The chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party was hospitalized in critical condition Wednesday, a party executive said. A television station reported that three shots were fired at party headquarters.
[…] Lee said the secretary told her the man had come into the party’s office and asked to speak with Gwatney. When the secretary said she wouldn’t allow him to meet with Gwatney, the man went into his office and shot him, Lee said.
She said the secretary described the man as in his 40s and white and drove off in a blue truck.
I’ve got no other details, but I dunno, whenever I hear about Democrats being shot by middle aged white guys in pickup trucks, I tend to get a little paranoid.
The Republicans have Focus on the Family calling for prayer that Obama’s acceptance speech at Mile High Stadium will be reigned out.
Praying For Rain In Denver
right wing terrorism.
Another link to the story:
Gunman wounds Ark. Dems’ party chairman
By the way, in other news stories today: spammers are attacking with e-mails showing false links to CNN and MSNBC breaking news stories. Clicking on the links activates a virus.
I’m receiving about ten of those a day at my work e-mail address. The response by some company network administrators? Some are adding CNN and MSNBC as a list of prohibited sites, making them inacessable from the company computers . Yea, it’s a silly response, and completely innefective as a way to respond to this type of attack, which leads me to believe that they were ordered to do so by some executive who doesn’t know much about computers, the internet, and how spam and computer viruses work.
On the other hand, if you didn’t want people to be reading the news from selected websights, it could be a pretty effective tool to create doubt and mistrust.
Is there anybody here who still believes that Karl Rove and his minions would be “above” approving such a cyber-attack, if he felt it would be effective – regardless of it’s illegality?????
It looks like a suspect was shot while fleeing police. It will be interesting to find out about his background.
Of course, there’s always the chance that this is a personal grudge, but it doesn’t look like it on the face of it.
War in Georgia, a good reason to delay the elections in the fall?
if you cannot win in the war of ideas, if you cannot win hearts and minds, just shoot them.
They have caught & shot the suspect.
The victim, Gwatney, was a used car salesman.
“They have caught & shot the supect”.
Interesting, the order in which you put that.
It brings back some disturbing memories of Jack Ruby and James Earl Ray.
@7, No, the victim was Mr. Gwatney, the chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party. Get it right.
Perhaps it was the other way around.
The victim, Gwatney, was a used car salesman.
It will be interesting as they investigate the motive. Lots of possibilities…the obvious being business or politics.
I’d guess there is clear evidence of what motivated this senseless act…phone calls, letters, e-mails, others who know the circumstances etc.
3 RHP…if you’re recieving “news alerts” that you didn’t knowingly sign up for that purport to be from MSNBC, CNN or the Great Spider Monkey in the Sky, they’re almost certainly spam, probably from “spoofed” addresses, and either contain embedded malware or links to bogus Web sites waiting to inflict something nasty on your PC.
Yesterday, where I work, we had several people open “CNN News Alert” messages in Outlook and very quickly had their machines infested with rootkits.
Today the script kiddies figure most of the admins are on to the “CNN” bit, so they’re labeling their stuff “MSNBC” instead.
7, 10 According to my uncle, who spent most of his career as a senior exec at a title insurance company, and who is not a staunch Republican, car salesmen in general have a better code of ethics than people selling real estate.
Hey kids! Look at that!
A terrorist attack that wasn’t deterred by tearing up the Constitution, lying about WMDs or torturing cab drivers.
Nobody could have seen that one coming.
Snark: Where was the military! Why did they bother with the police! Every conservative knows terrorism is only solved by the military. Bring democracy to Arkansas!
Well I guess the Patriot Act can’t protect against acts of right wing terrorism.
This is why I strongly suggest that Democrats arm themselves. The Rovian republican party will stop at nothing to gain power. When stealing elections stops working for them, they’ll just start using police to keep Democrats out of the way – oops they’re already doing that.
Now they’re killing Democrats. Come to my house bitch. I have two friends you DO NOT want to meet. Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson will be glad to instruct you on how things work.
It would be a real shame if someone retaliated and killed the head of the “GOP” party somewhere now wouldn’t it. A real shame indeed.
