Jesus’ General has let his “inner Frenchman” get the better of him:
Forgive me for interrupting, but for the last few hours I’ve been struggling with a post juxtaposing the Christian right’s obsession with sexual morality and theocracy with their lack of concern about torture and murder. I can’t finish. It’s too painful to address satirically.
“America has lost its soul,” The General writes, and then goes on to chronicle our nation’s horrific use of torture, death squads and chemical weapons in the name of fighting terrorism and promoting freedom.
He grimly concludes:
I can’t bear the thought of my grandson living in the world these bastards are creating. We have to do all we can to defeat them.
Which raises the question… are we progressives really willing to do all we can to defeat them? I mean… everything?
We must first deal with what is right in front of us. With a weak Republican bench, we need to pour our energy into showing that Reichert, McMorris, and Hastings are the guaranteed bush votes that they are. If we can send these three assholes to the showers, we will help the Democratic Party a bunch.
One technique that a friend used when Rick “The Whore” White ran (and lost) was to be absolutely cerain that no Rick White sign appeared anywhere within 10 miles of his home – he saw it as a civic beautification project. And yes, he knew that it was illegal, and no, he didn’t give a flying fuck. And now Jay Inslee is in Congress, Rick White is a lobbyist, and everyone is better off.
“I’m gonna kick them squaeah. In the nuts.” E. Cartmann.
Liberals must arm. The wingnuts are armed, and some publicly say they want to kill us.
Stealing Campaign signs is a good thing???
Grow up LOSER!
Man…when the General goes into a funk, that is a sign of bad shit going down.
How interesting is it that I posted the other night on SP about where the fighting between the two parties will end and about stealing campaign signs……. I was verbally assaulted for stating that there are liberals in the military and Luke didn’t like me saying that. Too strange.
It isn’t okay to steal my private property out of my front yard and my gun isn’t loaded, Rabbit, but I guess I really shouldn’t put off buying some ammo any longer, as it seems I might need it for self defense………
Don’t forget this, Mr. Cynical:
Everyone will need self-defense when the fascists take over.
Both sides are doing unethical, immoral, and illegal things in their PASSION for their parties………
Where indeed will it end?
I am not a big fan of facists or socialists.
I thought the plan was for all the loudest mouths of the lefties to move to Canada? The follow through on that plan was about zero. Best of luck with the diabolical “stealing yard signs” strategy.
Here’s a better plan for you so called “progressives”: Why not call our gov. and legislature on the carpet for passing such REGRESSIVE tax hikes? Why get so hot and bothered about the REGRESSIVE 9.5 cent gas tax? Use your brain and figure out that the democrats running this state are not a bit “progressive” and quit being their unpaid campaign hack mouthpieces.
According to the terminology on this site, “progressive” actually means “support more government spending even though regressive tax hikes are paying for it”.
OK Roger, that’s your cue to vent about the federal deficit now.
How can the federal deficit go down when the spending goes up? Bridges to Nowhere cost money. As do the other 10,000 pork projects passed this year……….
More ideas here, for progressives really willing to do all we can to defeat them; I mean… everything:
Might want to try here for more “talking points”:
zip the dip at it again, let him outta his cave for some fresh air!!! must be holiday season, zip the dip, our idiot and xmashag can go about stealing presents from little kids again.
Local Seattle area blogger and hypocrite, Goldy of RonSimsAss.Org, who believes that election corruption is a good thing, so long as A) It is only just a little bit of corruption, and B) Said elections office is run by Democrats,…
We haven’t been doing all we can but we should. It’s possible that this will move to civil war. And since all the republican leaders are chickenhawks who have never served a day in the military, they can easily be defeated.
On an unrelated topic; anyone hear that WHATADICK Cheney is seeking a sixth DEFERMENT :)
Everything you say? Torture? Death squads? Chemical weapons? I can’t quite go that far.
However, as you go through your daily mundane life, do not hesitate to bring conservatives up short when they feel emboldened to inject their warped personal predjudices into just about any situation.
It’s a start.
Sgmmac: Remember to shoot to maim the sign stealing sonovabitch, that way you get a two-fer deal.
