Following their devastating loss in MS-01, House Republicans introduced their new slogan today, “The Change You Deserve.” Unfortunately for them, what they didn’t realize, “because they are idiots,” is that this is also a registered trademark of Effexor XR, a commonly prescribed anti-depressant.
Effexor, also known as Venlafaxine, is approved for the treatment “of depression, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder in adults.” Its common side effects are very much in keeping with the world the House Republicans have striven to build: nausea, apathy, constipation, fatigue, vertigo, sexual dysfunction, sweating, memory loss, and – and I swear I am not making this up – “electric shock-like sensations also called ‘brain zaps.'”
Or maybe they’re not idiots, and the irony was intended. In which case the GOP might as well just run on the more straightforward slogan: “Depression hurts. Prozac can help.”
Ain’t nothin’ the republicans have done that our country deserves. They have ruined us. Typical blind republicans – hawking an antidepressant is the only way people will not look at the reality of how the GOP has screwed up this country and wasted lives and money in their pursuit of right wing utopia.
LOL these dumb motherfuckers cannot do one fucking thing right. Not one! HE HE!
Wow… days ago obama talks about 57 states after he claimed 10,000 died in a tornado and now chris dodd talking about mccain says “people don’t want another 6 years of bush.”
Is math a problem for democrats? Or is this just pandering to their base?
The reference to 57 states obama was talking about has been found-
The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is an international organization grouping fifty seven states which have decided to pool their resources together, combine their efforts, and speak with one voice to safeguard the interests and secure the progress and well-being of their peoples and of all Muslims in the world.
At least it is better than the Dems’ slogan:
“If you liked Carter, you’ll LOVE Obama!
For all those that are in misery, it could be worse. Hell, under carter it was worse. More than twice as bad than under gw bush. Clinton only trails gw bush by .09
The US Misery Index by President
Goldy, I think you had already found it:
“Vote RepubliKKKan: Because they are idiots!”
Funny. Many Americans outside of the GOP “sweet spot” of 35-49 year olds either don’t remember Carter or remember him favorably.
And keep this in mind, fellas: the millions of young voters Obama is bringing in (for example, my 18-year-old niece is registered and voting in the Oregon primary for Obama) sure as hell don’t remember Carter, but they remember Bush, and they’re all Democrats because of the royal ass-fuck Bush has been putting our country though.
Wow. Obama says 57 when he means 47 and it’s Armageddon time. But McCain can tell us that he doesn’t know jack shit about what’s going on in Iraq, and I don’t imagine that Marvin S. blinked an eye over it.
What’s that saying?? Those that don’t remember history are condemned to repeat it?
And what happened after carter?? 12 years of reps in the white house.
Here’s a tidbit for you about party affiliation (excerpted):
I guess the definition of “misery” depends on who’s doing the defining versus who’s doing the suffering.
Unless my brain eventually rots from Alzheimer’s, as long as I draw breath I’ll never forget the people we started seeing out begging on the street around here a year or so into Saint Ronnie’s first term. Instead of grizzled winos and whacked-out druggies, there were whole families–Mom, Dad and the kids (and a lot of ’em were white, by the way) standing by the road holding signs.
Tell me they were out there because that was really how they wanted in their heart of hearts to spend their lives, and I’ve got a nice deed on the Brooklyn Bridge I’d love to sell you.
Unlike obama that understands afghanistan oh so well-
Sporting a shiny new American flag pin at an appearance in Rush Limbaugh’s hometown, Sen. Barack Obama came up with some novel reasons why the U.S. may be struggling in the war in Afghanistan.
“We don’t have enough capacity right now to deal with it — and it’s not just the troops” Obama, D-Ill., told a crowd in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
Obama posited — incorrectly — that Arabic translators deployed in Iraq are needed in Afghanistan — forgetting, momentarily, that Afghans don’t speak Arabic.
“We only have a certain number of them and if they are all in Iraq, then its harder for us to use them in Afghanistan” Obama said.
11 MS
I don’t know, are you an idiot?
Don’t you know that there was a historic political realignment following the passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts? That the Southern states abandoned the Democratic party and threw in with the Republicans, who then decided that racism was just fine and dandy with them as long as it could get them into the White House? And that since that time, the only Democrats to become president were a couple of white Southerners?
And further, MS, do you also not realize that we are in another period of historic realignment, and that the assumptions on which you lean are from an earlier, not-to-be-repeated portion of our history? The GOP is losing the Mountain West and some of the heartland, and they are not gaining ANYWHERE. After this election they will be a minority, predominantly Southern enclave party.
It’s just not gonna be the way it used to be, MS. I’m going to enjoy seeing you dislike it.
14 MS
And if you asked John McCain what languages they speak in Afghanistan, would he be able to hear you?
14 MS
And by the way, many, many Muslims speak and/or read some amount of Arabic because it is the language in which the Koran was written, and because Muslims are required to vist Mecca during the Hajj once in their lifetime.
So I guess neither you NOR John McCain know that.
I think our local HA Republicans have “lost their bearings.” They’re going to get more and more spittle-flecked as the day of doom comes upon them.