The cops made sure the shooter won’t talk. Oh yeah, I know the media reports claim he fired at police … according to what the police say ….
Funny how it’s always Democrats who are targeted, and this shit never seems to happen to Republicans …
Rovian America reminds me of early 1930s Germany …
The whole conservative ideological house-of-cards is crashing down and the mentally defective ‘passive/ authoritarian’ types that depended on its bromides and certitudes for sanity no longer have that fount of wisdom to rely upon.
Who to blame! Who to blame? Well, according to the hate-speak emanating from Rush, Hannity, O’Reilly, et all, it is the LIBERALS that are to blame.
This is what comes of it. If it keeps up, it’s only a matter of time ’til some nut on our side tries to even up the score.
@15 I’ve seen no news reports suggesting that the shooter was some right-wing nut.
“It would be a real shame if someone retaliated…”
I think this paragraph goes too far, Rabbit. But you’ve got a few minutes left to reconsider and edit. I hope it’s gone when I check back.
I wonder if Bush will use this as a pretext to invade Arkansas to one-up Putin.
That wasn’t Roger Rabbit, it was ByeByeGOP.
And doubly stupid since we have no idea what this guy’s motives were yet.
I did a Google Search on the shooters name “Tim Johnson” “Searcy” “Arkansas” and came up with a link to a Workers Comp claim that went to the Arkansas Supreme Court.
Wonder if it’s the same guy??
@22 Oops.
Sorry, Rabbit. My post @20 was meant for BBG@15.
The Associated Press reports that Sen. McSame’s chief foreign policy adviser “lobbied the senator or his staff on 49 occasions in a 3 1/2-year span while being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by the government of the former Soviet republic of Georgia.” AP says the payments “raise ethical questions” about whether the adviser’s advice to the G.O.P. Party’s presidential candidate was influenced by “personal financial interests” and pointed out that McSame is “seizing on Russian aggression in Georgia as a campaign issue.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Meanwhile, Current Occupant McSmirk responded to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan … er, I mean, the Russian invasion of Georgia … by sending Condi Rice to Georgia. Yeah baby, that oughta scare ’em! Where do we send the flowers?
The shooter has died.
@24 Don’t worry about it. I have no expectations of truth or accuracy where you’re concerned, and never did, so this leetle gaffe doesn’t cost you anything you ever had.
It’s possible. We’ll probably find out pretty soon.
Does anyone know if this is a personal grudge, having nothing to do with politics, or is a political deal?
Roger @ 25,
Looks like the Russians are trying to re-establish the czarist empire, sans the czar.
Maybe the thing to do is ask them to join NATO, and then maybe they wouldn’t get so pissed off about Georgia or one of the other SSR’s wanting to joining NATO.
As far as I’ve seen, no one knows for sure yet, but now that the identity of the shooter is known, we’ll probably know pretty damn soon.
Shooter and Possible Motive ID’d
Police identified the shooter as Tim Johnson, age 50, of Searcy, Arkansas. Staff in the Arkansas Democratic Party office where the shooting occurred said Johnson complained to them about losing his job. The victim, a former state senator, owns 3 car dealerships. It’s unknown at this point whether Johnson was a former employee.
Looks like the Russians are trying to re-establish the czarist empire, sans the czar.
I’m probably going to write some more about this soon, but what you’re saying is Republican spin. What happened here was that Georgia wanted to assert more control over a region of their country (South Ossetia) that wanted to be more aligned with the Russian region (North Ossetia) just across the border.
Saakashvili (the Georgian President) violated a ceasefire and attacked Russian peacekeepers in the area. The Russians retaliated. This was not a case of Russia trying to annex a region that didn’t want to be annexed. It was almost the reverse. It’s a region that wants to be separate from Georgia that Russia felt it needed to protect from the Georgian military.
It’s another example of how Bush sees spreading Democracy across the world as ‘the people of each region have to be aligned with our interests or else’. McCain’s role in this is also very interesting and is coming to light (he said that he talked to Saakashvili every day).
Or Gwatney was his employer. We still don’t know.
