Media Matters has more about the revelations that the Tea Party Express bus tour this summer was little more than a scam to separate fools from their money. As Glenn Beck repeatedly demonstrates, it’s pretty damn easy to do.
Exactly. I wonder how much money he’s been scammed out of over the years by these groups.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
6. Roger Rabbit spews:
I love selling my stocks to wingnuts after they’ve gone up and become “momentum plays.”
Your retarded ass couldn’t distinguish Fox News from Fox entertainment, so I doubt you’re capable of making money on stocks, rodent.
Seperating fools from their money is the American free-market, capitalist wet dream conservative confidence men have pedalled for a century. As society slides toward outright legalization of white-collar financial thievery, there seems to be a concurrent movement to beatify this chicanary to religeous status….curiously with the full blessing of the fleeced.
Brad Friedman of has interviews he did with Teabaggers available for your listening pleasure at his site. Some of these folks are stunningly stupid.
Don Joespews:
@ 9
Your retarded ass couldn’t distinguish Fox News from Fox entertainment
This from the guy whose retarded ass couldn’t distinguish between “conformance with” and “enforcement of”. Typical wingnut hypocrite.
hey right wingersspews:
“Your retarded ass couldn’t distinguish Fox News from Fox entertainment, so I doubt you’re capable of making money on stocks, rodent.”
This from the guy who said all liberals litter. What a stupid moron. Let’s analyze his cogent reasoning today, ok?
“Your retarded ass”
ESO, asses aren’t actually retarded. So this is just an intensifier use of the insult word ass….not particularly clever to combine it with retarded. “Your retarded ass” is not something I would expect to become popular in the lexicon of insults, as it’s pretty lame. There’s no real synergy there, no visual image, and no heightened insult, it seems purely random and ad hoc, with little imaginative content. Ass should be combined with something referring to an ass, like being big, or a stick going into it or something; retarded should relate to something mental; combining them just seems like a lazy unsuccessful effort at coining a new phrase. I give it a D as an insult.
“couldn’t distinguish Fox News from Fox entertainment”
um, this would not be your strong ground, mr. conservative. Nobocy else can distinguish the two either, and why are you bringing up Fox news when you’re insulting a big liberal anyway?
“so I doubt you’re capable of making money on stocks, rodent.”
Um ESO, RR has told us many times he has in fact made money on stocks, so your “doubt” of this carries little persuasive weight. And calling someone “rodent” when they have the self ironic monicker Roger Rabbit is only confirming their self selected ironic monicker, so it’s actually not even an insult.
On the whole, as an insult your response only merits about a D-. But then yesterday we established that you’re stupid, fairly ignorant, and culturally illiterate, which are explanations why you can’t cut it insult wise, but not excuses.
Why don’t you try to actually argue some point instead of picking out some statement by a liberal at random and attacking him without any foundation? It’s fairly obvious to the rest of us you don’t know RR thus you have no basis upon which to claim he doens’t make money in stocks. Again, you are committing the error of the inherently boring and nonargumentative approach of cretins, which is to simply assert a point, no matter how implausible and apparently unfounded, and think that this is some kind of proof, discourse, or argument. In the process, you convince us once again that many right wingers (not all) esp. on this site are simply too stupid and ill informed to engage in any meaningful back and forth. This bodes ill for our nation as explained yesterday as we seem burdened with this underclass of mental non achievers, making any kind of progress very difficult.
Your retarded ass couldn’t distinguish Fox News from Fox entertainment
Poor little Ricky empty suited dumbass didn’t get the memo:
It’s ALL entertainment from Fox and Murdoch’s sick enterprise – all of it.
To keep the little Ricky’s of the world doing what they’re good at: being dumbasses..
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “Your retarded ass couldn’t distinguish Fox News from Fox entertainment, so I doubt you’re capable of making money on stocks, rodent.”
My ass has more smarts than your head. Fox News and Fox Entertainment are merely profit centers in the same corporation. It all goes into one pocket — Rupert Murdoch’s. Idiot.
“The Fox Entertainment Group is an American entertainment industry company that owns film studios and terrestrial, cable, and direct broadcast satellite television properties. It is wholly owned and controlled by the media conglomerate News Corporation which is owned by the Australian Rupert Murdoch, since the company acquired all the stock of Fox. The transaction was completed on March 12, 2005.” — Wikipedia
Roger Rabbitspews:
All the trolls on this blog are fucking idiots. What do we gotta do to get better trolls?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “Seperating fools from their money is the American free-market, capitalist wet dream conservative confidence men have pedalled for a century.”