1.) The progressive sign thieving asshole will become a limp gimp :)
2.) The police arrive to haul his ass away and you mention to the man this happened before and: you felt you were being stalked, your children were being voyeured and you wife mentally undressed. You have covered all three bases that the leftie moonbats say are bad. ;)
Goldy, the first thing that you can do is get rid of the “anything goes” structure of the comments threads. You ask another good question and look what shows up: It’s not worth trying to have an intelligent conversation — which is exactly what these wingnuts want.
RR: Yeah, I just don’t see groups like ‘Liberals for .50 Caliber Rifle Ownership’ springing up anytime soon.
I’ll be sure to put on my Libertarian hat when the R’s and D’s start exchanging lead.
PuddyBuddy! I am glad to see you are not dead! Good to know you are spreading the Lord’s Message this morning!
Ted–Stealing Campaign signs is a good thing???
Grow up LOSER!
Comment by Mr. Cynical— 11/22/05 @ 11:54 pm
You republican Dickfors really should win an election before you call anyone else a “loser.”
And yes, stealing Republican campaign signs is a good thing. When your side ignores all of the rules, you open the door to receive the same treatment. And as we know, you just can take it, so you whine and whine and whine and call people names. Grow a dick.
Murtha can whip Cheney silly. Bush and Cheney are backpedaling now like Freddy Mercury on speed.
We haven’t been doing all we can but we should. It’s possible that this will move to civil war. And since all the republican leaders are chickenhawks who have never served a day in the military, they can easily be defeated.
On an unrelated topic; anyone hear that WHATADICK Cheney is seeking a sixth DEFERMENT
Comment by LeftTurn— 11/23/05 @ 6:00 am
LeftTurn I would rather serve for a chickenhawk than one that goes to Paris and sells his country out for personal gains. Have you ever met the Vice President Cheney, I found him quite interesting when he showed up in Qatar for a visit. I never saw your friend Ted Kennedy, it appears he had more important things to do at the time. I get the feeling he I like you don’t want us to succeed on our mission to win this War. I hear you prefer yellow rather than red, white and blue.
Sounds like the Right Wing Crazies and the Left Wing Crazies are gonna shoot it out at the O.K. coral! The rest of us better keep our heads down!
“Get on your bike and RIDE!!”
Freddy Mercury to Bush
Does anyone remember that scandal about Bush #41 and the child porn ring? Google it.. You’ll be amazed. Not that we’d deliberately smear someone……….
Wasn’t that Bush in Baghdad who showed up to serve a big rubber turkey to the troops a few years ago. Those were the days, huh , Mr. Cynical? You were walkin’ tall then. Now Murtha’s called out Cheney and Cheney’s thumpin’ hios chest like Fred Sanford and yelling about the “big one!”
What a chickenhawk.
If anyone remembers the flag burning challenge from a few months ago , they will realize that the RIGHTARDS are hot air. The civil war will be fought in the voting booth and the courtrooms.
There is not enough corporate money in the world to erase the image of Bush and Company’s complete and utter erectile dysfunction in the face of a mere hurricane. Even the slowest witted American voter can see that a response to a suitcase bombing in a large city would be similarly inept.
Corporations better start doing some REALLY serious thinking about where they want to put their money in the upcoming political campaigns. If we can win power and hold on to it without their money, well then maybe the corporate agenda will need some serious scaling back in the near future
Grover Norquist laundering money? The plot thickens!
Stuckonstupiddon: How is your hero worshipping going today?
Apache Foggy Bottom said: “Bush and Company’s complete and utter erectile dysfunction” And the ASSes accuse us of using mixed sexual metaphors in our political discussion. DJ here’s on for your ever growing list.
For Ursus Chimp Pa-Troll: Did you know calling Bush a chimp illustrates his sexual prowess over you donks? Maybe you’ll need to Google that to improve your mental faculties on the subject You should study Goodall’s and others work!
“Bluh- blah, bluh-blah, bluh-blah, Bluh-blah….”
Puddybud’s message in its entirety
Goldy: “Which raises the question… are we progressives really willing to do all we can to defeat them? I mean… everything?”
For one, you Far Lefties are NOT “progressive” — especially considering the current level of your rhetoric: “F yeah, maaaannnn! We’re gonna F-in’ create an F-in’ Utopia by force and there’s no F-in’ F-ers who can F-in’ stop us, maaaaannnn!”