@27 “@24 Don’t worry about it. I have no expectations of truth or accuracy where you’re concerned, and never did, so this leetle gaffe doesn’t cost you anything you ever had.”
I’m not sure how to take that, Rabbit.
@30 They’re not really into tsarist nostalgia, and Putin is a former KGB master, so I think this is more likely a Stalin echo than a Nicholas echo.
@35 Aren’t you one of our wingnut trolls?
Lee @ 33,
Guess the best thing for the US to do is stay out of it. We got enough trouble without going out looking for more.
Um, no.
@23 The opinion linked @23 is a ruling on a procedural motion in a lawsuit involving a tort claim by an injured workman against the supplier of a construction crane that fell on him causing serious injuries including fractures to his skull, ribs, pelvis, legs, and feet. The worker received a comp settlement from his employer of about $384,000 and is now suing the owner of the crane for negligence. The accident occurred in 2003, and from the nature and severity of the injuries, it seems unlikely this “Tim Johnson” would have been employable or employed since then. In addition, the accident site was a hospital under construction, and there is no connection to Gwatney’s car dealerships. Therefore, I doubt it is the same person, although that can’t of course be entirely ruled out from the information currently available.
No doubt. Keep that in mind as you see the Curly and Larry (Graham and Leiberman) to McCain’s Moe heading to Tbilisi this week.
@37 “@35 Aren’t you one of our wingnut trolls?”
I didn’t think so. Hmm, does Puddy repeatedly calling me HA’s biggest asshole count for anything?
@39 “@37 Um, no.”
Thanks, Lee.
@42 Sorry, my mistake. That makes one for each of us. Think of what the trolls who aren’t here this morning are missing! Two liberals firing on each other due to mistaken identity! Missing this is what they get for being AWOL.
It’s pretty complicated to assign blame in the Russia/Georgia dispute. Georgia claims that seperatists are using the territory to launch attacks on Georgia with the complicity or at least the disinterest of the Russian military which is supplying “peacekeepers” to the province.
So the Georgian military claims it was trying to root out terrorist strongholds when it sent it’s military into the province, killing some Russian soldiers in the process. Russia retaliated, although it can be argued that the retaliation was beyond the scope of what was reasonable under the circumstances. In instances like this, a cycle of escalation is the biggest danger, especially in light of foreign alliances, hidden or public. (WWI was started by a terrorist assasinating an Australian duke, remember).
But regardless of how it started, it seems to me that the Russians were looking for an opportunity such as this one. They clearly had their military in place to launch an offensive into Georgia, which is no easy task to do in a few days time, much less a few hours. It seems to me that this incident provided them with a golden opportunity to send a message to Georgia and the other former Soviet republics, to wit:
@43 No problem, Rabbit.
“does Puddy repeatedly calling me HA’s biggest asshole count for anything?”
That’s good for 3 Gold Stars.
Only 2 Tim Johnson’s in Searcy, AR phonebook
Only 1 guy listed in search engine as 50:
Timothy D Johnson (home)
128 Janet Ln
Searcy, AR 72143-8734
(501) 268-9305
There are other records that can be searched…but I’ll bet this is the guy
Middle name==Dale
By the way, this would be a great opportunity for everyone to go out and get a copy of Tuckman’s book, “The Guns of August”, about the start of WWI. When one of the principles was asked how WWI came about, he responded: “Ach! If only we knew!”.
Bill Gwatney died.
Very sad.
Chairman Gwatney has died.
Apparently the shooters first stop was a nearby Baptist Church Council office or something like that, where he threatened the manager with a gun, complaining of loss of his job. There was no shooting there.
How tragic.
Never mind. Comment wasn’t appropriate in hindsight
@49 “Very sad.”
On that we agree, Mr. Cynical.
Not politically motivated
@53 The post by BBG @15 sinks lower with the news. Somebody please delete that thing.
What..the Daily Kos trying to take the high road?? Here is Blake’s link from the Daily KOS:
Gwatney Killing NOT Politically Motivated
by The Baculum King
Wed Aug 13, 2008 at 02:29:13 PM PDT
The unfortunate killing today of Arkansas Democratic Party Chair Bill Gwatney has spawned a great deal of unfortunate unfounded speculation that it was “political”, “inspired by Limbaugh and Hannity” and the like that is unworthy of DailyKos.
