While discussing his campaign for the White House, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that the United States is “still a right-of-center nation…”
“I am confident that this nation is not a center — I think they’re right. I think they’re basically conservative, the majority are basically conservatives, and I think that if we get back on our message, get back to the principles, philosophies and messages of Ronald Reagan and others, I think we’ll do just fine. But first we have to get over our state of denial.”
A state of denial. McCain should do well in that state.
I believe “Denial” has 3 Electoral Votes.
Hard to say. McCain has solid views on many subjects that are not traditionally liberal or conservative. Liberals should win because of disgust with Bush and mcCain may not get the nom. because he is to rational for much of the bush shitistas.
McCain vs Kucinich .. is silly bit makes the point that lib::conserv is not the only issue.
If hard edged demo stands pervail, e,g, gay marriage (not dom partners), affirmative action cum quotas, failure ot rationalize (not eliminate) the inheritance tax and the earned income policy, and if we look foolish as we withdraw from Iraq ..McCain will win.
@2 Affirmative action quotas? What are you talking about? Didn’t the Supreme Court rule quotas illegal? See Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, 438 U.S. 265 (1978).
Why does anyone care if gays marry? How does two gays getting married in Massachusetts undermine my marriage to Mrs. Rabbit? Opponents of gay marriage are self-righteous busy-bodies minding other people’s private affairs. They should butt out, period.
Look foolish withdrawing from Iraq? How is that more important than ceasing to squander more American lives and treasure in a lost war? Honest to God, I don’t understand what some people have between their ears. Must be a perfect vacuum. Of all the stupid arguments in favor of war and killing that make no goddamn sense, this one takes the cake!
Anyone who thinks the Democrats will run Kucinich in ’08 against whoever the Warmonger Party puts up must have his head in a plastic bag sniffing paint thinner.
McCain has solid views on many subjects that are not traditionally liberal or conservative.
Watered down “election reform” aside, just what subjects are you referring to? McCain is a right wing ideologue posing as a “maverick”.
Reagan got a ton of votes.
McCain flip-flopped harder than any candidate in history in order to woo the faaaaaar right. He’s got no chance if he wins the nomination – he’s pro war and 67% of the nation isn’t. Even Karl Rove can’t steal an election when it’s that one-sided.
2, 5
Yeah, I’d like to hear about what McCain has solid views on. Be careful on bringing up government spending, because what McCain means is spending on people. He’s plenty OK with pissing away $8.4 B a month in Iraq, so being frugal isn’t a quality he possesses.
If the Dems nominate Hillary for prez, they’ll be handing the White House to the Reps in 2008.
It doesn’t seem to me that Democrats like either Hillary or Barack as much as the mainstream media adores these two. Even at the DNC, John Edwards got the adulation.
Wasn’t it George Washington that was proud to be a “liberal” Rush? Running McCain would be the GOP’s best attempt of putting lipstick on a pig….
One must remember. Every time McCain took a vote in the Senate, it was for the top 1%, and large corporations, and against the people of the United States.
Tort Reform, Bankruptcy Bill, Prescription Drug Scam, and the list goes on.
McCain, and his cave dwelling supporters only care about 2 things. Making America hated around the world, and helping the rich keep more of their billions…..
The word conservative should be replaced with the word greedy. Nothing could be more true.
It’s interesting to think of how things would have been had McCain won the nomination in 2000 (rather than been destroyed in South Carolina by Bush’s henchmen) and then beat Gore (not unlikely, in my opinion). Back then he was fresh, original, and even charismatic, and would have been an interesting and potentially pretty good president. I doubt he’d have gotten us into our current messes.
But that was then, and now, because of the baggage left behind by GWB, McCain is starting to come across as desperate. He must feel (as in 2000) that he still has to separate himself from the pack, but his maverick streak, at one time an attractive and effective attribute, will be his undoing.
FINALLY, someone has come out with a 100% bipartisan political bumper sticker. The hottest selling bumper sticker comes from New York state
Democrats put it on the rear bumper.
Republicans put it on the front bumper.
