Yesterday was the deadline for turning in petitions in Idaho, and it didn’t exactly go as pundits expected in this solidly red state. A much hyped initiative to limit property taxes to 1 percent of total assessed value fell well short of the 47,881 signature threshold, while a teachers union initiative to increase education spending 20 percent by raising the sales tax a penny, turned in nearly 80,000 signatures.
That’s right, Idaho voters refused to sign an initiative limiting property taxes, but enthusiastically supported a sales tax increase to raise money for education. Not exactly what us snotty city folk expect from a state like Idaho, huh?
Meanwhile, sponsors claim an initiative to tighten eminent domain laws will easily qualify for the ballot after paying canvassers $2.00 per signature, but Secretary of State Ben Ysursa sounded skeptical:
“I’d be surprised if eminent domain was on the ballot,” Ysursa said.
For its part, the Idaho Education Association successfully used a 14 person staff to organize 3,400 volunteer signature gatherers. If approved by voters, the initiative would raise the state’s sales tax from 5 percent to 6 percent, providing an additional $200 million a year to fund education.
Of course, successful signature drives owe at least as much to the proficiency of the organizers as they do to the issues, so I’m reluctant to read too much into this. But I think it does prove that even traditionally conservative voters cannot be counted on to be reliably knee-jerk when it comes to tax issues. Even in Idaho.
Why are you surprised ? Could it be that you are assuming all Red States are totally Republican and therefore stupid or that all Blue states are totally Democrat and therefore enlightend ?
Geeze, talk about trying to fullfil your own prophecy. Most people have nothing against tax increases or earmarking special monies for special causes if they understand what the money is for and have some trust in the fact that the money will truely be used for that purpose. As long as people understand this…they will support tax initiatives.
So get off your horse and stop putting people in classes/boxes/whatever. I know, keeping it simple (Blue is great, red is bad)…makes it so much easier for you and your 5 followers.
Let’s buy Timmy a one-way bus ticket to Idaho. That’s a win-win for everybody.
What have we here? A righty complaining about STEREOTYPING?
Thanks for the laugh! The veterinarian says laughing is good for my cardiovascular.
Alexandria, Va.-A federal jury rejected the death penalty for al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui on Wednesday and decided he must spend life in prison for his role in the deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history. After seven days of deliberation, the nine men and three women rebuffed the government’s appeal for death for the only person charged in this country in the four suicide jetliner hijackings that killed nearly 3,000 people on Sept. 11, 2001. [………………………………………………………….Jesse “The Ni##er” Jackson is on his way to make sure Moussaoui is registered to vote Democrat!!! “One more felon vote!” said REV Jackson!
oh no, Roger Doger, I’m not complaining about stereotyping…that’s a given for you…I was trying to enlighten you. As long as you make assumption about what people do and think based on geographics or assume that all Republicans or Democrats are doing the one or the other, you are nothing more than a wanna be hack, nothing more. People are smarter than you think…on both sides….
To kill Iranian and Iraqi towel head terrorists I think Jesus would enjoy use nuclear tipped high, low, medium [“J” band homer] Tomahawks with “sat” controlled self correcting guidance. In addition, Jesus would enjoy a few hundred sub, ship, and air launched Tomahawks targeting simultanious military, industrial, and civilian Iranian targets, including nuclear processing facilities and government buildings. No doubt Jesus would freak at the new Seawolf subs, Trident subs, LA Class subs, and I’ll bet he would be amazed at the Tomahawk payloads of B-1s, B-2s, B-52s, and F-111s. Last but not least, God himself would love to see sea launched Tomahawks from Naval DD and CG platforms. CVNs [nuclear aircraft carriers] in “Gonzo Station” [The Arabian Gulf] would also be part of both the initial attacks [ALPHA STRIKES with F-18s [Super Hornets] and lots of hig priority secondary targeting. After the initial raids both Jesus and God would enjoy frequent USAF B-52 Linebacker II strikes to finish any missed targets. Let’s see……..Did I miss anything?? No, but the US Navy [F-18s] and USAF F-15 Eagles are still available for after strike recon, so Jesus could ride “backseat” in a Super Hornet or Eagle to get a great post strike view. Finally, the Iranian oil is now American oil. ALL OF IT!!! Nothing like 99 cent a gallon gas to pump into a 427/400 HP Vette!!!
And while we are at it: JCH…I know you are trying to have some fun with Roger Goldy and Co…but do you really have to copy the same stuff from post to post….Just because Roger keeps doing that…
Or is Roger and JCH one and the same…now that would be funny.