The shooter, later killed by police (or himself) was Tim Johnson, 51, of Searcy, Arkansas, who was recently laid off from his job in the body shop of one of the Gwatney dealerships.
While my condolences certainly go out to both families involved, we should let this serve as a cautionary tale about unfounded speculation more worthy of FreeRepublic or LGF than DailyKos. We’re supposed to represent the Reality-Based Community here…”
I get a kick out of the “Reality-Based Community” schtick. The readers were all over this as another vast right-wing conspiracy.
Egg on their little PINHEADS..once again.
I agree this is well beyond free speech.
15. ByeByeGOP spews:
“Well I guess the Patriot Act can’t protect against acts of right wing terrorism.
This is why I strongly suggest that Democrats arm themselves. The Rovian republican party will stop at nothing to gain power. When stealing elections stops working for them, they’ll just start using police to keep Democrats out of the way – oops they’re already doing that.
Now they’re killing Democrats. Come to my house bitch. I have two friends you DO NOT want to meet. Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson will be glad to instruct you on how things work.
It would be a real shame if someone retaliated and killed the head of the “GOP” party somewhere now wouldn’t it. A real shame indeed.”
ByeBye needs counseling.
Free Speech can be abused.
This is a classic example.
We speculate until we get facts. Then once we find out the truth, we adapt.
Unlike some conservatives I know who stay the course, regardless of the truth that comes out. An example is how they won’t change their stands regardless about how much truth about about the lack of Weapons of Mass Destruction is exposed.
@56 Ok, we agreed on something. It’s over. You can shut the fuck up now.
56: Given the recent shooting in Knoxville, which WAS politically motivated (albeit the target was a church, of all things), it’s not completely unreasonable for people to start looking for political motives. But as this instance demonstrated, we all need to take a deep breath and wait at least a few hours for the facts to come in.
I agree, @15 is over the top and should be edited.
But you all keep fully quoting him, so now more than one post should be removed.
There were many posts “Comment Removed by Moderator” about this topic over on FreeRepublic so I can assume some of the conservative comments were over the top too. Lots of condolences there too.
@47 Cyn, a lot of people nowadays have cellphones only, no landline, plus you have people with unlisted numbers, so you really can’t determine much from a phonebook search.
BBG is a patriot with sincere motives, but I agree it’s time for Goldy to moderate #15.
According to Daily Kos, the shooter went to a church council office and threatened a manager there, and also complained of losing his job at that location, before going to the Democratic Party office where he shot his former employer. Johnson, age 51, had recently been laid off from a body shop in Gwatney’s dealerships. This appears to be a workplace rage situation with no political motive. The fact the victim was in a Democratic Party office when he was shot appears to be coincidental. I wonder if he also was involved with the church council — I think I saw something that said he was active in church affairs — and the shooter went to the church office to look for him. It’s obvious Johnson targeted this one specific individual, who as noted above, unfortunately has passed away from his injuries.
This guy is just your typical leftist thug union member. When you don’t just give them money for nothing, they shoot you.
It just goes to show, if Gregoire gets defeated the WEA is going to go on a WTO rampage.
Even Roger Rabbit has already advocated gettings guns.
I’m just sayin’…
@64 (Chortle!) I guess we deserved that, I get the sarcasm. We fill in the blanks with what we want to think, until we get facts. Just say’in.
Snark: Now if it comes out that this guy was a fanatic of Rush and Savage, maybe we can spin it back to being politically motivated! Please, please oh please….
I’m done. That was my last snark of the day.
First the right wing nut with a copy of Handjob Hannity’s book walks in to a church shooting and now this. You right wingers have the problem.
@62 “BBG is a patriot with sincere motives”
I agree wholeheartedly. But his posts @15 and 66 don’t help the cause.
Haven’t you been paying attention for the last six years?
We don’t let facts or circumstances determine our political interpretation of events anymore. Our interpretation is determined solely by our political needs. Whether or not any given attack will be characterized as terrorist in nature is to be determined by our political needs at that point in time. That’s the new reality care of Dick Cheney.
