So much for the HA bitch about how Bush/Rove/Cheney are exclusively responsible for pissing off every human on the planet living outside the continental 48, Alaska, Hawaii, and whatever trust territories and commonwealths we have left over from the Spanish-American war!
Now Brazil and its wax industry are the target of HA mockery such that a formal note of protest from Sao Paulo to Washington will be in the mail directly. Smooth move (no pun intended), Ex Lax!
Adding insult to pornography, the crass comparison of the animal numero uno considered when one contemplates a Mid-East beast to…uhm…you-know-what, will result in a Fatwa against HA from any number of Hamas/Hezbollah/Fatah(say, “Fatah Fatwa” 10-times real fast and it’s yours!)/al-Quida/Sharia/ShirleyTemple/Wahabbi glee clubs. Who’s your harem girl now, baby?
And you wonder why they favor burqas!
Of course, that everyone hates us, especially the Germans, is only to be expected; one always hates what one has wronged. While the French are only now coming around to forgiving us for liberating them in WW II, buried deep in the German psyche is both a loathing of self and everyone else based upon the simple premise that they are German and we are not. Go figure…
Can an entire country be afflicted with mental illness? If so, Germany has Borderline Personality Disorder. One of the classic volumes of BPD, “I Hate You, Don’t Leave Me,” pretty much sums up German attitudes toward the U.S. As NATO and other facilities largely manned by U.S. troops re-deploy to countries like Romania (checked housing values there lately?), herr-on-the-street angst toward America will increase; the dollar may be lower against the Euro, but still, a lower dollar is better than no dollar at all.
Fascinating, though, that cliche driven HA threads continue to get debunked in, of all places, the NY Times and Washington Post, heretofore havens of HorsesAssery. Consider this from the Times:
“If security continues to improve, President Bush could become less of a drag on his party, too, and Republicans may have an easier time zeroing in on other issues, such as how the Democrats have proposed raising taxes in difficult economic times.”
For the NY Times to print a sentence such as this must have caused great consternation among the “Hate America Firsters” on its editorial board. Oh, well…as my oldest, the ever popular and celebrated staff sergeant Mark, who, BTW, lives in Germany and is beloved by Germans one and all and is in the journalism game himself, would say to them, “Times? Sucks to be you…”
As for Germans and Europeans, generally, hating us? Aside from the truths I uttered above, consider this from last spring’s Washington Post (thanks to Sound Politic’s Eric Earling for making mention of it yesterday):
“Most Europeans loathe George W. Bush, and his departure from the White House will be cheered in capitals around the world. But that doesn’t mean that Europeans want a return to the kumbaya-ism and humility evinced by President Jimmy Carter and the early years of the Clinton administration, when the United States failed to lead in stopping genocide in the Balkans.”
“Indeed, the passage of time has healed much of Europe’s negativity toward Republican presidents. During his time at the White House, Ronald Reagan was mocked in Europe as a mediocre actor ignorant of world politics; today, he is regarded as a visionary who foreshadowed the fall of communism with his 1986 speech in Berlin that urged Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down this wall.” And George H.W. Bush, once branded as a Reagan lackey whose primary job was to attend B-list head-of-state funerals, is now lauded for his skillful management of the peaceful reunification of Germany and the dissolution of the Soviet empire.”
“The next occupant of the White House will be judged by our friends abroad on how well he or she can infuse a new sense of purpose and destiny into the Western alliance. There is plenty of work to be done to repair the damage inflicted on America’s moral leadership by the debacle in Iraq and the sordid images from Abu Ghraib prison. But given the pro-American mindset among the new leaders in France, Germany and Britain, the next U.S. president, regardless of party, could command surprisingly strong support from our supposedly fickle allies.”
Of course, the Post would have to get in its own Dubya digs, but it did toward Reagan and Bush the Elder, too only to now acknowledge its error. Expect in a few years to see a Washington Post piece on how visionary Dubya was in working to break the back of both Islamic fundamentalist-inspired terrorism and figuratively firing a shot across the bow of thuggish dictators around the world that to piss in the eye of America is to invite extinction.