And when McCain & Dino win you Lefties are undoubtedly going to come up with another “mental health issue” like your Bush-Election-Selection-Derangement-Whatever Syndrome in order to scam more health insurance and gov’t. dollars.
Ho ho ho. You still believe in Santa, don’t you? Read me @12 and @15.
Washington Post, Washington Times, and New York Observer have all called today for Cindy “I’m not the candidate, I’m just his checkbook” McCain to release her tax returns.
If you say they speak arabic, why shouldn’t I believe you.
Main article: Languages of Afghanistan
The most common languages spoken in Afghanistan are Persian (Dari dialects) and Pashto. Both are Indo-European languages from the Iranian languages sub-family. Statistics from the CIA World Factbook are listed in the chart in the sidebar, below the map of languages by region. Persian (Dari dialects) 50% and Pashto 35%; both are Indo-European languages from the Iranian languages sub-family. Pashto and Persian are the official languages of the country. Hazaragi, spoken by the Hazara minority, is another dialect of Persian. Other languages spoken include Turkic languages (primarily Uzbek and Turkmen) 9%, as well as 30 minor languages 4% (primarily Balochi, Nuristani, Pashai, Brahui, Pamiri languages, Hindko, etc.). Bilingualism is common.
Funny thing is, if it was mccaain that misspoke it would be proof he’s too old for the office.
For obama, it’s just another misspeak.
I guess what I’d like to see is the dems get 100% total control so there can be no more finger pointing….then over the next couple years, we can see them in action, and if they don’t step up to the task at hand (like our current congress), well we will be exactly where we are today. Then we go through this election cycle all over again.
I truly hope Obama can change things, but given history, I see that being very difficult without raising taxes so high we can’t afford to eat.
Republicans and conservatives on this blog are becoming more and more like Republican and conservative politicians — irrelevant.
Marvy your guy Baby Bush has so many “misspeakings” that they had to publish them in books. Or did you “misremember” that? Asshole.
You mean like how expensive it was when Clinton raised taxes. Yeah, that was a shitty economy.
Stop playing both sides of the fence, Hannah. It’s not cute, it’s not “thoughtful” or honest.
In fact, you’re disingenuous. Just sign up with the Republicans already and quit acting like an immoral thief in Democrat’s clothing.
@27 – GBS
Clinton’s tax raises were even with infalation, but once we get done raising taxes to equal inflation after the past few years, we are screwed! So stating simple mathematic truths makes me a rep again?
And during Clinton, gas prices and food prices were not through the roof, so a tax increase was easily accomodated in our paychecks!
Becoming? One of the difference is that the politicians are getting filthy rich while pretending to badmouthing each other. Here, we take it serious without the financial benefits.
21 The Washington Times? You mean the Moonie Gazette, one of the principal bass pipes of the mighty Wurlitzer of neocon propaganda?
McShame knows he’s going to lose. He’s positioning himself to snatch the Viagra ad work away from Dole.
I can already visualize the storyboard for Viagra’s new ad campaign. They pry open McSenile’s mouth, drop in a pill, and he starts singing “Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran!”
24 It’s going to be damnable rough ride for the next few years, regardless of who’s running the government. Uncle Sam’s not only broke, but a helluva lot more broke than he was at the turn of the millenium, and probably more in the hole even adjusting for inflation than any sovereign state has been at any time in history. We’d have had several major bank failures already if the Arab oil sheiks hadn’t stepped in to bail them out. The Fed’s irresponsible attempt to prop things up by printing more money hasn’t worked, and the only reason the dollar’s good for more than buttwipes is that it’s the standard currency in the world commodity markets–and that’s about to change. Our poorly-conceived flirtation with running cars on booze has already led to widespread famine. All it’s going to take is a good solid drought in the Midwest this year or next and it’s going to get every bit as bad here in the US as it was in the early 1930’s, and BushCo’s arrogant hegemony has made sure that sooner or later the rest of the world is going to tell us to go piss up a rope.
It’s going to take a lot of years of strong, principled leadership and sacrifice and hard work from all the rest of us to get us out of this mess.
Here’s what they deserve.
Hey, just kidding! It’s only art, ya know?
@2 “LOL these dumb motherfuckers cannot do one fucking thing right. Not one! HE HE!”
They probably don’t even know where the pills go in. They probably swallow the morphine and shove the Prozac up their asses.
In any world except Wingnut Universe, people get to choose their own fucking religion. Even you, dumbass.”
ADHD Rabbit misses the point, as usual. Luttwak, in the liberal “news”paper of record, is less concerned with a senator’s choice of fucking religion than with the response of 1+billion world citizens to the senator’s apostasy.
The buzz about President Obama is that he’ll reverse the Islamist animosity ginned up by inept President Bush. Luttwak is informing ignorant rabbits that our elevation of an apostate to leadership will pump steroids into Islamist hatred.
As for my dumbass religion, dumbass, I genuflect in the Irgun wing of Great Mother Rabbit mosque. Got a problem with that?
@6 Let’s hold a national referendum and see how many people would swap Bush for Carter right now. You asswipes might be surprised by the result.
“He’s positioning himself to snatch the Viagra ad work away from Dole.”