Yeah, but as the game is open to everyone, I don’t see why liberals and rabbits shouldn’t play, too. Why should wingfucks get all the money? I want some of it.
In a rigged game, which is what our economy is — it’s rigged against workers — why would anyone who knows the score want to be a member of the exploited group?
When mortgage brokers make $2 million a year, and chicken farmers putting in 14-hour days make $12,000 a year, why would anyone raise chickens?
Face it, America doesn’t make anything anymore, we’re only a nation of asset flippers now. If you can’t lick ’em, join ’em.
proud leftistspews:
I wonder if posting an ad on Craigslist soliciting better trolls might be helpful. To ensure a more quality troll, perhaps it might be advisable to limit applicants to those with a high school diploma, who can read and write in English, and who can pick their noses and breathe at the same time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “it’s actually not even an insult”
Of course, this will fly right over him, too. After all, this is a wingnut you’re dealing with.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 (continued) “On the whole, as an insult your response only merits about a D-.”
That high? I think you’re too generous to these stupes.
Don Joespews:
@ 12
But then yesterday we established that you’re stupid, fairly ignorant, and culturally illiterate, which are explanations why you can’t cut it insult wise, but not excuses.
Not too long ago, I suggested that your correspondent is the same guy that Eddie Vedder was talking about in Even Flow. He’s still likely scratching his head over that one despite the fact that one can easily do a web search for “even flow lyrics” to find out exactly what I meant.
“When mortgage brokers make $2 million a year, and chicken farmers putting in 14-hour days make $12,000 a year, why would anyone raise chickens?”
Amen, briar Rabbit. Or how about the dogs at the CBOT raking in thousands more bank on wheat than the poor folks growing it? WTF?
“better trolls” is an oxy-moron no?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 ““better trolls” is an oxy-moron no?”
I don’t think so. Public policy is debatable, and there’s no law against informed and reasoned debate. We could have better trolls if a few conservatives modeled their approach after William F. Buckley’s instead of guys like Samuel F. Wurzelbacher.
Those people fooled all of the time rely on underpolling by 5 points to feed thier trolling.
Nothing, however, sets off liberal teeth gnashing more than Rasmussen’s daily presidential tracking polls, which throughout the year have consistently placed Obama’s approval numbers around 5 percentage points lower than other polling outfits.
“He polls less favorably for Democrats, and that’s why he’s become a lightning rod,” said Charles Franklin, a University of Wisconsin political scientist who studies polling. “It’s clear that his results are typically more Republican than the other person’s results.”
On Saturday, Dec. 26, for example, Rasmussen’s daily tracking had Obama’s approval at 44 percent, with a disapproval figure of 56 percent. A Real Clear Politics compilation of other pollsters, meanwhile, showed Obama with an average approval figure of 49.5 percent and disapproval of 45.1 percent.
“He’s been underpolling Obama all year,” said Boehlert. “People start thinking, ‘There’s something going on here.’”
It’s not just the data that Rasmussen’s critics object to — they also have a problem with the way the firm frames questions in its automated polls, which are the staple of its work.
In August, for example, Rasmussen asked respondents whether they agreed or disagreed with the statement “It’s always better to cut taxes than to increase government spending because taxpayers, not bureaucrats, are the best judges of how to spend their money.”
Such apostasy! You understand, Mr. Baker, that Mr. Cynical cites Rasmussen like Gospel, don’t you? So, what are we supposed to do with your post? I’m so lost, so lost . . .
Max Rockatanskyspews:
I see Goebbels Rabbit is still doing his chicken dance….
proud leftistspews:
In Mexico, there is an old adage that says, “En la boca cerrada, no entran las moscas.” The literal translation is, “flies don’t enter a closed mouth.” What it means on a metaphorical level, however, (and, Max, you don’t need to go to bed sucking your thumb tonight just because you have no idea what “metaphorical” means) is that if you don’t speak about that which you don’t know about, you’re probably better off. Max, you’d be best to keep your mouth shut.
Is it really something new that wingnuts are routinely fooled? By Republicans?