Be careful attaching todays labels to yesterdays leaders. George Washington could have been happy and been referred to as gay. And regardless of who called him a liberal, he still shot deserters. Not liberal by today’s standards. Liberal has been wordjacked.
13: Okay, even I laughed at that one.
Ah, the true neo-con solution to losing elections.
If you can’t beat them at the polls, run over them with your Hummer.
Doesn’t the Secret Service investigate threats against Presidential candidates?
Honestly, I’m not Ms. Clinton’s biggest supporter, as I still cannot figure out exactly why she would be a better President than Mr. Gore, Mr. Obama or Mr. Edwards. Has she taken a definite stand on anything?
While being female certainly doesn’t disqualify her, it also doesn’t make her more qualified, although on second thought, we guys have managed to mess things up pretty badly.
Maybe just being female does make her more qualified. This will be a very interesting race for the White House, not to mention one of the longest.
The election season is starting earlier and earlier. This is the 2008 election we’re talking about, isn’t it?
13 said:
“liberals: tasty baked, roasted & poached! says:
FINALLY, someone has come out with a 100% bipartisan political bumper sticker. The hottest selling bumper sticker comes from New York state
Democrats put it on the rear bumper.
Republicans put it on the front bumper.”
I’ve sent this thread to the Secret Service. It looks like one of Puffybutt’s multiple personality posts – if so, maybe we can get the moron locked up where he belongs. This is clearly a threat against a Presidential candidate.
My new bumper sticker says:
“Support our troops? Then take their place.”
It won’t matter who the Democrats run, it could be QuickDraw McGraw, they are going to win the White House.
Georgie has mucked up everything he has touched. Americans are not stupid. This is not a right of center country. This country is, in my estimation, 20% hardline WingNuts, 20% ultra-liberals and 60% fair minded, center line riding voters.
We can all believe what we wish, Rove thought he was hanging on to the house and senate, but the fact is the table has tilted.
Why, in God’s name, McCain is now hanging on to the edge with his feet in the air is beyond me. I once said if there was a Republican I would vote for, it was McCain.
Not anymore. He has been drinking the Kool-Aid of Mr. Bush and Karl Rove in an effort to reap the benefit of their money machine.
The dumb asses are not the American people this time around. They are the Republican politicians who refuse to read the writing on the wall.
Could it have been any clearer on November 7?
No Roger, the Supreme Court did not rule against all quotas .. that isu why we and other states have specific legislation. In any case, my point is that a doctrinaire liberal would give the lection to McCain.
As for the Iraq issue, again please lets not be simplistic. Bush made a big mess. Whoever is the next Pres, she or he is going t6o need to convince the public that they have a real plan to extract us. Rememebr Nixon and Ike both climed to have such plans and won!
I am not gpoing to waste time by defending McCain here. That is NOT the issue. The issue we are discussing is much more important, it is how in hell do we get out of the mess created by the Dimwit Decider.
Step 1 is the presidential election. Hopefully that will be a contest of ideas put forward by credible candidates instead of the mud fights of past Bush;Rove era.
In that context, McCain and even Brownback need to be taken seriously. A Democrat who wants to solve Iraq by turning tail is not going to win. A Democrat who wants to force feed gay marriage to the publ;ic will lose there too. Same for NEA type solutions (more money without reforms) to the schools issues.
You are wrong about the Supreme Court and racial quotas. Read the University of Michigan case from a couple terms ago. There is no question that any affirmative action program that involves racial quotas will not be upheld. Racially-based affirmative action programs are essentially dead except those that promote rich, white, well-connected males (like Ivy League legacy policies that permit guys like GWB into Yale). Vague goals of “diversity” can pass muster, but quotas are out.
To Goldy: Eyeman Alert:
Check out today’s article in the Everett Herald:
Among the pearls of wisdom which Eyman is imparting to his adoring followers in the Snohomish County GOP (quoting from the Herald article, which paraphrased some quotes):
“The state’s Initiative King from Mukilteo spoke out against bills in the state Legislature that would change how measures like his get on the ballot.
In a talk to Snohomish County leaders-in-training last week, he (Eyman) argued the changes would put special interests with deep pockets more in control of future initiatives.
