The thing about fascists is they try to wear down the normal people. Good people with shit to do (jobs, kids, doing things that make being alive fun) grow tired of stuff like the Arizona abomination, and can start to weaken, figuring maybe if the fascists get this, they’ll calm down.
They won’t calm down, at least not until white people with R’s behind their names are completely in charge of everything, everywhere on the planet. And since that’s not going to happen, normal people have to be encouraged to beat these fascist bastards at the polls, and beat them badly.
Fuck Godwin’s Law, I’m done with that, it’s null and void. The Arizona law is fascist, and I hope to hell the DOJ is all over that miserable state government down there. Show me your papers, I’ll show you my papers. Here it is 2010 and someone is probably going to have to organize freedom rides. They’ve even got that fascist sheriff who would easily fall for the bait.
Funny thing about trying to uncork resentments as a political strategy: it can lead to unpredictable outcomes. In the right wing lizard brain, we’re all hippies who won’t stand up for anything, because the right wing lizard brain defines us as incapable of having true American values.
That’s why their heads exploded, and continue to explode, because we pointed out the debased assault on American values perpetrated by the Cheney-Bush administration. To them it was nothing more than an insult, no matter how many facts were presented, and they use it as a justification for whatever insults they care to issue to us, or more importantly, the Constitution. Then they parade around in costumes proclaiming their love of a document they don’t even understand.
They’ve always made that mistake, of course. And they’ve always lost, from Appomattox to Selma, but not without causing a whole lot of needless suffering. It’s their cultural heritage. USA! USA! USA!
i think obamism is closer to fascism than a law enforcing immigration laws. Maybe you need a new word…typical lefty pulling out the old fascist/racist card for any political issue you have.
You just proved Jon’s point.
“To [you] it was nothing more than an insult, no matter how many facts were presented, and [you] use it as a justification for whatever insults [you] care to issue to us, or more importantly, the Constitution.“
There’s a group of Libertarians out there that support a totally open border as a method of forcing the collapse of such programs as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. It’s not likely that we’ll have totally open borders, but those guys might be right about illegal immigrants putting a lot of stress on those programs.
If you are “green” then how can you want 20 mm more people to leave their simpler lives and move here and live in grander homes and cars?
the last thing a green person should want is more big car, piggish Americans…
Every time I see somebody type “obamism” I misread it as onanism. Every time.
How bluesky did righton prove Jon’s point? His comment did not even drop to the typical low levels of DeVore commentary. He’s the big insult “man” here calling anyone who disagrees with his insipid commentary a tea bagger.
If you DUMMOCRAPTS were really worried about the southern border and the potential for an Al Qaeda type to sneak across, then real legislation would be drafted and there would be ABSOLUTE bi-partisan support. Instead we have a preznit playing DUMMOCRAPTIC politics. Odumba attacks 70% of Arizonans who like the law, along with 51% of the Arizonan DUMMOCRAPTS who support the legislation.
Butt don’t let real facts stop a libtardo argument. Exploding heads continue to abound in the lefty circle jerks…
You see bluesky, over the weekend there were arrests in Arizona with progressives. Watch the WTO tactics in action. Yet the media claimed the Tea Party protests were the “ugly” ones even though there were ABSOLUTELY no arrests.
Eyeblast TV… a great place to view the left-wing bias in the slobbering libtardo media. Unfortunately these facts cuz exploding heads!
For the love of god, can we PLEASE get a govt that actually protects and secures our borders? You know, like they are SUPPOSED TO DO.
I think Arizona has just shot itself in the foot. It will only take a few incidents for tourists and meeting planners to start avoiding the state.
Meantime, if you must go to Arizona carry your passport, if you have one, “enhanced” ID or birth certificate if you don’t, & make sure people outside the state know where you are & check in with you from time to time. It’s become a place where citizens can be disappeared.
BTW, we corvids think this law is just great. Many of us are planning to fly to Arizona–the eating is easy!
So, what’s more dangerous?
(a) An militiaman aremed with a semi-automatic weapon who’s spent all night drinking beer while “watching the border” with his buddies; or
(b) an illegal immigrant who’s looking for a job making meagre wages picking field crops or washing dishes?
How about 12-20 million illegal aliens? I’d say that’s far more dangerous than any militiaman.
AAAAAAHHAHHAHHAHAHA.. How stupid is this?
The border was more or less what it is now during the whole reign of the chimp.
And that stupid, broken “fence” he signed into law? That’s on him! His people selected Boeing to build it and let it get out of control.
30 billion down the hole. Typical chimpanzee administration waste, fraud and abuse antics..
And these teabaggers were so obsessed about 53 million with a M going to ACORN over 20 years.
@11..if our govt did its job and secured the border, you would not have to ask that question.
How many did Saint Ronnie Raygun give an amnesty to?
I don’t recall any hispanic folks flying those planes into the towers. Or blowing up that government building in Oklahoma.
God this is stupid.
The Tea Party is against this Arizona law right? The founding fathers NEVER required national ID or “papers”? Is more government involvement in our lives good? The government already tells me how I can have sex, who I can marry, which drugs are allowable to take, the government can choose to kill me, but I can’t choose to take my own life legally. The government LITERALLY controls my sex/marriage/food-drug/life-and-death (those are Republicans ideas even). Isn’t this just more of government control?
We came here and stole this land by force from the people who used to live here. You can “believe” god wanted us to do it or it was our destiny or whatnot, but that kind screws taking the MORAL HIGH GROUND about illegal immigrants since we killed our way into taking this land to begin with.
And what are you worried about? If your job can be taken by someone without skills who can’t communicate in English, you don’t have much of a job.
It used to be the Irish, and Jews, and Italians, and Asians, and blah blah. We’ve always feared those foreigners were going to take over the nation, and destroy our way of life, and it’s never happened.
Also, build your little boarder fence if you want…doesn’t matter. MOST illegal aliens come by by United Airlines or Delta. You can NEVER EVER stop that. As long as we let people fly into the United States to visit Disney Land or New York, this will happen. It works simply…you just visit the United States, and don’t leave. No boarder fence can stop someone from visiting the Grand Canyon and just not going home.
On the other hand, if the government did its job, think of all the potential new Democrat voters would be missed? Politics trumps all.
Not 20 million. And do recall that at the time, the Congress, which Dems controlled, essentially promised that the issue would be resolved immediately, and that it would be a one time thing.
Seriously, righton@1 – does the airhead wing of your party ALWAYS have to repeat the same mindless talking points over-and-over again? Can’t you find ANYTHING unique to say?
The automated pre-generated stuff gets boring after – oh, say – the 4,000th time.
Disgusting racist Puddy is in heaven right now; when you talk about dark skinned people showing their ID’s wherever they go, Puddy closes his eyes and imagines giant fluffy white clouds.
Self-hating right wingers just signed their political death warrant in Arizona. Same way they did the circle firing squad thing in California years ago.
As I wrote a year and a half ago, about closing the border:
Isn’t the whole premise of the Tea Party movement that overreaching government poses a grave threat to individual freedom?
How is the Arizona law not that?
@17..indeed it does…the D’s seem to rely on that voting bloc….
@17 Go Google: “Reagan amnesty”
Or “Reagan S&L bailout”
Or “Reagan deficit spending”
Remember, this is your Saint…mentioned a hundred fold more often than any other Republican leader in your last Presidential debates as the core value person of your party…not some John McCain like “maverick” (LOL…forgot, he now says he was never a maverick…ROTFLMAO. Dude, it was your SLOGAN for 2 Presidential runs!)
3 PI
Then there’s a really ignorant group of libertarans out there. undocument workers pay into SS with no possibility of ever receiving it, ditto Medicare (Medicaid is not something I know as much about, being administered state by state as it is). So open borders don’t UNDERMINE SS and Medicare , they SUPPORT them.
They “might be right?” Don’t you know anything about this? Do you always post on subjects about which you are completely ignorant?
04/27/2010 at 6:53 am
“i think obamism is closer to fascism than a law enforcing immigration laws.”
That’s because you’re a dumbass.
The primary reason fat, lazy, slow, divorced and ignorant right wingers hate hard-working immigrants who don’t take the American Dream for granted:
Can it be any more obvious?
The image of those border militia clowns sitting around on their fat, angry asses while immigrants bust their butts to scurry across the desert to pursue WORK is quite telling.
It’s more than just self-hatred that drives critters like Klynical, pudster and marktheracist – envy certainly plays an important role in forming that psycho right ideology.
Posting on HA is actually a form of therapy for them – to let off some self-hate steam, and possibly weasel themselves under the Pearly Gates.
22 Vince with Slap-Chop
Do you mean undocumented workers? They’re not a “voting bloc;” they don’t vote.
But as for other Latinos, one of the dominant ethnic groups in the American Southwest for five hundred years, yes, they tend to vote Democratic, because racist Republican teaparty assholes pass laws like this one that encourages law enforcement to harass and incarcerate random brown US citizens.
Thanks for giving them to us. Good luck with your aging white males.
13: Yep, the “border fence” idea was the GOP response which was typical of five years ago. The cycle worked like this:
(a) GOP tries to get electoral milage out of a hot-button issue – in this case, illegal immigration.
