Arizona Governor Jan Brewer suggests to Obama that he should send aerial drones and helicopters to fight the drug war at the border because of “how effective these assets have become in Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom”. Since her letter doesn’t say so either way, I’m hoping Brewer only wants these aircraft for surveillance purposes and not to rain down bombs on Arizona towns.
UPDATE: Artfart in the comments:
When Obama was heard to say “Plug the damn hole!” was he referring to the blowout in the Gulf of Mexico or Jan Brewer’s mouth?
Brewer is out of her mind.
I also heard a comment this week that the violence was started in Mexico when the CIA became involved and hired one cartel to kill the head of another. I have to wonder if there is any truth to that one.
Nobody ever claimed this woman was intelligent. She’s managed to piss off a substantial number of her fellow GOP party folks, raising the sales tax, (which in AZ includes food) by a penny per dollar spent, after slashing normal services to the bone. This after the State Auditor pointed out that they would have to cut payments to a particular private prison company if they didn’t bring in more revenue.
Arizona has the largest number of privately owned contract prisons in the country.
When she realized that the primary voting base in AZ is mostly transplanted blue-haired old midwestern bigots, she ran the immigration issue up the flagpole and got a wildly successful response.
She made that the primary issue of the day, embracing crazy Joe Arpaio and his concentration camps, touting her anti (brown skinned) immigrant credentials and making sure that issue was first and foremost in the press while she thought she could sneak in the tax hike on the sly.
She’s irritated a lot of folks, not all of them in the opposition.
I also heard a comment this week that the violence was started in Mexico when the CIA became involved and hired one cartel to kill the head of another.
I don’t know about the CIA part, but it’s true that the worst violence is often not between the federales and the cartels, but between the cartels themselves.
“…I’m hoping Brewer only wants these aircraft for surveillance purposes and not to rain down bombs on Arizona towns….”
If the Tea Party folks want to keep pushing the “secession” option, we can make that scenarioa a reality. It didn’t work out too well for S. Carolina 1860-65, I doubt it would work any better for Arizona in 2010.
As Roger Rabbit pointed out on other threads, some rednecks armed with assault rifles might think they are pretty mean, but they won’t last long against M1A1 tanks, napalm, daisy-cutters, etc.
When Obama was heard to say “Plug the damn hole!” was he referring to the blowout in the Gulf of Mexico or Jan Brewer’s mouth?
Drones are already in use on our southern border. Brewer wants more. No I am not trying to defend her idiocy. Just spelling out facts.
@4 rhp
You’re usually one of the few voices of reason around here… Do you, or hell any of you, *really* want a military that’s willing to engage and kill fellow Americans? Yeah, it happened once, and a hundred and fifty years later we’re still dealing with the repercussions. You, being a southerner, should know that.
I don’t know about the whole succession charade, but personally, I hope that they have to scrape the very bottom of the barrel before they find soldiers willing to fire on American civilians.
@ #7
They won’t have to, they’ll just hire in a bunch of mexicans to do the work.
Where do you whackos come up w/ this stuff.? you guys are absurd; she merely asked for unmaned drones. surveilance of the border. big deal
@7…the leftists in this country would love nothing more than spilling some blood in order to secure their position….its how they operate, and its been proven time and again over the course of the last century.
its what the left does….
she merely asked for unmaned drones.
I prefer the maned ones. They have a more regal look to them.
I have two very specific problems with this request:
1) Helicopters and drones will do nothing about the illegal immigration problem
2) Helicopters and drones will do nothing about the drug problem
Other than that, it’s a perfectly respectable request.