An article in today’s Seattle Times debunks yet another GOP lie, that Christine Gregoire’s victory was somehow aided by hordes of Democrats illegally voting from the afterlife. [Voting by dead people isn’t always a scam]
Times investigators found that in six of the state’s largest counties, only 24 dead people were credited with voting this November.
However, most of those votes were mistakes made either when someone at the polls signed on the wrong line or when a relative with the same name inadvertently voted using the wrong absentee ballot.
Elections officials say only three of the cases warrant referrals for felony prosecution, while several more require further investigation. Secretary of State Sam Reed said he would “prosecute to the hilt” any valid case, but personally, I’m kind of hoping they go lightly on Robert Holmgren, who followed his wife’s dying wish that he vote her ballot for Dino Rossi.
“I know by the law it wasn’t right, but it felt right in my heart,” he said. “I wasn’t trying to defraud anybody. I was just going with my wife’s last wishes.”
So let’s see, how many smoking guns have we debunked thus far? Inaccurate hand recount, late military ballots, voting list discrepancies, and now Democratic voters from Hell. (That’s where Republican’s apparently assume all Democrats go when we die.)
What’s left? Well, there’s the question about an unconfirmed number of provisional ballots that may have been improperly fed into the scanning machines at some polling places. And that, reports the Times is apparently the basis of an election contest the state GOP plans to file today.
I’ll have more on this later, but I should quickly note that with the number of such ballots reported to be as high as 350, and with 90 percent of provisional ballots countywide found to be valid, your looking at no more than about 35 ballots that are likely illegitimate votes. Not enough to throw out an election based on a clerical error.
Here they come!
The lawsuit also will likely include allegations of votes by dead people and felons, and multiple votes by the same voter. But those issues, while garnering much attention among Rossi supporters in recent days, will be secondary.
“If you’re bringing one of these things, I suppose you throw everything in,” Gorton said.
Bring it on. Bring out the dead and the felons Slade.
Wait. Don’t laugh. Slade has a backup posse:
Two people got the jump on the official Republican challenge and filed complaints with the Supreme Court.
One was from Dr. Arthur Coday Jr., a Shoreline pediatrician and Republican Party donor who did his own research and drafted his own complaint.
“It was an issue of conscience, to be honest,” Coday said.
Oh my.
Republicans have lots and lots of allegations, but as Goldy says, their “smoking guns” can be quickly disarmed.
Unfortunately for the GOP, legal battles are much different than battles for public opinion. They’ll have to prove whatever they allege. That may be a problem for them.
and with 90 percent of provisional ballots countywide found to be valid, your looking at no more than about 35 ballots that are likely illegitimate votes. Not enough to throw out an election based on a clerical error.
Yes, and there’s one more step Goldy. If there were 35 illegitimate voters and Gregoire had a 20 percent lead in KC, this only would give her a 7 vote advantage from the mishap.
Of course, the court may not speculate at all about how the illegitimate provisional voters voted.
From the PI: “Timothy Harris, general counsel for the Building Industry Association of Washington, which is preparing a court challenge of the governor’s race, said his group has documented about 50 felons who did not have their voting rights restored but voted in Pierce County.”
And that’s just one county, gentlemen. Don’t feel too smug until all the suits are filed and the evidence is heard.
…said his group has documented about 50 felons who did not have their voting rights restored but voted in Pierce County.”
Yes, the BIAW certainly hates Gregoire and any supporters of building codes or regulation. They were the only ones who submitted an amicus brief in the Supreme Court in the last action with Eikenberry.
There are likely far more voting felons in Walla Walla than Pierce, especially as a percentage of the population. The issue of the dead and felons voting isn’t a factor that could overturn the election.
At this point, the Rs only have one relevant factoid that could make a difference now but it still isn’t nearly enough. Will they get more in the next month before the trial. We will see.
Erik, Not really fair to shoot the BIAW messenger on this. Even if there are more felons voting in Rossi counties than King, the possibility that there may be hundreds statewide has got to be worrying Gregoire. And for Berendt’s sake, I sure hope none of those affidavits he vouched for were from dead or felon voters.
the possibility that there may be hundreds statewide has got to be worrying Gregoire.
It might. But it shouldn’t. The fact that there are felons voting in the election is not a legal basis for overturning the election in my view. It happens in very state in every election to some extent.
Vance realizes this is just a PR ploy because he has some smart attorneys.