(b) The GOP starts it’s fear campaign, led by the right-wing radio storm troopers and fed by the likes of Bachman, etc.
(c) When somebody points out the practical problems (i.e., prohibitive cost) of securing the border as the GOP promised, they respond that “high tech” will make it cheaper.
(c) Government spends lots of money to build short stretches of wall in highly visable locations. Critics point out that an unpatrolled wall is useless, as there is no ten-foot wall that can’t be beaten by a 12-foot ladder, and a short fence can simply be walked around.
(d) To pretend to remedy those problems, Government issues no-bid contracts, often on cost-plus basis, for a system which hasn’t been proven and the cost of which is therefore open-ended. But that will be some other President’s problem with the costs are deferred to later (thrown in with the mounting government debt to be paid by future generations of taxpayers).
They did a similar thing with border security at ports to prevent introduction of radiological or biological weapons. The “known shipper” system relied upon a shipper signing a document promising that there were no harmful radiological or biological weapons included in the shipment. One can only imagine how many terrorists attacks were prevented because they were afraid the government would prosecute them for perjury in signing the statement! Of course, now radiological inspections of incoming ocean containers are scheduled to become mandatory for all cargo (finally), but again – just in time for the expense and delays to occur on another President’s watch.
And right wingers are so desperate to circle jerk, they’ll do it with their own sockpuppets (and it’s not only their heads that are exploding):
@1 “i think obamism is closer to fascism than a law enforcing immigration laws”
I think your head is so far up your ass you’re licking the backside of your tongue.
It was 2.7 million. How was that any less of a “threat” than now? How large was the bunch who flew the planes into the towers or blew up the Murrah building?
Lots of companies have profited off that cheap labor.
The solution is simple – stop hiring them. If they can’t make a living here, they won’t come here. Not a single shot has to be fired, a single fence has to be built or a single taxpayer dollar beyond enforcing the employment laws has to be spent.
And now you’re saying the Dems hoodwinked Saint Raygun?
Check it out. Most of the garbage from Limbaugh and Beck is false if not “pants on fire” lies.
And this is what right wing fools eat for breakfast.
@30: Priceless:
Interesting little tidbit about the Arizona natives. I mean the real natives, not the whitebread little bluehair christians that have populated it since the end of WW2.
They’re mostly rednecks.
Thats right. The brown-skinned, “messican” lookin folks, whose families have lived there for generations, who still have close familial ties with the folks south of the border, are cowboy hat wearin’, pickup truck drivin’, GUN OWNIN’ rednecks. An awful lot of them have military training and combat experience.
You white trash assholes wanna see what happens when “law” enforcement steps over a line in this country? A line that YOU jackboots have drawn with a “law” that YOU have written?
There’s already a lot of angry chatter from those folks. There won’t be any lying around and taking it. What you are going to see, is a lot of dead cops, and a lot of dead American civilians, because the local yokels are going to stand up for themselves.
I hope you nazi teabaggers are proud of yourselves. You are certainly getting everything you wanted.
You nazis wanted a war so bad, well now you have it.
You must mean illegally documented workers. Undocumented workers don’t pay any taxes because if they did, they’d have to have documentation, right?
I don’t see the new immigration law as fascist, for one thing it might hurt Arizona’s large employers and fascists would be working with those large employers, not against them.
I see the Arizona’s new immigration law as neo-feudal. It wont stop a single person from crossing the border or an employer from hiring illegals (which is what we should be doing). It will however stop the woman who’s been raped by her supervisor at work or the person who’s house she’s cleaning from going to the police about it. This sets up a feudal system where white folks with a little be of power and money become lords, working class folks get to be vassals and Mexican labors serfs.
It’s time for the far-right to admit that they want antebellum back. They don’t want a democratic system, they want feudalism.
Serious jail time!
And I would include the soccer mom who needs her flower beds turned over and the doughy white douchebag with a hangover who doesn’t feel like raking leaves today and decides to hire some of the guys that hangout down by the Home Depot waiting for work — any work.
Eliminate the hiring of illegals, the jobs go away, illegals go away.
Unfortunately, servious sanctions on employers never seem to be part of “reform”.
YLB @ 31 said:
Actually, George W. Bush does deserve some credit for reversing illegal immigration into this country. He did it by ineptitude in running the government and deregulation to the point of ideological absurdness, but he did it.
George W. Bush simply plunged the country into the “Great Rescession”. It was painful to citizens, legal immigrants, and illegal immigrants too, but it did reverse the flow of illegal immigration. In late 2008 and 2009, there were actually more illegal immigrants in the U.S. RETURNING TO LATIN AMERICA than there were coming into the country.
How did he do it? Simple. No jobs. For anybody.
Of course, we could use this as a model for discouraging illegal immigration when the economy improves. We could enforce and expand the laws against hiring illegal immigrants to the point where there is no profit in coming to the country illegally.
(1) Expand the e-verify program employers use to check legal status before hiring, so they wouldn’t have any excuses for hiring illegal immigrants.
(2) Make corporate officers individually responsible, both in civil and criminal prosecutions, when their companies employ illegal immigrants. (The IRS can already do this if a company fails to pay payroll taxes, for example).
(3) Enforce the laws against the corporate executives – including forefeiting their salaries, stock options, and bonuses for any year in which illegal immigrants are employed.
(4) Apply the same sanctions to the prime contractor if any sub-contractor violates the laws.
I think this would pretty quickly solve the problem of companies hiring illegal labor. Instead of hiding behind the “we didn’t know” excuse, or behind low-level managers who were pressured to hire illegals to meet their corporate-imposed goals, the corporate executives would work quickly to make sure that their hiring complied with the law.
You can’t. Which is one of the many reasons I’d like to see employers who hire illegals fined. I think $1000 per illegal worker and $100 per man-hour of labor preformed would do the trick.
And it would help install a good work ethic in kids in their early teens, since they could go door to door again with their lawnmower, shovels and rakes when they needed some cash.
Godwin’s law (also known as Godwin’s Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin’s law of Nazi Analogies)[1][2] is a humorous observation made by Mike Godwin in 1990 which has become an Internet adage. It states: “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.”
Did you hear that Dora the Explorer has been canceled in Arizona? She was dressed suspiciously and she had an accent. She didn’t have her papers as she walked to the Monkey tree and has been deported.
I wonder if the gendarme of AZ will be checking the papers of those foreign born athletes who play in their revenue generating sports facilities.
Seriously, I wonder how many professional athletes and semi-professional (collegian) athletes will have the testicular fortitude to boycott events in AZ.
Appomattox. Selma. Bush-Cheney. Is there anything Jon left out? Oh yeah … Bergen Belsen and Buchenwald.
That’s what Godwin’s Law is about: making sure that any lunatic left-wing liberal Internet progressive will progressively push an online discussion to the point where compassionate tolerant progressives will call the rest of us Nazis.
In DeVore’s sick twisted Godwin World, the Nazis du jour are “white people with R’s behind their names,” the fascist fanatics in Arizona who are trying to shame the shameless federal government into enforcing federal law.
So tell us, sick twisted progressives, how you explain away this inconvenient truth:
A tale of two Napolitanos.
This isn’t about the stupid Napolitano, at least not today. She was so yesterday, so Knickerbomber.
Today is about the smart Foxpert Napolitano. Oh wait, that’s his twin brother. This is the smart Foxpert Napolitano.
The right-wing noise machine is starting to fall in line behind the Foxpert who is a wetblanket “judge,” sort of like Rabbit was a “judge.”
Judge N asserts that Arizona’s law to enforce the law is flat-out unconstitutional and will be swatted down like South Dakota’s abortion ban. Swatted down, but not without a lot of sound and fury from furious fanatics like Jon DeVore. And Reverend Al.
Wherever two or more cameras are gathered, Al and Jesse are among them always. Arizona, even with a vapid law having a shorter half-life than plasma peptide-1, still sets up a spiffy soapbox for proud leftist loudmouth race whores.
(About constitutionality, Judge Rabbit pretty well summed it up: the Constitution is whatever five old men in long black dresses say it is. End of story.)
Deathfrogg, #34: well, I think the state of Arizona has just created a bunch of liberal rednecks.
MikeBoyScout, #42: anyone is at risk. There are a lot of blond, blue-eyed undocumented aliens.
What a damn mess.
Food for corvids! Croak!
No Name @43 04/27/2010 at 10:36 am,
One word. Rasmussen.
See #’s 39, 38, 37, 31.
As Seattle’s Rebecca Griego would tell you if she were here. Don’t know if her killer was blond and blue-eyed, but he was undocumented and alien, from the UK.
Before gunning down Griego in Gould Hall three years ago, her killer, Jonathan Roawn, was traffic-stopped by SPD. Because Seattle has seized the right to abrogate federal law, SPD was not allowed to learn the actual fact that Rowan was in Seattle USA illegally and should have been deported.
Would it be too much trouble for race whore Jon DeVore to tell us why Arizona’s intrusion into feckless federal immigration law is evidence of the right-wing Nazi machine, while Seattle’s abrogation of feckless federal law is evidence of liberal enlightenment?