And, just like the Far Right, you never seem to know where that fine line is drawn with regards to the general public. You are NOT the everyman any more than some Bible-thumping Christian Rightie. The advantage the Far Right has is that they’re traditionally seen as the “law and order” folks (go look up the Dem/GOP, Mommy/Daddy Party stereotypes) and Far Lefties are viewed as rebellious teenagers. And while the local GOP is a bunch of monkeys, the national party has much more media savvy. If the French can sink a Greenpeace boat, the NeoCons (which I am not) will find a way to punish you severely.
For years, the public has cried out for civil elections, but has lapped up the Jerry Springer BS both parties put out. However, there will be a point at which the public says, “enough!” The public sees and feels a big difference between institutional law-breaking (Enron, Libby, etc.) and lawlessness in their own backyards — literally. It will be the general public that calls for something to be done and the Far Right GOP will use that excuse to come down like a sledge hammer.
And then EVERYONE — Democrat, Republican or anything else — will lose.
one tiny point: chimpanzees are not bonobos–check your google references please–
Among today’s schtuff is the 20 thanks given by the Progress Report folks. Here is one particularly interesting note: (btw even the trolls get a wee bit of thanks for willingness to prove the axiom about fools and feet)
“”We’re thankful for, for exposing (in such ironic fashion) ex-FEMA chief Michael Brown’s checkered past at the International Arabian Horse Association.
And last but not least: We’re thankful to the Progress Report readers for their tips, energy and support.
Happy Thanksgiving! – The Progress Report Team.””
“If we can send these three assholes to the showers,”
on the surface this seems like just another stupid remark made by someone who claims that if you want a better america you better break the law and violate other’s rights to get there. in other words the end justifies the means.lefty mantra
but then , with the shower reference and all…….and goldy’s and the other loons fixation with nazis……what exactly did you mean ,ted?
was it a sports reference………or a darker one?
and goldy…i have to say that if this post of yours doesn’t get you on some federal watch list somewhere our government is not doing their job…….
and the “general” is an idiot as usual….with this remark he goes over the line even for a moron like himself………
““America has lost its soul,” The General writes, and then goes on to chronicle our nation’s horrific use of torture, death squads and chemical weapons in the name of fighting terrorism and promoting freedom.”
chronicle huh? isn’t that word generally associated with THE TRUTH? so it would be quite innacurate in this case.
and goldy when you say ” we must do anything”……i guess what you really mean is anarchy isn’t it?
why be so coy?
Mark @ 31 you kinda lost me here : “It will be the general public that calls for something to be done and the Far Right GOP will use that excuse to come down like a sledge hammer.â€
You appear at first to be making a passionate plea for civility and “centricismâ€. But then you point out that if we (the general public, which I am a member of) attempt to derail the far right, then we will be crushed.
“If the French can sink a Greenpeace boat, the NeoCons (which I am not) will find a way to punish you severely.â€
Is acceptance of their dangerous fanaticism then the only answer? Is that what America is all about? Is that the end of our freedoms?
I don’t think so. If the Neo-Cons attempt to usurp control from the public, then the only answer is to remove the Neo-Cons. By whatever means is necessary. That is what our forefathers did in similar circumstances.
Mark: No one here has said anything about utopias. But answer me this , Mark: Do you think that freedom of speech ends the moment you are on the shop floor or in an office owned by a corporation? Why do corporate constitutional rights always trump the rights of real and actual persons? Is this the kind of democracy you want for your children and grandchildren: One where large corporations can deny them the means to make a living if they don’t tow the corporate line?
Remember, the world’s resources are pretty much owned and controlled already by corporations already. So it’s not likely they could just go somewhere else and get a job. Corporatism defeated communism and now it’s defeating democracy. Whose side are YOU on. And I mean NOW– while there’s still a little time to change things.
Donna @ 33
I AM calling for civility, but am also warning of what I see as an inevitability if both extremes keep up this BS. I did not say that the “general public” will attempt to derail the Far Right because they won’t. It is the Far Left (of which you appear to be a member) that considers violence and lawlessness a reasonable option.
The Far Right and the NeoCons have done plenty to shoot themselves in the feet and the public WILL catch on and vote them out of office. The Far Left acting like thugs will only keep them IN office much longer.