You stole that hilarious line from me. Posted a very similar post on HA two months ago.
Give me some credit and give me lots of royalties & residuals, dumbass.
@10 Lizards can’t blink. They don’t have eyelids.
@13 Not to worry, Barbie Bush will find housing for them in an abandoned stadium. The Key Arena, for example …
@14 Know why our military (and also State Dep’t) doesn’t have enough Arabic speakers? Because the Bushies won’t give security clearances to anyone who speaks Arabic!
@38 Never saw it. What makes you think I read your drool? Fuck you. Sue me.
A former House GOP leader is calling this year’s political atmosphere “the worst since Watergate and is far more toxic than the fall of 2006,” citing “deep seeded (sic) antipathy toward the president.”
Rep. Tom Davis wrote a 20-page treatise (see earlier note) assessing the state of the Republican Party as we head into the summer and presented it to House GOP rank and file this morning. . . the kicker, “the Republican brand is in the trash can…if we were dog food, they would take us off the shelf.”
The message here: The Republican brand is worse than imported dog food from China.
Good God, you guys are going to get a sever ASS BEAT DOWN this fall. You will be neutered by the voters for at least 1 generation of not two.
@36 “As for my dumbass religion, dumbass, I genuflect in the Irgun wing of Great Mother Rabbit mosque. Got a problem with that?”
No. Why would I? This is a free country. (Or used to be, anyway.) Aren’t you guys the group that meets on the yellow center stripe of Aurora Avenue in front of the St. Germain Foundation building? You’re feedstock for tomorrow morning’s breakfast at Beth’s Cafe.
The excuses are starting already.
After watching the democrat led congress flounder it might be wise to lower everyone’s expectations of an obama administration.
@19 “And when McCain & Dino win”
My, you are delusional, aren’t you? You need to find a new pot dealer. That shit you’re smoking is no good.
@44 Yes, it’ll take a lot of work and a long time to clean up your mess.
Marvin @ 30.
Regardless of the money, you’re still irrelevant.
Hannah @ whatever:
Stating simple truths would make you a Demcorat. You are stating something else, which makes you a Republican.
Please stop acting like we don’t know your political leanings.
Say hello to Puddy for me, yeah?
Senator, how are you going to help the auto worker?
“Hold on one second sweetie“
and then obama refused to answer the question.
What words does it take to make one a sexist?
” … the St. Germain Foundation building …”
Better an ascended master than an undescended-testicle lower-than-rabbitshit Rabbit.
See you at Beth’s. Bon appetit.
Marvin @ 49:
“Hi, I’m a Republican”
That’s usually enough to get the cameras rolling for an impromptu interview with Chris Hansen.
“Sources in Baghdad tell NBC News that as of this week American military and civilian officials have cut off all contact with controversial Iraqi politician Ahmad Chalabi, the former favorite of Washington’s once powerful neoconservatives.”
Bush and the Republicans believed this traitor and got us in to an unnecessary war in Iraq. This is why Republicans cannot lead. This is why the fail at being military leaders. Unfit to command, unfit to lead, unfit for duty and AWOL from his unit.
Doesn’t make you proud to be a Republican, does it?
@48 – If pointing out mathematical facts makes me a republican, I guess I am. I base my choices on FACTS, so therefore as you are pointing out, when I look at facts, not opinions, that makes me a republican, yep must be. Actually I am starting to question this whole Obama choice, after hearing him the past couple weeks, I am not all that sure anymore he is up to being the one person in charge of the entire country. If GWB and cronnies can make the mistakes and disasters with ALL that experience, what would someone with minimal experience do? And as you all point out, if the reps don’t lose enough seats in the Senate and Congress, it doesn’t matter if it’s a D or an R in the main seat at the White House.
” … what would someone with minimal experience do …”
Probably no worse, but that’s faint praise. Senator Obama’s not the secular saint (worshipers fainting at his rallies bofore being messianically revived) who was rolled out before Iowa, but he’s an impressive politician.
Heavy emphasis on ‘politician’ … that’s why we must scour his scant record with a flashlight and a Brillo pad.
And heavy emphasis on ‘impressive.’ He beat the Clinton’s at their sordid game by refusing to climb in their gutter.
“‘I’m certainly interested and excited by the hope that Barack Obama is inspiring,’ he said, but went on to accuse him of a ‘phenomenally inhuman and unconstitutional’ voting record.”
– Sean Penn
Hannah/PiddyDick finally admits to being a republican shill. This should put it to rest for those who didn’t already know.
@57, Anyone up for examining the pathology of a right wing moon bat, in his lame attempt to make a point, quotes Senn Penn as his reference?
My try:
1. He’s trying to trick us into supporting Hillary for the primary, because she’ll unite the right behind their pathetic candidate.
Problem(s):(a)the Washington state primaries/caucuses are over, we don’t have a say anymore, and we don’t give a shit what he thinks.
(b)Silly moonbat, tricks are for kids.
2. He wants us to write-in Senn Penn.
Problem: (a)he wants us to write-in Senn Penn.
(b)he’s a spineless invertabrate.
(c) he should spend his time on right wing sites trying to trick Rethuglicans into voting for McAssCrawl.