Or maybe DeVore will try to tell us that Rebecca Griego was not murdered by Seattle liberalism.
Yeah, we know. She was murdered by her murderer, Jonathan Rowan. But Rowan was here because liberal left-wing fucktards like Jon DeVore allowed Rowan to be here.
Mike BS @46: Do you have better numbers? Bring them on.
Not quite sure what your point is, Michael, but if your point is that I’m supposed to read each and every inanity excreted by YLB and rhp, you’re mired in the quagmire of delusion. Life’s too short to waste it on my little twisted sister or the Tennessee stud.
Liberals whining pathetically about Arizona Nazis proves again that we’ve fallen down Rabbit’s hole. Last week we had the #2 domestic terrorist (down, boy) of the last century lecturing us about the right-wing tea party McVeigh malcontents who are threatening to rip our gentle nation from Obama’s gentle embrace. (That’s the #2 domestic terrorist on the left — where else? — in the photo.)
Isn’t that special. Having Blue-Dress Bill Clinton, who piled up almost as high a body count of middle American kids at Waco as McVeigh blew up at the Murrah Building, bullshitting us about bad conservatives.
Wow. The HNMT mourning for a Seattle liberal. Doesn’t that beat all! I thought crazed fools on the right want al Qaeda to fly planes into our towers.
(But of course only to see the light! A liberal is someone who hasn’t been mugged yet. Not that mugging New Yorkers helped increase the subscription rates of Frontpage any..)
Yeah sure, right wing idiot. Rowan shouldn’t have been here, cheap labor conservatives shouldn’t hire guys like him for cheap and the federal government should chase and deport guys like that so our local cops can take care of local bidness..
Free the Tacoma 36!
Here’s another left-wing hustle from the colonic canal of Rabbit’s Hole: Tacoma Hilltop activists actively whined last week that a crack-down on Crip crack stars was — wait for it — RACIST.
@17 “On the other hand, if the government did its job, think of all the potential new Democrat voters would be missed?”
None — there’s no evidence illegals vote. That’s wingnut bullshit.
Exactly what you’ve done!!!
OVER 15,000 handles have been used in these comment threads and your retchings probably account for well over a thousand of them, most of them a putrid variation on a handle of those who don’t subscribe to your political religion.
That’s going to be the title of a blog post one of these days.
@52 “Discuss.”
That didn’t come from me. In fact, I don’t know anything about it.
Discuss “bullshit”.
Yeah, and conservatives haven’t been arrested yet. We know all about Tom Wolfe’s Bonfire.
BFD to YLB. Maybe he’s been so busy not being busy that he hasn’t paid attention to what the right is saying about the hiring of cheap illegal labor that drives down wages to less-than-living wages.
Glenn Beck is one of many right-wing “fascists” who was loudly condemning businesses (mostly construction) for boosting their bottoms and amping their margins by scooping up their drywallers and sheetrockers from the Home Depot parking lot.
Beck and many of us were raising these issues long ago. During the Bush Republican administration and before that. Not because we don’s admire the border jumpers and the work ethic that impels many of them to jump the border, but because of the disproportionate impact it has on our homegrown working class. People whose people have been here for centuries. Whose ancestors came over here on the Middle Passage boat even before your ancestors came from white-bread Europe.
pukebucket leftist whines that it’s racist to even raise the issue of illegal labor screwing the labor market for, say, young unemployed black workers, of whom there are many due both to recession and to unfair competition from unfair employers who unfairly hire good hard-working illegal workers who jumped the line to get here.
Atlantic Monthly, years ago, discussed the vicious market for cheap labor in Compton and East L.A., a tolerated abrogation of federal law that pits poor Americans against poor Mexicans while allowing pukebucket leftists to whimper and whine that it’s racist to even raise the issue.
As if a Rabbit doesn’t know what comes from a Rabbit’s hole.
Do we need to hold it (while wearing latex gloves, double layers) up so you can see it? So you can smell it?
Didn’t say that the specimen in question came from you, Roger. It came from the generic source for all HA offal and ordure, Rabbit’s Hole.
No comprende? Go ask Alice.
56 – The right is saying fine Dole a million or so for hiring undocumented lettuce harvesters. Fine Smithfield a million for systematic hiring of undocumented meat cutters.
Mitch McConnell is saying that, Jon Kyle is saying that between each objection to the motion put on the table, Paul Ryan is saying that with long-winded tomes that are not RNC approved. But Glen is sneaking that in between crying and growling like a crazed canine.
Perfect cover.
oh my, somewhere between your over reaction and the present lack of enforcement of decent laws, rests the truth. Truth is? Truth is that they are illegal, period. Either make them legal or not. My vote is open the border, do away with seat belt and helmet laws, let any one marry any one (or two or three) else they wish. And what I do in my house is my business if it does not physically or emotionally hurt another.
Got it?
Not finding the full Atlantic article cited above, but here’s a quickie:
Think this is it … although there might have been an update about 10 year ago.
1. The Arizona law violates quite a few U.S. Supreme Court decisions prohibiting police from stopping someone on the street and demanding their ID, without some probable cause that they had violated the law. Being “brown” doesn’t constitute probable cause.
2. The Arizona law can be struck down if it can be shown that it is subject to arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement due to race.
3. The Arizona law can be struck down as simply providing an unreasonable impediment to interstate commerce and travel. By applying it’s requirements to anyone coming within it’s borders, it makes interstate travel difficult for millions of Americans who may simply want to cross from New Mexico to California without having to obtain a U.S. Passport, a certified copy of a birth certificate, etc.
4. The Arizona law infringes upon an area where the federal government has set up a series of laws and regulations, complete with their own enforcement officers and court system, which is intended to be a comprehensive scheme of the subject matter. (A local decision not to self-enforce the federal laws is different – it’s a question of allotment of resources and does not interefere with the federal scheme, it only constitutes at most a refusal to cooperate).
@28 When the Bushistas were playing good-cop/bad-cop with themselves to stir up lots and lots of anti-immigrant (really anti-brown-people) sentiment, a friend of mine whose family live in Arizona put me on to a Web site advertising a huge “conference” in Tucson for all the actual and would-be contractors to cook up ways to cash in on the assumed public mandate to “secure the border”–presumably with the most expensive high-tech nonsense anyone could think up.
So Arizona loses millions of dollars in declining tourism and businesses that choose to do business elsewhere. So what?
No Super Bowl no Final Fours, no tourists, fewer conventions, whatever. It’s the bed they made.
Glenn is a drama queen for sure. But he’s doing a good job of trying to sift the ruins of Republican wreckage to find a way out. Like many of us, he sees no percentage in doing a ja wohl for every bit of spin that trickles down from the RNC, for the very good reason that the GOP is — wait for it — DIVERSE. Mitch goes one way, and sometimes Kyle goes another.
Rather like Democrats: More than half of whom in Arizona favor a belated attempt to get a grip on a problem that proud pukebucket leftists in Seattle try to reduce from complexity to black-and-white (make that white-and-brown) absurdity.
Arizona Democrats on the ground see the real-life problems of illegal immigration in the real world. Seattle Democrats see howling headlines about Nazis, racists, and racist Republican Nazis. Seattle Democrats, in other words, see Arizona’s travail as a Democrat cash machine.
AZ caved on its non observance of MLK Day when they lost the Superbowl.
A few pro sports teams will surely refuse to play in AZ and AZ’ll cave again.
Fuck those old morons.
rhp @62 recapitulates Republican Foxpert Andrew Napolitano. Both are probably correct. Arizona’s law to shame Obama and Holder into enforcing federal law probably will not stand. That’s because, in matters of the Constitution and the law, the left always gets (buys) its way … aside from Bush/Gore 2000.
This is so dispiriting. Art, almost alone at HA, usually makes sense or usually seems to be trying to make sense. And now there’s this … this squalid slimy puking stink that smells like something excreted by Jon DeVore.
Go back in HA about six weeks, Art, back to those glorious days of yesteryear (about six weeks ago) when the Obama administration raided a Washington State packing plant and drove hundreds of undocumented workers further under ground.
No problem for you when the Obamanistas stir up lots and lots of anti-immigrant anti-brown sentiment? Mighty sentimental of you if you’re giving Obama’s fascist goons a pass while continuing to piss on Bush.
re 67: Illegal Immigration will never stop until the law targets the corporate employers who want cheap labor. The fear of the illegals of their employers ratting them out also keeps them from attempting to form unions.
You have to hold the employers responsible and give them some serious punishment.
Got a problem with Arizona’s Evan Mecham, Toby?
I got a problem with you sharing a name with a great Democrat-American, Toby Keith.
Exactly the approach that the good-cop/bad-cop Bushistas were taking after their attempt at comprehensive immigration reform flamed out and augered in.
Obama, in this and much else (wars over there, domestic spying over here, Gitmo, extraordinary rendition, bailouts) is doing it the Bush way.
wow…sure seems like lots of fuss over actaully upholding the federal laws of the land…
look, the only way to get a handle in the illegal immigration problem is to go after the businesses AND the illegal immigrants at the same time.