Don’t blame me. I don’t make the Rovian laws of political rhetoric. I just enforce them.
I’ll stop quoting your Lunatic Komrade ByeBye when the #15 is removed.
A real patriot??
A guess there is a fineline between that and a nutjob. My vote is ByeBye=Nutjob! by his comments shall he be judged!
@69 “by his comments shall he be judged”
And he has been judged a patriot. You, on the other hand, have been judged to be a America-hating, Rossi-dick-licking, commie-fascist traitor as well as a danger to America’s goat population.
Scanning Google News it looks like it’s too early to tell what’s going on other than Bill Gwatney, the victim, is dead as is the shooter.
What a horrible mess. My thoughts go out to both the mens families.
Why isn’t the headline “Democratic Party goons shoots and kills alleged shooter?”
That aside, there are two victims here. The Democratic Party Chair, and the mentally ill man who was executed by the police.
@72 “mentally ill man who was executed by the police”
Making shit up again? I can see how the notion of cops executing the mentally ill might leave you frightened.
Flaming me dishonors the memories of both the of the victims. This thread is about them.
@74 “…victims. This thread is about them.”
Oh, and here I thought you wanted this thread to be about police officers executing the mentally ill:
“the mentally ill man who was executed by the police”
My bad, asswipe.
In general… republicans fight back. Punks/thugs/criminals tend to pick on the easiest targets, ie: democrats.
@ 76:
Is that all the substantive debate you have left? Really? An elementary school yard taunt?
Is your dad going to beat up everyone else’s dad?
Grow up.
@76 Do you feel lucky, punk? …
@64 Of course I advocate liberals arming … look what happened to the Jews because they didn’t. Now I’m not saying you guys are Nazis just because Ann Coulter and Jonathan Gardner advocate genocide against liberals. All I’m saying is you guys act like them. Liberals getting guns is merely a defensive precaution.
@68 I understand what yer sayin’, I understand what yer sayin’ …
@69 There’s so many nutjobs on your side we’re entitled to at least one, although I’m not saying BBG is a “nutjob.” I believe the phrase I used to describe him, “a patriot with sincere motives,” is accurate.
@70 “You, on the other hand, have been judged to be a America-hating, Rossi-dick-licking, commie-fascist traitor as well as a danger to America’s goat population.”
Nah. Cynical doesn’t have enough imagination to do all that. He’s only a bot.
@74 You’ve got to be kidding. I mean, really, seriously, YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!!! The topic of this blog is REPUBLICANS SUCK. Flaming you unpatriotic fascist dicklickers is what we do here. If you want warm and fuzzy, try a bed and bath shoppe.
@76 “republicans fight back”
That’s downright funny. Unintentional humor is often the best.
Last time the libs got all bent out of shape about a shooting it was Haq. He was that flaming, jew hating, muslin librul that you guys tried to paint as a right wing, religious fanantic. That failed miserably. hehehehehe
@85 Obama’s got one thing nailed for sure – you freaks certainly do revel in your ignorance.
The alleged shooter is just a patsy…….I hear that on-lookers saw Bill Clinton (D-AR) on the grassy knoll outside the building trying to pick up women just before the carnage. Too many coincidences.
Chalk another one up to the Clinton ‘hit’ team.
On the brighter side, David Gold stain’s paranoia level is at an all time high, which is amusing to watch in his natural habitat.
@87 Thanks for making my point @86.
Gee can you imagine the crap we’d see from Marvin the child molester, CynCyn and Puddylicker if the roles were reversed here?
You all need to decide who’s side your on. The right wing swill here says shit everyday about killing blacks, bombing abortion clinics, etc. and nobody cares.
My job is to be as faaar left as these asslicks are right. When and if they ever fight fair – so will I. If you want to go back and remove all the bullshit from right wing cowards and traitors, I’ll moderate my own comments. I give what I get. And there’s nothing coming from the right other than shit. So SOMEONE has to fight back. That’s me.
Oh and Marvin–What would you know about a fight? You pick on 10 year old boys!
