One of the righties’ favorite ploys to pump up their own inflated sense of moral superiority, is to vilify the left — all of us — by pointing towards the individual actions of some reprehensible wacko. And so in the interest of turnabout is fair play, I bring you the fine folks of the Westboro Baptist Church:
Members of a church say God is punishing American soldiers for defending a country that harbors gays, and they brought their anti-gay message to the funerals Saturday of two Tennessee soldiers killed in Iraq.
The church members carried signs and shouted things such as “God hates fags” and “God hates you.”
Hmm. Protesting at soldiers’ funerals. Well, I guess if anybody knows about the evils of sodomy, it’s gotta be this bunch of fucking assholes.
Why do right-wingers hate America?
They hate us for our freedom, of course.
So what’s your point, these guys are nuts (yes) or because they are nuts, the rest of us on the right are nuts? Suprised you didn’t also somehow loop in a nazi and fascist theme to this.
Of course ya’ll lefties have no embarrasing groups to your left…??
righton….the point is that to be a full fledged lunatic in the US these days chances are you’re also a card carrying member of the GOP
One of the righties’ favorite ploys to pump up their own inflated sense of moral superiority, is to vilify the left – all of us – by pointing towards the individual actions of some reprehensible wacko. And so in the interest of turnabout is fair play, I bring you the fine folks of the Westboro Baptist Church
It look like all sides have their fair share of wacko’s, includeing a bunch in Texas who are on TV everynight.
Klake @ 5
riiiight — an ever-expanding group of middle-age parents whose children were killed as a direct result of AWOL & the Cheney administration’s lies are exactly equivalent to a bunch of christian fascists who support our troops by proclaiming God is killing them because he “hates fags”. Please enlighten us: in what kind of logical construct is that the case?
Friendly prod to FYP – URL is broken :)
Kerri @7,
Thanks for the heads up. Fixed it.
Hmm. Never had the Times change an URL like that on me before. I wonder if this one is temporary too.
righton @3,
Are you really that incredibly dense? Do you actually bother to read my posts, or are you in fact some kind of automated troll web bot that psuedo-randomly generates comments?
klake @5,
While I freely admit that there are wackos on both sides (that’s the point that righton is too stupid to figure out from my opening sentence), you can in no way equate these mean-spirited, emotionally insensitive fuckers, to a peaceful, principled vigil. If you truly think this is equivavlent than you are just as crazy a the Phelps-family church.
“Suprised you didn’t also somehow loop in a nazi and fascist theme to this.”
And I’m surprised you didn’t bring up Clinton getting a blowjob. That seems to be the standard justification for all things Republican.
This type of behavior is so typical of the Right.
actually, the right is so tolerent of gays they let them masquerade as reporters.
Jesse at Pandagon has a fun time dissecting the “Christian” fascists’ latest attempt to further wreck the U.S.’s educational standards in their continuing quest to destroy our economic competitiveness:
As Jesse points out, private “Christian” schools have the right to pretend all they want that their narrow and bigotted world view can reap the same rewards as a broad and critical education, but they can’t expect that a respected and accredited educational institution would throw away its respect and accreditation by pretending along with them.
(I guess that technically this should’ve gone in the Open Thread or in the the ID comments, but I’m making the explicit connection between these “religious” fruitcakes and the fag-haters)
Goldy @ 9
What is so difficult to understand with his point?
As a member of the far left, you are equally as big and asshole as member of the far right. Because you are disguising this as being sarcastic does not seperate you from the heard.
As to being an emotianlly insensitive fucker, who are you guys kidding. You spout off about “supporting the troops” yet crucify all the actions of US troops. How can you villify and support at the same time?
Quite frankly, I see no difference than these vermin protesting these soldiers deaths than the daily rhetoric that is spouted from the entire anti-war crowd.
You speak as if we pull out of Iraq, this will all go away.
That clearly is not the case.
Do you really want to accept terrorist acts as a reasonable expectation with daily life?
Quite frankly, we should start following our British allies and start deporting people who preach hate.
“some kind of automated troll web bot that psuedo-randomly generates comments”
You pegged him, Goldy — in fact, they all are.
Okay prr-
We got the next train outta town booked for you…and when we can run down MTR, he/she/IT’s next.
