For those of you keeping track of Bush Administration officials and other top Republicans who have resigned due to criminal conduct, it is time to update your spreadsheet.
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson announced Monday he was resigning after seven years on the job.
Jackson, 62, is under criminal investigation and has been fending off allegations of cronyism and favoritism involving HUD contractors for the past two years.
Another Bush crony suspected of cronyism? Say it ain’t so!
I’m shocked, just shocked, I tell you. Heckuva job, Jackie!
So another feminist endores The Smartest Woman In The World. Is that what it comes down to? Whether you support the muthah or the bruthah? Plumbing vs skin color? Are you fucking kidding me?
Seems like she’s painted her big fat ass into a corner. Half the moonbats in the senate have endorsed her; half have endorsed Hussein.
How the fuck can she go back to the senate after she loses the nomination? Being as viscious and vindictive as she is, she’s gonna have very few friends.
Or if she happens to steal the nomination from Hussein, and happens to win in November, then she’s gonna have the same problem? You think she’s gonna try to “get along” with Leahy and Ted The Swimmer? Not a fucking chance. How can she do anything if 75% of the senate is on record as being against her?
Looks to me that she’s gonna either get the nomination for herself, or make sure McCain gets elected so she can take another shot at it in 2012. There isn’t any fucking way her and bubba gonna let Hussein get in.
Mark the redneck – once again you show what an idiot you are. thanks.
As to the actual topic at hand: It is hard to count the number of resigned in disgrace, indicted, convicted and just plain incompetent republicans.
It almost begs the questions: Is the republican party recruiting these inept and corrupt people or do they flock to the party on their own?
There isn’t any fucking way
Who cares what you think? Just pay your fucking gambling debt and get the fuck out.
You can afford it. You must be raking it in from those war profiteering contracts. What a “producer.
I didn’t start my spreadsheet when I should have (Jan. 2001), so anything more than a few months old get’s lost in the flurry of new scandals. Anybody got a spreadsheet I can borrow?
Bush & Co. used the Katrina disaster as an excuse to plunder most of southern Louisianna. One company that stayed in downtown New Orleans (to keep its servers working during the hurricane) posted regular blog updates. Afterwards, they tried to attend the meeting FEMA set up to tell contractors how to bid on recovery efforts. Lots of local businesspeople showed up, only to be told that there was no bidding – the contracts had already been issued in D.C., and if they wanted work they would have to try to get sub-contracts from those big companies. They tried to kick these guys out of the meeting (no press allowed!), just because they were keeping a blog. Then Bush announced that he wanted to create an “enterprise zone” of the whole area, where federal regulations (including minimum wage) wouldn’t apply.
In the meantime, only a fraction of the billions of dollars appropriated have actually found their way into the hands of the victims. Instead of using it to rebuild single-family housing, the federal government is refusing to release funds for whole areas except for demolition – and private developers are looking at getting federal grants to build malls and condos there, instead.
A lot of Republicans should go to jail by the time the details are known. They found a way to rape a community & the U.S. taxpayer, at the same time, and expect all of us to say “thank you” afterwards.
You’ll need a minimum 2G of RAM and 260G hardrive to view the current spreadsheet.
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Spreadsheet? You’ll need more than that to keep track of all the GOP crooks. And when we take back the White House and increase our majority in the Congress – we’ll actually be able to hunt down and prosecute the other GOP criminals that are currently hiding behind the protection of the Bush regime.
So allegations of improper conduct force a Republican to resign. Too bad Jim McDivot (D-Saddam) won’t follow suit.
New Orleans has been run by the Democrats for most of the last century. Any problems they suffer are on their own heads for electing the same idiots over and over again and expecting different results. They re-elected Ray Nagin after the dumb@$$ left the city’s school buses in their parking lot and his citizens to drown. I no longer have any sympathy for them. At least the citizen’s of the state got smart and turned out Kathleen “Blank-stare” Blanko for Bobby Jindal.
Would any of you trust Mayor Greg to get _your_ family to safety? I sure don’t, I have a personal SHTF plan.
Correctnotright @ 3 asked: “Is the republican party recruiting these inept and corrupt people or do they flock to the party on their own?”
Probably a little of both.