After I got off the floor at laughing at that one, I continued to read the article:
“The death of every initiative is lack of conversation,” he said. Some sponsors say they could have made it to the ballot box and succeeded if only the media paid attention.
“So our job is to be the most obnoxious jerks you could imagine,” Eyman said. He deliberately goes to hearings in Olympia – what he calls the lion’s den – courting conflict.
“The press loves conflict,” he said.”
Well, I guess if you admit you are a jerk, you have taking the first steps toward solving the problem? But only if you think being a jerk is a bad thing.
The ratio of self-described conservatives/moderates/liberals in the US has been somewhere around 3/5/2 since the mid-60’s.
There are, of course, some regional factors to this…but no, really, you can’t win elections by just appealing to 20 or 30% of the electorate.
McCain has no concept of a “Moderate”. Unfortunately this term, like the amorphous group it references, is too easily ‘jacked.
Roger Rabbit, are you okay????
I saw this picture, and I’m worried that Homeland Security had captured you, and was about to send you off to N. Korea to be dinner at a CPNK banquet.
(CPNK = Communist Party of Nork Korea)
I want one of those! I think it would scare the bejeebus out of the Jehova’s Witnesses and Mormons.
By the way, rabbits make wonderful house pets. They are meticulously neat and tidy and they will use a catbox to do their business (but their pellets don’t smell!). The only thing is they like to chew, so you have to divert them from things like electrical cords with nice chewable toys and alfafa blocks. I’m sure Roger would agree, they also have wonderful, distinctive personalities.
rhp6033 sez,
“I saw this picture, and I’m worried that Homeland Security had captured you, and was about to send you off to N. Korea to be dinner at a CPNK banquet.”
No, I don’t think we could be that lucky.
It’s true that McCain won’t be the next president, but it’s not just because he misunderstands the American electorate. As RES pointed out in #7 above, he’s got no stable constituency, so he will say anything he thinks his audience wants to hear. In fact, this weekend, he managed to flip-flop on Iraq – repudiating a position he had articulated just 47 seconds before:
McCain is too old to be president.
30 Agreed. He’s getting a serious case of Bob Dole syndrome.
Would that be a ‘Dole’-ful condition?
John Barelli @ 16 Ah, the true neo-con solution to losing elections.
If you can’t beat them at the polls, run over them with your Hummer.
Doesn’t the Secret Service investigate threats against Presidential candidates?
What a Grade A PUTZ! …And you liborats try to intimate that conservatives have no sense of humor.
Stop taking yourselves so damned seriously…. we certainly don\’t!
17 “I’ve sent this thread to the Secret Service. It looks like one of Puffybutt’s multiple personality posts – if so, maybe we can get the moron locked up where he belongs. This is clearly a threat against a Presidential candidate.”
Ha! Are you kidding? Bush’s Palace Guards? You mean the folks who’ve tripled the market for hurricane fencing setting up “free-speech zones” in every city where Smirk sets foot? They’d probably be the ones driving the Hummers. After six years, the SS has no doubt been transformed into something resembling….the other SS.
@33 Sub peona’s, hearings, investigations, perp walks. . .keep laughing, dummy.
“philosophies and messages of Ronald Reagan . . . ”
Jeeezzus H. Kuh-rist!!
How in the world do you dipshit conservatives think we got to more than $9 TRILLION in debt?!?!?!?
Of the $9 TRILLION approximately 50% of it is directly because of George W. Bush and Tom DeLay. 89% is directly attributable to Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and his idiot offspring.
This what happens when retarded** people get to vote!
**The definition of “retarded” is Carlos Mencia’s definition; not people who are mentally challenged, but the “Dee Dee Dee” people who still support George W. Bush.
Dumb shits.
34: I have to admit that the Secret Service has departed from its traditional role of non-partisonship protection of the President. In the 2004 campaign, it routinely would “detain” anyone for wearing a shirt or bumper sticker which indicated that they didn’t support Bush’s policies, until the even was over, at which time they would be “released with no charges filed”.