Of all of the conspiracy theories so far, only the issue of the provisional ballots has any relevance toward overturning the election. However, even if the allegations made are true to date, she has only gained 7 votes from KCs error. Rs still don’t have enough.
Again, on the issue of illegal votes, I don’t believe the court is going to try assign these ballots to one candidate or the other without some evidence. And it would take really massive fraud or error to toss out this election without any evidence that Gregoire benefited from these irregularities.
Sounds like you both have your fingers crossed. Perhaps the cumulative total of “irregularities” will be seen as massive by the court. Perhaps not. Time will tell. Thanks in advance for keeping us posted, Goldy.
Comment by Goldy— 1/7/05 @ 1:58 am
It should be sufficient to prove that 130 votes were illegally cast statewide by any means to overturn the election. Unless, of course, it can actually be proven that an illegal vote was cast for Rossi.
They just overturned a statewide election for Agriculture Commissioner in North Carolina, simply because a voting computer in one county happened to “eat” several thousand early absentee votes. Had the “eaten” votes been assigned in the same percentage as the rest of the votes in that county, the election outcome definitely would not have changed. On the other hand, had they all been cast for the losing candidate, the outcome would have changed. So the result was to order a new statewide election for that office.
Your interpretation of the Washington election contest law would require proving for whom illegal votes were actually cast — which is simply not possible.
In any event, I think the GOP will come up with at least 1000 to 2000 illegal votes. This would include (a) ballots that exceed the number of people actually voting in a given precinct, (b) provisional ballots that were simply run through the machine on election day (probably included in the preceding), (c) ballots cast by felons without voting rights restored, (d) ballots cast on behalf of dead people, (e) ballots cast by persons voting more than once, and (f) probably some other categories as well.
It will be interesting. If Rossi ends up losing, there will be people thinking of him as a sore loser, but just as many thinking of him still as a hero. If Gregoire ends up losing, then she will be finished politically and so will many of the Democrats in the state legislature who will be voting to certify her.
Richard – even the Sec.of State has sympathy for the so called dead vote. The two examples who said yes sound like they are tottering on death, elderly folks acting on behalf of their dearly and departed. Chris Vance wants them to go to jail, even the Republicans.
Hope they just throw every little quirk in their no merit lawsuit.
Almost three million people voting- is this it? God they are lame.
Next accuation will be subverting public opinion by bad citizen blogging. Just throw it in. Gregoire looks smirkey, add that too.
Felons voting, in Hew Hampshie and Vermont, they vote from prison. Other states they are auto reinstated. Intended fraud or bad information? Did the Rainbow van pick them up as a group?
Ho hum.
I can feel the high anxiety building, can’t you Goldy?
Keep in mind King Co. hasn’t been overly forthcoming with requested information and there are 38 other County’s.
Perhaps the Court will set aside this election pending a complete re-canvassing of the entire State for certain issues (that way it is fair and equal protection).
Besides, the dead people voting is a bit of a red herring in and of itself. The bigger issue is convicted felons voting and duplicate votes plus forgeries. When you combine all these with the mishandling of provisional ballots in several County’s plus how King Co. mistakenly enhanced ballots plus a few other surprises…well then you really have something in a 129 vote difference. Oh and I almost forgot to mention the lack of reconciliation between voters credited with voting and ballots counted. That is huge…unless you feel Ballotbox stuffing from the LBJ & Richard Daley eras was ok. Oh and ballotbox unstuffing (fewer ballots counted than voters), I suppose that’s ok too huh Goldy?
Boy all this crap sure adds up don’t it!!!?
Goldy, nice try trying to just pull out one of many contestable items and minimize it. That may make you feel good but it’s might transparent to those of us who know the Court must look at ALL allegations and will combine these actions..meaning 20 here, 30 there, 300 here, 3500 there….they all add up dude. Get out your calculator.
1. How does the BIAW know that these people they are claiming are felons are actually felons?
2. Had their voting rights been restored?
3. Are people really assuming that any felons would be Gregoire voters? She ran the office that defended the state against lawsuits by DOC inmates. Does anybody really think that these people are going to be so happy about the AG’s efforts to keep them in custody that they are then going to turn around and vote for Gregoire?
Folks- keep telling yourself that they have to assign the illegal votes to one or another of the candidates. Keep telling yourselves there’s no case. Just keep repeating your mantras…
The votes do NOT need to be assigned- enough illegal votes that they could have overturned the election is sufficient. Or enough of a mess that a judge sees a case at equity for vacating the election.