The Republicans need a number of unqualified toadies, like Brownie, who will eagerly do the bidding of the guys who really control the Party in the hopes that some day they will get to sit at the big table, also. They are ambitious for money, power and respect, which so far has eluded them or come in small measure. But they don’t have sufficient gravitas on their own to distinguish right from wrong, or when they are just being used. When the **** hits the fan, these guys are discarded, like so much dead weight, to protect the ones who are really in charge.
I see two types of financial scandels emerging from the Bush administration. The first is where the lower-level person is carrying out Bush & Co. policies, and is left holding the bag when they get caught.
The second is when the lower level person sees the big-wigs getting rich, and takes that as the green light to engage in some lower-level corruption on their own. But like a Mafia gang which discovers that one of it’s underlings is branching out on it’s own, Bush & Co. are unlikely to be very helpful in covering up for this type of person.
By the way – you don’t think this HUD secretary is leaving so Bush can then argue that they are “unavailable” to testify to Congress about cutting off the HUD funds to an entire city in retaliation for not selling city property to a private developer, do you?
So allegations of improper conduct force a Republican to resign. Too bad Jim McDivot (D-Saddam) won’t follow suit.
What did Jim McDermott do that was improper?
5 By the time they’re finished with New New Orleans, you’re just gonna love seeing all the cardboard condos in the Freedom Quarter as you stroll among the Smooth Jazz clubs on Chardonnay Street.
Is this a record? Maybe we should call up the folks at Guinness and see if we can get Bush in the record book.
For every federal politician who is a registered Democrat and who is arrested, indicted or convicted in the last five years – I can provide you with TWO or more republicans in the same boat.
Face it – as a republican – your only hope of focusing attention away from the fact that your party is full of crooks is to deflect – talk about unrelated – old – unsubstantiated charges – while your guys are going to jail.
Must suck to be a republican.
The number of Bush scandals is a pittance by comparison to the scandals of BJ.
Plus, no impeachment. That’s an unbeatable topper.
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Clinton Crime Statistics:
– Number of individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 47
– Number of these convictions during Clinton’s presidency: 33
– Number of indictments/misdemeanor charges: 61
– Number of congressional witnesses who have pleaded the Fifth Amendment, fled the country to avoid testifying, or (in the case of foreign witnesses) refused to be interviewed: 122
Y’know, Duke Cunningham had it coming, but this guy below is a POS. Democrat all the way…
Full list of Clinton Crimes:
And just for the record…
Bill Clinton was impeached and disbarred because he lied to grand jury in a failed attempt to conceal a lifelong pattern of predatory behavior in connection with a felony assault case that he finally settled for $800,000.
re 20: Inaccurate and boring. If you are a ‘patriot’ then I’m a monkey’s uncle.
Hey! The comment formerly known as #7 was fantastic! I hope Will or Goldy will refer to the post formerly known as #7 any time they need proof of lead poisoning in our water supply.
Once again – let’s look at federal politicians – arrested, convicted or indicted in the last five years. Hands down – the republicans are two or even three to one more in trouble than republicans.
Keep trying righties.
Here’s a list of right wingers that the HA republicans are sure to be proud of…
And another proud GOP moment
And here is a list compiled by CONSERVATIVES that admits the GOP is more corrupt! Ouch!
This is too easy.
For sure, any politician regardless of party ought to be bull whipped on the steps of the capitol for corruption, but this batch of excrement has exceeded all historical precedent. The Siegleman thing is just breaking out now. That’ll take down a bunch a corrupt shit bags in the Alabamy Rethuglickin’ party. It might just lead up the food chain and blow the lid off the whole US Attorney firing scandal. Stay tuned.
@7 take your pick:
– Release of illegally recorded tape to the NYT resulting in dismissal from the Ethics committee and losing the resulting civil lawsuit clear up to the SCOTUS.
– Al-Hanooti pays his way to Bagdhad with Saddam’s money. He was either A) complicit or B) too stupid to ask where Al-Hanooti got the money. Any other claim points to A. “Plausible Deniability” requires the claim be plausible.
– Anti-American comments on said trip. Bagdhad Jimmy, “We Don’t Mind Being Used” by Saddam Hussein. Defending Saddam’s virtue – with his torture rooms and rape chambers – is pathetic enough, but to trash your own government while there is treasonous. Yes, I question his patriotism.
