There are going to be anti war protests across the country tomorrow (h/t). If you are in the Seattle or Tricities area, and are able to attend, I would encourage you to come.
Another opportunity for rightwing cops to put taxpayer money in citizens’ pockets.
Flashback: Trump Warned That a ‘Weak’ and ‘Ineffective’ President Would Start a War With Iran to ‘Get Re-elected’
Yeah yeah. They are immune to shame and hypocrisy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“What all this gains us is unclear. Nothing suggests the killing of Soleimani, who commanded Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force and was on a trip to Iraq, is part of a well-planned strategy to bring Tehran to its knees, or to the negotiating table … the move suggests the U.S. hasn’t yet thought out its endgame.”
And what exactly does that mean? It means “all the regular risks of undertaking war, especially in the tinder box of the Middle East, are exponentially more dangerous because of the impulsive approach President Donald Trump has taken here.”
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Iran’s Best Ally News – Demorats demand advance notice of all Trump terrorist-killings.
WASHINGTON – Democratic lawmakers said they were left in the dark as President Donald Trump ordered an airstrike Thursday night that killed a powerful Iranian military leader and warned it could lead to an escalation of hostilities between the United States and a powerful adversary.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Iran explained, “If we had only known we could have saved our dear Commander Qasem Soleimani by telling CNN.”
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Iran’s Best Ally News – Trump’s “Don’t Tell Demorats Anything” policy scores another dead terrorist.
Air strikes targeting high ranking Iran-backed Shi’ite militias near camp Taji north of Baghdad killed six people and critically wounded three.
Today’s US airstrike in Taji, Iraq targeted Shibl al-Zaydi (in red). Yesterday’s airstrike targeted al-Quds Leader Qassam Soleimaini (centre) and Almuhandis (right).×336.jpg
@2 Gotta give him credit for prescience. Can he do that with stocks too?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Iran’s Best Ally News – Vladimir Putin (D-Russia) thanks fellow Demorats for promoting Russian foreign policy, promises a better pee tape next time.
The Kremlin has officially condemned the American airstrike (by drone) that killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, the chief of his country’s feared Quds Force and a known terrorist mastermind. It’s rather interesting that Moscow has the same interpretation as Democrats. If you didn’t know any better, you’d almost think that leading Democrats are all on Putin’s payroll.
The condemnation was made by President Putin himself in a phone call earlier today with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, the Epoch Times reports.
Putin’s words were backed up by an official statement from Russia’s Foreign Ministry. “We consider the killing of Soleimani as the result of an American missile strike in the vicinity of Baghdad to be a bold step that will lead to increased tension throughout the region. Soleimani was devoted to protecting Iran’s national interests,” the laughable Russians proclaim in the statement. “Such actions do not create … solutions to complex problems in the Middle East. On the contrary, it will lead to a new round of escalation of tensions in the region.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Flunked junior high civics, did you? It shows.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A woman is 14 times more likely to die in childbirth than from an abortion. Republicans don’t care.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They’re not pro-life. If they were, they wouldn’t force women into childbirth. They’re pro-live-your-life-by-my-religious-beliefs-because-I-said-so. The antithesis of the freedom they claim to believe in.
If this doesn’t make you want to vote for The Humps opponent, regardless of whom it is, and not just some outside electable 3rd Party candidate, then I don’t know what would or why you would waste your vote.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If you’re a Republican, driving drunk is something you lecture other people about while doing it yourself.
@10 I will vote for the Democratic nominee no matter who it is. Even Bloomberg.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Looks like Marianne Williamson is dropping out. Good. I won’t have to vote for a dilettante.
Of course, Donald Trump is a dilettante, too.
So they have something in common.
@12 Likewise. Not sure why everyone doesn’t get that. Get these primaries over with. Nominate anyone. Have the election and everyone vote for who that nominee is. It’s not the right way to express your opinion or fight for your personal causes, but the alternative is not even fathomable; the primary goal should be singular, defeat The Hump.
And then let him retire in Florida with the alligators, snakes and rest of the swamp critters down there and never repeat the man’s name again. Move on.
I wonder – does Bob like to vote for a 3rd Party candidate just so he can get the little round sticker that says “I voted”? Seems pretty stupid to me and a waste of time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “and never repeat the man’s name again”
That’s too generous. He deserves to face the music in court like every other criminal.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’m not endorsing the Christmas card Larry Flynt and Hustler sent to members of Congress. It’s outrageous and the Secret Service should investigate. I’m surprised the Daily Mail published a story about it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Fraud prevention alert: When dating checks, contracts, and legal documents this year, write out the full year — e.g., don’t write 1/3/20, write 1/3/2020 — otherwise a fraudster can change the date. For example, a date written as 1/3/20 is easily changed to 1/3/2019.
@9 they are Forced Birthers. After birth, they don’t care.
Another opportunity for rightwing cops to put taxpayer money in citizens’ pockets.
At this point, this is the only income opportunity Deathfrogg has left.
@ 3
What all this gains us is unclear.
It’s as clear as when Israel took out the Iraq Osirak site. Single purpose, single event. Over and done. No one expected the Jew hatred to cease because of it.
It sent two messages:
• Yes, we can do something about it.
• Try us. We’re prepared to do it again.
No one expects the “Death to America!” cries from hardline Iranians to cease because we took out Soleimani. But Stuxnet taught Iran that the US and Israel can be incredibly creative in its cyberwarfare, and what just happened taught Iran that we haven’t forgotten old school obliteration.
Yes, we can do something about it. No, this is not the Obama administration, and you’re stuck dealing with it for the next five years, motherfuckers.