It’s a coming…
The Rs will sue.
I hope they sue to have the entire election thrown out…not just the Gov election. After all, if an election process is messed up, full of illegitimate votes, then that holds true for all elections. Any one elected (Murray, McKenna, etc.) would be elected based on a faulty process….
So, it should be all or none, correct?
Richard Popovich: Unless, of course, it can actually be proven that an illegal vote was cast for Rossi.
I take it you didn’t read the article that this entry referred to, since it reports a case where a dead Rossi voter cast a ballot.
Not to mention providing a basis for calling the presidential election into question and any close election from now on.
There’s at least an equal chance the judge will toss the suit unless massive evidence of fraud that supports Gregoire is introduced, rather than call into question the validity of every close election and the whole election process because some errors occured.
But don’t you love how Republicans who always rail against “judicial activism” would now love nothing more than having judges rule that the entire election system is flawed? Hmm, sounds like rogue judicial activism to me.
I, for one, actually look forward to the lawsuit a little bit. As much as I hate the fact that the hypocritical Republicans are now “dragging this out” and refuse to follow their own advice and “concede for the good of the state”, they’ll have to actually put up real evidence, not press releases. And in the harsh light of day they’ve either been unable to do so or have provided evidence that is easily debunked. So hopefully they’ve got more than “incentivized” GOP/BIAW witnesses and dead Republicans.
The provisional ballots worry me. If I were running the process, the provisional ballots would have a trigger on them that caused the “vote reader” to spit them back out when they were fed into it. Now, why is it that those overseeing our voting process don’t stop to think of all the possible scenarios that uneducated poll workers could create on election day? Plan ahead folks! Plan ahead! Jeez, I’d hate to see these people try to run a household! Nanny 911, Nanny 911!
Voting for your dear departed relative should be punished, after all this involves forgery. I’d treat it like our DUI laws and driving, you’d loose your right to vote for one to two years if convicted of voting for someone else. Crocodile tears should not get you off the hook for this illegal activity.
Is MANTRA the word of the year?
So when lil Crissy loses the first two times, and calls a margin over what she got “a tie”, and then all you whiney Dems. are screaming and shouting: “every vote counted”, its fair and just, but now that the exact same situation is turned around its not OK? You people are the biggest bunch of hypocrital whiners I have ever seen. And furthermore, who gives a fuck what sniveling, arrogant, Gary Locke has to say about all this on the news. I hope the door hits him in his liberal ass hard on the way out. Good riddance. You people act like youre holy-er than thou, let me tell ya, youre not. The mighty GOP machine has started its engines. Brace yourselves. Thanks.
DCF – on seveal blog sites there is a never ending list of ways to identify ballots after they are marked. Not legal. Ballots are supposted to be neutral so once co mingled there is no way to tell whose ballot it is.
Called secret ballot sysem. The begnning of our whole sytem.
Maybe Dino Rossi will personally testify aginst the elderly rummy voter guys, both Republicans. Voter Education better route, small problem.
Sniveling Locke, geez, didn’ t he just back down Snohomish County by holding 9 million if they didn’t comply?
They screamed, he did not budge, they caved. Good poker for a snieveling wimp.
Why arn’t you in Iraq? Mom will keep the junk pick up next to the trailer for you.
Ah Mark… can dish it out, but you can’t take it. We throw a tiny bit of your rhetoric and tactics back at you and you pitch a fit. If what we’ve seen so far is the what the GOP has got, you guys don’t have a chance in court.
But that won’t bother you – you’ll claim it’s the fault of the “activist judges” that you lost the case, never examining how much your own party is misleading you.
Comment by Mark— 1/7/05 @ 8:47 am
You REALLY are hurting the cause here.
Also, as a you-know-what – I support judicial activism in many forms, hence my refusal to join the WSRP.
If you really want to hear a great discussion of the issue go to KUOW listen to the archived edition of today’s 9:00 am Weekday. Listen especially to what Ruth Bennett had to say. Great program!
Hey, I don’t know how to post a web link so here’s it is in long hand.
Wow! I do know how to do it!
Jim… I know where you are coming from, but in Foulkes v Hays the court accepted the evidentiary findings that there was actual massive (relative to the size of the election) ballot tampering in favor of the contested winner. There is nothing like that in this election, and the statute is absolutely clear:
I don’t know how else to interpret this statute.
