Tomorrow at noon, pro-health care reform protestors will gather at the Tivoli Fountain on the Capitol campus in Olympia, and then march to the Attorney General’s office at 1125 Washington Street SE to deliver over 10,000 petitions demanding that AG Rob McKenna drop his lawsuit to block implementation of the Affordable Health Insurance Act.
No doubt the protestors will be polite, disciplined and well mannered. But I sure as hell hope not.
One of the reasons the Teabaggers have received attention far in excess of their actual numbers, is the presumably genuine anger they’re not afraid to express. They openly carry guns, or carry signs promising to use them. They mob congressmen, calling them “niggers” and “faggots”, fax nooses to their offices, and cut the gas lines of congressional relatives. They yell and they scream and they threaten and they disrupt… and they’ve been well rewarded for their efforts.
See, angry outbursts make for a good story, and thus emotion trumps policy almost every time. And that’s why it’s past time for some of us progressives to break with character and show a little genuine anger of our own.
Tomorrow at the AG’s office, let the polite petitioners do their thing, but if you’re pissed off at Rob McKenna for pandering to Teabaggers and threatening health care reform with his cheap political ploy, I encourage you to show up at his office and make a ruckus. Get loud, get angry, get threatening. I don’t particularly want to see any actual violence or property damage, but I’d love to see the genuine fear of it. Let McKenna and the media know that we may be peaceniks, but that doesn’t mean we’re not mad. Let them know that if they don’t start taking our side seriously… well… it’s not our fault if some people get out of hand.
Oh… and if any Teabaggers show up trying to grab the spotlight for themselves, don’t be afraid to get right in their face. Bullies are cowards by nature, and you’ll be surprised how quickly most of them sit down once we start standing up.
I don’t think we should lower ourselves to their behavior, but I do think if the teabaggers try to push us around, we should push back — let ’em know we’re not going to be their passive punching bag.
If I catch a prowler cutting the gas line into my burrow, I’ll give him two seconds to throw up his hands and submit to the punishment of the law before I open fire.
Did you guys see the NRCC press release – they have a response the fact that a gas line was cut at a house that a right wing talk radio fool identified as that of Congressman Tom Periello.
They’re claiming that Periello is “cynically” using the incident to confuse people, and the that the real victims are the people of virginia who will suffer under higher taxes and Medicare cuts.
This is not about having differing views and fighting doggedly for your side. These people, and I include the Republican leadership in Congress, are seriously mentally ill. They are violent and eliminationist and very, very dangerous.
Inciting violence or threats of violence against people or property is wrong – always.
There are effective means of civil disobedience and protest which do not require people to act or appear to act like looney teabaggers.
There is no justification to be stupid because they are stupid.
Please get with the program.
As further evidence that health care reform has caused capitalism’s demise, the S&P 500, DJIA, NASDAQ, Russell 2000, and S&P Midcap indexes all hit new 52-week highs today.
BoyScout @3,
I’m not advocating violence, I’m advocating emotion, and it’s time our side learned the difference. Politicians and journalists perceive our lack of emotion as a lack of passion and motivation, and respond accordingly.
Judging from the comments here and on the Facebook group and in comment threads everywhere, our side is just as pissed as theirs, if not more so. It’s time to show it.
@2 “These people, and I include the Republican leadership in Congress, are seriously mentally ill.”
Nah, they’re just run-of-the-mill criminals.
As further evidence that health care reform has caused capitalism’s demise, the S&P 500, DJIA, NASDAQ, Russell 2000, and S&P Midcap indexes all hit new 52-week highs today.
wealthcare for billionaires works for the investor class. hopefully you’ve loaded up on shares of wellpoint, cigna, pfizer, and maybe a little smith & wesson as a hedge.
i say teabaggers and health insurance company reformists meet at a starbucks and have an old-fashioned wild west shootout. or perhaps everybody at the starbucks can just have a keyboard war on their i-phones. oh wait, they already are.
I bounced across some right wing radio on my drive this morning. They were spinning it that it wasn’t the teabaggers at fault for the death threats or bricks, it was really a being done by left leaning operatives PRETENDING to be teabaggers. Yup, they are claiming it’s a conspiracy to make them look bad! They refuse to take ownership of the violence they are encouraging. It won’t matter what facts the news puts out there, their conservative base won’t believe it. It’s madness!
I stand corrected.
So what is being proposed by you as a progressive is terrorism. That is, intimidation through threat of bodily harm in order to persuade a political outcome.