You want to know how the Dems will really restore the balance of power? Go find Barack Obama’s 2004 election victory speech.
Apache Frog @ 35
Free speech rights are not absolute (e.g. You cannot yell “fire” in a crowded theater).
What about freedom of association? Did you know that “closed shops” (and WA is a closed shop state) are considered a violation of human rights by the UN?
Personally, I have no problem with corporations. Ultimately, they are controlled by those who own them. In many ways, unions are just like corporations. Are you saying you want to abolish unions, too?
What if those of us in the private sector just quit paying taxes? Atlas has Shrugged. Try that, commie “progressives”!!!
It’s amazing how many Republicans AND Democrats can start speaking truth to power after they’ve been goaded and prodded long enough by the far left. You don’t wanna get hurt? You better start hearing ouyr side before we put your feet to the flame.
Donna @ 34
Upon re-read, I see where the signals got crossed. You need to consider the context of the entire paragraph when I say, “It will be the general public that calls for something to be done and the Far Right GOP will use that excuse to come down like a sledge hammer.”
I’m saying that the general public will want something done about the lawlessness (especially if escalated as Goldy and others advocate) of the Far Left. The Far Right will use that excuse to tighten its grip on “law and order.” You think the Patriot Act sucks? Just wait until Far Lefties start vandalizing individuals’ property (even more). The Far Right and the NeoCons WANT you to go crazy.
Apache Frog @ 38
The Far Left only stirs itself up. When the rest of the public — Democrat, Republican or otherwise — decides to challenge authority, it is a actually a result of the freedoms most in this country take for granted.
re 40: …like habeus corpus?
Apache Fog: In the clouds for the last four days. What? Huh? Did the fogman just say the same thing for the last three posts? You make the sexual reference link like Pa-Troll does with his animal references. If, upon being called out, the truth hurts, STFU!
So spyder you want to call Bush a bonobo? I didn’t. And I don’t see Goodall doing much work in a cursory review of bonobos in my reference. I was explaning to Ursus Chimp Pa-Troll about his use of Chimpy in reference to GWB. If you can’t figure it out spyder… But, since you escalated the conversation to bonobos, now I understand why. They act just the people in the GLA: “Whereas in most other species sexual behavior is a fairly distinct category, in the bonobo it is part and parcel of social relations–and not just between males and females. Bonobos engage in sex in virtually every partner combination (although such contact among close family members may be suppressed). – Is this why you like bonobos spyder? Come on, my nick in consulting circles is Internet Man. You find ’em I’ll decipher ’em! Navigate to this site and you’ll hear Apache Fog, spyder and Chimp Pa-Troll conversing. In fact it sto me like most arrogant ignorat condescending liberals here on ASSes. Thanks spyder.
Oops… Typing too fast “In fact it sto me like most arrogant ignorat condescending liberals here on ASSes. should read
In fact it sounds to me like most arrogant ignorant condescending liberals here on ASSes.
Mark: The far right has shown how competent they are at “cracking down” with the insurgency in Iraq ( which, by the way, is still going strong ) and their utter inability to control anything having to do with even providing hurricane relief.
No. The repression will come from our fellow Americans after the neo-cons either cause or allow to happen a suitcase bombing of a major city.
The corporations that the political parties in this country are beholden to are GLOBAL companies. They don’t care about what happens in the U.S. China’s thier new golden goose.
Apache Frog @ 44
You had better shut your mouth or my Bilderberg friends and I will shut it for you!
Mark @40,
Um… what exactly is it I am escalating? I asked a question, and you chose to surround it with your own nefarious context.
And let me just say how ironic I find it when people on the right accuse people on the left of advocating violence. As one anonymous rightie emailed me: “You can have all your fancy words, but we own all the guns.”
We have already come to the point where dissent is routinely and angrily denounced as treason, and where threats of political retaliation have grown ever more punitive and violent. We have come to the point where several of my own readers, in the comment threads on my own blog, now feel comfortable to publicly and repeatedly welcome the prospect of my own death. Knowing what we know about human history and human nature, it would be foolish not to imagine a time when the eliminationists might turn from rhetoric to action.
This wasn’t the subject of my original question, but since you raised the issue, perhaps it should be asked. I don’t want to get all paranoid or anything, and I certainly don’t mean to imply that we are anywhere near this point yet… but should that time come when the death squads we promote abroad finally take root at home… are we willing to do all we can to defeat them?