– 2003 junket to Korea paid for by foreign agent in violation of House Ethics rules.
To posit some answers my own hypothetical question:
Is the republican party recruiting these inept and corrupt people or do they flock to the party on their own?
1. A party philosphy that postulates that government is “bad” and that free enterprise (by definition) is good – leads to the exercise of “free enterprise” by government officials – leading to illegal acts justified by “free enterprise” while in elected office (the Abramoff/Rove K street project is just the formation of a monopoly on lobbyists – for instance).
2. The organization (at the top) has not purged the “dirty tricks” people, such as the New Hampshire “voter suppression” scandal that reached all the way to Ken Mehlman in the White House.
3. As seen above (thank you, mindless trolls, the “Clinton did it” excuse – blame everything you can on Clinton and do ten times worse. This gives carte blanch for the efforts to fire USAA’s that don’t “toe the republican line” or government officials that don’t help the cause enough (Safavian, GSA and others)
4. The secrecy angle: National security can trump everything and make the peons (read: the people) cow as the constitution and the laws are trampled. Remember, the ends justify the means with terrorists – so everything is fair game since keeping republicans in power or winning elections or supporting friendly companies is all part of the war on terror – and any menas can be used.
I think it is a multifactorial cause and effect – people prone to corruption are drawn to these black and white principles and they also tend to disregard the morals and ethics when they get in. Cronyism and the appointment of yes-men also fits into this scenario – republcians reward “loyalty” above all – as seen in the e-mail on the USAA scandal (loyal republicans keep their jobs – competent USAA’s are fired for DOING their jobs and Gonzalez and the others who testified could not tell the difference).
To any right wing traitor on this board – please provide a detailed list of all the criminal charges for which Congressman for life Jim McDermott has been arrested, convicted or indicted…
Crickets to follow…
As I suspected – crickets.
Right wing cowardly traitor approach. Come into a thread. Shit all over it. Get called on your bullshit. Run and hide like your hero GW Bush did when it was his turn to go to Nam.
Let’s see…
Clinton fired 7 White House travel office employees for fiscal malfeasance (uncovered by a Bush Sr. employee).
BushCo fires U.S. Attorneys for their failure to corrupt the Justice department through politically-motivated prosecutions.
Oh yeah, and…
Under Clinton, White House security personnel request and are improperly given numerous FBI files. A judge later decides there was nothing criminal involved and that no Administration officials were involved.
Under Bush, the wife of an administration critic, who happens to work for the CIA, is outed nearly simultaneously by several senior Bush administration officials. The outing exposes and shuts down a CIA WMD counter proliferation operation, costing taxpayers untold millions of dollars in lost network assets and possibly endangering the lives of undercover CIA operatives.
Clinton lies about an embarrassing personal relationship that ruined a $40 dress.
Bush and cronies lied about their evidence for Iraq’s WMD and “ruined” (as in, snuffed out) the lives of hundreds of thousand of people, including 4,000+ U.S. soldiers and ~1,000 U.S. contractors.
And don’t forget:
Clinton’s Secretary of Defense is accused of incompetence because of the “tragic fiasco” when two Black Hawk helicopters were lost (with many millions of dollars down the tubes) in Somalia and 18 soldiers lost their lives.
Bush’s Secretary of Defense fails to plan for a post-“mission accomplished” period costing the U.S. Taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars, and needlessly killing almost 4,000 U.S. soldiers.
So, keep up the “but, but, CLINTON” bullshit, Wingdings…. It simply demonstrates your moral bankruptcy.
@33: Awesome, that about wraps up the whole right-wing Clinton fixation.
To the topic of the post, it would be helpful if there were a Wikipedia entry, “Disgraced George W. Bush Appointees.” Then we wouldn’t all have to maintain our own spreadsheets.
Dilbert @ 29
“- Release of illegally recorded tape to the NYT”
But the release of an illegally recorded tape is not illegal (I mean…we didn’t see the Times being prosecuted, did we?)
“- Al-Hanooti pays his way to Bagdhad with Saddam’s money.
Yep…as has been suggested recently. But, you were supposed to point out what McDermott did wrong.
“He was either A) complicit or B) too stupid to ask where Al-Hanooti got the money.