People talk about going after one OR the other….bullshit, you gotta go after both if you want to beat this problem. But at the same time, you ALSO have secure the border. Doesnt do any good dealing with the ones already here when you dont deal with the ones that are coming.
all the rest of just political bullshit
re 70: Kiss my ass, wuss.
re 72: That doesn’t make sense. If there is no reason to stay here or come here, the problem will disappear.
The employers are the problem. You know it — and you are obfuscating.
Don’t be fatuous, Vince.
Those who reference “Obamism” invariably practice onanism.
Haven’t spent much time in Tacoma have you. The people that arrested those Crips, are prosecuting them and the judges that will sit at their trials are probably predominately Democrats.
re 76: Battling straw men is a Republican specialty — since they opt out of any real battle.
Here’s the difference between Republicans and Democrats:
Democrats go after Goldman Sax. Republicans go after Martha Stewart.
@74..your one-sidedness on this issue gives you away.
the problem is much more complex than just going to a farm or home depot and cracking down on people who hire illegals. And that requires a multi-pronged approach.
the political parties, BOTH OF THEM, need put aside their desire to get/hold the hispanic voting bloc and actually do their job and fix this problem.
Someone mentioned the green element. Arizona is going to be the site of one of the World’s largest solar plants, putting the desert and the solar energy potential to work. The company building it, is one that has experience doing it. Abengoa Solar, and where are they from? Spain. They probably have local people in key positions though, so they may not be that worried about being harassed. Not all the management of US Operations of foreign companies like Siemens(who just expanded their Sacramento plant because of more orders for Light Rail Vehicles) and Toyota are German or Japanese.
Plus, although I do not attend EWU football games as often as I did when I was going there, if I do this year, I will not punish fellow Big Sky Conference school Northern Arizona University for what the people in Phoenix have done. THe Lumberjacks are from Flagstaff. Although I do expect EWU to beat them anyway, I want EWU in the FCS(used to be called NCAA Division 1-AA) playoffs. Sometimes the way the UW and WSU play, EWU can be considered best college team in the state.
Wow, you really are a nut case!
To start since #43 was quoting Rassmussen, his numbers are only loosely based on fact.
The point was that many of us on the left want to see illegal immigration stopped, so it’s not surprising that some folks on the left would support the Arizona law.
@77….and in BOTH instances, they went after those parties ONLY because it was a popular, headline making thing to do that fit into the popular thinking of the time.
I dont give a fuck about martha or goldman sax….if our pussy-filled sellout parties wanted to actually do some good for this country, why cant they negotiate some trade deals that actually benefit the american worker? they wontm because they have not nutsack when it comes do dealing with places like China…big business AND the chinese have our politicians by the nutsack.
Guard towers and horse patrols on the border and fine the hell out of anyone that hires an illegal.
@79…you are on crack…we all know CWU has(and has had for years) the best football team in the state….
Sounds like a proposal or a proposition. But coming from an Obamunist onanist like you, I think I’ll pass and keep my virginity intact.
Have a nice day, Toby. Eat shit and die.
@82…if thats what it takes, then so be it. And I would say not just fines, but jailtime for repeat offenders hiring illegals.
We beat them a few years ago, and CWU was on the road at Woodward Field in Cheney, and it was the last game of the season, and the grass field had been turned into mud. A lot of CWU players got tackled that day. By the way, I have never done drugs.
Do they still shoot the howitzer when EWU scores a touchdown? I never cared about sports, but I liked the howitzer.
Haven’t spent much time doing the news, have you? Last week there were loud organized activist protests in Tacoma protesting the profiling of the Crips.
Profiling Crips. Think about it.
Think the Crips need an affirmative action plan to let pansy pasty-white pussy pukes like you into their game?
To repeat: If you have better numbers, bring them on, bitch.
Fining businesses that hire undocumented workers is not the simple proposition that a soundbiters want to it seem. The government cannot impose fines or criminal penalties without due process, and as with other white collar crimes, ICE worksite enforcement cases can be complex and lengthy, sometimes requiring months or even years of follow-up investigation. Given the limited resources available, ICE focuses on cases with national security or public safety implications, as well as investigations involving allegations of egregious worker exploitation.
So it’s not like they’re going to a food stand, looking around and asking if everyone has their papers (where do they think they are, Arzona) and then carting the owner of the stand off to jail. That wouldn’t solve the problem, false positives would result in many lawsuits (as they certainly will in Arizona—the ACLU will probably open a new branch to protect the civil liberties of citizens AND non-citizens), and there is no way they have the resources to do this.
@86…one win does not upset the 20 year dynasty that is CWU football. :)
If I remember right, didnt EWU dump their football team in the late 80’s or early 90’s? If so, when did they start back up the program?
And the fact there exists those who don’t care much for your views or how you express them – that is somewhat emotionally “hurting” to YOU, isn’t it?
Michael, as of 2003(when I graduated), the ROTC guys were shooting off the 75mm howitzer. That and the local VFW post brought their 41 Geep with the sirens to the games, which they called the Old Warhorse.
crips are pussies….
EWU did change their mascot and name.
To paraphrase Old Lodge Skins in Little Big Man, Democrats seem strange to me. They copulate with (fill in the quadruped you prefer, ‘Crats.)
The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Democrats copulate with goats, Republicans don’t.
Any questions?
Dealt with SW desert Greens and the ACLU invasion of AZ yesterday. Deal with it.
And they go the SAME way on leaving cheap labor conservatives free to hire the cheapest labor they can get their greedhead hands on.
Yeah, there were a handful of idiots yelling and screaming about the Democratic establishment in Tacoma going after the Crips. The screamers got no traction.
Everybody that is somebody in Tacoma is a Democrat.
You are an idiot, btw.
Heh.. There seems to be a pretty long border with a country to the north.
Yet the border with the country to the south gets all the attention from right wingers..
I wonder why that is..
“Undocumented workers?? You do know that failure to correctly define something is just another way of excusing/defending it? I’ve noticed that in a lot of your posts. Are you so tied to your rigid, left-wing, orthodoxy that you can’t even say illegal alien? Do you deny that is what they are? We’ll fix it though. Think of this as aversion therapy for your brain…Say it with me now I-l-l-e-g-a-l * a-l-i-e-n! Now you say it. There, was that so hard?
As for the rest of your post? Typical ‘since it can’t be perfect, we might as well not do it at all’ obfuscation. It isn’t like there aren’t plenty of known employers of illegals. Hit a few of those and make it known that the raids, and the jailtime, aren’t going to stop, and the guilty employers *and* illegals will police themselves.
I myself don’t think boycotts are the way to go. Like the Southern Baptist boycott of Disney, that did not work. Still, are they going to pull over the Diamondback players, or their opponents and ask for their papers? What about one Diamondback fan, the governor of New Mexico, who is part Latino, and has the English sounding name of Bill Richardson? Supposedly Phoenix is in line for the next all-star game.
New Mexico’s Governor did say he would like to see reform on ILlegal IMmigration, but New Mexico is a little different than Arizona. It has not been invaded by those who might be closet racists or open racists. New Mexico actually has one og the only bilingual state Constitutions in the country. Preserves a culture that predates the United States. Santa Fe has been around for a long time. I recently saw a good History Channel documentary called “How the States got their Shapes”, and the host mentioned a little on New Mexico. Was interviewing one of the guys who runs the museum there, and the guy was a 14th Generation New Mexican. Spoke with an accent alright, bordered a little bit on Texan.(New Mexico could have been part of Texas). It also mentioned about a town that border security has litterally torn apart because we got to be tough on border security. It is a town in upstate Vermont, that straddles the Canadian Border. Derby Line, Vermont and Stanstead, Quebec. For centuries the two towns were the same, even put the Library on the border. Now gates are going up, and it might even make visiting families a little different, or doing a favor for a neighbor. Then there are a couple American Exclaves that the way the border was drawn, gave them to us. Pt. Roberts, Washington, and Minnesota’s Northwest Angle. Some want a unified border policy, but not all borders are the same.
Don’t be disingenuous. There aren’t 20 million illegal Canucks for one thing. For another, illegals of any stripe should be handled in the same manner. No one I know of advocates anything different. Once again you try to paint this as a racial thing, and it simply isn’t! The only ones obscessed with race are you left-wingers, YLB. No one else. Hell even outright racists don’t obscess about race to the extent of the typical leftist echo-chamber web site (like this one).
@100..because there arent 20 million illegal canadians wandering our streets dipshit.
I do shy away from jail time as it is really expensive for tax payers and something that I think, other than short stints, should be reserved for violent offenders.
Yep! Right now those employers know that every now and again ICE will come knocking and round up a few folks, but not enough to shut them down for long and any fine that they might see will be a slap on the wrist, just the cost of doing business.
So Tacoma Democrats finally got the courage to crack down on their crack-dealing Democrat constituency, the Crips? Cool. What took them so long?
Why does everybody who is a Democrat somebody in Tacoma hate black people? Why, decade after decade, did the elitist Democrat establishment in Tacoma allow the Democrat Tacoma Crips to kill, main and corrupt other black Democrats?
You’re a vicious slime-sucking racist, Michael. Repent. Turn or burn.
Before it’s too late.
Wow, crazy, lying and stupid all rolled up into one. That’s hard to do!