My man, Muammar Qaddafi, got the message, and now he makes nice with everyone. Picking up on a theme from the Post article, word on the street is that he’s learning all the verses to Kumbaya and he’s ordered himself bushel baskets of Habitat for Humanity nail aprons from for his holiday gift giving needs.
If ever there was a personification in American political life of the ultimate in false-humility humbugs, Charles Dickens’ Uriah Heap (“I’m so very ‘umble!”), it’s Jimmy “Hair Shirt” Carter. Hear tell Jewish groups by the score are figuratively giving him the one-finger salute, and that Democratic members of Congress are so pissed at him that he’s not about to get a brotherhood award from B’nai B’rith anytime ever.
I do remain curious…is the theme of this thread inspired by something seen on the campaign trail from any Democratic candidate for public office? At any level? After all, such titillating and asinine assertions could not have sprung full blown and wide-stance out of nowhere.
So, we’re now probably preparing to invade Brazil while sending Paris Hilton on a goodwill tour of Islamic holy sites (her videos will be sold at deeply discounted prices at each stop) all on account of this HA thread.
All who accuse Fox News of being tabloid-like in its “coverage” of uncovered ladies are now forever estopped from complaining as they head to either cold showers or tissue boxes of their own.
The Piper
Uncle Vinnyspews:
Um, isn’t this two days in a row with some annoying unrelated video on horsesass? I don’t remember the one from yesterday, don’t feel like looking it up…. but really, what’s the point of a Camel Toe video? Are we all in 7th grade now?
7th grade? Na! What passes for HA Happy Hooligan understanding, commentary, and analysis hasn’t risen past the level of 3rd-grade, so the objected-to video can be more or less chalked up as “health class.”
After all, the morality-less sex education taught in the public schools isn’t all that different from what you’ve now watched for the umpteenth time.
The Piper
Marvin Stamnspews:
Class. You gotta love liberals and how they view women.
Daddy Lovespews:
5 MS
Yeah, that’s it, it’s “liberals.” But isn’t everything in the world just fodder for your propaganda?
Personally, I turned it off after a few seconds because it is clearly juvenile of the makers and consumers, and demeaning to women, besides being based on a rotten, peurile song. But at least “liberals” recognize that a juvenile male fascination with female anatomy is normal.
Hmmm…speaking of propaganda fodder, when’s the last time a conservative objected to a juvenile leer toward women? Ann Coulter wears a black party dres to breakfast, not because it’s warm or comfortable, but because then conservatives can leer at her. At least the women “liberals” view are really women.
Well, conservatives were all very, very concerned about all those women in Afghanistan and Iraq, except that women in Iraq are now more than ever the targets of violence and harrassment from religious conservatives ( ), and now that the Taliban control over half of Afghanistan and are closing in on Kabul, their women are also worse off than ever ( ) with nary a conservative peep.
This video? For progressives, one would think it is an odious example of objectification and diminution (I won’t object if you like the rotten song). If it’s not for you, why isn’t it?
For conservatives, it is something to be enjoyed and then used as a weapon with which to bash “liberals.”
If we have a temporary (or permanent, it doesn’t matter) tactical progress, accompanied by more or less unrelenting, unceasing strategic regression, successful tactics aren’t doing any good.
Only a liberal can argue with a straight face that success equals failure.
Then again, I’ll bet you consider the Carter administration to have been “successful,” don’t you?
The Piper
Daddy Lovespews:
Define “sucess”
If by “success” you mean that th govenrment of Iraq is STILL not “reconciling” and that its members say that this will basically never happen, that electricity and potable water are basically unavaialable for 60%-80% of the population, that the only Iraqis not shooting at us are the ones we’re paying not to do so, and that our president’s people say we’ll be there for 20-30 years, then maybe we’ve achieved “success.” But those things have nothing to do with limited tactical military progress based on building walls between ethnic enclaves, imprisoning thousands of Iraqis on little or no evidence, to bring the level of violence down to that of two years ago.
So there is no success, dude. Get it?