With the worst economic decade ever, what’s the proposed solution? Why, more of the same.
Socialism! Marxism!! Also too, AKORN!!!
“When mortgage brokers make $2 million a year, and chicken farmers putting in 14-hour days make $12,000 a year, why would anyone raise chickens?”
Can you say “offshoring”? I KNEW you could!
This may not yet be the case with chickens per se…but the next time you’re in the super(??)market, pick up a package of hamburger and look at the list of “possible countries of origin” at the bottom of the label.
Then again, one could possibly view Arkansas and Whatcom County as de facto third-world countries.
As my Grandma used to say, a fool and his money are soon parted.
So righties how does Glenn Beck’s balls taste?
We all kinda knew that Media Matters story was coming, huh. Someone needs to look into whether Fox or its pack broke any laws.
Oops, PAC not pack. I blame the liberal media for my typo.
“And You Can Fool Some of the People All of the Time”
And Puddy is living proof.
I love selling my stocks to wingnuts after they’ve gone up and become “momentum plays.”
Teabaggers are a splendid example of what can happen when you rely on others to supply your reality, rather than looking at the facts for yourself.
And Puddy is living proof.
Exactly. I wonder how much money he’s been scammed out of over the years by these groups.
Your retarded ass couldn’t distinguish Fox News from Fox entertainment, so I doubt you’re capable of making money on stocks, rodent.
Seperating fools from their money is the American free-market, capitalist wet dream conservative confidence men have pedalled for a century. As society slides toward outright legalization of white-collar financial thievery, there seems to be a concurrent movement to beatify this chicanary to religeous status….curiously with the full blessing of the fleeced.
Brad Friedman of has interviews he did with Teabaggers available for your listening pleasure at his site. Some of these folks are stunningly stupid.
@ 9
Your retarded ass couldn’t distinguish Fox News from Fox entertainment
This from the guy whose retarded ass couldn’t distinguish between “conformance with” and “enforcement of”. Typical wingnut hypocrite.
“Your retarded ass couldn’t distinguish Fox News from Fox entertainment, so I doubt you’re capable of making money on stocks, rodent.”
This from the guy who said all liberals litter. What a stupid moron. Let’s analyze his cogent reasoning today, ok?
“Your retarded ass”
ESO, asses aren’t actually retarded. So this is just an intensifier use of the insult word ass….not particularly clever to combine it with retarded. “Your retarded ass” is not something I would expect to become popular in the lexicon of insults, as it’s pretty lame. There’s no real synergy there, no visual image, and no heightened insult, it seems purely random and ad hoc, with little imaginative content. Ass should be combined with something referring to an ass, like being big, or a stick going into it or something; retarded should relate to something mental; combining them just seems like a lazy unsuccessful effort at coining a new phrase. I give it a D as an insult.
“couldn’t distinguish Fox News from Fox entertainment”
um, this would not be your strong ground, mr. conservative. Nobocy else can distinguish the two either, and why are you bringing up Fox news when you’re insulting a big liberal anyway?
“so I doubt you’re capable of making money on stocks, rodent.”
Um ESO, RR has told us many times he has in fact made money on stocks, so your “doubt” of this carries little persuasive weight. And calling someone “rodent” when they have the self ironic monicker Roger Rabbit is only confirming their self selected ironic monicker, so it’s actually not even an insult.
On the whole, as an insult your response only merits about a D-. But then yesterday we established that you’re stupid, fairly ignorant, and culturally illiterate, which are explanations why you can’t cut it insult wise, but not excuses.
Why don’t you try to actually argue some point instead of picking out some statement by a liberal at random and attacking him without any foundation? It’s fairly obvious to the rest of us you don’t know RR thus you have no basis upon which to claim he doens’t make money in stocks. Again, you are committing the error of the inherently boring and nonargumentative approach of cretins, which is to simply assert a point, no matter how implausible and apparently unfounded, and think that this is some kind of proof, discourse, or argument. In the process, you convince us once again that many right wingers (not all) esp. on this site are simply too stupid and ill informed to engage in any meaningful back and forth. This bodes ill for our nation as explained yesterday as we seem burdened with this underclass of mental non achievers, making any kind of progress very difficult.
Poor little Ricky empty suited dumbass didn’t get the memo:
It’s ALL entertainment from Fox and Murdoch’s sick enterprise – all of it.