Of course they would be released with no charges filed. They hadn’t committed any crime, and it was illegal to stop them, much less search them or conduct an interrogation or hold them.
rhp6033@36…have you forgotten the woman that was thrown to the ground by the secret service for yelling “YOU SUCK” at clinton as he DROVE BY? all she did was express free speech. or how about clinton getting pissed when the jets flew over as he and hillary walked along …and one of his “handlers” had to point out “hey….they are OURS now”. talk about idiots!
i mean come on. you guys worshiped jethro bodine and we are supposed to take you seriously?…….
and john…i have to agree with the “grade A putz” comment….wow, you take yourself way too seriously!
McCain and Hillary have the same credibility gap….
Too often trying to pander to the fringe while pretending to be center….The are both controlled by polling and “the current political trade winds”. Instead of relying on principle they rely on ignorance of the electorate to miss their “masks”.
“And you liborats try to intimate that conservatives have no sense of humor.
Stop taking yourselves so damned seriously…. we certainly don\’t!”
Really, with spelling and grammar like this, who could take you seriously??
Besides no self-respecting Liberal wants to get “intimate” with a knuckle dragging, right-wing nut job like you, dumb ass!
37: No, I am not aware of either “incident” you mentioned. I am aware that a school bus driver lost their job (under appeal now) for giving Bush the finger.
@ 37:
C’mon ChristmasGhost, there’s no comparison now. Clinton is a Rhodes scholar.
The words “scholar” and George W. Bush are NEVER used in the same sentence. Face facts, you guys support a moron, we supported an intellect.
Enough said.
I think Obama could really crush his oponents if he stays true to his beliefs. He hasn’t had time or opportunity to sell out yet..
Edwards is a complete hypocrite…Why even run? “two americas?” Please…
Bidden killed his campaign the day he announced…He just can’t help himself..
I hope Gore jumps back in that would be fun…
Bill Richardson looks like a serious presidential candidate…But there is a catch..he workded for Clinton. Which means that he was vetted and every piece of dirt that is needed is already in the hands of the Hillary campaign..
For the Republicans….I still say Huckabee..Can’t go wrong with a former Gov or Arkansas right?
Do you have an MBA from Harvard?
One silver lining to this storm cloud known as the “George W. Bush” presidency; at least he took the entire conservative movement down with him.
The Republican Party has been completely neutered by Bush that will last for decades to come.
@ 43:
No. My daddy didn’t buy me one. Bush is an embarassment.
Right Stuff:
Keep singin’ Bush’s praises, you only help destroy what’s left of the conservative movement. See, you dunces aren’t smart enough to throw Bush under the bus as he so richly deserves.
You’re brainwashed by Reagan’s 11th commandment. It is your Achilles’ heel.
Good luck with the future of your political agenda. You’ll need it.
@44 please continue to think that way….
@9 “Libertarian says: If the Dems nominate Hillary for prez, they’ll be handing the White House to the Reps in 2008. 02/05/2007 at 7:17 am”
The Dems could run Mickey Mouse’s dog Pluto in ’08 and win.
@13 Fer chrissakes, if you’re gonna post lame wingnut “jokes” on this board, at least get some fresh material! That turd has been around for years.
@46 What makes you think President Bush is a conservative?
That is a joke..
But in your mind there isn’t anything good this administration has done. So why bother…..
Oh and that extra scratch in your wallet c/o tax cuts.. please send a check in with your federal taxes since you don’t want it…
That is…if you are part of the 50% that pay ~97% of all federal taxes. If not- never mind.
@18 Are you kidding? Wingnut blowhards don’t donate to Operation Helmet let alone serve!
Republican = Hot Air Artist
RS at 42: I think Gore would have a better chance this time around than in 2000. All he has to do is remind people what a mistake it was to vote for Bush in 2000, and how much better they would be off if he had been office for eight years, rather than Bush.
And while all the right-wing nuts scoff and make up jokes about how he would have been too “wimpy” to fight Al Quida, the original 50.5 percent who voted for him in 2000 would vote for him again, and another 25% who voted for Bush in 2000 would vote for Gore this time around.