OnceGreat @1,
Um… I know nuance is a tough sell, but let’s repeat:
I don’t know about you, but I would expect most people to understand that self-deprecating line as a warning against false assumptions.
I know nuance is a tough sell,
(Surreal Mark?) @ 1 doesn’t do nuance…
didn’t you see the “:-)” @1?… that’s Rightist for nuance.
@5: Please provide three samples of your barbed comments on a right wing blog expressing your snickering displeasure with their similarly misguided assumptions.
I can’t wait.
Projection, thy name is seattlewasgreatonce.
Nuance? Nuance?
Some say “nuance” is unconstitutional. “Irony”, too, may be on its last legs. I hear the signatures are already being gathered.
I know nuance is a tough sell,
Not if it is priced right.
I meant to add the following at 14 above: ….”but sometimes you do have to give out some free samples.”
My apologies. I was sidetracked building my own little straw man.
The five of us took a vote, seattlewasgreatonce. You lost, 3 to 2.*
*all votes tabulated and confirmed by a certified representative of the accounting firm of Ernst & Whitney.
“I was trying to enlighten you.” Commentby seattlewasgreatonce— 5/3/06@ 2:33 pm
So how long have you been having conversations with small furry rodents, and does your shrink know about this?
“Or is Roger and JCH one and the same…” Commentby seattlewasgreatonce— 5/3/06@ 2:38 pm
If we were, that would set a world record for schizophrenia.
Goldy, you’re too nuanced for these everything-is-black-or-white guys.
You know … right, left; good, evil; us, them … all the usual wingnut STEREOTYPES.
“didn’t you see the “:-)” @1?… that’s Rightist for nuance.” Commentby Poster Child— 5/3/06@ 3:49 pm
It is? I thought it was just a stupid chimp smirk.
“Projection, thy name is seattlewasgreatonce.” Commentby Proud To Be An ASS— 5/3/06@ 3:57 pm
Is that just another name for “Kevin Carns” — the Robocall Guy?
So, getting back to the topic, what is going on in Idaho? Is that state voting LIBERAL now that the NAZIS have left? Was that Mr. Cynical that I saw on I-90 pushing his motorhome toward the Idaho state line because he’d rather pay their gas taxes than our gas taxes? I’m sure the Arab Nectar isn’t cheaper in Idaho; does it smell better there?
Click here for photo of Boise High School:
wow this thread is already up to 25 posts thats more than stefans sucky little blog gets in 6 months
RR: Idaho, all current appearances to the contrary, has a rich lefty radical past: Bill Haywood, the WFM, the IWW. They didn’t call them “hardrock” miners, and “timber bucks” for nothin’.
Well that, and all those folks retiring to Sandpoint.
Oh yeah, before I forget, click here to see mug shot of UNPATRIOTIC AMERICA-HATER who sings “The Star Spangled Banner” in SPANISH.
klake is a nazi
“Yo” is a contraction of “yahoo” (e.g., “trailer park yahoo”) and is properly spelled “Y’o.” Like most wingnuts, Y’o is illiterate and can’t spell his own fucking name.
YO WAS ONE OF THE TWO VOTES TO KEEP seattlewasgreatonce on the island. Go figure.
Getting an issue on the ballot doesn’t mean it will pass.
RE: #7…JCH is all bursting with pride and considers himself a technical giant because he has mastered the “copy” and “paste” functions, and simply wants to share his great sense of accomplishment with the rest of us.
Click here for photo of Mr. Cynical passing through Ellensburg on his way to gas up in Idaho.
wow this thread already has 36 posts — one for each time seattlewasgreatonce farted in the last hour.
Mr./Ms./Miss Hillary [JCH]Clinton @ 4
Alexandria, Va.-A federal jury rejected the death penalty for al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui on Wednesday….
And your point is what? Not that I expect a rational answer, but what is your point, Nu? The jury gave him LWOP. Enlighten me on how this ties into the Democratic party? Zaccy the Moose was a religious fanatic who belived he was on a holy mission to change the world by any means necessary.
Sounds like he had a lot more in commen with the American Taliban Party(AKA the GOP) then any of us evil pinko commie secular humanistic progressives.
Forgot my handle for #38
re 4: Puddybud, this is your fellow Republican. Do you approve of this racist language that [JCH] uses or dissaprove? You make a big deal out of annointing yourself with outrage any time you perceive or mis-perceive racism from someone whose politics you dislike.
Isn’t what you are doing like being an Uncle Tom to [JCH], but an outraged black man with Liberals? It’s small and hypocritical of you. That’s what I love about conservatives. They’ll take a bullet for the “team”. How many more bullets do you gotta take,Puddy, before you finally gewt the point?