There has been no evidence of misconduct, and no evidence of illegal votes being cast in favor of Gregoire. Furthermore, there has been no evidence that this election has been more flawed than the typical election.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if this election is tossed out on the evidence publicly presented thus far, then every close election should be tossed out, because the precedent will be that you simply need to prove that the margin of victory was within the margin of error… and that is true of every close election.
-bby, we need a legal way to account for ballots on the side of the voter. Listen to the KUOW program! And work on figuring out a solution to our voter problem!!!!
DCF- making the list, this will be the year of reform.,,,,and Dems need to keep in the discussion less we all be illegal in one guise or another.
Everyone in this state recognizes that the only way to determine a legitimate governor is to have one elected by the people. This governor’s race is a mess and there is no way to determine who really won this election. Give the people the opportunity to elect a governor who is not guessing if he or she has actually won. Be it Christine or Dino, the governor of our state needs to be determined to be the actual winner of the election; and in this election this can not be determined as it is simply too close and wrought with too much human error. While Republicans want a revote, so do many other Washington residents who would like to know that our Governor was actually elected. This race has been too close from day one. Try to put aside your agendas and recognize that most of us just want an elected Governor.
Did I hear “hail mary” in the non Catholic application.
Can Vance pitch the ball and catch it at the same time? All a bunch of hokum and right wing drivel. No case.
Your counterpart, Stefan of is all over the various media while you are typing away your keyboard with one hand and God only knows what you are holding onto with your other hand.
What gives Goldy??
I mean Stefan has been on every radio station you can imagine. Yet the high & mighty HorsesButtock guy sits back…neutered.
Wake up Goldy and Get out there!!!!
Explain your line like “only 24 dead people were credited with voting”. Or re-confuse everyone with your infamously weak efforts to compare voters credited with ballots counted TO reconciling your checkbook balance to a BUDGET???? I’d here folks question you about that one.
So Goldy—you are articulate and slightly famous. You seemed to enjoy your time in the limelight trying to make a fool of Eyman.
Why exactly aren’t you more public now? I mean this has gotten way more attention than your failed initiative.
Good for you bby! This is exactly what we all need to do to make sure that all our votes are counted correctly next time.
Goldy, if this doesnt rise to the level of corruption that you require, tell me what would? An Al Capone style raid on an elections department? What would it require for Goldy to scrap an election?
Cynical… if you ever heard me on the radio back in the heady days of the Horse’s Ass initiative, you would have heard me criticize the media for having me on the radio. It is easy to get media coverage when you are saying something outrageous. On the other hand, you are not quite so interesting when you are saying something reasonable… such as defending the integrity of our electoral process.
Besides… why the fuck should they put me on the radio? I’m no expert on electoral processes?
But what your comment shows above all, apart from your petty efforts to try to get my goat, is that you still have absolutely no idea who I am as a person… why I’m doing this… or in fact, what it is I’m actual doing.
Keep guessing, though.
Hey y’all need to be listening to Air America!
Well for starts… how about some, um… corruption?
I’ve seen evidence of errors… suggestions of irregularities… some ballots cast by felons, or in the names of dead people. But I’ve seen no corruption?
Come on… show the corrupt election official? Who exactly is it that you want to prosecute? Corruption is a serious charge, so if you have some evidence, start naming names.
Chuck – an old guy voting his dead wifes ballot out of grief and dementia is not the corruption the law talks about.
Voters who put their provisional in the machine, not corruption.
Are you a choir boy? Look at the old case, they opened the bag of ballots and unsealed the envelopes and remarked many of them with a diffferent mark than the original. Corrupt.
The law knows this is an imperfect world. Judges know that. Corrupt, not imperfect world mistakes and errors.
I am going to send the guys who voted their dead wives’ ballots a sympathy card. I suspect their sense of loss and grief is raw.
I will let the monsters among us send them to jail…..that you Chuck….
A felon voting IS corruption, an official that allows him to register IS corruption, a person voting twice IS corruption, an official that allows it IS corruption.
Actually, a felon can vote legally if they’ve had their voting rights restored, which is an automatic process in Washington state after they’ve done their time and paid their court costs.
Felons vote in Vermont and New hampshire, those cesspools of corruption, from the big house, jail
No law about felons having thei rights cancelled. Quaint Old New England…..and those queer folks of the old America.
I wasnt disputing the right or wrong of felons voting, personally I think they should be able to, but in Washington it is not legal unless voting has been restored…that IS corruption.