You’re fucking joking, right? It took FIVE FUCKING YEARS (with a corrupt Bush Justice Department that is not afraid to use its power for partisan gain) to even make the accusation, but McDermott (and his fellow travelers) were supposed to uncover this right away? And even a corrupt BushCo Justice Department admits:
“- Anti-American comments on said trip.
Wait…seriously…he is guilty of…exercising FREE SPEECH????? You fucking moron…even Bush hasn’t been able to completely destroy the first amendment.
Yep..ol’ Jim was pretty vocal in making the claim that there were NO hidden caches of WMD. And he was not afraid to assert that Geroge Bush would deceive us into war. And ‘ol Jim was right, wasn’t he?
“- 2003 junket to Korea paid for by foreign agent in violation of House Ethics rules.”
You stupid fucking wingnut lemming…McDermott’s trip was paid for by the Korea-U.S. Exchange Council. The same Korea-U.S. Exchange Council that funded trips for Rep. John Carter (R-TX), Rep. John Doolittle (R-CA), Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ), and other well known congressional “radicals”.
Keep it up, Dilbert…keep pulling the shit out of your ass. We’ll be happy to keep rolling you in it.
Delbert @ # 7:
Okay, I’ll bite on three of them:
“- Release of illegally recorded tape to the NYT resulting in dismissal from the Ethics committee and losing the resulting civil lawsuit clear up to the SCOTUS.”
Gee, a Congressman receives evidence that the Republican Speaker of the House (Newt Gingrich) and other Republican Congressmen (including the head of the House Ethics Committee) are engaging in a consipicy to avoid sanctions for ethics violations, and he has the temerity to release that evidence to the public, instead of quitly giving it to the ethics committee chairman who was a party to the conspiracy? Horror! To the guillotine for him!!!! Really, is that the best you’ve got????? (Note: the US Supreme Court said that despite the fact that the origin of the recording was illegal, it noted that McDermott did not participate in the illegal recording, and that if he had given it to the Ethics Committee head instead, it implied he would have been okay).
Hypothetically assuming you happened upon a tape recording of a call between Hillary Clinton and Adolph Hitler, would you (a) destroy it, because it was illegally recorded, (b) release it to the chair of the Democratic National Committee, and trust him to “do what is right”, or (c) send it to the Wall Street Journal? Yea, we know the answer to that one.
?i>- Al-Hanooti pays his way to Bagdhad with Saddam’s money. He was either A) complicit or B) too stupid to ask where Al-Hanooti got the money. Any other claim points to A. “Plausible Deniability” requires the claim be plausible.
Funny, even the justice department, in announcing the recent indictment of people behind the charity which funded the trip, indicates that the source of the money was a well-hidden secret. You seem to gloss over the fact that the Bush administration has spent five years trying to nail McDermitt by finding evidence otherwise, and couldn’t do so – because there isn’t any.
– Anti-American comments on said trip. Bagdhad Jimmy, “We Don’t Mind Being Used” by Saddam Hussein. Defending Saddam’s virtue – with his torture rooms and rape chambers – is pathetic enough, but to trash your own government while there is treasonous. Yes, I question his patriotism.”
Gee, a sitting Congressman has the nerve to go investigate the facts for himself, and afterwards to question the Administration’s rationale for going to war? Perhaps your biggest complaint was that HE WAS PROVEN RIGHT AND THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION WAS LYING THROUGH ITS TEETH!
Dang, Darryl @ 35 typed faster than I did!
Yea, the Republicans have never accepted the results of the 1992 and 1996 elections, and have tried every trick in the book to bring down Clinton and his legacy. It’s really rather amazing, isn’t it, the lengths with which they have gone to try to destroy the Clintons. They tried “Travelgate”, “Whitewater”, “Paula Jones”, and finally only proved that he once lied about a sexual encounter with an intern. Then they made sure that the Special Prosecutor laws expired shortly before Bush & Co. took office, so they couldn’t be subjected to the same level of scrutiny.
I suspect that the reason they are so fixated on the Clintons is because he was so successful as a President – expanding public access to technology, private home ownership on the rise, stock market with phonominal gains with lots of public 401(k) participation, avoiding U.S. involvement in any major wars. It just made the Republicans look bad in comparison – ESPECIALLY compared with the last seven & 1/4 years!