Do you think it’s too late to ask JCH’s mom if she’d consider aborting him?
So, getting back to the topic, what is going on in Idaho? Is that state voting LIBERAL now that the NAZIS have left? Was that Mr. Cynical that I saw on I-90 pushing his motorhome toward the Idaho state line because he’d rather pay their gas taxes than our gas taxes? I’m sure the Arab Nectar isn’t cheaper in Idaho; does it smell better there?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 5/3/06@ 4:42 pm
If Idaho ever turns donk I say make Moscow the capital. It fits.
Oh. Oh. OH. OH……[JCH] raise your shaft and shrug, ATLAS. Shruggah, shruggah, shruggah. Let your vital juices floooooooooooowwww!!!!!! OH, [JCH] you are the ONE!!! Shake loose those filthy liberal traitors!!! Shrug ATLAS!!! Shrug for ME ME ME ME.
OH god, [JCH] YOu are ATLAS….shruggah, shruggah, shruggah, shruggah…AH AH AH AH AH AH oh mahy gawwwwwwwwddddd!!!!!!
Send money now.
Wow, [JCH], you’ve finally crossed the line from right-wing ravings to sublime Dadaist poetry. When is your first book coming out?
re 44: Making a comment to [JCH] is just throwing pearls before swine. Ayn Rand was a crazy old bat. A Russian Taylor Caldwell.
TROLL THERAPY: A bomb thrower spurned
The psychological profile of a troll is similar to that of a gang member. The macho culture requires the troll to hide all feelings of vulnerability even though trolls tend to be deeply insecure people easily wounded by rejection. They react to by aggressive countermeasures that fuel the solidarity of their troll gang against the “enemy.” Consider the case of JCH:
“Any help shining the light of truth on the crazy liberal web [HORSESASS.ORG] would be much appreciated as I have been banned. Goldy refuses my posts, as he is a commie lib who, like most Democrats, refuses to “see the light” of capitalism, liberty, freedom, and rugged individualism. So, fellow members of the VRWC, drop by [HORSESASS.ORG], and, like a B-52 Arclight Strike, unload your 500 pounders! [Or as a Navy man, launch an “Alpha” Strike!]
Best regards, and remember to make a modest contribution to Sharkman today, as bandwidth is not free!!”
Posted by: JCH on March 8, 2005 11:02
What kind of therapy do YOU think JCH needs to overcome his deep-seated insecurities (and small penis)?
Puddybud is a liar!
Wow, [JCH], you’ve finally crossed the line from right-wing ravings to sublime Dadaist poetry. When is your first book coming out?
Commentby Ben— 5/3/06@ 6:49 pm
I am ATLAS. I am UNBOUND. Look upon my shaft and weep, you commie, pinko traitor. I am the LOOOOORRRD with a 500 lb. TOMMYHAWK bound for glory.
Shrug. Shruggah. Shruggah. Shruggah.
Who is this Stefan some refer to? He, evidently, has a blog where he procures right-wing trolls to pimp them over here.
Doesn’t he have enough hits on his own site for them to trick unassisted?
Why are so many in his stable closet queens?
If he’s such a computer whiz, why is he attempting to prove the unprovable with KCRE data? Doesn’t he understand that a database made up of questionable data will not yeild conformant results?
What made klake such a nazi?
The five of us took a vote, seattlewasgreatonce. You lost, 3 to 2.*
*all votes tabulated and confirmed by a certified representative of the accounting firm of Ernst & Whitney.
Commentby Proud To Be An ASS— 5/3/06@ 4:13 pm
Was that after the 1st or 2nd recount. Hehehehehehehehe
Is RUFUS learning disabled?v
why is he attempting to prove the unprovable with KCRE data?
Commentby Harry Tuttle aka voter advocate— 5/3/06@ 7:45 pm
Some of you donks are learning. Your right VA the KCRE is questionable, well more like fraudulent. Maybe there hope for you after all.
Democrat libs: public sector parasite traitors. Kill them like cockroaches!!!!
I’m fine being three inches long and rather droopy. Why do you have to conquer the world to overcompensate?
SEATTLE – Starbucks Corp. reported Wednesday that its fiscal second-quarter earnings rose 27 percent, citing brisk customer demand for its coffee drinks and a strong showing of its spring line of green tea beverages. For the 13 weeks ended April 2, the coffee seller said it has profit of $127 million, or 16 cents per share, up from $100 million, or 12 cents a share, in the same period a year earlier.
When will Democrats in Congress investigate the outrageous profits of the mean, old, nasty coffee industry? We must tax them more for these hateful profits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe, JCH
Time for another wank. Fish out that gay porn!