103 – And again you’ve distorted the issue..
We have TWO long land borders and a lot of ocean..
Which border did Ahmed Ressam come over?
All I hear right wingers obsessing about is the Mexican border and the poor slobs you see at Home Depots.
If you think they shouldn’t be here:
1) Don’t hire them.. That’s breaking the law, isn’t it?
2) Call Homeland Security to enforce the law.
Why don’t you turn in Dole or Smithfield or IBP or any other big outfits that hires UNDOCUMENTED workers???
Instead you focus on the millions of brown skinned people here without a green card. Sorry there’s not enough cattle cars to ship them south. It’s not a solution that anyone with any intelligence should advocate
Again the solution is simple: Stop hiring them.. Fine those who do..
Like that Weissbach schmuck… Was he a “leftist”? Must have been. He was from Canada wasn’t he? I guess he was just playing a right winger on the radio.
I lived in Cheney in the mid 90’s, before all that ghastly sprawl went in just east of town.
But there are some, are there not?
Do you advocate a “cattle car” solution for them as well?
You’re just like a chip off the old Dick. Edward Abbey, wherever he is, must be very disappointed in you. Or maybe he hit you in the head with a monkeywrench before he went away and before you went batshit.
YLB: Think you were buzzing around Simpson-Mazzoli earlier. A cautionary fable for sure.
About bad border crossers from the north, let’s try to boxcar each and every Ahmed Ressam before they do us harm and before some Seattle liberal America-hating judge (Connaugher … sp?) tries to send a message to the feds by trying to give terrorist bomb throwers extra-Constitutional rights.
You say ILLEGAL ALIENS in a post, and I will. Deal?
Good thinking, Puddy! We can’t have anybody who looks like a potential Al Qaeda type. And while we’re at it why stop there and go after someone who looks Dominican… or Cape Verdian or…
101. I-Burn
So you say.
I say it because it is accurate AND because it makes your widdle head explode. That’s fun.
When all you can argue is straw men, you see straw men everywhere you look, don’t you? I said nothing of the sort, of course.
re 78:
Put one of those multi prongs up Sam WalMart Jr.’s ass and you’ll get results pronto.
re 103:
We will if you’ll stop being fatuous.
Yeah, so I do say. Prove me wrong. Say ILLEGAL ALIEN. Prove you aren’t the useless left-wing drone you appear to be.
Oh it’s accurate, is it? Illegal Alien is not? Please do tell. If you are here ILLEGALLY you can’t have documentation to begin with, therefore ‘undocumented’ is a misnomer at best, and at worst an attempt to excuse the lawless behavior. Which is it with you, genius?
You’d know all about ‘straw men’, since like all leftists you can’t live without them, Mr. “undocumented worker”. And yes, that is what you implied.
So tell us what Ahmed Ressam meant to you, @113.
Was he profiled by racists? By the low-level northern border watchers who watched him on a San Juans ferry and demanded to see his, um, papers? To look in the trunk of his car? To demand more of his time before he got to his rack near the Space Needle and before he lit off the fireworks at LAX?
He was brought down by a racist profiler who, thank God, was doing her job. He sure wasn’t busted by Richard Clarke or Bill Clinton, despite Clarke’s post facto attempt to grab the credit.
106. proud loud goatists
Do you really think that Crips vote?
You’re putting one of your prongs up Sam Wal-Mart’s ass, you little minx? You’re such a turn-on when you talk dirty.
You’re Mr. Know It All, Daddy. You tell me.
Really? Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.
@ I-Burn,
Can you cite a Federal legal document that uses the term Illegal Alien? How about Legal Alien?
:118. Monsanto
Wrong. He was investigated at the border based on his behavior, and arrested based on the uncovered evidence. He was not “profiled” based on his nationality, ethnic extraction, nor his religion.
And that kind of profiling (that is, based on nationality, ethnic extraction, or religion) is stupid. It results in a waste of resources because of the huge number of false postives it geernates, and thus incurs anger and resentment where more professional and effective criminal-interdiction policies do not.
To the extent that what Godwin’s law is that the longer an internet conversation is going on the more more likely it will devolve into name calling it seems to still be in effect.
117. I-Burn
Wow. Just like grade school.
Again with the words beiung put into my mouth.
YEs you can. You can have identification from your home country. You can have forged or expired identification from the country you are entering. You can have a valid temporary visa that you will later overstay.
I wouldn’t hire someone incapable of anything more subtle than ‘either/or’ thinking.
It makes me wonder why I bother to post at all when you could tell me what I am implying without my making the effort. But, in fact, I say exactly what I mean with great care and a precision that you appear to lack. So spare me your inferences, your semantic quibbling, and your argument ad hominem and perhaps we can actually discuss the issue at hand.
For example, we could discuss the poor quality of the data that leads your people to consistently quote 20 million as the number of undocumented workers in the US. Do you know that number comes from Bear Sterns, and financial entity so incompetent that they no longer exist?
@119…if it were up to ACORN they would….
Daddy: Throwing leftist nonsense back at you.
Who knows what finally tipped off an alert guard on the cusp of the Millennium? Was Ahmed sweating? Shaking? Too brown? Who knows?
What we do know is that here, today, on this bleating blog and on left-wing hate radio, leftists are emphatic that if anyone in Arizona is ever inconvenienced by Arizona’s new law, the only possible cause of causing inconvenience is that the perps looked too brown or too Other.
@110…yes YLB, we have a massive problem with illegal canadian workers in this country.
you stupid asshole, you really are that dense arent you…
how about we worry about the 20 million+ illegal south americans first, then we can take on the 2000 illegal canadians…
re 129: How about we worry about a political party that demonizes the Mexicans while simultaneously encouraging employers to hire them.
You can’t solve the problem. You are the problem.
In fact, Daddy, you and I don’t know all the facts. Maybe the guard doesn’t know all the facts that impelled her to single out (profile?) someone who seemed to fit a profile. Perhaps, based on a myriad of subconscious hunches — including intimations picked up from Ressam’s appearance — the guard played a “racist” hunch and averted terror.
It’s like Tacoma, in a way. There are ways, perhaps, to find out if and how Crips vote, ways that don’t violate the secret-ballot rights of professed Crips who do vote — but life’s short.
Let’s just guess that, like 90+% of blacks in the United States, politically-motivated Crips will vote Democrat because (just guessing here) Crips are black.
So I just profiled the Crips. I profiled them racially. I profiled them politically. Just playing a hunch.
Oh my god. Funny.
Jon Stewart: “Arizona is the meth lab of democracy.”
@131…more useless rhetoric that does nothing to solve the problem.
fail x2.
128. Racist Profiler
Yes, if there were only some way to know what the participants in a criminal case have to say about it themselves.
For example, if only there were some record kept of testimony in a trial.
Or if only there were people who would, you know, interview the participants and then publish their first-hand recollections.
But, since there aren’t, I’ll have to agree with you that we’ll just never know.
Moronic Max,
Hey fool, ever heard of DWB (Driving While Black)? Just like having to produce papers on demand for doing nuthing at all. Puddy has experienced it. Where? Mukilteo, WA! So don’t tell me something about nuthin you’ve ever experienced fool!
the best song lyrics evar……
Got damn, I’m glad ya’ll set it off.
Used to be hard, now you’re just wet and soft.
First you was down with the AK,
and now I see you on a video with Michel’le?
Lookin’ like straight bozos.
I saw it comin’, that’s why I went solo.
And kept on stompin’,
when ya’ll mothafuckers moved straight outta Compton.
Livin’ with the whites, one big house,
and not another nigga in site.
I started off with too much cargo,
dropped four niggas now I’m makin’ all the dough.
White man just rulin’.
The Niggas With Attitudes — who ya foolin’?
Ya’ll niggas just phony,
I put that on my mama and my dead homeys.
Yella Boy’s on your team, so you’re losin’;
Ay yo Dre, stick to producin’.
Callin’ me Arnold, but you Been-a-dick;
Eazy E saw your ass and went in it quick.
You got jealous when I got my own company,
but I’m a man, and ain’t nobody helpin’ me.
Tryin’ to sound like Amerikkka’s Most,
you could yell all day but you don’t come close.
Cuz you know I’m the one that flown,
ya done run 100 miles, but you still got one to go.
With the L-E-N-C-H M-O-B, and ya’ll disgrace the C-P-T.
Cuz you’re gettin’ fucked out your green by a white boy,
with no vaseline…
[Refrain] (L.L. sample: Now you’re gettin’ done without vaseline…) 3x
(Biz Markie sample: Damn, it feels good to see people…on it)
The bigger the cap, the bigger the peelin’,
who gives a fuck about a punk-ass villain?
You’re gettin’ fucked real quick,
and Eazy’s dick, is smellin’ like MC Ren’s shit.
Tried to tell you a year ago,
but Willie D told me to let a hoe be a hoe, so
I couldn’t stop you from gettin’ ganked,
now let’s play big-bank-take-little-bank.
Tried to dis Ice Cube, it wasn’t worth it
cuz the broomstick fit your ass so perfect.
Cut my hair and I’ll cut them balls,
cuz I heard you’re, like, givin’ up the drawers.