Daddy Lovespews:
Here you go, for you “success” freaks:
In 1975, Army Col. Harry Summers went to Hanoi as chief of the U.S. delegation’s negotiation team for the four-party military talks that followed the collapse of the South Vietnamese government. While there, he spent some time chatting with his North Vietnamese counterpart, Col. Tu, an old soldier who had fought against the United States and lived to tell his tale. With a tinge of bitterness about the war’s outcome, Summers told Tu, “You know, you never defeated us on the battlefield.” Tu replied, in a phrase that perfectly captured the American misunderstanding of the Vietnam War, “That may be so, but it is also irrelevant.”
We (the U.S.) will never lose a military battle to the insurgents in Iraq. And that doesn’t matter, and it won’t affect any outcomes there.
Tommy Thompsonspews:
You can blame the liberals for everything, but I bet if you look deep down to find out who created that video I bet you’ll find it probably was one of my supporters.
Fair point and insight about Vietnam. But the parallel isn’t completely apt.
The current successes aren’t coming as a result of battlefield victories, but, rather, as a result of not being on a “battlefield” at all.
Battlefield-type encounters are decreasing with a commensurate decrease in casualties both military and civilian. Also, those with whom we once had quarrel are now willing to at least consider other alternatives as they, themselves, turn on foreign (read al-Quida) elements that foment violence.
Long way to go? Absolutely! But the overall situation is better today than it was three-months ago.
Is there corruption and ineptitude in the Iraqi government? Yes! Again, absolutely! But progress continues despite it. Harry Reid aside, the war is not, “lost!”
Reasonable minds and people can differ on strategies and tactics, but based upon the news coming from in-country, things are improving, and even the HRC’s and Obama’s of this world are forced to acknowledge it.
The Piper
Geez guys.. that was really not needed. Thanks a lot.
Daddy Lovespews:
Battlefield-type encounters are decreasing with a commensurate decrease in casualties both military and civilian.
Because (a) the British left Basra and there was a comensurate 90% decrease in casualties, (b) we have walled off ethnic enclaves in Baghdad, (-c) we paid the Sunni insurgetns to stop attackign ut, and (d) we increased the number of patrolling troops in Baghdad. Everyone knows that casuaklties can be drcreased this way. They are all good ideas. They have done nothing to achieve our strategic goal of political reconciliation. Hmmm….
Also, those with whom we once had quarrel are now willing to at least consider other alternatives as they, themselves, turn on foreign (read al-Quida) elements that foment violence.
Um, we paid them to do that. And nby their own admission, they are preparing to take on the Shi’ite government after they dispatch AQI. Oooh, better.
Long way to go? Absolutely! But the overall situation is better today than it was three-months ago.
Nope. The “overall” situation ahs actually deteriorated while we have achieved a short-term localized decrease in violence. If you remember, and you don’t, that decrease was supposed to pave the way for poltiical rapprochement, but it’s not fucking happening, your happy talk notwithstanding. You know we’re already drawing the troops back down from the “surge” right?
Is there corruption and ineptitude in the Iraqi government? Yes! Again, absolutely! But progress continues despite it. Harry Reid aside, the war is not, “lost!”
The tactial military “progress” that is being made is irrelevant to creating politcal progress in Iraq. Which is what I already said (you heard me, right?). But you want to claim that short-term military progress EQUALS everything else that is NOT happening in Iraq. Wrong.
This “war” (which is a failed occupation) is not winnable, which is what we’ve all been saying. And you’re either a fool for not realizing it or a liar for insisting that this is success.
Daddy Lovespews:
Funny, but my original quote was from an article about how Iraq was not um, going so well. I posted the first paragraph. Here’s the second ( ):
Today, in Iraq, we face a similar conundrum. Our vaunted military has won every battle against insurgents and militias—from the march up to the “thunder runs” that took Baghdad; the assaults on Fallujah to the battles for Sadr City. And yet we still find ourselves stuck in the sands of Mesopotamia. In a New York Times op-ed published Monday, Brookings Institution scholars Michael O’Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack argue that “[w]e are finally getting somewhere in Iraq, at least in military terms.” They go on to describe the myriad ways the surge is succeeding on the security front. But in emphasizing this aspect of current operations, they downplay the more critical questions relating to political progress and the ability of Iraq’s national government to actually govern. Security is not an end in itself. It is just one component, albeit an important one, of a comprehensive counterinsurgency strategy. Unless it is paired with a successful political strategy that consolidates military gains and translates increased security into support from the Iraqi people, these security improvements will, over time, be irrelevant.