Tommyhawk, Have you met Mr. X or Cinthia Mckinney [D-Bitchslap MoFo]? They would enjoy your three inches.
Is RUFUS learning disabled?v
Commentby Harry Tuttle aka voter advocate— 5/3/06@ 8:02 pm
Ah ah ah. Political correctness dictates that we use the term “differently able”. As in I am able to count which is different than you donks who can’t.
Mr. X, After Tookie, Tommyhawk wants a little Democrat “Tookie” Williams HIV anal love? Can you give him what he requires?? He promises to vote Democrat.
A year ago, three KCRE employees were found to have certified results that they could not prove. One was fired, one was demoted, and the third reprimanded. This was reported in both Seattle newspapers.
What kind of moron continues to retrieve data from a data set that is acknowledged to be unresolvable?
What kind of idiot continues to use the moron’s results as proof of anything more than the result of the acknowledged malfeasence?
Tommyhawk, Tookie Williams, Mr. X, and Goldysteinburg…………..All veterans of Democrat HIV anal love!!!!!!! [Run up those medical bills and blame Bush for your AIDs, queers!!!!]
Hello! If I don’t belong to you, what’s sticks up in your pants when you think of the Shark? Forget this silly blog and let’s go look at some pictures!
Fish out that gay porn!
Commentby Tommyhawk [………………………………………………………I thought gays were Democrat supporters. You know, like Barney Fag………….er, Frank. And Mr. X. And Tommyhawk. Seems like a lot of male Democrat cock suckers……………]
62, Tommyhawk, I don’t “think of the shark”. But you fags are quite entertaining. Democrat queers bitching about how they fuck each other up the ass, fuck animals, and get AIDs and then blame Bush………..Classically funny!!!!
A powerful sign of gayness is when a man tries to act hyper macho and aggressively denigrates homosexuals. If he wants to heal, he should view everything he says as a mirror into himself. Alas, the repressed troll cannot do that, and so becomes a sexual power keg, ready to blow at any moment. Left untreated, it could lead to cancer.
Tommyhawk, Barney Frank, and Mr. X, Enjoy your AIDs and HIV positive life styles. Die, “MoFos”!!! [a little Democrat ebonics for you!!]
Well, how about Ken Mehlman, David Drier, Karl Rove and Scott McClellan?
They were all being disciplined by James Dale Guckert aka Jeff Gannon.
They were bad boys.
Were you there too, JCH?
65, Dr. Joyce, Do you “know” Tommyhawk or Mr. X??
The highest rate of prostate cancer is among those hyper macho males with repressed homosexual tendencies. The greater the repression, the higher the incidence of cancer. It’s very sad, because this is a highly treatable mental disorder.
Those three were the patsies for Dean Logan. Oh well they should have known that when work for snakes there is a good chance of getting bit.
C’mon now JCH, you’re sucking Puddybud’s cock right now, aren’t you?
Do Democrat gays still go to “queer bathhouses” and fuck each other up the ass and blame Bush for not paying their AIDs related medical bills?
71, Nope…But 12-14 foot faces at Kapoho on Thursday. ESPN may be there to film. Not many gay Democrat fags will be in the water.
Well, gee now, that makes sense. If I’d been an employee of the county for fifteen years, I’d take a fall for a supervisor who came in two years before. One I held in contempt.
In a parallel dimension, it might.
Too many of your kind?
I would diagnose JCH as having exceptionally high homophobia even for a troll. If he is having pains in his prostate area I would highly recommend that he see a doctor — and a psychotherapist who can help him overcome his sexual repression.
Democrat “gays”: queers who fuck each other up the ass, get AIDs, march up and down Castro Street, and then blame evil Bush for not paying hundreds of thousands of their medical bills.
Too many of your kind?
Commentby Harry Tuttle aka Voter Advocate [………………………………………………………………Native Hawaiians don’t take to Democrat fags who want to bend them over and corn hole them. Hey, maybe you know some who will enjoy your queer Democrat sex.]
Why is it blacks and gays are 80% of the AIDs cases? And why should I give a shit?
Let’s take a look at what JCH says as a mirror of his psyche: He is extraordinarily fixated on anal sex and gays who march in parades. I take that to mean he secretely envies gays who engage in sex acts they prefer and are visible in their community. At root, what JCH is displaying is envy.
Does anyone post in “ebonics” on HA.ORG so that Democrats can understand the posts??
80, Nope……..I just laugh at you Democrat fags. As long as I don’t have to pay for your meds and other bills I could give a shit.