Gang-banged by your manager, fella,
gettin’ money out your ass, like a mothafuckin’ Ready Teller.
Givin’ up the dollar bills,
now they got the Villain with a purse and high-heels.
So don’t believe what Ren say,
cuz he’s goin’ out like Kunte Kinte,
but I got a whip for ya Toby;
used to be my homey, now you act like you don’t know me.
It’s a case of divide-and-conquer,
cuz you let a Jew break up my crew.
House nigga gotta run and hide,
yellin’ Compton, but you moved to Riverside.
So don’t front, MC Ren, cuz I remember when you drove a B 2-10.
Broke as a mothafuckin’ joke.
Let you on the scene to back up the Verse Team.
It ain’t my fault, one nigga got smart,
and they rippin’ your asshole apart.
By takin’ your green, oh yeah,
the Villain does get fucked with no vaseline.
[Refrain scratched]
I never have dinner with the President.
I never have dinner with the President.
I never have dinner with the President.
And when I see your ass again, I’ll be hesitant.
Now I think you a snitch,
throw a house nigga in a ditch.
Half-pint bitch, fuckin’ your homeboys.
You little maggot; Eazy E turned faggot.
With your manager, fella,
fuckin’ MC Ren, Dr. Dre, and Yella.
But if they were smart as me,
Eazy E would be hangin’ from a tree.
With no vaseline, just a match and a little bit of gasoline.
Light ‘em up, burn ‘em up, flame on…
till that Jheri curl is gone.
On a permanent vacation, off the Massa plantation.
Heard you both got the same bank account,
dumb nigga, what you thinkin’ bout?
Get rid of that Devil real simple, put a bullet in his temple.
Cuz you can’t be the Nigga 4 Life crew
with a white Jew tellin’ you what to do.
Pullin’ wools with your scams, now I gotta play the Silence of the Lambs.
With a midget who’s a punk too,
tryin’ to fuck me, but I’d rather fuck you.
Eric Wright, punk, always into somethin’, gettin’ fucked at night.
By Mista Shitpacker, bend over for the gotdamn cracker, no vaseline…
Oh arschloch@29,
Using that feckless personal HA blog database again huh moron?
132. Racist Profiler
What you CAN do is find out if any of them are registered to vote. I am guessing not–based on their behavior as outlaws. Because if they’re not registered, they’re not voting. But public records of whether people vote or not are ALSO available. No record is kept oif the substance of their votes, but the fact that they voted (or did not) is recorded, again, as long as they are registered.
If you do not know these things, then perhaps you are wasting your time speculating about it. Why not go to a blog that discusses issues with which you DO have some passing familiarity?
Not all Crips are black. You guessed wrong, but why would that be a surprise? You seem remarkably resistant to research.
Is is true that most blacks vote Democratic, and that most Latinos do too, in an ever-increasing majority ever since Republicans decided to make harassment of Latino citizens a plank in their platform. Thanks for that.
Daddy: After-the-fact testimony may or may not reflect the reality of the time.
Don’t know about you, but if the shoe were on my foot — even assuming that I had total recall of my subconscious motivations and assuming I’d accurately broken down those motivations into accurate words — I would not admit under oath that I was swayed by the perp’s color. Even if I was. Not in the PCUSA.
Why is it when we who think right identify the feckless moves of progressives, the progressives need to change the topic?
OK, Dad. Tried to be nice to you, for a change; tried not to take advantage of your cognitive challenges because you’re probably trying to do the best you can.
But your best fails.
We’re dealing with complex reality, a reality in which not everything about black and white (and brown) is as simplistically simple as checking registration forms.
Life, almost always, is more complicated than that, particularly at the level just below conscious thought where you seem to spend much of your time.
140. Racist Profiler
So instead you’d be a Border Patrol agent who would perjure yourself in federal court. I urge you to quit. You don’t seem to be cut out for the BP.
142. Racist Profiler
No, we’re not. Want to know who is registered to vote? Check the registration records. Want to know who voted in a particular election? Check the voter database. Those things really are black and white.
Want to make unfounded and incorrect assumptions about people without ever lifting a fucking finger to find out an actual fact? Be my guest.
Oh, and you may suspect or assume all that you like about Ahmed Ressam. Hey, maybe he is an advance agent from Mars who is secretly forcing Republicans to make stupid statements about paying for medical services with chickens. But in the end, that’s just a bunch of stupid stuff that you say without any support, and no one will pay attention.
The facts of his trial are that he was apprehended because his his behavior alerted BP agents, which is what those best positioned to know testified under oath, and which is also how the real world works. You can think otherwise, but you don’t know jack shit.
@132 Racist Profiler 04/27/2010 at 3:00 pm
Interesting. I wonder why like 90+% of blacks in the United States will vote Democrat.
Surely there is a source who we could both agree with? How about the Chairman of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele? What does he have to say?
Chairman Steele, Why do African-Americans vote with the Democrats and not for Republicans?
Thank you Republican National Committee Chairman.
That’s two of us, Daddy and son. I wrote (above) about possibly being able to download data about if/how Crips vote. But, to repeat: Life’s short. So is information. That’s why most of us, most of the time, are not rational. We play hunches with imperfect information because that’s the only kind of information we have in the real world.
Check Stieglitz about imperfect information in asset markets.
Check Shannon and Wiener about information theory.
Check in with God. Almost by definition (along with God Is Love) God Is Perfect Informaiton.
Southern Strategy: J. Edgar Hoover made the South safe for Republican takeover. Hoover’s G-men effectively used the tactics of infiltration into Southern Democrat racist terror organizations that Hoover used against Obama’s pals in the Wealther Underground.
The difference? Democrats howled about the “violation” of the rights of white pampered radical terrorists up North, but never gave Hoover credit for breaking down the Southern Democrat Klan.
Only after the Klan was destroyed as the Democrat Party’s action faction in the South, only after Eisenhower integrated D.C. and finished integrating the armed forces and created a context for school desegregation and broke the back of Democrat racists in Little Rock did the GOP (in 1968) welcome tamed and reconstructed Southern Democrats into a winning coalition.
Rabbit makes much of Reagan going to Philadelphia, Mississippi in 1980. So what? Mississippi in 1980 was not the vicious racist Mississippi that Democrats propped up for a century after the Civil War.
Rabbit talks about Mississippi Burning, which is a good show. It’s about Mr. Hoover staring down Southern Democrat racists and standing up for civil rights. It’s about finishing the job of reconstruction that Democrats fought after they lost the war.
[mc ren]
A 100 miles and runnin’.
Mc ren, I hold the gun and
You want me to kill a mutherfucker and it’s done in.
Since I’m stereotyped to kill and destruct –
Is one of the main reasons I don’t give a fuck.
Chances are usually not good
’cause I freeze with my hands on a hot hood.
And gettin’ jacked by the you-know-who.
When in a black and white the capacity is two.
We’re not alone, we’re three more brothers, I mean street-brothers.
Now wearin’ my dyes, ’cause I’m not stupid, mutherfuckers.
They’re out to take our heads for what we said in the past.
Point blank – they can kizz my black azz.
I didn’t stutter when I said “fuck tha police”.
’cause it’s hard for a nigga to get peace.
Now it’s broken and can’t be fixed.
’cause police and little black niggers don’t mix so
Now I’m creepin’ through the fall.
Runnin’ like a team. well, see, I might have slayed y’all.
So for now pack the gun and
Hold it in the air.
’cause mc ren has a 100 miles of runnin’…
“into this news. four fugitives are on the run.”
“fbi sources tell us that the four are headed”
“100 miles to their homebase, compton.”
[eazy e]
Lend me a mutherfuckin’ ear.
So I can tell you why…
[dr. dre]
Runnin’ with my brothers, headed for the homebase.
With a steady pace on the face that just we raced.
The road ahead goes on and on.
The shit is gettin’ longer than the mutherfuckin’ marathon.
Runnin’ on but never runnin’ out.
Stayin’ wired and if I get tired, I can still try out.
Hitchhikin’ if that’s what it gotta do.
But nobody’s pickin’ up a nigga witta attitude.
Yo, but dre’s a nigga with nuthin’ to lose.
One of the few who’s been accused and abused
Of the crime of poisonin’ young minds.
But you don’t know shit til you been in my shoes.
And dre is back from the c-p-t.
Droppin’ some shit that’s d-o-p-e.
So fuck the p-o-l-i-c-e!
And any mutherfucker that disagrees.
Stuck and runnin’ hard, hauling ass.
’cause I’m a nigga known for havin’ a notorious past.
My mind was slick – my temper was too quick.
Now the fbi’s all over my dick.
[eazy e]
Got us tick and runnin’ just to find the gun that started the clock.
That’s when the e jumped off the startin’ block.
A 100 miles from home and ,yo, it’s a long stretch.
A little sprintin’ mutherfucker that they won’t catch.
Yeah, back to compton again.
Yo, it’s either that or the federal pen.
’cause niggas been runnin’ since beginning of time.
Takin’ a minute to tell you what’s on my mutherfuckin’ mind.
Runnin’ like I just don’t care.
Compton’s 50 miles but , yo, i’mma get there.
Archin’ my back and on a straight rough.
