So… if I were to urge people to take up arms against batshit-crazy Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), would that be going too far?
by Goldy — ,
So… if I were to urge people to take up arms against batshit-crazy Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), would that be going too far?
Either the voting machines in her district are defective, or the voters are.
Lots of wingnuts are using civil war rhetoric these days. Civil war isn’t a good thing; it’s a bad thing. They’ve apparently forgotten America’s first civil war cost 600,000 lives on both sides, reduced the Old South to grinding poverty for decades, and launched a century of KKK terrorism. I don’t want a civil war. But if there’s gonna be one, we rabbit are ready! For eons, humans have hunted us, and now it’s our turn to have some fun hunting humans … hey, just kidding! You know, more of that batshit-insane wingnut humor … bang bang … har har …
Michelle Bachmann’s crazy views and rhetorical style (making crazy shit up) are totally in the mainstream of today’s Republican party.
That party just cannot be trusted. It must go the way of the Whigs.
3. YLB spews:
@3 ” … making crazy shit up are totally in the mainstream of today’s Republican party.”
You hit the nail on the head — see #4.
Obama has intentionally caused a nationwide scare leading to huge increases in sales of weapons, ammo & concealed weapons permits.
Here is an example:
Barrack Obama’s secret plan…balance the Budget one Gun and one Bullet at a time.
If you read the article, check out the link about the gun instructor who ordered all Obama voters out of his class!
It is boiling over thanks to the hot rhetoric of KLOWNS like you and Obama. Keep up the bad work you idiots.
Gee, the DOW is below where it closed on Monday. All that Obama hotair did was contribute to Global Warming….gaseous gasbagger.
Since throwing Hillary under the bus last year I thought women bashing was over for you libs.
Bachmann is a traitor. She hates this nation and what it stands for. She is the heart of the contemporary Republican Party. We on the left should provide her a podium from which to spew her bullshit as frequently as we can. Everyone needs to know how batshit crazy the Republican Party has become.
@4 Speaking of making shit up.
@3 “making crazy shit up”
@5 “You hit the nail on the head — see #4.”
As well as @6 and 7. It’s all they’ve got to work with – delusions. Delusions have a lousy future, as does the Republican party. That’s gotta suck for our Mr. Klynical.
Mr. Cynical @ 4
Wait…did you just create a fictitious statement and attribute it to YLB by modifying YLB’s comment to have an entirely different meaning????
Isn’t that simply dishonest?
And you wingnuts wonder why Americans have turned their backs on the GOP! NICE GOING, Cynical!
@11 People like Glenn Beck and Chuck Norris and their insane admirers are also pretty fucking delusional if they think the people they daydream of shooting at, wouldn’t shoot back. Mr. Norris might be shocked to discover the difference between acting in a movie, in which he controls the script, and a real war.
The reality of war is the exchange ratio is pretty close to 1:1. In World War I, the German Army achieved an extraordinarily high ratio of 1.3:1 against the French — this means France suffered 1.3 casualties for every German casualty — which gave Germany a strategic advantage that nearly won the war for them. In Vietnam, the U.S. achieved a high exchange ratio against the Vietcong and North Vietnamese regulars with overwhelming fire superiority, but in ground infantry combat, the exchange ratio was about equal, i.e. our side suffered a fatality for every one of theirs we killed.
In other words, if they want to fight, when they start killing people they’d better be prepared to suffer fatalities on their side roughly equal to the fatalities they inflict, because that’s how things work in war. In short, we’ll kill one of theirs for every one of ours they kill. If wingnuts aren’t willing to make that exchange, they shouldn’t fight, or daydream about fighting.
Oh, and one more thing — attempting to overthrow our elected government by force and violence is treason, and if they try it and lose, we’re gonna hang them. I just thought they should know that going in. They might want to read up on what happened to John Brown and his followers before bearing arms against the United States government and the American people.
@12 yes and yes
Fear tactics work on conservatives, so they expect that threatening Progressives will make us fearful.
I expect that theirs would truly be an army of one.
I would be willing to bet the majority of our armed forces would defend our right of revolution. I seriously reject any idea that they would shoot real Americans, as for you looney’s start running like you been doing in all our past wars.
Well she said Obama’s actions will have “the impact of forever changing our country.” that’s pretty much what he campaigned on, right?
@6 The right wing terrorist reaction has nothing to do with Obama. They did the same when Clinton was president. We’d be fools not to be prepared to fight back.
@13 they killed 168 of us at Oklahoma City, so we owe them a few, I guess, to get to 1:1. It’ll be interesting to see what happens next.
re 16: Should we start running like Bush and Cheney or like Gore and Kerry?
Do you know the difference between Bush and Cheney and Jane Fonda?
