If the Wright family really wants to improve the Seattle Center, perhaps they should attach a couple of these wicked cool sliding tubes from the Skyline level of the Space Needle? How fun would that be?
The Wright family, the people who constructed and own the Space Needle, want to build a private, pay-per-view Chihuly Museum at the foot of the Needle on public land where the Fun Forest used to be. Personally, I can think of some much better uses for a couple acres of land the Seattle Center master plan had envisioned as open space.
“on public land”
I see. Another self-made, up-by-the-bootstraps, government-needs-to-get-out-of-the-way entrepreneur who wants to lease public land worth maybe $100,000 a square foot for $1 a year for 100 years to put a privately owned profit-making commercial business on it.
How could this country ever succeed if Republicans didn’t keep gummint from interfering with private business?!
Well, hypocrite that I am, I’m not one to pass up opportunities to suck the public tit, too. If we’re gonna give away public property and taxpayer money, why should Repukes get it all? Don’t liberals like me deserve to live on Easy Street too?
I bought some Lockheed Martin stock today because … well … because they make a lot of money off the taxpayers. In fact, I like the whole defense sector right now — I bought Boeing in January. Plus, it’s almost the only manufacturing left in-country. Buy USA!!! I do!!!
The best part is, every penny these companies earn for their shareholders comes out of the pockets of whiny tax haters like Klown and Lost. Pony up, boys! It’s payday for rabbits!
What I really love about these stocks is that every time the rightwing warmongers buy another fighter plane for the Navy or Air Force, they’re putting money in my pocket! Ka-ching!!!
Hey everyone! What do you get when you cross a playground slide with the Large Hadron Collider?
More rich people trying to rip off the People. Fucking assholes.
Just one question…
Is the Wright family progressive or conservative?
@5 .. Would it make you feel better if I told you the Wrights are rights?
Get off of your stilts for once. SURELY you can must oppose a give away of this size so wealthy folks can charge the rest of us for seeing stuff they think is great art?
There are so many better ways to use this land.
Given their wealth, if the Wrights want to honor Chihulee, why can’t they buy an acre or so of Hunt’s Point, tear down the houses and build a museum there?
OK, this might upset some rich folks. So if you think we need afirmative action for Reprrican rich folks, why not build this temple of glass in Bellevue? Isn;t it about time that the Mall got some heavy duty cuoltural investment? Tie is to the BAM and that might grwo into something useful!
You don’t get it. Who are you “hanging” with lately?
If the Wrights are progressive DUMMOCRAPTS (which is what Puddy thinks they are) then the money grubbing museum argument is really cynical, eh? Another progressive wanting to make a buck on land once used for kiddie fun. Isn’t that the argument always used against conservatives by HA Libtardos?
If the Wrights are conservative then the argument would be against money grubbing Republicans. Standard HA Libtardo arguments apply. So what is it?
Puddy thinks it’s funny all the attacks on this proposed museum and Chihuly. Puddy has seen Chihuly designs in Lost Wages.
Puddy thinks these HA Libtardos know what Jeff Wright and gang politically jockstrap. And these attacks are another “my progressive way or the highway”.
Regarding Puddy’s view on this location, Puddy has already positively commented on keeping it a Kids Place. Ask the arschloch for the original comments since you forgot them SeattleJew.