“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”
That being said, I don’t think he would ever get the nomination. In modern years, you only get one shot at the Presidency, once you get your party’s nomination. And Hillary already has the major fundraising locked up, and Obama is being taughted by the media as the alternative to Hillary. Gore’s only hope would be in a brokered convention, and I just don’t see that happening. If he were really going to run, he should have started doing so by early 2005.
@20 Take your sophomoric word-games somewhere else, Stephen — this board is for grown-ups. “Quotas” — as that term is understand by the literate component of the U.S. population — have been illegal since the Bakke ruling in 1973. The term “doctrinaire liberal” as YOU would define it describes less than 10% of Democrats.
Now let me explain to you and other little children what a “liberal” really is.
A liberal believes civilization is not possible without government.
A liberal believes government has a legitimate role in making life better for the vast majority of citizens.
A liberal believes a regulated market economy serves most citizens better than the law of the jungle does.
A liberal believes children shouldn’t be denied food, shelter, medical care, or education because of who their parents are.
A liberal believes there should be a balance of power between capital and labor.
A liberal supports Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance, injured worker benefits, food assistance, and other “safety net” programs.
A liberal understands that America prospered because of, not despite, universal free public education.
A liberal believes in democracy.
A liberal knows that war is an unmitigated horror, and should be fought only in self-defense, and never for political or economic conquest.
A liberal supports the 40-hour work week, overtime pay, child labor laws, and workplace safety regulation.
And what do conservatives support? Exploitation of the many by an undeserving few for their own selfish benefit. Fuck you and your ilk, Stephen!
To the uneducated fool at 30.. yes GBS that would be you, you sad little half-wit:
Dictionary.com (v 1.1) –
in·ti·mate2 Spelled Pronunciation[in-tuh-meyt]
–verb (used with object), -mat·ed, -mat·ing. 1. to indicate or make known indirectly; hint; imply; suggest.
2. Archaic. to make known; announce.
Really, with lack of basic vocabulary skills like this, who could take you seriously??
Conservatives defend everything that is unfair and obnoxous. That’s it in a nutshell.
Gee imagine a slide show, like “An Inconvenient Truth”, which shows:
(a) the U.S. before Bush: at peace, with a budget surplus, and home ownership rising, and an economy in high gear, and progress towards peace in the Middle East, and a professional FEMA;
compared with
(b) after Bush: in a Vietnam-style morass of a war in the Middle East, with international respect at an all-time low, an economy only now recovering from the doldrums, Katrina victims at the Superdome wondering where FEMA was, and the mid-east situation becoming more tenuous every day.
Sounds like a great debate closing comment (a’la’ Reagan) for 2008, regardless of who the candidates are:
“Is the U.S. better off now (in 2008) after the Republicans have held the Presidency for eight years than they were eight years previously? If not, you should vote for the Democratic candidate”.
Right Stuff @ 50:
It doesn’t matter if I think he’s a conservative, all the “conservatives” on the Hill and in the Republican movement in general never even questioned his decisions or principles. In fact, conservatives aligned themselves with Bush. So, regardless if he’s a conservative or not, you yum-yum’s are with him and his incompetence has already taken the conservative political movement down the drain.
You’re right, I don’t have high regard for his accomplishments.
What do you think are his top 3 accomplishment? (this ought to be good.)
Tax cuts?? That’s a laugh. I’d rather pay more in taxes now instead of burdening my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and my great-great-grandchildren with the Bush/ Republican national debt of $9 TRILLION.
More importantly, let’s hear your top 3 Bush accomplishments and why they were good for America. Back it up with facts and figures and leave the rhetoric at home.
Gee, Right Stuff doesn’t think Bush is right wing enough for him?
No wonder the Republican Party is in trouble. They think Bush’s only fault was that he wasn’t right wing enough, and they think the same thing of McCain. And any “moderate” Republicans won’t want to be the sacrificial lambs.
Since Hitler isn’t available to run on the Republican ticket in 2008, I guess that only leaves Gingrich and Limbaugh.