Just like carl lewis I’m ballin’ the fuck out.
>from city to city I’m a menace as I pass by.
Rippin’ up shit just so you can remember i’m
A straight up nigga that’s done in, gunnin’ and comin’
Straight at yo ass.
A 100 miles and runnin’…
This one goes out to the four brothers from compton.
You’re almost there, but the fbi has a little message for you:
“nowhere to run to, baby. nowhere to hide.”
Good luck brothers.
[mc ren]
Runnin’ like a nigga I hate to lose.
Show me on the news but I hate to be abused.
I know it was a set-up.
So now I’m gonna get up.
Even if the fbi wants me to shut up.
But I’ve got 10 000 niggas strong.
They got everybody singin’ my “fuck tha police” song.
And while they treat my group like dirt,
Their whole fuckin’ family is wearin’ our t-shirts.
So i’mma run til I can’t run no more.
’cause it’s time for mc ren to settle the score.
I got a urge to kick down doors.
At my grave like a slave even if the ren calls.
[dr. dre]
Clouds are dark and brothers are hidin’.
Dick-tricklin’ at the sunny mutherfucker’s are ridin’.
Started with five and, yo, one couldn’t take it.
So now there’s four ’cause the fifth couldn’t make it.
The number’s even – now I’m leavin’.
We’re never gettin’ took by a bitch with a weave in.
Her and the troops are right behind me.
But they’re so fuckin’ stupid, they’ll never find me.
[eazy e]
One more mile to go through the dark streets.
Runnin’ like a mutherfucker on my own two feet.
But you know I never stumble or lag last.
I’m almost home so I better haul ass.
Tearin’ up everything in sight.
It’s a little crazy mutherfucker dodging the searchlight.
Now that chase, the shit, is done and
Four mutherfuckers goin’ crazy with
A 100 miles of runnin’!
@147 Racist Profiler,
Your retort to Republican National Committee Chairman, Michael Steele‘s assertion that African-Americans don’t vote for Republicans because of the Republican party’s exploitation of the Southern strategy for the past 40 years is Reconstruction in the 19th century?
Dumber than a fence post Я U.
The law is only superficially designed to deal with illegal immigrants, and rather the real purpose of the state of Arizona is to make anyone who could be mistaken for a Mexican, afraid. It means that as a US citizen, if there is some indication that a cop thinks a person might be illegal then they can ask for proof of citizenship. And most American citizens, including brown ones, don’t usually think about providing the Nazis with their papers. So in effect, anyone who is Mexican-suspicious is subject to this law.
Nice. Too hot there anyway. Who needs em? I hope that state goes in the toilet.
Ditto that, asshole. Better than being dumber than a box of rocks. Or a box of rock.
Was helping you understand the Strategy, since you and Steele brought it up, but I guess you knew it already.
Blacks tilted Democrat long before 1968’s Southern Strategy, though. FDR pried loose some voters (more about this later); JFK pried others when he called Coretta King.
Gotta go.
Nevada and Arizona are candidates for Darwin Awards.
@150…the problem with your analysis is that it makes no sense.
The real purpose is to make hispanics feel afraid?(paraphrasing)….to what end? for shits and giggles?
Whether it is a good policy or not, the REASON is that states like Arizona are desperate to do anything because the feds wont do shit to fix the problem.
Ever been to Gig Harbor? I’ve heard that were pretty bad when it comes to DWB & can add DWP (driving while poor) to the list.
Do you support the new Arizona law?
20 A. No official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state may adopt a policy that limits or restricts the enforcement of Federal Immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by Federal law.
20 B. For any lawful contact made by a law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall me made, when practicable, to determine the Immigration status of the person. The person’s Immigration status shall be verified with the Federal govenment pursuant to 8 United States Code Section 1373(c).
Full text at:
What’s so hard to wrap your mind around? A person first has to commit a crime or infraction to cause a “lawful contact”.
That means, running a red light or DUI, for example. I’ve had two cars totalled by illegals who shouldn’t have been on the road, expecially as drunk as they were. Over 63% of illegals stopped in Arizona driving have no license or insurance.
CA and WA still pass out drivers licenses to illegals, which is why you soon will have to go through hoops to get a REAL ID card to board a plane.
Arizona is #7 in population of Illegal aliens.
Arizona is the doormat for illegals entering the US and they are wiping their feet on their taxpayers as they go through to take higher paying jobs from our unemployed.
I know two contractors who couldn’t compete with other contractors who had illegals working for them so they let go their legal workers and went the illegal route.
Lastly, notice any trends from these two pages?
And if it’s not?
@156…..then maybe it can be fixed or modified after the fact…just like we are being told about the obamacare debacle…lol
@155….but, but, but….we keep being told that there is no problem, and its just angry white racists who want the illegal immigrant problem dealt with…lol
kick them ALL the fuck out..and while we are at it, lets kick out all the employers who hire them too…they can go live in mexico.
@151 Douchebag,
Tell me more about African-Americans use of the vote in the south prior to 1965. How many African-American voters did FDR pry loose in Alabama? Arkansas? Mississippi? Georgia?
Before any of you mouth-breathers label me a racist, my wife of 24 years is a 4th generation mexican-american who’s family lawfully immigrated to the US and have served in WWII, the Korean War and Vietnam War. My wife is more adamant about illegals.
Here’s one more webpage about the drain on taxpayers.
Imagine, 3 free 1/2 million dollar liver transplants awaiting a 4th, for one illegal!
160: I call your 4th-generation Mexican American family ties, and raise you by at least a couple of centuries.
My mother-in-law (my wife’s step-mother) is Hispanic, her family having lived in California at least a hundred years before the “Anglos” arrived. To her, WE are the illegal immigrants. But she insists she is NOT Mexican, she is CALIFORNIAN. And she insists that anybody who didn’t came there before 1848 has no right to that title.
(Boy, she’s a good cook! Her homemade salsa and tortillas are a meal in and of themselves!)
Any suggestions on fixes or mods?
@160 Ezra Meeker 04/27/2010 at 5:23 pm,
Imagine! Apocryphal anecdotal stories without a citation on a conservative blog with other great stories like:
– Czar Investigations
– Investigation of ACORN
– Department of Treasury Emails Regarding Barney Frank and the Bailout of OneUnited Bank
Clearly this is an unbiased source and should be trusted when it tells us “An illegal alien woman with a liver disorder who has already had three publicly funded liver transplants. Her aunt brought her to the U.S. illegally as a child knowing that the state would perform the surgeries for free and now she must undergo a fourth and is on a waiting list to get it done at a state-funded hospital.”
without one iota of evidence.
How very thoughtful of you to ask, MikeBS. You’re the smartest little boy in the First Grade front row.
FDR pried few (no?) black Republican voters into Democrat-voting precincts in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Georgia because, as you surely know, Democrats suppressed black voters in those days. Often suppressed them to death. That’s what domestic Democrat terror was all about after Appomattox: lynching blacks, lynching Republicans, and lynching black Republicans.
Where FDR did a game changer was in prying Southern blacks away from the South. He did that through New Deal intrusion into our last shaky free market, farming.
The New Deal’s AAA created a crazy system of price supports that rewarded rich farmers while driving poor farmers out of business and while driving poor black farmers north. AAA paid rich farmers to not grow fiber and food while 1/3 of the naiton, as patrician farmer FDR intoned, was ill-clad and ill-fed.
Paying rich Southern farmers to not farm meant that they could cut loose their tenants and sharecroppers, mostly black. Thanks to the liberal New Deal, poor blacks in the South went from having low income to having zero income.
Then they went north and started voting. Voting Democrat. Go figure.
So … rhp claims indigene cred on the basis of a non-relative by marriage who is not related to the wife to whom he is not related but by marriage. Now we understand.
And that was rhp’s call and raise. He must make them shake in their shoes at the World Series of Poker.
Seems to me that rhp’s non-relative to whom he is not related by about six degrees of separation is also an invader, a latecomer, and an intruder.
Humans, in North America, are almost certainly an invader species, and a very recent invader species. Wonder if Monsanto makes a Roundup for weeds like us.
@165….ya, but maybe he is related to Kevin Bacon by blood instead….
138 –
That all you got??
I do what I want fiend..
Six degrees of Kevin Bacon? Think I’ll go Kosher.
@138…does that include not working?
or six slices of uncooked bacon…..
Thanks for the memories. Been years since we’ve heard the PSA about knowing Easy E when his name was FLOYD!!!
What a moron you are…
Why are you progressive libtards so anemic when it comes to understanding the law…
Mrs Puddy carried her green card ALL THE TIME until she was naturalized.
Stay stupid LauraMae, you are in good company with rujax, daddy love, correctnotright, the arschloch and many others.
So Odumba’s federal guvmint are the “Nazis”. Good call LauraMae!
Hey douchebag arschloch… everyone sees you do what you want… that’s why the run far away from you. Left eye porn guy!
169 – Awwwww.. How endearing…
Right winger wants to be a gangsta…
As they do you.. You’ve won a gaggle of popularity contests along with those virtual right wing victories you fantasize about…
Carry on fool.. It’s all entertainment to us.