JCH pretends he isn’t listening, but a part of him is. I can see slow but steady progress in him coming to terms with his homosexuality. This is good. Goldy’s blog is performing a therapeutic function for sexually repressed trolls like JCH.
SEOUL – A group of 10 North Koreans in Southeast Asian countries are staying at U.S. embassies and want to make a rare defection to the United States, South Korea’s public broadcaster reported on Wednesday. North Koreans defectors typically head to South Korea, where they are granted automatic citizenship and given assistance to help them settle in the country. […………..I don’t get it. Why would they want to leave the Democrat Hillary Village Of North Korea and come to the evil George Bush lead USA? Give up “guvment” health care, “guvment jobs”, communism rather than evil capitalism, and “guvment” housing for everyone? Democrat liberals, help us here!!!!!!]
JCH says he is laughing, but deep down he is crying to be released from the misery of not being who he really wants to be. This is why is spends so much time carpet bombing HA — he wants to reach out to gays who can help him open up.
83, After Democrat queers die of AIDs, can they still vote??
What JCH is really asking in his comment on 86 is whether he can actively participate in his community once he comes out. He is afraid to be seen as different.
Herman is now a “native” Hawai’ian? Uh, sure.
He must be furiously whipping his minor appendage with all of this attention. Maybe Puddybud’s virgin sons will finally come across for him! Young love, so sweet!
Maybe Puddybud’s virgin sons will finally come across for him! Young love, so sweet!
Commentby Anonymous— 5/3/06@ 8:47 pm
Are you a public school teacher? If you are you better keep up on your union dues.
Your donk run public schools at work. Educating the future dumbasses who will vote donk for the last 40 years.
Whoa. This is a switch. Just another example of democratic voter fraud. Happens all the time.
Take a look at the last 24 hours and see when, and how often, JCH comments. He is working this blog virtually around the clock. Even if he is paid to do so that can’t explain the obsessive-compulsive quality of his diatribes. The reason: He wants release. A part of him is dying to say out loud, “I’m gay!”
I would recommend that JCH take the step and say it. This blog has many caring people who will accept him for what he is.
All over the United States property taxes are at record levels…and rising. The #1 reason usually…school funding. The fiscal demands of government schools always seem to grow. Perhaps people should think about stopping and seeing just what they’re getting for the money. Atlanta city schools spend about $13,000 per year per child and they’re now talking about a tax increase. Because according to a recent Roper poll for National Geographic, things don’t look good.
All we’ve heard from the media for 9 months now is about Hurricane Katrina. Endless news stories about the hurricane that slammed into New Orleans, Louisiana. But according to this poll, almost one-third of kids polled couldn’t find Louisiana on a map. Almost half couldn’t find Mississippi.
It gets worse. Among people between the ages of 18 and 24…..6 in 10 couldn’t find Iraq on a map of the world. Almost half couldn’t find India. A full 75% couldn’t find Israel on a map of the Middle East. Three-fourths said English was the most widely spoken language…it’s not. And here’s another sad fact: Some 60% didn’t know the border between North Korea and South Korea is the most heavily fortified in the world. The sad part? Thirty percent thought the border between the U.S. and Mexico was the most fortified.
If you’ve been sending your children to be indoctrinated at government schools, you might want to reconsider your actions…particularly if they keep coming home stupid.
You’ve been making a lot of progress tonight, JCH. Tell us more about your father. Did he beat you up and call you a sissy? Did he shame you into being hyper macho? Did he make you feel that being gay was worse than death?
this thread
posts! — that’s more than stefan’s sad, unloved, readerless, little blog gets in a year.
Roger Rabbit owns Starbucks stock too! I’m gonna be a RICH fucking capitalist bunny! Especially if Bush and the GOP congress pass a ZERO capital gains tax! And I’ve got one of those neat Ichiro debit cards they send to shareholders, too!
Ogg, you’re behind the times. The commies are REPUBLICANS now.
“Who is this Stefan some refer to?”
He calls himself Stefan Sharkansky, but his real name is Stefan Sharansky — like most neocons, he can’t spell his own fucking name. Probably a sleeper cell agent working for KGB. Can’t you tell from the Russian name? “Sharkansky” is his deep cover moniker. His legend is he’s a Republican blogger.
I know of a case where it led to finger palsy.
I see Ken Blackwell won the GOP primary for governor in Ohio, but then, he counts the votes doesn’t he?
re 103: His first name is just as prosaic. It’s “Steve”. Steve Sharansky is a far cry from , “The Shark”! Like Geraldo Rivera ( He’s so butch ) is really Jerry Rivers!!!!!