Great idea! Thanx. See ya.
“You spout off about ‘supporting the troops’ yet crucify all the actions of US troops.”
Why are you such a liar? Genetic predisposition? Because your mother hates you? You evolved from a nasty little virus? The drugstore is closed and you can’t get any more Preparation H until tomorrow?
Sending young people to their deaths in a fruitless war isn’t “supporting the troops,” Circle Jerk. You should be going to those funerals yourself to say you’re sorry for using your vote to kill those kids.
My favorite quote from the news article:
“If they were protesting the government, I might even join them,” Danny Cotton, 56, said amid cries of “get out of our town” and “get out of our country.”
Well, well, what have we here? An ANTI-WAR demonstrator SUPPORTING THE TROOPS by telling those ANTI-SOLDIER ASSHOLES to get out of OUR COUNTRY.
Let’s buy Mr. Cotton a ticket and send him to prr’s house next. Let’s all join him there. We’ve got a job to do.
That is complete and total unjustified bullshit to put people with right leaning views in that “boat”. Shame on you for being such an assuming prick. I have many right leaning views, and it turns out I have many gay friends (women and guys) as well. I sure as fuck do not condone stories like these in any way shape or form. God help you. Thanks.
“That is complete and total unjustified bullshit to put people with right leaning views in that ‘boat’. Shame on you for being such an assuming prick.”
Why not? Right wingers do it every day! Why should they have a monopoly on intellectually dishonest methods (see e.g. http://www.don-lindsay-archive.....ments.html) of attacking opponents?
Damn wingers want everything for themselves and don’t share with anyone else.
prr @ 12
“As to being an emotianlly insensitive fucker, who are you guys kidding. You spout off about “supporting the troops” yet crucify all the actions of US troops. How can you villify and support at the same time?”
Nope. Once again, you have it wrong. Many of us on the left (and many on the right, for that matter) criticize the actions of out government. There is a huge difference between criticizing soldiers and criticizing the government.
“Quite frankly, I see no difference than these vermin protesting these soldiers deaths than the daily rhetoric that is spouted from the entire anti-war crowd.”
Yean. . . well we didn’t have big expectation for you, prr.
“You speak as if we pull out of Iraq, this will all go away. That clearly is not the case. “
Some lefties agree with this statement, others do not. But, the ones who agree believe that our government (not the soldiers) has marched us into a quagmire that has no pretty solution for extrication. Bush really fucked all of us over, especially the
1,877 dead soldiers, several hundred dead contractors, and thousands of wounded Americans.
“Do you really want to accept terrorist acts as a reasonable expectation with daily life?”
What. You mean you don’t keep duct tape and plastic sheets at the ready in your household?
“Quite frankly, we should start following our British allies and start deporting people who preach hate. “
Sure. . . lets start with you and Pat Robertson.
prr @ 14
“As a member of the far left
Your remarks don’t seem to indicate that you know what “far left” means. How would you define this, and/or what public figures (past or present) would you identify with “far left” political ideology?
“Quite frankly, I see no difference than these vermin protesting these soldiers deaths than the daily rhetoric that is spouted from the entire anti-war crowd.”
What do you mean to say here? I don’t quite follow you.
“Quite frankly, we should start following our British allies and start deporting people who preach hate. “
If your point is intended to be on topic here, then how do we go about deporting American citizens (like Phelps, Limbaugh, Wiener/Savage, Coulter, et al.) who preach hate?
“Human Cannonball Fired Across U.S. Border
“TIJUANA, Mexico (Aug. 28) – David Smith Sr., who already holds a world record for the longest distance traveled by a human fired from a cannon, added to his list of cannonball coups Saturday by shooting across the U.S-Mexico border.
“Smith climbed into the barrel of the cannon Saturday afternoon and flashed his U.S. passport as about 600 people applauded.
“He took flight from a popular beach in Tijuana, Mexico and soared about 150 feet over a line of black metal poles about 20 feet high and spaced six inches apart. He landed uninjured in a net in Border Field State Park in San Diego with U.S. Border Patrol agents and an ambulance waiting nearby.”