Fonda has been to Vietnam.
“Armed and dangerous”
Bring it!
Frankly, I’m looking forward to it. The REAL American people are on the side of Liberals.
Don’t believe me? Believe the elections since 2004.
2004: Bush wins the WH with the narrowest margin of any incumbent president in US history.
2006: Republicans get swept out of power in the House and barely lose control of the Senate.
2008: More Republicans lose seats in the House and Senate. Democrats have nearly a filibuster proof majority. Political new comer Barack Obama SMASHES war hero and 26 year senate veteran John McCain in the bid for the WH.
That, my friends, is called a trend. Reagan Republicanism has been tried and has been thoroughly and completely rejected by a large majority of real Americans.
This bat shit crazy bitch from MN is just another ditto-head dead ender.
The Truth @ 16:
“I seriously reject any idea that they would shoot real Americans, as for you looney’s start running like you been doing in all our past wars.”
You mean like Mitt Romney’s boys?
Or, Randal “Now taking it in the Duke Cried like a bitch” Cunningham? Some Medal of Honor nominee he turned out to be while he gets butt raped in prison for stealing form American tax payers.
Here’s a couple of our guys:
Enjoy the links you FAG!
My favorite republican trick right now is how they try to pretend science is “on their side” for global warming.
It shows how ignorant and pathetically stupid the republicans are, because they continue to deny the science and pretend that the BS they are fed is the truth.
The plain fact is: Republicans can’t handle the truth – they is why they make crap up.
I have yet to see a global warming argument (especially Puddy’s total undocumented BS) that cannot be completely debunked. They simply do not have the facts – the IPCC has said that global warming is caused by humans and the National Academies of the 20 largest nations have all backed that statement. So, the global warming deniers are “right” and the experts and scientists are all wrong…yeah, and the earth is flat, too.
The few dissenters are either unqualified, paid by the the oil industry or certifiably insane. Yes, there are SOME doubts about the ultimate effects of global warming – but if anything, most scientists think that the IPCC report was too conservative.
Brewer & Shipley said:
“It’s really A-OK to have a revolution
When the leaders that you choose
Just don’t fit their shoes”
But they were singing about another time and place.
Or were they?
You gotta love the fact Mr. Cynical blames President Obama for the recent rise in psychotic militia gun nut activism.
Yeah, Obama made the mistake of being born half black. Strong argument – as always – Mr. Cynical.
I still can’t tell if you are 1) drunk, 2) inbred, 3) cut off from reality or 4) well, all of the above.
Bachmann ratchets the crazy up another notch. Says it’s time for a “revolution”.
I mean we heard crazy shit like this from the right wing just after Clinton was elected and then Gingrich’s crowd moved in and all the screaming about the contract on America and the OKC bombing kind of drowned it out – the Vince Foster nuttery, black helicopters, militias, the Clinton “death squads” and on and on.
Mindless fear and paranoia. It’d be a total joke if it didn’t get the gullible and the whacked out to the polls to vote in yet another crowd of liars and thieves on the right.
The poor woman doesn’t grasp that America is already bankrupt, and that it’s her party and their friends who are responsible.
Almost anyone who’s ever started a war has done so with the assumption that it was the other side that was going to do the dying.
@16 I will offer you 1000-to-1 odds that in the event of domestic insurrection 99.9% of our armed forces personnel will follow the orders of the commander-in-chief, and the other 0.1% will find themselves dangling from a rope or doing life sentences in Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks for mutiny — that is, what’s left of them after the government’s F-16s, tanks, and machineguns chop their rebel militias to pieces.
@17 Yeah, in the OKC case, we killed only 1 of theirs so we have 167 to go to even things up. Unless you want to count the Waco terrorists who immolated themselves after firing on federal law enforcement officers.
@22 There are still some wetdreamers around, although it appears none of them have any stomach for bomb-throwing after seeing McVeigh get strapped to that gurney.
@24 “And we can’t let the Democrats achieve their ends any longer.” — Michelle Bachmann
Given last fall’s election results, I’m curious how she intends to stop us. Right now, we’re only 1 vote shy of a filibuster-proof Senate, and I have no doubt that if the Republican minorities in Congress play their obstructionist games, the voters will fix that in the 2010 election. Then, Republicans will have no say at all; zero, zip, nada, none; and we will impose on them our solutions to the problems they created with no input from them, no negotiation, no compromise, and no consideration for their interests — just like they did to us when they were in power.
@27 Well, if they start Civil War II, let’s see to it their assumption is wrong. Liberals must arm!
Wow! Check it out! Bin Laden is back!
In a new GOP ad:
I love the smell of right wing desperation in the afternoon.
Smells like…
A meltdown.