[Deleted – off topic]
Dude, so off topic.
Troll, I don’t mind the fact that your comments are in a realm of mental disturbance that most of us find bordering on the supernatural, but please keep your inane commentary on-topic.
In general… republicans fight back. Punks/thugs/criminals tend to pick on the easiest targets, ie: democrats.
This is, of course, coming from a commenter who stays anonymous and lives far away from the others who come here. Pathetic.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
@ 63 ~ Wow!! what were the odds that Regurgitated Roadkill and most of Goldy’s marionettes here hang out at their fellow hate-site the “daily Kos”. I, for one, am shocked.
If I get this right, David Gold Stain has no problem with a mass extermination of the black race due to abortion, but cries crocodile tears for one man shot by most likely a fellow deranged liberal.
Wow…….the disconnect with reality is astounding in this echo chamber of ignorance (HA).
#95 is an off topic hate-filled screed, but I think we should leave it up and call it Exhibit A.
…@ 96, Michelle, thanks for being exhibit A for the Echo chamber of ignorance referenced in my post @ 95.
Goldy’s backbencher’s never fail to walk right into front-loaded mule kick…..EEEEEEEAWWWWWWWWWWW
Little Rickie Dumbass: such a loser. You’ll swallow any freeper bullshit.
Rick D is just another screen name for known traitor Puddylicker.
Pelletizer farted:
Well Pelletizer,
Steve is HAs Biggest ASSHole. Just read his insipid comments.
bybygoober is even rejected by his own kind above
Yelling Loser Boy Scum worships NAMBLA.
Rujax! is one of the drawers dullest knives.
I jus calls dem as I sees dem.
bybygoober@99 – the leaders of this blog have previously corrected you on this worthless misconception. Kind of like what happened when the ms pig was impregnated by mr boar and you were the misconception.
Can you dig it?
But being a pigfucking pedophile, you get a pass from the Donkey here.
Steve, I agree with you for once about bybygoober@15. So for this one post your suffix has been dropped.
But being the donkey scum he is you have to live with him as he’s one of your best buds here on HA.
Now this is a keeper. If bybygoober who never served is a patriot, then Pelletizer is really senile.
This is as funny as Cuyohoga County, Ohio, The definition of IF, Haiti, and more Pelletisms.
And so they reap the whirlwind they have sown, the years and years of spiteful hate-talk spilling from the mouths of odious monsters who dare call themselves ‘patriots’. Now the lunatic fringe has discovered that it’s okay to attack innocent Americans because they’re ‘liberals.’
Go ahead, shoot up a church full of children signing tunes from ‘Annie’. They’re not ‘real’ Americans.
Go ahead, murder a man in cold blood simply because the voices on the radio declare him to be an enemy. He’s not a ‘real’ American.
The sad thing about this is that with the inevitable election of Obama and scores more Democrats across the nation, while we’re looking at the de facto death of the perverted corpse of what was once the Party of Lincoln, the voices of unreason will no doubt declare it to be the moment to take up arms and ‘rise up’ against the Zionist Occupation Government.
We’re seeing the first shots of the Second Civil War, people. And Osama bin Laden must be laughing his ass off at this.
So, tell me about steve the goat humper. I don’t see his last name up there.
And besides… with byebyegoop running loose and not locked up it would be unwise for anyone that doesn’t share his wacko opinion to let him have their personal info.
Wasn’t it you that threatened to knock food out of my hand because I said fat people should pay more for health insurance. Strange how you knew I lived far away when you made the threat.
Tragic that two people died.
I wonder if layoffs had anything to do with the rising of the minimum wage.
Stupes (PuddyNAMBLA),
Do you love these sinners?
Troll @ 74 identifies the perp as a victim…because he identifies with broken, middle aged white Christian dudes. Losers trained by Hannity and Limbaugh that self-made problems were caused by somebody else (non-white and non-male)
In other words, the GOP base.
BBG @ 15 should be removed for a number of reasons. This idiot has got to be a right wing troll posing as a progressive populist.
The death threats and veiled threats should be confined to the psychos at Sound Politics. They look ridiculous on HA.