Hmmm … not sure the media was wise to report this, might give terrorists an idea … on the other hand, it gives ME an idea about how to get rid of prr.
Rabbit @ 19: That’s OK, you just revealed your hypocricy and arrogance once again by false, unintelligent, and ridiculous assumptions. Ho-hum…..I did hear Rabbit tastes like chicken though. Thanks.
mark1 @19,
Are you the same troll web bot as righton? Do you actually read what I write? Do have any sense of irony or nuance?
Why don’t you try skinning the Rabbit for dinner and see what happens to your belly button. Hint: The recommended method for skinning a rabbit is to pick him up by the ears …
I’ve heard that human intestines looks like unstuffed polish sausage …
Hey, I’ve got another idea — let’s form a motorcycle club called Hell’s Liberals and turn the Montlake Ale House into a biker bar.
That “church” conduct is surely despicable from a moral viewpoint. But it is also serves to utterly discredit and tarnish all of the right wing currently hijacking this country, so I guess you could say they are doing a service to America.
The actions of this “church” are surely despicable. But they also serve to tarnish and discredit all of the right-wing nuts currently hijacking this country. So in a sick way, this church is actually serving America.
Goldy @ 25: Sure did. Irony? Try some of that for most of the people that write into here. I’m just saying that just because one has some right wing views dosen’t necessarily mean that they are biggoted or socially intolerant. Like I said before, I have several gays friends. And, I’m sure they won’t appreciate that news story either. Thanks.
Well gee Mark1 tell your fascist friends that just because some liberals thing the war was a mistake doesn’t mean we’re all commie traitors! Fuck you Mark! Right-wingers have used guilt-by-association smear tactics for over 50 years. How’s a little dollop of your own medicine taste? Whatsa matter, having trouble swallowing it?
These yellow-backed chickenshit wingnut whiners cry like babies when they get dished a little turnabout.
33…..RR, Democrats: social parasites. It’s time to return 11 million illegals to Mexico, and raise them 11 million welfare hack loser Democrats. Yes, Fox will be pleased to have 22 million new Democrats in Mexico City, all demanding free everything. Flush out these losers!!
[Roger Rabbit, This looks and sounds like a Democrat Fund Raiser in Detroit!! Or maybe Gary, ID]
Ezulwini Valley, Swaziland — The king of Swaziland’s daughter was whipped by a palace official at a party of teenage virgins ahead of a festival where more than 50,000 maidens are available to become her father’s 13th wife, media said on Sunday. /break/ Thousands of bare-breasted virgins will dance for Africa’s last absolute monarch in Monday’s Reed Dance ceremony, which King Mswati III has used to choose new brides.
Isn’t the Westboro Baptist Church OPPOSED to the war in Iraq? If so, how can their totally kooky views hurt Bush? These kooks also applauded 9/11 and the Columbia disaster. They probably even think that Pat Robertson is a sodomite. A bunch of total kooks. Check out their website at (at least they are open about their beliefs):
BA HA HA. Ah the tears are a flowing from the moral outrage from the commie left. Your ilk protests in front of a GI hospital in Washington DC and we are supposed to feel sorry a church protests a gay soldier. Screw you.
Mark1 @31,
Hey… thanks for making my point… which was, vilifying a group based on the actions of some loosely affiliated member is just plain stupid. Was that so hard to understand from my opening paragraph?
Rufus @37,
Who the hell said these soldiers were gay? Man… your nearly as bad as those fuckers.
Rabbit @ 32: There you go with your naive assumptions again; what makes you so sure I support the war? And, I don’t have any facist friends. If I was a facist, then why is it I have several gay friends and many pals of different ethnicities as well as religons? Typical way-too-left arrogant views once again. Whose the facist now douche-bag!? Maybe it’s high time the “waskely-wabbit” jumps down his lil hole where he belongs. Thanks.
Do Goldy and RR have some macro, automatic text that pumps nazi, fascist, homophobe into everything they write?
goldy, i read your thing, sort of, got totally off track when i stumbled over your profanity. Write clearly and I’ll understand better.