Comment on 40
“Just wait until Far Lefties start vandalizing individuals’ property (even more).”
You mean like this?
Comment on 47
“As one anonymous rightie emailed me: ‘You can have all your fancy words, but we own all the guns.'”
He is mistaken about this, as they are about all things.
Comment on 42
Habeas corpus, like all of our personal rights, is only as secure as your willingness to use a gun to keep and defend it. Liberals must arm; and if the fascists try to take away our rights, liberals must fight.
re 46:You can make anything look ridiculous by turning it into a “conspiracy”. The Bretton-Woods Accords were all done in secret by rich and powerful people. Does that mean what they decided and made real in this world is just a silly conspiracy theory? Get a grip on yourself, moron. Reductio ad absurdum arguments only work if you know what you’re talking about.
Goldy @ 47: “Um… what exactly is it I am escalating?”
Hmmmm… I dunno… maybe encouraging idiots like Roger “Liberals must arm” Rabbit @ 50?
Goldy @ 47
Take a look at the rank-and-file reactions to issues in the public forum. On the Radical Right, you have vandals and clinic bombers and bashers of every kind who are almost universally condemned — by Dems and GOP alike. On the Radical Left, you have vandals and eco-terr0r1sts who are condemned to varying degrees, but EXCUSED by many on the Left because “we gotta do what we gotta do.” Even more subject to excuses are Lefty protests that get out of control. I have friends and relatives who are cops and they have been verbally and physically assaulted numerous times when they have simply been “holding the line” in formation. You call that civil? And the Left scurries to find ALL kinds of justifications for that kind of animal behavior.
My fear is that neither side will back down — the Wound-Up Lefties or the Law-and-Order Right. Someone is going to take things too far.
I find it ironic that the Left goes on about how we didn’t win the “hearts and minds” in Iraq, but your solution to your discontent in this country is to protest, vandalize and rip out GOP yard signs.
goldy….are you saying that you get death threats?
people are threatening your life because of what you say?
when you said “This wasn’t the subject of my original question, but since you raised the issue, perhaps it should be asked. I don’t want to get all paranoid or anything, and I certainly don’t mean to imply that we are anywhere near this point yet… but should that time come when the death squads we promote abroad finally take root at home… are we willing to do all we can to defeat them?” *wink wink* from goldy while he IMPLIES that we are near this point……
oh, brother.
but “the death squads we promote abroad”????? i would really like to think that in your own twisted way you are referring to the homicide bombers but, sadly,that’s doubtful.
and blaming us for the terrorists. you just don’t get it, do you?
maybe you are referring to our ‘troops’?
is this another case of “we hate the war but love the troops[wink wink wink] …and p.s. read between the lines”?
Are we willing to all we can not to get Al Franken[stein] elected as a senator?
“November 23, 2005 — AL Franken, the former “Saturday Night Live” star, found out the hard way not to mess with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who chided Franken as if he were a delinquent schoolboy at Time Warner Center on Monday night.
Scalia, following in the footsteps of Karl Rove and Bill Clinton, was the guest at Conversations on the Circle, a series of one-on-one interviews with outgoing Time Inc. editor-in-chief Norman Pearlstine.
The A-list crowd included Michael Eisner, Jack Valenti, Mike Wallace, Tina Brown, Harry Evans and Stanley Pottinger. Scalia, a conservative who believes in a strict reading of the Constitution, is the scourge of liberal Democrats because he led the court’s 5-4 majority in voting to stop the vote recount in Florida in 2000.
When Pearlstine opened the floor for Q&A, Franken stood up in the back row and started talking about “judicial demeanor” and asking “hypothetically” about whether a judge should recuse himself if he had gone duck-hunting or flown in a private jet with a party in a case before his court.
Franken was clumsily referring to the fact that Scalia had gone hunting and flying with Dick Cheney before the 2000 election.
First, Scalia lectured Franken, “Demeanor is the wrong word. You mean ethics.” Then he explained, “Ethics is governed by tradition. It has never been the case where you recuse because of friendship.”