Goldy, it’s time to get that registration button working.
@ 104 ~
Sorry to tell you BathhouseJoe, but the shooting is probably a case where the shooter was unsatisfied with the used car -Read LEMON- Gwatney sold him from his Used car dealership near Little Rock,AR.
So….save the paranoia for the sessions with your drug counselor.
@ 110 & 111 ~your hatred runs so deep you can’t even see the obvious hypocrisy in what you post in here with what you come to read at Goldy’s hate site.A disconnect? Me thinks so.
@ 109 ~ maybe you have an example of “veiled death threats” on SP…they have an extensive archive so maybe you can back up your claim…or are you just talking out of your ass again?
I think the country will probably see more of these types of politician executions as the economy worsens. People are just fed up.
Wasn’t it you that threatened to knock food out of my hand because I said fat people should pay more for health insurance. Strange how you knew I lived far away when you made the threat.
I didn’t know you lived far away when I made the threat. Do you want me to dig up the link to when that happened, or are you content to stop embarrassing yourself now?
Jump, Marvin, jump!
Although Rick D @104 wants to take this opportunity to besmirth the victim by claiming that his death was retaliation for selling a “lemon” to the shooter, the best scenario for the wingnuts appears to be that the shooter used to work at the shop of one of the victim’s car dealerships, but was laid off and angry about it.
So absent some other evidence of political motivation, this would appear to be another unfortunate workplace shooting, with the fact that the owner of the business was also head of the Arkansas Democrats a coincidence.
Note that with the rise of gas prices, lots of car dealerships are having problems. In early June a drunk driver hit one of my cars (it was being driven by my son at the time), forcing us to buy a new car. Three weeks later I called the dealership to ask a question, only to find that the saleslady who sold us the car, along with her manager, were no longer working there. When I dropped by to pick up my extra set of keys, I saw that the sales staff had obviously been reduced by at least half from what it was a few weeks previously.
So it isn’t surprising to me that there are some rather painfull layoffs among car dealerships.
Let’s discuss why it is that you made a threat because I voiced an opinion you didn’t share.
Did you feel attacked when I said fat people should pay more for health insurance.
Is it part of the left-wing mindset to resort to violence in protests and with those you don’t agree with?
I noticed you didn’t address stevie hiding behind anonymity. I’m sure stevie appreciates you covering for him.
Typical rich business owner screwing over the working class so they can make more profit.
@ 117
Typical rich business owner screwing over the working class so they can make more profit.
Yup. Republicans have so screwed up the economy that folks who used to form the Republican base are now turning to the Democratic party. Has to warm the cockles of your heart, doesn’t it?
Addendum to 115: Now it looks like the shooter wasn’t employed by the victim at all – he was fired by Target for writing graffiti on a wall.
Investigators say he was a white, middle-aged man who never married, lived in the same home he grew up in with his parents until both of them died within the past ten years. Neighbors say he “kept to himself”, and “seemed a little strange”.
Looks like this investigation is going to take a while….
@ 115 rhp6033 ~
Explain to me how pointing out that Gwatney was a used car dealer somehow “besmirth”‘s(sic) the victim. Here I thought you were one of the few sane people here at Goldy’s hate site. Apparently, I was mistaken.
Here’s the definition of the word “besmirch” to help you out with your education:
1. charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone; “The journalists have defamed me!” “The article in the paper sullied my reputation” [syn: defame]
2. smear so as to make dirty or stained
Oddly enough, it sounds alot like what Goldy and the marionettes here at HA do quite often to anyone that dares tread across their ideological bridge….go figure huh!
You clearly have no grasp of reality.
No wonder you’re perfectly suited to be a troll. Now be a good boy and go back to your photoshops.
BathhouseJoe @ 121 ~
Run along troll….the question was for RHP6033…. Adults are talking, where are your manners, lad?
“Investigators say he was a white, middle-aged man who never married, lived in the same home he grew up in with his parents until both of them died within the past ten years. Neighbors say he “kept to himself”, and “seemed a little strange”.
