The Seattle Times editorial board wants young voters to get more engaged in politics, and with hip, engaging prose like this, how could they not?
COME out, come out wherever you are. Experts predict younger voters, those pumped up, enthusiastic Millennials age 18 to 24 who helped propel President Obama to victory, will not participate so much in the 2010 midterm elections.
That is both predictable and a shame.
“Come out, come out wherever you are…” that’s your lede? What… did “olly, olly oxen free” come off as too sophisticated? Um, the minimum voting age is eighteen, for chrisakes, not eight.
I mean, perhaps young voters might get more engaged in politics if our political media didn’t constantly come off as a bunch of sclerotic, condescending scolds. I’m just sayin’.
A rightwing Florida pastor planning to stage a Koran-burning stunt has brushed aside concerns voiced by top military commanders that his actions will endanger U.S. troops. Drawing attention to himself by playing with the politics of bigotry matters more to him than the lives of American soldiers. What an unpatriotic fuck!
Maybe the Times should write editorials about the irresponsible grandstanding perpetually oozing from the rightwing crowd of chest-thumpers and demagogues.
All writers have to write what they know.
Well they can only be hoping that the those leaning to the left won’t vote so that the right (and all of the trolls herein) get to really mess in the muck.
I am constantly amazed that none of the HA trolls (and even accepting their immaturity what with all the caps, and drivel, and self congratulatory smirking) can begin to proffer any sort of proposal for what they expect their divine leaders to do once they get in office. If the above linked story holds any degree of probable policy for the GOP, it must be that the trolls will hold out for violence to protect themselves from the carnage of our society to which they aspire. I hope so; it would be fun.
The Times has it right, Goldy. The Obama voter has an IQ of an 8 year old.
Well, @ #5, at least that’s their age, for the tea-bag crowd, “8” is their IQ…