Bruce @11,
No, what I’m proposing is that we be loud, emotional and disruptive, just like the Teabaggers for a change. But, you know, if you want to define that as terrorism, have at it.
Oh Please Goldy, the few bad apples certainly don’t represent the many, and it is ignorant for you to assume so. Nice failed attempt at trying to rally the sheeple with your bullshit. The several Tea Party events I have attended were peaceful with no issues. In addition, many people are against this illegal “bill” who do not associate themselves with the Tea Party movement, even several Democrats I personally know. That said, your empty challenge of “getting in faces” amounts to a fart in the wind coming from a still chronically unemployed “blogger” who in reality couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag, and prefers to hide behind the safety and comfort of his keyboard. Good luck with that asshole, and better have your bail money ready if you do. You may resume shrieking in that pre-pubescent girly voice of yours now. :) Good day all, for I have to get back to work.
Perhaps you should refine your comments goldy – non-violence yes, passivity absolutely not.
Display determination, anger, impatience without threat of hurting anybody.
We are not teabaggers. We do not threaten people’s safety or bodily integrity.
“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.” -Salvor Hardin, by way of Isaac Azimov
Mark1 @13,
Hiding behind my keyboard? Everybody knows my name, and I’ve always been in the phone book. But you… you hide behind a screen name.
Post your full name and address if you’ve got nothing to hide. Or would you like me to do it for you?
Goldy @12,
At best the protest you advocate could be called sedition, not treason. But then you are not advocating violence.
The reason teabaggers get attention is NOT because they pack heat and a heapin’ helpin’ o’ crazy wherever they go. They get attention because they are backed by big, corporate dollars.
Remember, folk, when you watch television you are NOT the customer…you are the product. Your eyballs (and minds?) are being sold to the advertisers, many of whom really really like it when liberals are vilified and their agenda is halted. So when a bunch of teabaggers go marching around with guns talking about how Obama is a Kenyan Communist blah blah blah…you can be goddamn sure they’ll be featured on television right between the pharmaceutical ads, the coal greenwashing ads and the financial firms’ ads.
I understand where the frustration and anger is coming from but I believe this is a bad idea, Goldy. I’d rather you use Ghandi and MLK Jr. as role models for our struggle in this arena, not those teabagging extremist freaks. Please don’t even mention them in the same breath with us. So I suggest that you park the anger and take the high road – always. If you want to act out your anger, take it out on the KLOWN and when you’re done, ban the stupid shit simply for being the dumbest fucking twit on the entire fucking planet.
“Or would you like me to do it for you?”
My, my, somebody’s more than just a little bit testy today. But I kinda like this.
Goldy makes the bigtime:
17: Ditto, pretty much. There were a lot of loud passionate people out protesting before Bush’s Iraq invasion, all over the world, and the mainstream media ignored them. I have to agree that Goldy’s missing the point with this one.
Goldy farted
Hmmmmmmmmm……… let’s see Goldy… Let’s get some context and clarity here for a change. Jesse Jackson Jr., Illinois Congressman taped the minority walk to the capital. Y’all can see his taping “ceremony” on Fox News videotape. Stange enough he hasn’t provided any racial epithet video evidence. Being the son of the bombastic one, you know The Jena Six, The Duke University Three, The Rainbow Coalition Shakedowns and many other “fun acts”, Jesse Sr and Jr would be running to PMSNBC with the evidence. Now why hasn’t Jesse Jr. produced any evidence when Andrew Breitbart has offered to pay $10,000 to the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) if someone provides video/audio evidence.? Maybe cuz it ain’t there! Do you really believe that a liberal CNN reporter heard people yelling that stuff and didn’t turn on her camera or tape recorder or cell phone? Yes if you are Goldy or a member of the NorthWest Division of Lunatic Leftist Progressive Pinhead Moonbat!s.No wonder you have issues with the Seattle Times. They reject the way you address issues.
Butt Goldy, it’s your ilk on the left who went insane, caused riots, burned flags and had calls for murder (Randi Rhodes, Nobel Prize winner Betty Williams, etc.) just by mentioning GW Bush. Your side is the loony tunes gang. Now we see Eric Cantor, Republican Virginia being attacked by leftist pinheads over his anti-health care stance and being Jewish. Don’t you hate when peeps pick on others because they are Jewish Goldy? Find the video and listen to his words Goldy. Butt that’s okay because to loony leftist progressive pinheads the means always justify the end game.
BTW that coffin story was made up by Russ Carnahan’s peeps after they were called on it by the peeps who attended the prayer vigil. More made up stuff from the loony leftist progressive pinheads and their slobbering love affair MSM fools.