To keep the little Ricky’s of the world doing what they’re good at: being dumbasses..
@9 “Your retarded ass couldn’t distinguish Fox News from Fox entertainment, so I doubt you’re capable of making money on stocks, rodent.”
My ass has more smarts than your head. Fox News and Fox Entertainment are merely profit centers in the same corporation. It all goes into one pocket — Rupert Murdoch’s. Idiot.
“The Fox Entertainment Group is an American entertainment industry company that owns film studios and terrestrial, cable, and direct broadcast satellite television properties. It is wholly owned and controlled by the media conglomerate News Corporation which is owned by the Australian Rupert Murdoch, since the company acquired all the stock of Fox. The transaction was completed on March 12, 2005.” — Wikipedia
All the trolls on this blog are fucking idiots. What do we gotta do to get better trolls?
@10 “Seperating fools from their money is the American free-market, capitalist wet dream conservative confidence men have pedalled for a century.”
Yeah, but as the game is open to everyone, I don’t see why liberals and rabbits shouldn’t play, too. Why should wingfucks get all the money? I want some of it.
In a rigged game, which is what our economy is — it’s rigged against workers — why would anyone who knows the score want to be a member of the exploited group?
When mortgage brokers make $2 million a year, and chicken farmers putting in 14-hour days make $12,000 a year, why would anyone raise chickens?
Face it, America doesn’t make anything anymore, we’re only a nation of asset flippers now. If you can’t lick ’em, join ’em.
I wonder if posting an ad on Craigslist soliciting better trolls might be helpful. To ensure a more quality troll, perhaps it might be advisable to limit applicants to those with a high school diploma, who can read and write in English, and who can pick their noses and breathe at the same time.
@12 “it’s actually not even an insult”
Of course, this will fly right over him, too. After all, this is a wingnut you’re dealing with.
@12 (continued) “On the whole, as an insult your response only merits about a D-.”
That high? I think you’re too generous to these stupes.
@ 12
But then yesterday we established that you’re stupid, fairly ignorant, and culturally illiterate, which are explanations why you can’t cut it insult wise, but not excuses.
Not too long ago, I suggested that your correspondent is the same guy that Eddie Vedder was talking about in Even Flow. He’s still likely scratching his head over that one despite the fact that one can easily do a web search for “even flow lyrics” to find out exactly what I meant.
“When mortgage brokers make $2 million a year, and chicken farmers putting in 14-hour days make $12,000 a year, why would anyone raise chickens?”
Amen, briar Rabbit. Or how about the dogs at the CBOT raking in thousands more bank on wheat than the poor folks growing it? WTF?
“better trolls” is an oxy-moron no?
@21 ““better trolls” is an oxy-moron no?”
I don’t think so. Public policy is debatable, and there’s no law against informed and reasoned debate. We could have better trolls if a few conservatives modeled their approach after William F. Buckley’s instead of guys like Samuel F. Wurzelbacher.
Those people fooled all of the time rely on underpolling by 5 points to feed thier trolling.
Eat it, wingnuts!
Such apostasy! You understand, Mr. Baker, that Mr. Cynical cites Rasmussen like Gospel, don’t you? So, what are we supposed to do with your post? I’m so lost, so lost . . .
I see Goebbels Rabbit is still doing his chicken dance….
In Mexico, there is an old adage that says, “En la boca cerrada, no entran las moscas.” The literal translation is, “flies don’t enter a closed mouth.” What it means on a metaphorical level, however, (and, Max, you don’t need to go to bed sucking your thumb tonight just because you have no idea what “metaphorical” means) is that if you don’t speak about that which you don’t know about, you’re probably better off. Max, you’d be best to keep your mouth shut.
Is it really something new that wingnuts are routinely fooled? By Republicans?
With the worst economic decade ever, what’s the proposed solution? Why, more of the same.
Socialism! Marxism!! Also too, AKORN!!!
“When mortgage brokers make $2 million a year, and chicken farmers putting in 14-hour days make $12,000 a year, why would anyone raise chickens?”
Can you say “offshoring”? I KNEW you could!
This may not yet be the case with chickens per se…but the next time you’re in the super(??)market, pick up a package of hamburger and look at the list of “possible countries of origin” at the bottom of the label.
Then again, one could possibly view Arkansas and Whatcom County as de facto third-world countries.