Chuck – an old guy voting his dead wifes ballot out of grief and dementia is not the corruption the law talks about.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
Corruption IS corruption, this isnt a kintergarden semantics game.
I admit trying to get your goat once in awhile.
And I also admit I have know idea who you are as a person…and I cetainly have no idea why you are doing this!
Frankly, I hope to buy you a “cold one” someday soon as you have no idea who I am or why I’m doing this either. R’s dislike me and D’s dislike me….and that’s fine with me. I strive to make bureaucratic changes which ain’t easy unless you have a crisis like this OR take the money away from government (sadly a la Eyman–I’m no fan of Tim’s but understand you can’t reform unless you take away $$$ and force evaluation of priorities). I’m also strongly pro-business, have worked with small businesses my whole life and have little use for corporate America as it currently exists. SURPRISED?
Now Goldy, I’m going to test your level of fairness:
What if Norm Maleng and other prosecutors around the State immediately offered amnesty to anyone who cast an illegitimate vote?
It would probably answer lots of questions…and I’ll bet some of the folks who come forward would narc on others if they knew others who engaged in illegitimate activity.
What say you?
One other tid-bit for you–
Folks are also going thru the voter registration list at Earth Muffin University. You know, where they teach junk science and folks can get ecology degrees with little or no true science classes.
Yup, the good old Earth Muffin University Tree-huggers will have their day in the sunshine. I’m sure these “students”, especially the out-of-staters, will have their registrations looked at to see if they voted in more than 1 state. OUCH!!!!
EMU! EMU! EMU! Go! Hug! Cheat!!
The end justifies the means, doesn’t it?
Hell, I’m gonna look up their list of classes.
Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if they have some pinheaded prof teaching:
Voter Fraud 101
Voter Fraud 201
Advanced Voter Fraud
Wait, sorry, never mind. There is no Earth Muffin University….is there?
Clearly Cynical and Josef have been drinking the same KoolAid.
For all of the phony outrage by the right wing nuts posting here and on the other blog, here’s incontrovertible proof that is is Republicans that are the biggest cheaters. Take a look at this story from Kentucky. The GOP candidate didn’t meet the State’s residency test, wasn’t old enough to get a State Senate seat and a judge ruled that her Democratic opponent should be declared the winner of the elction. But the GOP dominated State Senate seated her instead!
What an outrage!
“Kentucky Senate Seats Disputed Candidate
The Republican candidate in a disputed election was sworn in Friday as the newest member of the Kentucky Senate, even though a judge ruled she did not meet the state’s residency requirements. One GOP senator threatened to resign in protest.
Dana Seum Stephenson lived in Indiana from 1997 to 2000, but the Kentucky Constitution requires that senators live in the state for at least six years before taking office. Also, Stephenson is 23, and the constitution says senators be at least 30.
Brushing aside such concerns, the Republican-dominated Senate swore in Stephenson and defeated along party lines a committee’s recommendation that Democrat Virginia Woodward be declared the winner of the Louisville district.”
Finally, Rossi to contest the election. News conference scheduled for 3:30pm at Rossi’s headquarters in Bellevue.
Go get em Dino!
I wonder which Rossi he’ll trot out at his press conferece? The humble man of the people/poor public speaker Rossi? The sore-loser “wah wah wah” Rossi? Maybe the right-wing BIAW-lovin’ Rossi?
His last press conference was a total failure, and my bet is his future’s sinking faster than Venice (or Greenwood) these days.
Comment by Nelson— 1/7/05 @ 12:50 pm
The voters in that Kentucky Senate district must have surely known that the young lady running on the GOP ticket was a bit too young to meet the constitutional age requirement when they voted for her. Probably she didn’t look 30, but more importantly, it is hard to run for office (as a practical matter) without saying how old you are and setting forth your life experience.
If she lived in Indiana from 1997 to 2000, then that would have been roughly between the time she was 15 to 18. Her father is also a Kentucky state senator, so he was probably living in Kentucky all this time. Her mother probably had custody and was living in Indiana. However, I would assume that Kentucky law makes a minor child resident of whatever state that the parent financially supporting them resides in. Probably the college tuition residency laws read like that, as they do in most states.
So presumably the Senate majority, which is entitled to decide its own election contests under Kentucky law, found that she was a Kentucky resident during this period of her childhood, based on having her father provide most of her financial support.
As for the age issue, that sounds a little more troubling. But it could very well be that the minimum age of 30 for a Kentucky state senator violates the federal constitution guarantee of equal protection. Or at least a majority of the state senate felt that way.