@174….yes, thats exactly it YLB – you finally figured it out..well done champ.
172. Chinga tu madre asshole.
IT’s not about the IMMIGRANTS or the GREEN CARD HOLDERS. It is about harassment by virtue of color and appearance. Any American Indian can get harassed by the Hitler cops in Arizona because they could be “reasonably suspected” of being Mexican and required to produce their id. It means that Mexican Americans who have been here longer than your pale ass, would also be subject to arbitrary harassment. You’re really the stupid shithead because you can’t figure it out that this affects more than just immigrants or potential illegals.
@164 Blogging While Douchebag,
Psychosis is treatable with antipsychotic meds such as Zotepine.
I second the sentiment lauramae. Here’s a hilarious lyric for the ages from our dear friend Zotz:
Small correction though: Stupes by all accounts sports one batshit insane black ASS.. with pinhead inserted deeply..
Oh my LauraMae… Ouch… such language…
What should Puddy respond with…
1) Puddy is sorry LauraMae but bringing Puddy’s mother into the argument only destroys your cred
2) Puddy is sorry LauraMae you need to elevate your argument
3) Puddy is sorry LauraMae but incest isn’t allowed where Puddy comes from. So did you chinga tu padre long ago?
4) Puddy is sorry LauraMae but the arschloch is the only arschloch here unless of course you are applying for the female position.
Too bad LauraMae hasn’t read the law. She gets her “information” from left wing whackamole sites. Lata sucka!
Oh arschloch, such useless use of the personal HA blog copy the arschloch has at home.
What a feckless arschloch.
So then, you admit that the reason for the Arizona law is to place a certain group of our fellow citizens in fear for no good reason.
Well done. It wasn’t so hard to admit after all.
Once again a straw-man is introduced to the argument. Golly when Puddy was down in Arizona, the Indians looks a little different from the Mexicans. The police would know this difference too. Also, when an American Indian opens their mouth the sounds will DEFINITELY be different. Butt of course that’s lost on you isn’t it?
Puddy has the scales of justice out…
batshit crazy or be an arschloch. Hmmm…?
batshit crazy or be an arschloch.
batshit crazy or be an arschloch.
batshit crazy or be an arschloch.
Puddy chooses batshit crazy. Once can always stop being batshit crazy. You can’t run from being an arschloch. It’s an ETERNAL condition! Incurable!
See ya arschloch!
@182…when did I say that?
your imagination is quite….expansive..
Puddy @ 184:
“Puddy has the scales of justice out…
batshit crazy or be an arschloch. Hmmm…?
batshit crazy or be an arschloch.
batshit crazy or be an arschloch.
batshit crazy or be an arschloch.
Puddy chooses batshit crazy. Once can always stop being batshit crazy. You can’t run from being an arschloch. It’s an ETERNAL condition! Incurable!
See ya arschloch!”
He’s yours, wingies, all yours.
Perhaps fascism plays in Peoria (AZ) but the Mariners don’t have to. Move Spring training next year!
Do you play well in rightwing circles? Do tell. I think you’re crazy, as in batshit crazy, but in rightwing circles maybe they are so desperate to have a person of color that they accept you. Please share.
Ah the first step towards regaining mental health is to begin to acknowledge reality.
Long haul in your case Stupes but it always begins with the first step.
Don’t you feel like Puddy is stalking you, just a bit? You’ve clearly gotten under his skin, which is a good thing, but, man, he appears to be freaking nuts now when it comes to you.
PL – Oh maybe but the fool plays to script: the right wing cannot stand being held accountable. This is what really drives Stupes crazy.
They can dish it out but… you know the rest..
Proud Goatist…
Puddy stalking the arschloch? Hardly… This is the arschloch who bragged just wait, just you wait. Then the fool starts posting old comments. Then the fool creates a blog of previous HA comments. When confronted he first LIES about his personal HA blog copy on his home computer. Puddy gets him to admit it’s only “150 megabytes“. KABLAMMMMMO! So who’s fool who for months used a Puddy comment as his HA moniker then used another then another? THE ARSCHLOCH! Then the arschloch uses links trying, Trying, TRYING to make Puddy look bad. Another insipid feckless attempt at being useful on this blog!
Puddy thinks proud goatist doesn’t read much of the arschloch drivel. Else proud goatmaster would recognize the continual use of previous PuddyComments by the arschloch. Puddy knows the arschloch reveres Puddy because everything the arschloch does has PuddySignatures all over it. Just look at how the arschloch used Zotz above proud goatmaster!
No Sale and EPIC FAIL!
Puddy would want to be known as batshit crazy versus being known as an arschloch. Puddy can stop being batshit crazy at any time Puddy chooses. Once you are known as being an arschloch, it’s an eternal condition. On his tombstone it will read:
Butt, all that is lost on the GoatMaster because farming helpless animals to your leftist pals is your primal calling in life. You use the lawyer gig to hide your prime directive!
Oh and arschloch… for calling someone who can’t take it, look in the mirror fool. How many links have you posted here of PuddyCommentary? And you continue to fail so miserably.
Like proud goatist being HA’s goatmaster, you’ll always be known as the arschloch!
Re: MikeBoyScout 163 @ 5:36 pm
Citation? There’s something called Google. Here’s the prominent Left Coast liberal newspaper that ran the story:
This was probably overlooked by publications you follow because nowhere in the story is Bush mentioned or blamed for anything.
pfft! back at ya
192 – Oh my there’s some funny fantasies in there Stupes…
You are so freaked out. It’s hilarious.
Love those fantasies about my son. At one point you were saying he IS a conservative and now you’re saying he’ll become one.. Typical right wing. Can’t make up its mind on the shit they make up for the day.
Yeah my kid strikes me as having the temperament of someone who may one day lean right. And if that happens, that’s ok by me.
But my son, right now, disparages right wingers left and right just like his parents and I’m trying to school him on why.
Then he’ll better be able to make decisions for himself when the time comes.
Failure? HAH! The list of your failures is long Stupes and I’m doing what I’m doing for my own amusement. No other reason.
pssst.. Hint. It’s not all about you.
Let’s dissect the fantasies:
Yawn.. No proof.. making shit up..
Yeah after you fantasizing it was GIGABYTES. Well it’s a little over 200M now.. There’s goes more right wing bullshit sinking to the bottom of the toilet bowl.
Corrected yet again!
Not that it takes that much.
Much better..
Yawn.. Go to go..
re 185:
Yer an asswipe — with a bad memory.
@196….opinions vary….
@ 185,
it’s pretty damn obvious.
You declared that the law was flawed, could be fixed or modified after passage, but then quite pointedly declined to say what you would “fix” or “modify” about the law.
It isn’t rocket science. And “fixing or modifying” bad laws is precisely what federal court challenge promises to do. Sure, it’s a bad law. It obviously needs fixing. Because a law that specifically sets out to make distinctions among classes of similarly situated citizens is already on precarious legal footing. When the classes of similarly situated citizens being singled out for “special treatment” happen to belong to protected classes because of well recognized historical practices of unlawful discrimination, the law becomes a non-starter.
The issue here isn’t whether this law can pass equal protection strict scrutiny tests. It can’t. The issue is who gets to certify the class action, and how much will they take from the taxpayers of Arizona.
@198…the let the court decide.
oh wait…we cant do that now can we….after all, everyone here is against the AG’s lawsuit against obacare..
or…is it that court decisions regarding new laws are just OK when you agree with them…but not OK when you dont..
I think I get it now.
Look, you dont like this law? Fine….I dont think I really like it either. Soooo, hows about we finally pressure the fed to get their shit together and 1) secure the border, 2) kick the illegals the hell out of here, and 3) fine/incarcerate employers who knowingly employ illegal aliens.
Enough with the politics already…all you lovers of giant federal govt should be in full support of that giant govt doing its fucking job for a change.
after all, if giant federal govt cant take of the shit already on its plate, how in the hell do you expect it to handle any more healthcare.
What really unholy ignorance many of you spew. First, what is wrong with people wanting to better their lives? Nothing. We all did it to the Native Americans who lived here and shot their asses off for opposing us. Use a little of your greymatter. If the 12-20 million were citizens, they would pay income tax, pay Medicare and have a living so that you could stop bitching about emergency rooms and welfare. Don’t you understand that they will NEVER go home. They are here, so lets make ’em citizens and let ’em pay their way. Is that not what your own ancestors did? Stop the hate. Get yourself tested for xenophobia. Must we repeat the Berlin Wall? Must we repeat what the Israelis tried? Don’t you remember Jericho? Now boot up and send me a message calling me a bunch of third-grade names. That will surely change things for you and intensify your intelligence. If you really want to help America, come up with some solutions to the human problem, and drop the invectives.
1a. The berlin wall was to keep people in, not out….suggest a history book or two.
1b. The Isreali wall actually works for the most part.
2. Make them all legal? damn, didnt we already try that in the 1980’s? We the people where then promised by federal govt that after amnesty, they would secure the border…..still waiting for that promise to be kept.
3. My ancestors went through Ellis Island…legally. I got no problem with controlled, legal immigration.
4. Strawman fail with the native american argument.
5. not sure how someone “intensifies intelligence”…