If you kill and exile and segregate and imprison enough Iraqis and then fudge the reporting on the violence, what will happen? The New York Times will claim success…
This is thoroughly offensive. Bad choice. Cheap taste.
Yeah, thoroughly offensive. Sexist. Demeaning. And I never would have posted it myself.
But I laughed nonetheless.
So much for the HA bitch about how Bush/Rove/Cheney are exclusively responsible for pissing off every human on the planet living outside the continental 48, Alaska, Hawaii, and whatever trust territories and commonwealths we have left over from the Spanish-American war!
Now Brazil and its wax industry are the target of HA mockery such that a formal note of protest from Sao Paulo to Washington will be in the mail directly. Smooth move (no pun intended), Ex Lax!
Adding insult to pornography, the crass comparison of the animal numero uno considered when one contemplates a Mid-East beast to…uhm…you-know-what, will result in a Fatwa against HA from any number of Hamas/Hezbollah/Fatah(say, “Fatah Fatwa” 10-times real fast and it’s yours!)/al-Quida/Sharia/ShirleyTemple/Wahabbi glee clubs. Who’s your harem girl now, baby?
And you wonder why they favor burqas!
Of course, that everyone hates us, especially the Germans, is only to be expected; one always hates what one has wronged. While the French are only now coming around to forgiving us for liberating them in WW II, buried deep in the German psyche is both a loathing of self and everyone else based upon the simple premise that they are German and we are not. Go figure…
Can an entire country be afflicted with mental illness? If so, Germany has Borderline Personality Disorder. One of the classic volumes of BPD, “I Hate You, Don’t Leave Me,” pretty much sums up German attitudes toward the U.S. As NATO and other facilities largely manned by U.S. troops re-deploy to countries like Romania (checked housing values there lately?), herr-on-the-street angst toward America will increase; the dollar may be lower against the Euro, but still, a lower dollar is better than no dollar at all.
Fascinating, though, that cliche driven HA threads continue to get debunked in, of all places, the NY Times and Washington Post, heretofore havens of HorsesAssery. Consider this from the Times:
“If security continues to improve, President Bush could become less of a drag on his party, too, and Republicans may have an easier time zeroing in on other issues, such as how the Democrats have proposed raising taxes in difficult economic times.”
For the NY Times to print a sentence such as this must have caused great consternation among the “Hate America Firsters” on its editorial board. Oh, well…as my oldest, the ever popular and celebrated staff sergeant Mark, who, BTW, lives in Germany and is beloved by Germans one and all and is in the journalism game himself, would say to them, “Times? Sucks to be you…”
As for Germans and Europeans, generally, hating us? Aside from the truths I uttered above, consider this from last spring’s Washington Post (thanks to Sound Politic’s Eric Earling for making mention of it yesterday):
“Most Europeans loathe George W. Bush, and his departure from the White House will be cheered in capitals around the world. But that doesn’t mean that Europeans want a return to the kumbaya-ism and humility evinced by President Jimmy Carter and the early years of the Clinton administration, when the United States failed to lead in stopping genocide in the Balkans.”
“Indeed, the passage of time has healed much of Europe’s negativity toward Republican presidents. During his time at the White House, Ronald Reagan was mocked in Europe as a mediocre actor ignorant of world politics; today, he is regarded as a visionary who foreshadowed the fall of communism with his 1986 speech in Berlin that urged Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down this wall.” And George H.W. Bush, once branded as a Reagan lackey whose primary job was to attend B-list head-of-state funerals, is now lauded for his skillful management of the peaceful reunification of Germany and the dissolution of the Soviet empire.”