Nothing is always that clear. However, this young lady did receive a majority of the vote. To seat the loser would not have been appropriate in any circumstance. Just remember that John Ashcroft was beaten by a dead man for U.S. Senate re-election in 2000. This made the election result void, as opposed to (re-)electing Ashcroft.
Now remember, at this Rossi Press Conference today, Rossi is under no obligation to present his whole case to your satisfaction. I believe it will be done on Monday giving the Legislators time to review it before their vote on Tuesday. Certainly the Legislators are not judge and jury…but they kinda are. What happens if 1 Dem Senator flip-flops and Gregoire is not certified on Tuesday?
Rossi is the same person day-to-day…cool as the underside of a pillow. Despite your angry spin jcricket…well Rossi is a very decent man.
So, keep in mind the R’s have until 1/20/05 to contest this. They will certainly file on Monday…but that doesn’t preclude them from amending those filings, does it jcricket??
And jcricket, you need to read my entire post. I clearly said “never mind. There is no Earth Muffin University, is there?”
Goldy–still hope to hear you respond to the “Call for Voter Amnesty”?
Comment by jcricket— 1/7/05 @ 12:50 pm
How rude to compare me to him.
No angry spin Cynical, just the conventional wisdom based on his last appearance. Even Slade Gorton offers no more than tepid support for the Republicans “strongest” evidence in this contest.
Rossi will get up there, blather on, and say nothing significant. The Republicans will go to court and lose again. Just like the whole campaign, his “cool as a cucumber act” reads more like disinterested and boring.
Rossi’s toast. Let’s start calling him Dino “Lossi”
I wonder if your BIAW bosses will take away your bonus when none of your lies manage to get Rossi elected? Or perhaps one of your “incentivized” witnesses turns out to be perjuring him/herself.
Sorry Josef – just having a little fun because Cynical was spinning a yarn (you like to post in “prose” here too).
To Richard Pope:
Your assumptions about Dana Stephenson’s residence in Indiana are all wrong. From the Louisville Courier-Journal’s story:
“Stephenson lived in Indiana between 1997 and 2001. The Kentucky Constitution requires senators to live in the state for at least six years before their election.
In court and in a deposition, Stephenson testified that she lived in Indiana to qualify for in-state tuition while she worked on her master’s degree at Indiana University Southeast.
She and her husband bought a home there, she got an Indiana driver’s license, registered to vote there and was taken off Kentucky’s voter rolls because she failed to vote in two straight federal elections.”
She clearly was not in Indiana merely to be with her mother as a minor, as you wrote. She was married, had an Indiana driver’s license and established full residence there so she could get instate tuition rights in graduate school there. She also gave up all voting rights in Kentucky. If she actually now claims she was a Kentucky resident all along, then she defrauded the State of Indiana on college tuition and she should be prosecuted there for that offense.
No, this is clear and simple — Republican cheating and complete disregard for any law, except the GOP credo of “get power by any means, legal or otherwise.”
Martin Gazelle-
Big talk for a big man. Thats so presumptuous. I am not in Iraq because I personally do not support the war, but I do out troops if you must know. As far as the “trailer” dig you said, I live in a very nice middle-class home, so you had better check yourself there pal. Thanks for your time, and by the way Assuming Rossi people have all the exact same views shows your own personal arrogance as well as ignorance.
I’d be all for that, Cynical, because frankly, I don’t think anybody would come forward except for a few grieving people guilty over casting votes for their recently deceased relatives.
I’m not saying their aren’t any illegal votes. But I don’t think the majority of those who did cast them, understood they were doing anything illegal at the time. I bet you that of those alleged felons who voted, of those who really did cast an illegal vote, most of them probably didn’t realize their voting rights had not be restored. Hell… why would a convicted felon risk his freedom just to cast a vote?
Furthermore, while I certainly expect that there were errors made by election workers, I sincerely doubt that there was any intentional fraud.
Comment by jcricket— 1/7/05 @ 1:39 pm
O’kay :-).
Rossi is done. Just because Republicans drum up the rhetoric doesn’t mean it will stick in court. So let me ask you GOP hacks this one question: When the courts smack you down yet again, will you finally shut up and go away?
So let me ask you GOP hacks this one question: When the courts smack you down yet again, will you finally shut up and go away? -Comment by Dave— 1/8/05 @ 3:55 am
Will YOU if they don’t?
I thought not.