later date.
We should discourage SJ from doing something that might get him thrown in the clink. It might prevent him from discovering a drug to clean the gunk a lifetime of eating fatback and hush puppies has deposited in Puddy’s arteries.;id=17
Has links to the Seattle training advisory. Don’t be so certain that SPD will throw persons in the clink over open carry. During the 4/15 protests there were several open carriers doing the same thing. I’m an open carrier though I would been on the anti-teabagger side.
If SJ were to approach me in an aggressive manner with his unloaded firearm, i’d simply disarm him and make his weapon a temporary part of his anatomy…
I concur with ArtFart. I am merely trying to redirect SJ’s anger in a more productive direction. As to the Seattle Training Advisory that is guidance for law enforcement as an overall policy regarding state law. SJ and others are not advocating routine open carry, they are advocating INTIMIDATION. If he and others hadn’t made comments about this and he showed up open carry then the issue of INTIMIDATION/BRANDISHING would not be a factor.
Exception to the rule is a confrontational setting when you are openly carrying. If you come within handgun range and make a threatining action you will be met with lethal force or at best disarmed violently. There is no doubt about this scenario. No officer is going to gamble his life, or anyone elses he is protecting, on if your weapon is loaded or not.
As to Gray Coyote’s comment. Yes, there were several. Their pictures were taken by the FBI and other officers assigned to that event along with the other attendees and their license plate numbers.
Surveliance of these events is routine and if you would like to see the dossier the DHS/FBI/BATF-E/DOJ/WSP/SPD (etc.) have made on you all you have to do is ask via the FOIA. If you are not under active investigation they will gladly share the majority of the file with you. If you do not as yet have a file, they will gladly start one for you upon your FOIA request.
Please consult an Attorny before you post comments and blogs that imply violence, or intimidation, especially towards or targetting a specfic individual.
You can win through PEACEFUL protest and means as long as you use your vote and voice wisely.
Have a nice day.