Wow this is the exact picture we have of Rick D./aka Puddylicker, Marvin the child rapist, PU, Troll and FauxMark. Scary how right on a description of these punks this is.
@ 120
Oddly enough, [besmirch] sounds alot like what Goldy and the marionettes here at HA do quite often to anyone that dares tread across their ideological bridge…
The problem is that rarely does anyone who dares to tread across this ideological bridge manage to bring along with them anything having any remotely interesting intellectual and/or rhetorical value. At that point, there’s really little left to do but to point out that you guys are really intellectual light-weights.
For example, I have yet to see anyone from your side of the aisle come up with any reasonable justification that makes it OK for a candidate running for a high office to hold something known as a private press conference, this despite the fact that several people here have pointed to the fundamental contradiction in such an act.
Seriously, by your own behavior, you wingnuts are doing a bang-up job of showing the rest of us that you haven’t the slightest clue as to what the word “governance” means.
Don Joe Sputtered:
Actually, there were several members of the real press there and not some paid political hack that the DNC sent in with a video camera to disrupt the proceedings with him asking non sensical questions for a “gotcha” moment on Rossi.
But boy did that pig squeal when his camera was threatened ….A lesson learned on the boundaries of private property for the lad though eh?
Fortunately, the GOP has more class than the Donkey party and usually doesn’t stoop to the levels of the new generation “Do Nothing Party” otherwise known as the DNC.
Which could legitimately stand for the “Does Nothing Competent” party.
@ 125
Actually, there were several members of the real press there…
So, your most relevant factual point is to say that there were actually members of the press at a press conference? Do you suppose there’s a way to hold a press conference that doesn’t include members of the press?
The question is, why does it need to be private?
…sent in with a video camera to disrupt the proceedings with him asking non sensical questions for a “gotcha” moment on Rossi.
So, the reason it needed to be private is because Rossi is so freaking scared of hecklers that he needs to execute a preemptive strike by excluding them from a press conference? This is supposed to show us how Rossi’s qualified to serve as governor?
I could make up some sophomoric meaning for the “GOP” acronym, but, where Rossi’s concerned, the “P” clearly stands for “pusillanimous.”
Hey, Don. I’m just finishing up Thomas Franks’ “The Wrecking Crew”. His thesis touches on your post #123 quite directly.
Besides, it’s a smooth read.
@ 126 – Obviously you and Goldy and the other marionettes here at HA don’t fully understand property rights. The squealer behind the camera was told he wasn’t welcome on private property and decided to trespass anyway and had to be escorted away all the while protesting “Why can’t I be here? I’m not doing anything”.
Liberals love to whine when they don’t get their way and this situation was no exception.
The owner of the property that allowed Governor Quagmire to speak could have just as easily turned around and ordered Dino Rossi off his property if he attempted to speak to the same audience. A little lesson in property rights for you kids, no charge for this lesson.
Liberals throw pies and heckle and cause a ruckus when they don’t approve of the speaker and attempt to stifle free speech. Aren’t you embarrassed by that? No, of course you aren’t….Liberal fascism is an acceptable tactic in order to advance the agenda, even if it does impinge on others’ rights.
Pathetic on so many levels dontcha think?
@ 128
Obviously you and Goldy and the other marionettes here at HA don’t fully understand property rights.
Neither Goldy nor I have argued that Rossi doesn’t have the right to be an asshole, so any discussion of property rights is a complete non sequitur. You either grok that, in which case you’re being disingenuous, or don’t grok that, in which case you’re just another wingnut idiot. Take your pick, but those are only two possibilities.
Liberals throw pies and heckle and cause a ruckus when they don’t approve of the speaker and attempt to stifle free speech.
Throwing pies and heckling is no more a denial of someone’s right to free speech as is the forcible removal of someone from a “private” press conference. Your argument has now become completely incoherent. You can’t have it both ways.
And the only thing that’s “pathetic on so many levels,” is your inability to reconcile the notion of a “private” press conference with someone’s desire to be elected governor.
Public servants don’t get to pick and choose those whom they’re elected to serve. Clearly, neither you nor Dino Rossi understand this.
I haven’t heard that in years.