@3, @5, @11 I have to beg to differ. Being loud is OK, but rational and respectful. The wingfucks are no doubt unaware of it, but their antics are turning off far more people than they’re winning to their side. Keep in mind that Sarah Palin’s smug smile as she basked in her narcissistic glory amid shouts of “Kill Him!” may have gone a long way to convincing a great many undecided voters that they didn’t want anything to to with the Republicans.
Keep in mind also that there seems to be something of a double standard in the way demonstrators are dealt with by the press and authorities, even in supposedly liberal western Washington and two years into a Democratic administration. Last week we saw the teabaggers’s antics between Capitol Hill and the congressional office buildings, disrupting Democratic members’ movements and shouting epithets, racial slurs and even death threats, and the police only made a few token arrests. What happened to the “free speech zones” that the anti-war protesters were herded into for the last eight years…or for that matter, any and all non-Republicans who had the temerity to show up anywhere near George W. Bush when he ventured out in public?
@13 Thank you, sir, for helping prove my first point in @23.
It was Lee who cried about us pinning labels on them when we who think right said all progressives act like Randi Four Gunshots Rhodes or Betty Kill Bush Williams.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Boy is Puddy glad FartyArt brought this up
IT NEVER HAPPENED FARTY ART! It was made up by a Scranton Times-Tribune libtardo reporter David Singleton. He’s the only one who “heard it”.
Keep up the libtardo losing mantra FartyArt. Be sure to look at the race tracks in your underwear too!
Is it just me, or are Puddy’s rantings even more incomprehensible than usual?
“Do you really believe that a liberal CNN reporter heard people yelling that stuff and didn’t turn on her camera or tape recorder or cell phone?”
What’s next out of you, Puddy, faked moon landings, faces on Mars and everything else that’s on the whacked conspiracy theorist’s plate? Geez, and I thought your mind was a bit clearer than that.
@27 As I hope to retain some respect for my dear friend Puddy, please don’t ask him about the face on Mars.
Proud Goatist,
Have y’all noticed when facts are placed on HA Proud Goatist can’t figger them out. It all started when Professor Darryl placed a comment on this blog and Proud Goatist had a memory misfire. Ever since he’s really lost it.
So Goatist, Andrew Breitbart has $10 Large as a personal donation to the UNCF for the proof. Where’s da beef? Seems to be missing from the DUMMOCRAPTIC playbook.
“It was Lee who cried about us pinning labels on them when we who think right said all progressives act like Randi Four Gunshots Rhodes or Betty Kill Bush Williams.”
Wasn’t that you crying when I used to write here that all Republicans are like Neal Horsely, or like the sicko wingnut wearing a panda costume, or maybe like that park toilet BJ guy Bob Allen from Florida? Yes, I do recall now that it was you who cried out about my pinning false labels on people. So I stopped. So why do you continue to do it? Is civility in your mind just a one-way street? We owe it to you but you don’t owe it to us?
Ya don’t luv Puddy no mo?
Puddy thought you finally grew up and stopped acting like the dumb brick ylb arschloch. Ya telling me you didn’t after all? BTW Puddy uses Lee’s comment as back fill to the continual painting of we who think right to a “supposed attack”. Where’s the incident video tape Steve?
Of course I do, Puddy! It’s just that some days mine is a “tough love”, meant for my dear friend’s own good
If John Lewis lied about the spit, isn’t it time for him to quit?
If Jesse Jackson Jr has the video tape, isn’t it time to produce the scrape?
@32: You’re a sick fuck. Get help. Seriously.
Oops Goldy… A video has appeared. Please listen carefully…
Golly Puddy must have missed the “comment”. Hmmm… Puddy will listen again and again and again and again… at the 44-45 second point since someone claimed they “heard something”.
I’m not sure Puddy can be helped. Some people just go too far around the bend and institutionalization becomes the only option. I fear that’s where Puddy is headed.
Once again zotz adds nothing to the conversation. Reminds Puddy of headless lucy. Puddy wonders… Hmmm…? Each time Puddy produces factual evidence from libtardo MSM sources zotz says something really stupid.
Par for the libtardo course. Zotz is a real example of leftist progressive thought!
Proud Goatist… Still waiting for your self-institutionalization after your Professor Darryl screw up! You’ve been off kilter ever since…
Wanna review that time from yesteryear again or do you “remember” your insane commentary?