“The next occupant of the White House will be judged by our friends abroad on how well he or she can infuse a new sense of purpose and destiny into the Western alliance. There is plenty of work to be done to repair the damage inflicted on America’s moral leadership by the debacle in Iraq and the sordid images from Abu Ghraib prison. But given the pro-American mindset among the new leaders in France, Germany and Britain, the next U.S. president, regardless of party, could command surprisingly strong support from our supposedly fickle allies.”
Of course, the Post would have to get in its own Dubya digs, but it did toward Reagan and Bush the Elder, too only to now acknowledge its error. Expect in a few years to see a Washington Post piece on how visionary Dubya was in working to break the back of both Islamic fundamentalist-inspired terrorism and figuratively firing a shot across the bow of thuggish dictators around the world that to piss in the eye of America is to invite extinction.
My man, Muammar Qaddafi, got the message, and now he makes nice with everyone. Picking up on a theme from the Post article, word on the street is that he’s learning all the verses to Kumbaya and he’s ordered himself bushel baskets of Habitat for Humanity nail aprons from for his holiday gift giving needs.
Jimmy Carter, on the other hand, continues failing in his effort to cover the scat of his willingness to expose the Israeli neck to the collective knife of the Arab world. See and
If ever there was a personification in American political life of the ultimate in false-humility humbugs, Charles Dickens’ Uriah Heap (“I’m so very ‘umble!”), it’s Jimmy “Hair Shirt” Carter. Hear tell Jewish groups by the score are figuratively giving him the one-finger salute, and that Democratic members of Congress are so pissed at him that he’s not about to get a brotherhood award from B’nai B’rith anytime ever.
I do remain curious…is the theme of this thread inspired by something seen on the campaign trail from any Democratic candidate for public office? At any level? After all, such titillating and asinine assertions could not have sprung full blown and wide-stance out of nowhere.
So, we’re now probably preparing to invade Brazil while sending Paris Hilton on a goodwill tour of Islamic holy sites (her videos will be sold at deeply discounted prices at each stop) all on account of this HA thread.
All who accuse Fox News of being tabloid-like in its “coverage” of uncovered ladies are now forever estopped from complaining as they head to either cold showers or tissue boxes of their own.
The Piper
Um, isn’t this two days in a row with some annoying unrelated video on horsesass? I don’t remember the one from yesterday, don’t feel like looking it up…. but really, what’s the point of a Camel Toe video? Are we all in 7th grade now?
7th grade? Na! What passes for HA Happy Hooligan understanding, commentary, and analysis hasn’t risen past the level of 3rd-grade, so the objected-to video can be more or less chalked up as “health class.”
After all, the morality-less sex education taught in the public schools isn’t all that different from what you’ve now watched for the umpteenth time.
The Piper
Class. You gotta love liberals and how they view women.
5 MS
Yeah, that’s it, it’s “liberals.” But isn’t everything in the world just fodder for your propaganda?
Personally, I turned it off after a few seconds because it is clearly juvenile of the makers and consumers, and demeaning to women, besides being based on a rotten, peurile song. But at least “liberals” recognize that a juvenile male fascination with female anatomy is normal.
Hmmm…speaking of propaganda fodder, when’s the last time a conservative objected to a juvenile leer toward women? Ann Coulter wears a black party dres to breakfast, not because it’s warm or comfortable, but because then conservatives can leer at her. At least the women “liberals” view are really women.
Well, conservatives were all very, very concerned about all those women in Afghanistan and Iraq, except that women in Iraq are now more than ever the targets of violence and harrassment from religious conservatives ( ), and now that the Taliban control over half of Afghanistan and are closing in on Kabul, their women are also worse off than ever ( ) with nary a conservative peep.
This video? For progressives, one would think it is an odious example of objectification and diminution (I won’t object if you like the rotten song). If it’s not for you, why isn’t it?
For conservatives, it is something to be enjoyed and then used as a weapon with which to bash “liberals.”
Who’s your Puritan now, Big Daddy?