These microbia can’t recite anything O’Really hasn’t stuffed up their @$$#$. I’ve been around a lot of Republicans in my life, in different states, at different times. But are the Washington batch a tad bit dumber? Just a few clicks more bat-shit crazy? I’m thinkin’ so.
I love how wingnuts keep repeating the same discredited lies. At least Puddy comes up with new stuff – some of these trolls roll out the same discredited clinton or McDermott stuff like it is all new to them.
It only takes about 5 minutes to research and refute it. You would figure they have internet access and could actually find that what they are repeating is wrong….or are they so convinced in their own rightousness that they never question what they hear from Rush Lingcod?
@39: wow – synergy.
When is the last time a republcan troll complained about the traditional republican issues:
1. The budget deficit (now that Bush has broken Reagan’s record)
2. State’s rights – now that the federal government under
bush is blocking the Oregon right to die initiative and the California CAFE standards.
3. Personal liberty: Now that bush has circumvented habeus corpus and is spying on americans via the telecoms and illegal wiretaps.
4. Remember: bush was going to bring in the “adults”. Instead we have record corruption adn political influence in government – so much for the corrupt and inept adults.
Guess those issues aren’t important anymore…I would expect republicnas to object to the unitary executive theory…but nooooo – that seems to be just fine for them. give up our liberties in the name of security – that is just dandy. Ben Franklin would be rolling over in his grave.
Still crickets…
@36 et al
On Al-Hanooti – So what you’re saying is that McDivot was too stupid to know his trip was financed by Saddam. I had my money on “wink, wink, nudge, nudge”. The DOJ can’t prove the congressmen KNEW their trip was being paid for by Saddam. That they didn’t suspect is still open to debate.
On free speech – Jim McDermott has a right to say anything he wants. I have a right to call for his resignation for saying things detrimental to my country in a foreign country run by a dictator, who, BTW allowed no free speech whatsoever. Actions have consequences. You aren’t allowed to yell “fire” in a crowded theatre. You shouldn’t be allowed to assuage a dictator by trashing your own president. There are laws against providing aid and comfort to the enemy. And anybody shooting missiles at our planes enforcing a UN mandate ARE the enemy.
On the illegal recording – The NYT should have been prosecuted as well. McDermott was found culpable in a Civil court and three failed appeals did not change that verdict. He did it. He should have resigned. Whether a Republican would have done it or not isn’t the issue, McDermott did it. He didn’t follow the law, he broke it, he was judged to have committed the act.
On illegal Junkets – So just because Republicans are doing it, makes it legal? They should ALL be run up on ethics charges.
You make the mistake of assuming I’m a Republican, when in fact I’m not. I’m more of an anti-Democrat (not anti-democratic) /Libertarian /fiscal conservative.
@42 – I’m sure President Bush was just following Jimmmy McD’s lead on the whole “recording other people” thing.
Gee Delbert: You sure have trouble making actual arguments – don’t you?
“On Al-Hanooti – So what you’re saying is that McDivot was too stupid to know his trip was financed by Saddam. I had my money on “wink, wink, nudge, nudge”. The DOJ can’t prove the congressmen KNEW their trip was being paid for by Saddam. That they didn’t suspect is still open to debate.”
uhh – can’t you read? The DOJ said they would have NO reason to suspect the trip was “allegedly” paid for (by the way nothing has been proven yet)… and the State dept. approved the trip (so they were fooled too). Are you deliberately dense?
On free speech:
“You aren’t allowed to yell “fire” in a crowded theatre” –
yes – but what does that have to do with anything. In the relentless PUSH towards an unnecessary war by the Bush administration – a congressman stands up and says – there is no threat here – and he was RIGHT!
NO wmdS , NO NUCLEAR PROGRAM, no missile capable of hitting the US – NO imminent danger. Just the lies of the Bush adminsitration (yellowcake, mushroom cloud, wmds repeated by cheney, bush, rice and rumsfeld).
On McDermott: Gee- should have been prosecuted….should have….well, where are the indictments – there are NONE.
You got Nothin’ as USUAL! Except excuses for a corrupt and inept bush administration. Of course – Gingrich was caught lying – that is a fact.
On Al-Hanooti – So what you’re saying is that McDivot was too stupid to know his trip was financed by Saddam.