You seem to enjoy bringing that subject up on a regular basis. I really don’t know what you’re talking about and don’t particularly care. But, if thinking about it gives you warm feelings of superiority, then I’m pleased to have helped you out.
HCR reform is one of many steps in the direction of America’s natural inclination of Liberalism.
First, there was Social Security, then Medicare, then Medicaid, and now health care coverage for all.
The next step will bring us closer, if not all the way to a single payer system of delivering health care to Americans.
When you think about the significance of this law that affects virtually every single man, woman and child it means our nation just became a whole lot more Liberal.
Ronal Reagan and his vision for America was polar opposite of this law. In fact, Reagan lobbied mightily against Medicare using the same argument as today; it would make us a socialist, communist nation; a nation with no freedoms.
Since 1980 America listened to, and implemented the Reagan Revolution. We, as a nation, regardless if we agreed with it or not, gave Reaganism a real try as a form of governing.
Ultimately, after the Bush years and Reagan Republican control of congress, the American People decided that following the ideology of the Reagan Revolution was no longer in our national best interest and it was thoroughly rejected at the polls in 2006 & 2008.
During the last two election cycles we listened intently to individuals on both sides of the political spectrum and chose candidates who, for the most part, ran on the platform of health care reform. The American People following the Constitution and our traditional American values elected to reverse course and went back to progressive liberalism form of governing.
This is the death knell of Reaganism and the Republicans are in the second step along the 5 steps of grief. You have to remember their belief in Reagan’s radical departure from traditional American values is a deeply held belief for them. In most cases, probably second only to their religious beliefs. Even at as late as 2005 Republicans were resolute in their belief of a “permanent Republican majority.” They were certain the make up of our nation was so conservative that they would hold power for a very long time. Then in 2006 came step 1 in the grieving process; denial.
Many Republicans thought the 2006 sea change in congress was a fluke. They certainly didn’t believe in 2008 they would lose even more seats in the House and be reduced to 40 seats in the Senate. Let alone losing the presidency to a community organizer with little public office experience. Especially, when compared to a War Hero and a 26 year veteran of the Senate who was thought of as a moderate. A maverick if you will.
Step 2 – Anger. Recent events in the news are all we need to realize where conservatives are at along the grieving process.
Step 3 – Bargaining. Attempting to make deals or attempting to make deals with God to stop or change the loss. Begging, wishing, praying for they way things used to be would come back. That’s where Republicans will be right before the November elections. However, history says running on repeal of major social legislation is political suicide. After Roosevelt gave us Social Security, his opponent ran on repealing Social Security and lost miserably. In 2005, George W. Bush spent a significant amount of his political capital, if not all of it, on the idea of tampering with Social Security by privatizing it into the Wall Street Casino. Look what happened in the next two election cycles.
Step 4 – Depression. Overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, frustration, bitterness, self pity, mourning the loss of their political identity as well as the hopes, dreams and plans for the future will become rampant after their political losses this fall. The GOP will be in chaos and a state of disarray. There will be bitter infighting, finger pointing and disagreement as to how the party to where it is and how it will move forward. This is the critical juncture for the GOP. If the more moderate and intellectual side of the GOP does not prevail to alter their political ideology to conform with the newly found Liberal footing of America, they will become irrelevant when they lose again in the 2012 cycle.
Step 5 – Acceptance. There is a difference between resignation and acceptance. Republicans will have to accept the loss, not just try to bear it quietly. Realization that a plurality of the American People no longer accepts their views on governing is their own fault and their own making. New conservative thought leaders will fill the vacuum left by the abandonment of Reaganism and their vocal champions like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Fox News. The old guard, the talking heads, the pundits will fade from memory like those who supported and shouted for Joe McCarthy.
Reagan’s name, like McCarthy will be remembered for decades to come in American politics and for the similar reasons. At one time they were accepted, then they were thoroughly rejected by We The People.
The Reagan Revolution: Born at noon on Jan. 20, 1981 – passed away at 12:22 pm on Mar. 23, 2010.
GBS @ 42
Outstanding analysis, and I couldn’t agree more. The core of the contemporary GOP is what used to be its insignificant periphery. These people are true believers, but allergic to reality. Nutcakes generally do not recognize how far out of the mainstream they are, and that is certainly the case with these folks. The volume and persistence of their shrieking bely their lack of numbers. With passage of this legislation, we are once again headed toward the constitutional aspiration of a more perfect union.
@ 42, GBS,
You can add to that the dysfunctional co-dependence of the right wing media pundits with the extreme fringe core of the Republican party.