Reminds me of the old cartoon, where someone is trying to take a photo of a group at the Grand Canyon. He keeps telling them to “move to the right, move to the right” until they all fall off the cliff.
“rhp6033 says:
37: No, I am not aware of either “incident” you mentioned. I am aware that a school bus driver lost their job (under appeal now) for giving Bush the finger.”
really…don’t you think he SHOULD have lost his job for doing that in front of kids? what if he had done it at a democrat? then you would be screaming FOR HIS HEAD and you know it.someone this childish should not be driving a bus full of kids, period. it just shows that he is capable of road rage don’t you think?
and “Face facts, you guys support a moron, we supported an intellect.”
come on now! number one…that would be “intellectual” and no, you didn’t.
after all….how smart is someone who blows [pun sooo intended] a very promising political career and political capitol just because he has all the self control of a flasher?
how smart are you if you turn yourself into a joke every five minutes?
roger @54…thank you for continuing to give us these pearls! thank you for pointing out, yet again, that A LIBERAL BELIEVES THAT ONLY THE GOVERNMENT CAN DO ANYTHING.
roger…you are nothing more than a socialist. or a government trough feeder……
keep talking ,by all means.
and GBS….your daddy didn’t buy you one? do you really think that anyone believes this crap just because you say it over and over? you really think he bought his way to a harvard MBA? oh, grow up!
you could have done it yourself. my husband worked in a peach packing plant to put himself through school, and graduate school. that along with being in the military during vietnam.
what’s your excuse?
why do you liberals always try to tear down everyone else rather that doing something yourselves?
it’s called leveling…and only idiots do it. and by “idiot” i am referring to the real meaning of the term IQ wise.
rhp6033..i have a simple question for you.
what would have happened if the american people were “polluted” by the far left, anti-war-no-matter-what crowd as we are today, during WW2?????
you would be referring to that instead of vietnam and the world would be a much less pleasant place.
you people are destructive and short sighted.
Hey Ghost! We’re getting closer and closer to finding you out.
Anyone who claims that Bush’s family ties did not influence his admission into both Harvard and Yale is either (a) lying; (b) stupid; (c) ideologically blind; or (d) all of the above. There is no chance he would have made it into either school without his family pedigree. Your claim that Clinton can’t be intelligent because he got sucked into a blow job is just horseshit. He is one of the smartest men to ever occupy the White House. Succumbing to sexual temptation despite the potential political harm to himself does not mean he was not smart. It simply means he had some personal weakness, as most people of power do. We are human beings, we do things that we know are not wise, but we just can’t help ourselves. That is the history of the world, madame, and if you don’t understand that then you have some living left to do.
Roger said –
The Dems could run Mickey Mouse’s dog Pluto in ‘08 and win.
I wouldn’t bet on it, pardner. Lots of folks still hate Hillary with a passion. The Dems will be making a mistake if they nominate her. It should be about winning and not stroking Hillary’s ego.
BTW, Pluto is Goofy’s dog, not Mickey’s. I never did understand how a dog could own a dog, but I guess Disney could do whatever he wanted to do with his characters.
Ding dong @ 55:
Yes, I understand your obscure use of the word. However, you still used it incorrectly.
You should consider sprinkling in some nouns with your sentence structure. The message you’re trying to convey will become much clearer.
You goof.
63: A patently false argument. The Democrats were in control of the Presidency and both houses of Congress during WWII. They were indeed reluctant to get involved, but did so (with a vengence) when we were attacked.
The Republican characterization of the Democrats as being unable to protect the security of the U.S. is a lie, an attempt to create a “Straw Man”. This goes back to the McCarthy era, when the Republicans attempted to blame the Democrats for the success of the Communist Revolution, by asking “Who is Responsible for the Loss of China?”, as if China were ours to lose.
Fool @ 68:
To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge. Benjamin Disraeli
Nothing is worse than active ignorance. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. Martin Luther King Jr
It is worse still to be ignorant of your ignorance. Saint Jerome
Please reassure us that you have absolutely nothing to do with educating impressionable young minds, GarbledBrainSyndrome
I not only used it correctly, I used it well.
