Hmm. It turns out that at the debate on HB2 in Texas today, they forbade bringing tampons into the building. I can’t think of a more ham handed way they could try to exclude women from meaningful participation in this debate.
I mean literally, I can’t. This is where my schtick would be to do a list of outrageous over the top things. Usually when I want to make a list like that a few ideas spring to mind quickly, but not this time. The only thing I thought of that is in the league of that is “just outright ban vaginas.”
Protesters Question Report on Confiscations
That’s only half the story, Carl — guns are allowed:
“State troopers are confiscating tampons, maxi pads and other potential projectiles from those who are entering the Texas capitol to watch the debate and vote on a controversial anti-abortion bill. Guns, however, which are typically permitted in the state capitol, are still being allowed.”
So tampons are projectiles, but bullets are not, that’s TexAsses for you. They’re more afraid of their own women than they are of the James Holmses of the world.
@ 2 RR
Their women are more dangerous.
@3 I don’t doubt that. All them frikken Texikans are dangerous. They should be quarantined in their own state, and nobody else should be allowed to go there. They hunt rabbits, too.
A suitable response.
This is Texas we are talking about. They elected Rick Perry as their governor. Any more questions about their maturity?
@5 FTW.
Let Texas and the South secede. Fuck ’em. The smart people will get out and the inbred jeebus freaks can have their guns-and-meth-topia. Let them have their inevitable race/gender/religious wars. I figure that in ten years, they’ll have drugged and murdered themselves to the point where we can just walk right in, take away their dangerous toys and put them under a hundred years of martial law so we can fix things there once and for all.