The fringe wingnuts need the Pundits to continually tell them they are right in their extreme anti-American views, and the Pundits need the fringe wingnut sheep to keep listening to them and supporting their elite lifestyles.
It will only make it more painful for the wingnuts when they eventually hit rock bottom.
GBS goes all Kubler-Ross on us @42…
That’s an interesting analysis, one that I’ll ponder a while. If we accept its general veracity, I might suggest that at least a few Republicans are already moving on to the next stage. If this report from the Kingsport (TN) Times-News doesn’t demonstrate a call for “bargaining”, I don’t know what else to call it:
Amazingly Proud Leftist forgets what he wrote last year. 24 hour mindless moronic memory malady. And you really expect Puddy to appreciate your commentary when you forget what you wrote before.
@ 46, your claims of what someone else said a year earlier are suspect at best, and hilariously incomprehensible at worst.
This is the latter case.
If Puddy remembers all that he’s posted in the past year, then we can understand why his posts are so incomprehensible: given all the clutter he has stored in his head, there is no capacity for rational thought.
But, but, but…no less an authority as MISTER Cynical touts Mr. PuddyBuddy’s amazing photographic memory. Huh? Huh?
I love how Dave Reichert wanted so much to vote against the health care coverage he currently enjoys.
Reichert hospitalized after head injury
Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Wash., was hospitalized Wednesday after feeling ill, his office said in a statement.
“Congressman Dave Reichert was admitted to George Washington University Hospital yesterday after feeling ill. Following an evaluation, doctors performed a procedure to address a chronic subdural hematoma that was likely the result of a minor head injury. The procedure was successful, and he is expected to make a full and complete recovery. The Congressman is resting comfortably and will be discharged in a few days – but doctors will not allow him to leave for any votes,” the statement said.
“Congressman Reichert’s office has contacted leadership to advise them he is unable to vote, and that he will submit for the record a reiteration of his no vote on the health care bill. Upon discharge from the hospital, he will return home for the district work period and will resume his schedule in consultation with his doctors.”
Reichert, the former King County sheriff, represents Washington’s 8th District east of Seattle.
“…a chronic subdural hematoma that was likely the result of a minor head injury….”
Was he hitting his head against the wall after the HCR vote?
A head injury. That explains the dimness.
# 51: Gee, perhaps I should retract my question @ #51. I’m going to feel pretty bad if it turns out later that it’s pretty serious.
And the BULLSHITTIUM you write surreal amerikkkan is always comedy, devoid of useful comment.
Proud Goatist…
Search Darryl’s Rules on HorsesAss fool. You thought Puddy wrote them when Puddy showed you in the same thread Darryl wrote them. If you have issues contact ylb arschloch as he has the whole HA blog on his home system.
surreal amerikkkan, stay an ASS it comes naturally to you.
Another leftist moron. Who is exempt from this new health care bill? Who wrote the new health care bill? Who’s staff is exempt from this health care bill?
Lets see how smart Jamie is.
Wow! to listen to Angry Puddy say you’d think the Dems just booted everyone off Health Care.
Calm down, Puddy. Time to move on to “bargaining.”
Need a 714, dude?
Puddy asks some real stupid questions
I wonder if Puddy realizes that the talking point he has been fed is complete bullshit?
Go ahead Puddy, answer your own questions so we can dissect your idiocy.
lmfao @ the idea of goldy getting in anybody’s face….cmon dude, my grandma could kick your ass.
I think goldy will be testing out the new health care system for the lazy by getting his broken nose fixed and his missing teeth replaced.
So Robbie won’t be at his office tomorrow. He’ll be in Pullman speaking to a class, according to the Olympian. He will, however, show up for a rally on Saturday at the capital sponsored by his terrorist right wing tea bagger friends.
So Robbie can’t stand the heat and face his dissenters but he can massage the testicles of his friends.
Is it just me, or are Puddy’s rantings even more incomprehensible than usual?
I donno. I’ve stopped reading them. Just skip right over them.
@7 I don’t own any health insurers because those companies just aren’t very profitable. Even though they’re skimming 30% off the top of our health care system, that money doesn’t go to shareholders; it pays for immense (and largely unnecessary) corporate bureaucracies. I own shares of the company that makes Winchester arms and ammo, but load my personal piece with Federal ammo.
@11 “So what is being proposed by you as a progressive is terrorism. That is, intimidation through threat of bodily harm in order to persuade a political outcome.”
No, it’s the rightwing that does that.
@63…yes, people people like the weathermen were so conservative…LMFAO….