Time Warner chairman Dick Parsons (a smart conservative black man – my emphasis) later told PAGE SIX: “Al was not quite ready for prime time.” Franken was a “Not Ready for Prime Time Player” on “Saturday Night Live” long before he began hosting a radio show on Air America.”
His broadcasts on Scare America and the ratings prove his not ready for prime time stature!!!
“America has lost it’s soul”
Sounds to me like the Presidency’s of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Truman and John F. Kennedy he’s talking about.
Let’s not forget that it was a democrat that set-up “gulags in the United States” for Japanese-Americans and German-Americans and Bombed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in Germany, Italy and Japan.
A democrat (Truman) was responsible for “nuking” the innocent civilians of two foreign cities in Japan.
John F. Kennedy (also a democrat) was guity of trying to assassinate a the leader of a foreign nation (Castro).
If only we could go back to the good-old-days, right moonbats….
Just for the record, do you approve or disapprove of the following tactics posted on this thread. Just curious whether you approve of your fans’ “nazi-like” tactics.
“One technique that a friend used when Rick “The Whore” White ran (and lost) was to be absolutely cerain that no Rick White sign appeared anywhere within 10 miles of his home – he saw it as a civic beautification project. And yes, he knew that it was illegal, and no, he didn’t give a flying fuck. And now Jay Inslee is in Congress, Rick White is a lobbyist, and everyone is better off.”
You are NOT the everyman any more than some Bible-thumping..
Well, if the “everyman” is an independent, that “everyman” seems to have turned against the POTUS and his gang in recent weeks hasn’t he?
christmasghost, you really should learn to write in a clear and concise manner. You ravings are incomprehensible and your chain of logic is a train wreck.
By twisting the term “showers” into an anti-Jewish reference and by wishing for the Feds to do your work, you have revealed teh utter bankruptcy of your position and your own utter stupidity.
Communists in the 1950’s went by the handle “Progressive” and had many similiar ideas…..particularly when it came to forcing individuals to give up individual property rights “for the good of the commune-ity”.
Then, as now, a joyful picture of the “good-life” was painted with high salaries, low-cost of living, less stress and the “government” taking care of all of our basic needs. People who were tired of scratching out a living allowed human nature to take over…..they wanted more for doing less. And the “Progressive” promoters promised them an easier life. Class warfare….the bottom-line. Take from the minority rich….and give to the poor easing their burden while resulting in the unwanted consequence of killing their motivation. Thus, a dependent Society. The leaders of the Progressive movement, then & now….attempt to build their power base on getting the poor & downtrodden to believe “Government” will take care of them. Really no different from today’s Progressive movement.
Encourage communal thinking, take away individual initiative and promise Big Government will give you an Idyllic life.
Pretty attractive somedays, I must admit.
Sadly, some of the Pied Pipers of the New Age Progressive movement are so brainwashed about this vision that they fail to comprehend the inevitable “Unwanted Consequences”.
That’s why the innocently naive LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS are referred to as LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS. Lenin KNEW these do-gooders from the West could be co-opted to push forth his agenda.
Lenin had ZERO respect for the CLOWNS….just used them.
Same as today.
@ 60
You thumb-sucking, bed wetting CLOWN.
A democrat (Truman) was responsible for “nuking” the innocent civilians of two foreign cities in Japan.
John F. Kennedy (also a democrat) was guity of trying to assassinate a the leader of a foreign nation (Castro).
If only we could go back to the good-old-days, right moonbats….
Comment by jaybo— 11/23/05 @ 2:43 pm
jaybo Harry S. Truman wasn’t responsible for “nuking” the innocent civilians of two foreign cities in Japan, they were targets to end a deadly War. Japan started the War when they bomb Peal Harbor. To keep the civilian casualties down and shorten the war the bombs were drop. Truman change the course for mankind after the bombs were drop and probably prevent may wars of that magnitude in the furture. Had Kennedy knock off Castro, Cuba would have been a lot better off and save many civilian lives in Central America.
By everything do you mean buying a gun?
I see that the moderator (David Goldberg) had to edit one of my posts and erase the other.
The first (the edit), pointed out that FDR was responsible for the establishment of american gulags during WW2. The second was a challenge for David to respond to another poster’s comments of political censorship by vandalizing and destroying opposing candidate’s posters.
I guess that is Goldy’s idea of “free speech” as he practices it.