Sadly, like all liberals, you are not man enough to admit your mistakes and instead choose to boorishly mock those that best you.
What sad lives you must lead. …Although, I doubt simpletons actually know they are simpletons and thus rarely realize their lives are sad and pathetic. It must be true: ignorance, indeed, must be bliss.
Ah, tasty liberal and christmasghost. Sorry that my humor is too subtle for you. I’ll use smaller words next time.
Or is it just funny if you’re talking about chasing liberals around with your Hummer? When the liberals turn the tables on you somehow your sense of humor goes away?
Oh, and it’s a really old joke that has been around since before Ms. Clinton announced that she was running for Senator the first time. It was cute the first time.
About seven years ago.
john…..now this is truly amusing coming from a REAL ESTATE agent that sells [or TRYS to] property AROUND gig harbor……
“Or is it just funny if you’re talking about chasing liberals around with your Hummer? When the liberals turn the tables on you somehow your sense of humor goes away?”
envy, jealosy…..bore bore bore…..to quote katherine hepburn.
no houses to show john?
YO @ 66:
Oh, the quick wit. How can any of us hope to stand up to your example of conservative mental acuity, your cunning use of the cap lock keys, your ability to parrot any talking point?
right is stupid….are you kidding? do you have this much time on your hands that you want to play chat-room clue?
“Hey Ghost! We’re getting closer and closer to finding you out.”
but thanks…that comment of yours really produced a peal of laughter all around the table right now. i don’t have to PRETEND to be someone…like you do….i am someone. and i worked hard for it too.
why don’t you try it[?] instead of trying [and failing miserably] to “scare” the few people away from goldy’s blog that actually exist????
you realize that everytime one of you loose tools says “why don’t all the wingnuts go away” goldy cringes at the thought of having to make up more people? i mean…give him a break! why do you think he never told you about puddy’s other names before? do you think that poor goldy wants to sit around all day making up names? and then having to post for all these sock puppets?
he has a life man….maybe you should follow his example?
You’ve become quite tedious. Where did you obtain your arrogance?
@ 72:
No, you didn’t use it “well.” No matter who you quoted.
“Sadly, like all liberals, you are not man enough to admit your mistakes and instead choose to boorishly mock those that best you.”
Oh, Jesus Christ, talk about boorish!
When Republicans, conservatives, and George W. Bush can admit they made a tremendous mistake in their reasoning for going to war in Iraq and they way they’ve subsequently conducted the war; the war that’s cost over 3,000 American lives, 20,000+ wounded, will cost nearly a TRILLION dollars before it’s done, if not more, then, and only then, can you have an expectation that others will or should admit their mistakes, buddy boy. Let alone paint them with such a broad brush.
Until then, take your pompous ass out of here.
My, my, my! What a clever little person you are!… Changing the subject when things become justy a bit inconvenient for you.
Deary, try to be less predictable in your cowardice, would you? I\’m sure that goldy guy would appreciate just one liberal attempt to keep things interesting.
proud eftist….yes , i meant to make that typo. it fits, don’t you think?
where did i get my arrogance? where, oh where……..
probably at the arrogance R us stores…….hhe heh heh
please….arrogance? ““Hey Ghost! We’re getting closer and closer to finding you out.”
i take it you are standing “strong” for your peep “right”?
don’t you think he/she/it can talk for himself…or is he too busy being you or someone else?
Now, tasty, you should really lable your post so that people will know to whom you are referring.
I’m sure that the anonymous poster, unwilling to put his/her own name in his/her post and stand up for his/her beliefs isn’t referring to me.
That would be funny.
@Roger Rabbit
This eesm like a grasshopper test with you playing the seer and me the fledgling Kung Fu artist.
So you want to fuck me? Is that supposed to be pleasurable for either of us? Isn;t that what the Deity said to Adam and Eve when he expelled them from the garden “Go forth and Fuck yourself?”
Rabbit says:
“A liberal believes civilization is not possible without government.” isn’t this a tautology?
“A liberal believes government has a legitimate role in making life better for the vast majority of citizens.” ?? really … isn’t tis a quote from Lenin?