The Piper
Let’s put it this way in re: Iraq…
If we have a temporary (or permanent, it doesn’t matter) tactical progress, accompanied by more or less unrelenting, unceasing strategic regression, successful tactics aren’t doing any good.
Only a liberal can argue with a straight face that success equals failure.
Then again, I’ll bet you consider the Carter administration to have been “successful,” don’t you?
The Piper
Define “sucess”
If by “success” you mean that th govenrment of Iraq is STILL not “reconciling” and that its members say that this will basically never happen, that electricity and potable water are basically unavaialable for 60%-80% of the population, that the only Iraqis not shooting at us are the ones we’re paying not to do so, and that our president’s people say we’ll be there for 20-30 years, then maybe we’ve achieved “success.” But those things have nothing to do with limited tactical military progress based on building walls between ethnic enclaves, imprisoning thousands of Iraqis on little or no evidence, to bring the level of violence down to that of two years ago.
So there is no success, dude. Get it?
Here you go, for you “success” freaks:
We (the U.S.) will never lose a military battle to the insurgents in Iraq. And that doesn’t matter, and it won’t affect any outcomes there.
You can blame the liberals for everything, but I bet if you look deep down to find out who created that video I bet you’ll find it probably was one of my supporters.
Fair point and insight about Vietnam. But the parallel isn’t completely apt.
The current successes aren’t coming as a result of battlefield victories, but, rather, as a result of not being on a “battlefield” at all.
Battlefield-type encounters are decreasing with a commensurate decrease in casualties both military and civilian. Also, those with whom we once had quarrel are now willing to at least consider other alternatives as they, themselves, turn on foreign (read al-Quida) elements that foment violence.
Long way to go? Absolutely! But the overall situation is better today than it was three-months ago.
Is there corruption and ineptitude in the Iraqi government? Yes! Again, absolutely! But progress continues despite it. Harry Reid aside, the war is not, “lost!”
Reasonable minds and people can differ on strategies and tactics, but based upon the news coming from in-country, things are improving, and even the HRC’s and Obama’s of this world are forced to acknowledge it.
The Piper
Geez guys.. that was really not needed. Thanks a lot.
Battlefield-type encounters are decreasing with a commensurate decrease in casualties both military and civilian.
Because (a) the British left Basra and there was a comensurate 90% decrease in casualties, (b) we have walled off ethnic enclaves in Baghdad, (-c) we paid the Sunni insurgetns to stop attackign ut, and (d) we increased the number of patrolling troops in Baghdad. Everyone knows that casuaklties can be drcreased this way. They are all good ideas. They have done nothing to achieve our strategic goal of political reconciliation. Hmmm….
Also, those with whom we once had quarrel are now willing to at least consider other alternatives as they, themselves, turn on foreign (read al-Quida) elements that foment violence.
Um, we paid them to do that. And nby their own admission, they are preparing to take on the Shi’ite government after they dispatch AQI. Oooh, better.
Long way to go? Absolutely! But the overall situation is better today than it was three-months ago.
Nope. The “overall” situation ahs actually deteriorated while we have achieved a short-term localized decrease in violence. If you remember, and you don’t, that decrease was supposed to pave the way for poltiical rapprochement, but it’s not fucking happening, your happy talk notwithstanding. You know we’re already drawing the troops back down from the “surge” right?
Is there corruption and ineptitude in the Iraqi government? Yes! Again, absolutely! But progress continues despite it. Harry Reid aside, the war is not, “lost!”
The tactial military “progress” that is being made is irrelevant to creating politcal progress in Iraq. Which is what I already said (you heard me, right?). But you want to claim that short-term military progress EQUALS everything else that is NOT happening in Iraq. Wrong.
This “war” (which is a failed occupation) is not winnable, which is what we’ve all been saying. And you’re either a fool for not realizing it or a liar for insisting that this is success.
Funny, but my original quote was from an article about how Iraq was not um, going so well. I posted the first paragraph. Here’s the second ( ):
So true. So not Piper.
Or as David Swanson says more strongly at After Downing Street (