RUFUS @ 37
Please check out the link I provided in # 36. These so-called “Westboro Baptist Church” folks are total nutcases. They believe that everyone who doesn’t favor the immediate execution of homosexuals should be condemned to death for “enabling” homosexuality. We aren’t talking about folks like Pat Robertson, but people who think that Pat Robertson should die for not being strongly enough against homosexuality.
mark1 – “I’m just saying that just because one has some right wing views dosen’t necessarily mean that they are biggoted or socially intolerant. Like I said before, I have several gays friends.”
And I’m sure that your ‘several gay friends’ really appreciate the fact that you vote without a second thought for a political party that’s the happy home of our country’s most outspoken bigots. You may not hate gay people yourself, but if you support those who support discrimination against gays, it doesn’t seem to me like much of a moral badge of honor.
If you really have any gay friends, that is. If you do, do you have the guts to tell them to their faces that you support people who think it’s alright to treat them like second class citizens?
I knew who this was before who put your link up. I knew they were the same bunch who protested the Mathew Sheppards funeral. They are nut jobs who I believe misinterpret the bible. But for every Fred Phelps there are 10 lefty hate groups.
Natasha @ 42
I don’t exactly think that Fred Phelps and the other nutcases from the Westboro Baptist Church are Republicans. For example, they believe that Ronald Reagan is in hell:
But for every Fred Phelps there are 10 lefty hate groups.
Then it should be no problem for you to give us a list of 10 lefty “hate” groups…and be sure you explain why they are “hate” groups.
In the same definition as Ken Phelps? Sure I have a whole bunch of them:
The antiwar protesters at Crawford- any war protester using the name of a fallen soldier for their cause with out the permission of the family hates that soldier.
You want more?
You want more?
Well, you said “for every Fred Phelps there are 10 lefty hate groups,” so once you’ve accomplished listing nine more, we can go back and look at your criteria for judging them “hate” groups equivalent with Fred Phelps.
Phelps is a particularly abhorant idiot in his own class, he does not stand for the right wing.
I blogged on him, and he is a jackass pure and simple.
I do not equate any similarity to Sheehan’s protest to that of Phelps.
I may not like Sheehan, but I think she would likely agree that protesting a funeral is a senseless tacky excercise in rudeness.
Phelps is a jackass in a special little place of his own, and people on all sides should knock off the bullshit and condemn him without partisan politics.
The guy is nuts.
Hey Wodger Wabbit!
I can understand progressives and liberals and right wing wackos but if you think the war and rebuilding in Afghanistan and Iraq are fuitless I want to know how anybody as stupid as you was even able to learn English!
Don Queer: No, you’re right, those things aren’t fruitless. The Iraq “war” will help solidify Shiite power by concentrating oil wealth in Iran and its new proxy state. Iraq and Afghanistan will help tie down U.S. forces so they can’t be wielded elsewhere. Also cuts down on the number of live rounds being used in training in the United States. Not to mention eats into the population growth in the Middle East. Yes, there are all sorts of upsides.
Natasha @ 42: I never lie about my views on anything; including to my gay friends. They, unlike you, understand that we all have the right to our own opinion on anything. I don’t worship conformity, I can think for myself. Thanks.
To align any actions of Fred Phelps and/or the WBC with right-wing politics is absolutely absurd. As an independent voter, and Seattle resident, I regularly visit, and while I find a lot of the posts to be thought provoking, if not intelligent in themselves, I feel that this post does Goldy a diservice by damaging his credibility – at least in my opinion.
Is it just me, or does this post seem far too reactionary? It comes across as a knee-jerk stab at the right. I want my country back, and I am sure many readers of this blog feel the same way. However, I think that in order to bring basic human decency back into mainstream politics, we “progressively minded” people must distance ourselves from the kind of inflamatory rhetoric and finger-pointing that the “other side” so happily engages in.
There is already so many bad things going on right now in this that it is pointless, nay, counter-productive, to attempt to invent more. The fire under our arses is lit already, so let’s not waste our breath placing baseless blame over this incident, when there are already so many real incidences of rampant nastiness, power-grabbing, and hate-mongering waged by the “far right”.
The sentence above:
There is already so many bad things going on right now in this that it is pointless, nay, counter-productive, to attempt to invent more.
should read:
There is already so many bad things going on right now in this *country* that it is pointless, nay, counter-productive, to attempt to invent more.