“A liberal believes a regulated market economy serves most citizens better than the law of the jungle does.” OK … errr ahhh, where do I look up the details on laws of the jungle?
“A liberal believes children shouldn’t be denied food, shelter, medical care, or education because of who their parents are.” OK, and you klnow someone who does not say this?
“A liberal believes there should be a balance of power between capital and labor.” Ahhhh … now I understand, uoi mean liberals are Maoists?
“A liberal supports Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance, injured worker benefits, food assistance, and other “safety net” programs.” OK. you and Nixon are liberals?
“A liberal understands that America prospered because of, not despite, universal free public education.” errr ahhhh, which America was this? Does your constitution guarantee this? When exactly dd rabbits get a guaranteed education?
“A liberal believes in democracy.” As opposed to a republic?
“A liberal knows that war is an unmitigated horror, and should be fought only in self-defense, and never for political or economic conquest.” Hmm, this eliminates the founding fathers, Abe Lincoln, Grant, Truman, Kennedy, … getting lonely yet??
“A liberal supports the 40-hour work week, overtime pay, child labor laws, and workplace safety regulation.” Errr ahhh, seems like this rules out Gov Gregoire since State Employees do not have the 40 hr week (at least I don’t).
“And what do conservatives support? Exploitation of the many by an undeserving few for their own selfish benefit. ” You mean as in Tammany Hall? or did you mean giving Native Americans their sovereign rights?
Tell me master of the lucky feet, Did I pass the test?”
to all …
Roger aside, it is really odd to look at where we all are now. The Democratic Party ahs several terrific candidates. The Pubicans have not much that is not tarnished by the oxides washing off of Bush’s silver spoon. Waht idiot would make Mitch McConnel the highest spokeperson for the GOP after Dimwit and Vader?
I personally like McCain, but don’t see him surviving the likley effort of the Christinas to crucify him. Waht an image! A Publican Golgotha with three crosses .. McCain, for the sins of heresy, Guilianni for adultery and consortiung with gays, Romney for idolatry and polytheism.
An ugly but all too likely scenario.
The GOPs badly need … a CLINTON. Someone who can peripherate the righty nuts and rebuild the GOP as a traditional, not too far from center, ‘merican party.
Where is a bullmoose when you need it?
While we are at it, am I confused or were all the bad guys of the last 100 yrs Publicans …. Harding of Teapot Dome, Nixon of Watergate, and now Bush the dismal dimwit?????
Makes Roosevelt, Wilson, Kennedy, Clinton, look good!
John @ 82, No this comment wasn’t pointed at you, it was directed at me. Oh, and I’m going to relish in this one.
By nature all humans are susceptible to the 7 Deadly Sins: Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, and of course Sloth. However, in general, all conservatives more susceptible to the 7 Deadly Sins by virtue of their psychological make up. Understanding their thought processes and how they view the world around them through the lens of their core value belief system, makes it easier to set a mental ambush in a debate.
“liberals: tasty baked, roasted & poached! says:
My, my, my! What a clever little person you are!… Changing the subject when things become justy a bit inconvenient for you.”
liberals: tasty baked, roasted & poached!, has just recognized that he casually strolled into a mental ambush. Pride was his first downfall.
OK, liberals: tasty baked, roasted & poached!, here we go.
I am a “clever” little person, aren’t I? Of course you used the word “intimate” correctly, and of course you used it well! Bravo, sir, bravo. Sometimes reeling conservatives in is too easy.
I do believe that clears up all the explaining I have to do. Now it’s your turn. Why don’t you address my valid point at 79? Or, perhaps you’d like something a little easier; like the 3 top accomplishments by George W. Bush and why they were good for the whole of America.
Will your response be filled with “Anger,” “Envy,” or a dose of rational thought? Or, will you commit the last Deadly Sin; Sloth. Simply avoiding the question – again.
[crickets chirping]
@ 86:
My thoughts exactly: Silence of the lambs on the right.
Baaa. . . baaa. . . baaa Where’s my RNC talking points of the day? Baaaa. . . baaaa.