Nope…what I said was pretty plain English. McDermott (and the others) were funded by a church. That church is now alleged to have taken money from someone who, in turn, was given oil by someone in the Iraq government, who may have been authorized by Iraq’s President. Could be…but the church was pretty careful to hide that information.
“The DOJ can’t prove the congressmen KNEW their trip was being paid for by Saddam. That they didn’t suspect is still open to debate.”
It took ’em five fucking years to bring an indictment, and then they make a point of saying that the three congressmen did nothing wrong. So what is your point: “He’s guilty anyway, because, because, because…I really, really want it to be so and I am going to hold my breath until it is true!”?
So, let me ask you this, WingDing: Do you also believe the Apollo moon shot was faked? I mean…given that evidence and facts seem irrelevant to you and all. Just curious.
“On free speech – Jim McDermott has a right to say anything he wants.”
No…technically, not anything. But criticism of our government and political leaders is CERTAINLY acceptable. Furthermore…McDermott offering a contrary opinion that was, we now know, TRUE! But…wait, let me guess, “TRUTH is largely overvalued” for you Wingnuts, right?
“I have a right to call for his resignation for saying things detrimental to my country in a foreign country run by a dictator, who, BTW allowed no free speech whatsoever.”
Irrelevant…nobody is suggesting otherwise. We are just laughing at your idiocy for not knowing what the fuck you are talking about.
“[…] You shouldn’t be allowed to assuage a dictator by trashing your own president.”
Bull-fucking-shit! Look, Squirt, I cannot undo your lifetime of cerebral atrophy in one HA comment. But…really…you ought to learn a little about the Constitution and the founding of this country, and learn to actually use your brain, before making such claims. You’re flat out wrong!
“There are laws against providing aid and comfort to the enemy.”
You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Start by reading the Constitutional restrictions on treason, and then show me the specific CFRs or USCs that prohibit criticism of a president, policy or the government.
“And anybody shooting missiles at our planes enforcing a UN mandate ARE the enemy.”
Ummm…no. The U.S. was not at war against Iraq at that time, additionally, there was no U.N. mandate enabling the no-fly zone (I mean…if we can believe the Secretary General).
“On the illegal recording – The NYT should have been prosecuted as well.”
Why? What law has been violated? Clearly, the individuals who intercepted the phone call violated provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, and its subsequent revisions. But, a third party, who was not involved in the illegal recording is not in violation of that law.
“McDermott was found culpable in a Civil court and three failed appeals did not change that verdict.”
The key here is the words “Civil Court,” dipshit. The case was a civil dispute, not a criminal dispute.
“He did it. He should have resigned.”
Unlike the public official you mention in your first post, McDermott violated no law. Your only argument is that he violated House ethics. But, he and a majority of his constituents disagree.
“Whether a Republican would have done it or not isn’t the issue, McDermott did it. He didn’t follow the law, he broke it, he was judged to have committed the act.”
No…he lost a lawsuit that Boehner brought against him.
“On illegal Junkets – So just because Republicans are doing it, makes it legal? They should ALL be run up on ethics charges.”
No…you brain dead twit, the point is that numerous lawmakers made trips sponsored by the Korea-U.S. Exchange Council. The did so when the organization was listed as an educational charity. What I didn’t get into was the strange history of that organization (which, it turns out, was organized by a lobbyist who had worked as a staffer for Tom DeLay). It was improperly registered as a charity, and its funding status was not disclosed until after numerous Congresscritters (including DeLay who, if anyone, should have known) traveled at their expense as an educational charity.
“You make the mistake of assuming I’m a Republican, when in fact I’m not.”
I never called you a Republican. I called you a WINGNUT. There’s a difference.
“I’m more of an anti-Democrat (not anti-democratic) /Libertarian /fiscal conservative.”
Whatever…you still a brain-dead Wingnut. And still rolling in your own shit.
correctnotright @ 45,
See…there you beat me! :-)
Did Jim McDermott vote for or against military action in Iraq?
@48 – Never mind, looked it up, he voted NO as he seems to vote no to any military presence and/or force in most instances. (Bosnia, Cuba, Kosovo)
Isn’t this racist? Jackson is black. He should have been cut some slack here.
I want to see what Roger Wabbit will say about this.
Ah HUD. Another department I’d gladly give the axe to. Then again, I’d only leave the military industrial complex intact.