@33 I don’t know why Republicans would want to keep bringing up their greatest failure – failure to keep America safe. Or as they prefer to put it, “We haven’t been attacked since 9/11!!”
A bunch of frightened, paranoid fools.
We talk about jobs, education, health care and a cleaner environment and they think about arming themselves.
It’s their money I guess.
I’d laugh at them but violence like the OKC bombing is usually the outcome of this kind of insanity.
I’m giving my vote to Pudge for this week’s Golden Goat. His handful of posts were a good reminder of just how annoyingly stupid that man can be.
12. Darryl spews:
Darryl, like most LEFTIST PINHEADS, you are humorless. Sucks to be, oh so serious and oh so self-righteous…and then be stuck being you!
23. MadHatter spews:
I didn’t even mention Obama’s race in my post. There you KLOWNS go again, throwing out race when you cannot win an argument.
Of course Obama’s anti-gun voting record & hot rhetoric fueled the latest humungous increase in sales of guns & ammos and concealed weapons permits. Of course it did.
OK, let me ask you, if Obama did not fuel this massive flurry of gun & ammo sales and concealed weapons permits…PLEASE TELL ME WHAT DID?
YLB spews:
I guess??? What is there to guess about?
Typical Socialist…YLB thinks what’s his is his…but what everybody else has is OURS!
Small your PINHEAD under the toilet seat a few more times…it couldn’t hurt YLB.
Golden Goat=== ByeByeGOP.
Hands down the most vulgar, hideous, atrocious and meaningless posts in HA’s history.
Mr. Cynical @ 37
Oh man…this schtick is really, REALLY FUNNY!
@ 41.
uh-uh, that moniker still goes to JCH the lying son of a bitch who LIED about being a naval aviator and I hung his ass out to dry on his bull shit.
Why do conservatives lie about their military service, if they have any that is?
JCH was got so bad he was banned completely.
Cyn, you call us humorless while at the same time providing us so much to laugh at! Good one!
Honestly, we all know what’s going on. The NRA and the right-wing echo-chamber are radiating the same tired ‘libruls are gonna take away yer guns’ schtick, the same thing they said when Clinton was in office, and doubtless when Carter was in office as well. And their mindless automatons do as they’re told, y’know. Perhaps this is a good time to buy stock in publicly-traded armsmakers.
Hey, I just put 2 and 2 together! Maybe the NRA’s scare tactics are actually their own little financial-stimulus package! Where’s Jim Cramer when we need him?
Not a chance the chickenshit chickenhawk right wing cowards would even THINK about revolution. Between their drunken AWOL stints and their draft dodging and their general lack of character – they aren’t good at actually FIGHTING wars – just starting them. I am the right’s worst nightmare – a liberal with lots of licensed firearms and lots of training in their use. Bring it bitches. You start some sort of shit you will find REAL Americans ready, willing and able to defend the Constitution and our American way of life. I will fight anyone who tries to take over my country. Knock on my door cunts and watch what happens.
30 OKC? But-but-but-but…that was Al Ky-Da or Saddam, wuddnit? By gum-golly, some guy sez that on tee-vee, so it’s godda be trooooooo….
There have been more acts of domestic terrorism in America perpetuated by conservatives than any other terrorist organization in the world.
OKC, bombings of Planned Parenthood offices, sniper shootings of judges on Queen Anne Hill, George W. Bush suspending the Constitution, Reagan Republicans in general.
The US State Dept. needs to add the RNC to its list of terrorist organizations. And, place every conservative on the Do Not Fly list!!
The Dow goes up, the Dow goes down. Where the Dow is at on any particular day or week is fairly meaningless. The Dow at its highest was the result of a bubble and totally divorced from reality.
The personal savings rate and orders for durable goods are a far better measure of where we’re at. Both are headed up, btw.
Maybe there’s a few folks on the right whipping up some fear?
@45 Where did you “license” your firearms?
You sound really mean. Must be your training.
He’s never been the same since he fell and hit his head…
I question their sanity you fool. What? Are you disappointed that I didn’t call for “gun-grabbing”?
I don’t believe in it. I cherish the second amendment. Like Roger Rabbit says liberals must arm and must train in proper weapons use and safety to defend themselves against FASCISTS LIKE YOU!
We saw this lunacy during the first part of Clinton’s term and we’re seeing it now. This fear-mongering from the likes of Chuck Norris (a pitifully bad actor and martial artist), Bachmann, Beck and Insanity/Hannity is just MORE RIGHT WING BULLSHIT!
@51 I’m sure the echoes were pretty disabling.
Where is John Kerry? He was sent to Nam for 3 days or was that 3 cuts? You know he ran for President.
Some Democrat you are.