Another opportunity for rightwing cops to put taxpayer money in citizens’ pockets.
Flashback: Trump Warned That a ‘Weak’ and ‘Ineffective’ President Would Start a War With Iran to ‘Get Re-elected’
Yeah yeah. They are immune to shame and hypocrisy.
“What all this gains us is unclear. Nothing suggests the killing of Soleimani, who commanded Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force and was on a trip to Iraq, is part of a well-planned strategy to bring Tehran to its knees, or to the negotiating table … the move suggests the U.S. hasn’t yet thought out its endgame.”
And what exactly does that mean? It means “all the regular risks of undertaking war, especially in the tinder box of the Middle East, are exponentially more dangerous because of the impulsive approach President Donald Trump has taken here.”
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Iran’s Best Ally News – Demorats demand advance notice of all Trump terrorist-killings.
WASHINGTON – Democratic lawmakers said they were left in the dark as President Donald Trump ordered an airstrike Thursday night that killed a powerful Iranian military leader and warned it could lead to an escalation of hostilities between the United States and a powerful adversary.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Iran explained, “If we had only known we could have saved our dear Commander Qasem Soleimani by telling CNN.”
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Iran’s Best Ally News – Trump’s “Don’t Tell Demorats Anything” policy scores another dead terrorist.
Air strikes targeting high ranking Iran-backed Shi’ite militias near camp Taji north of Baghdad killed six people and critically wounded three.
Today’s US airstrike in Taji, Iraq targeted Shibl al-Zaydi (in red). Yesterday’s airstrike targeted al-Quds Leader Qassam Soleimaini (centre) and Almuhandis (right).×336.jpg
@2 Gotta give him credit for prescience. Can he do that with stocks too?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Iran’s Best Ally News – Vladimir Putin (D-Russia) thanks fellow Demorats for promoting Russian foreign policy, promises a better pee tape next time.
The Kremlin has officially condemned the American airstrike (by drone) that killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, the chief of his country’s feared Quds Force and a known terrorist mastermind. It’s rather interesting that Moscow has the same interpretation as Democrats. If you didn’t know any better, you’d almost think that leading Democrats are all on Putin’s payroll.
The condemnation was made by President Putin himself in a phone call earlier today with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, the Epoch Times reports.
Putin’s words were backed up by an official statement from Russia’s Foreign Ministry. “We consider the killing of Soleimani as the result of an American missile strike in the vicinity of Baghdad to be a bold step that will lead to increased tension throughout the region. Soleimani was devoted to protecting Iran’s national interests,” the laughable Russians proclaim in the statement. “Such actions do not create … solutions to complex problems in the Middle East. On the contrary, it will lead to a new round of escalation of tensions in the region.”
@4 Flunked junior high civics, did you? It shows.
A woman is 14 times more likely to die in childbirth than from an abortion. Republicans don’t care.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They’re not pro-life. If they were, they wouldn’t force women into childbirth. They’re pro-live-your-life-by-my-religious-beliefs-because-I-said-so. The antithesis of the freedom they claim to believe in.
If this doesn’t make you want to vote for The Humps opponent, regardless of whom it is, and not just some outside electable 3rd Party candidate, then I don’t know what would or why you would waste your vote.
If you’re a Republican, driving drunk is something you lecture other people about while doing it yourself.
@10 I will vote for the Democratic nominee no matter who it is. Even Bloomberg.
Looks like Marianne Williamson is dropping out. Good. I won’t have to vote for a dilettante.
Of course, Donald Trump is a dilettante, too.
So they have something in common.
@12 Likewise. Not sure why everyone doesn’t get that. Get these primaries over with. Nominate anyone. Have the election and everyone vote for who that nominee is. It’s not the right way to express your opinion or fight for your personal causes, but the alternative is not even fathomable; the primary goal should be singular, defeat The Hump.
And then let him retire in Florida with the alligators, snakes and rest of the swamp critters down there and never repeat the man’s name again. Move on.
I wonder – does Bob like to vote for a 3rd Party candidate just so he can get the little round sticker that says “I voted”? Seems pretty stupid to me and a waste of time.
@14 “and never repeat the man’s name again”
That’s too generous. He deserves to face the music in court like every other criminal.
I’m not endorsing the Christmas card Larry Flynt and Hustler sent to members of Congress. It’s outrageous and the Secret Service should investigate. I’m surprised the Daily Mail published a story about it.
Fraud prevention alert: When dating checks, contracts, and legal documents this year, write out the full year — e.g., don’t write 1/3/20, write 1/3/2020 — otherwise a fraudster can change the date. For example, a date written as 1/3/20 is easily changed to 1/3/2019.
@9 they are Forced Birthers. After birth, they don’t care.
Another opportunity for rightwing cops to put taxpayer money in citizens’ pockets.
At this point, this is the only income opportunity Deathfrogg has left.
@ 3
What all this gains us is unclear.
It’s as clear as when Israel took out the Iraq Osirak site. Single purpose, single event. Over and done. No one expected the Jew hatred to cease because of it.
It sent two messages:
• Yes, we can do something about it.
• Try us. We’re prepared to do it again.
No one expects the “Death to America!” cries from hardline Iranians to cease because we took out Soleimani. But Stuxnet taught Iran that the US and Israel can be incredibly creative in its cyberwarfare, and what just happened taught Iran that we haven’t forgotten old school obliteration.
Yes, we can do something about it. No, this is not the Obama administration, and you’re stuck dealing with it for the next five years, motherfuckers.