Fox News personality Judge Andrew Napolitano on Bush and Cheney:
They should have been indicted. They absolutely should have been indicted for torturing, for spying, for arresting without warrants. I’d like to say they should be indicted for lying but believe it or not, unless you’re under oath, lying is not a crime. At least not an indictable crime. It’s a moral crime.
It’s not a coincidence that Fox News didn’t put people like Napolitano on TV give Napolitano his own show until after we had a Democrat inhabiting the White House.
UPDATE: A commenter pointed out that Napolitano was occasionally on Fox News in the past, but he didn’t have his own show until 2009. I’ve updated the original post accordingly.
UPDATE 2: In fact, Freedom Watch was created in February 2009 and began airing on Fox Business Channel in 2010. The timing was not a coincidence.
It’s not a coincidence that Fox News didn’t put people like Napolitano on TV until after we had a Democrat inhabiting the White House.
Are you stoned again Lee? Napolitano has been on Fox News TV since 1998 and Fox News Radio since 2006.
Attempt at chumping fox news by Lee = TEH FAYL.
Original post is corrected.
follow up question:
Are you implying that we can’t indict Bush/Cheney now?
Follow up follow up question:
Will you lead the way now to right that past wrong and hold these two men accountable for their crimes?
follow up question:
Are you implying that we can’t indict Bush/Cheney now?
No, not at all. I’m just saying that it won’t happen. But it should.
Follow up follow up question:
Will you lead the way now to right that past wrong and hold these two men accountable for their crimes?
I would if I could.
then we can still indict bill clinton for having vince foster and ron brown killed? yippy
You and I are on the same side of this one.
The argument that indicting Chaney and Rove would hurt governance does not convince me. I have always believed that Ollie North should have been compelled to testify against Reagan and that Nixon got away with treason.
The problem, it seems to, is that the US actually lacks a true independent judiciary .. one where individuals could bring up complaints rather than depending on discretion of the prosecutors.
I am nto sure that Bush is indictable.
sorry I write like a junior high kid. Those questions were for Judge Andrew Napolitano. I know lee is one of the good guys.
It’s too bad rank stupidity is not indictable. You’d have more felony charges against you than could be listed on a court’s docket. Amazing that you recall how to breath when you wake in the morning.
From Lee’s link:
(my emphasis)
So to be morally consistent you should also be advocating the indictment of Obama and Biden, since they are continuing Bush’s policies. Are you willing to do that Lee?
It’s too bad rank stupidity is not indictable. You’d have more felony charges against you than could be listed on a court’s docket. Amazing that you recall how to breath when you wake in the morning.
oh, sorry proudlefty, i should have realized only bush and cheney are evil but bill clinton is such a sweetheart
Clinton was in the minor leagues compared to Bush/Cheney’s major league-level disregard for the law. Not even close.
So to be morally consistent you should also be advocating the indictment of Obama and Biden, since they are continuing Bush’s policies. Are you willing to do that Lee?
Yes, in a perfect world, Bush, Cheney, Obama, and Biden would all be in a jail cell right now for what they’ve done (are doing) with respect to detaining people and targeting them for killing without due process. Sadly, we don’t live in a perfect world, which is why they will continue to get away with it.
@12 targeting them for killing without due process
So, you’re accusing Obama and Biden of war crimes?
I’m accusing them of committing some of the same crimes that Napolitano is referring to in the interview I posted. Here’s Glenn Greenwald covering these topics in far more detail than I could provide to you:
Are assassinations as described by Greenwald considered war crimes?
I’m not sure, but they certainly violate long-established American laws.
Bush ain’t prezdint…yer guy is.
The constant effort to use Bush as some kind of shield from accountability for ObaMao & Democrat reckless spending won’t work Lee.
ObaMao has divided this country as bad as Bush did. You’d think the guy would learn….but nooooooooo.
Hope & Change?? It never saw the light of day.
From Day 1, ObaMao decided to mock & ridicule those who disagreed with him, did nothing to reach out in a leadership-type manner.
And now, ObaMao and the Democrats will pay for their arrogance despite your best efforts to use Bush as a smokescreen.
Bad try Lee==No Sale again.
You spend too much time on the DailyKos & Huffpo. Gettin’ lazy Lee?
Your child should expect to have a Dad with at least close to half an unfried brain.
Um, have you read the previous comments in this thread, moron?
Dance, monkey, dance!
@16 I’m not sure
There’s a growing number of others who are:
And what about the Congress, both sides, who aid and support the administration’s crimes, aren’t they just as culpable?
HA and it’s faithful – virtually all of whom were big Obama boosters early on – have been awfully silent on this.
What say you, Goldy, Proud Leftist, Geov, Daryl, will you finally speak out?
The link you provide there is talking about something different than what Greenwald is addressing, but I agree with you that Congress is also to blame for allowing both the Bush and Obama Administrations to get away with morally despicable actions and for continuing an utterly pointless military campaign in Afghanistan.
I’m not going to put words into anyone else’s mouth, but I generally don’t find a lot of opposition from liberals to what I’m saying in this thread. Most people recognize that to a large extent, both of our political parties are locked into a pro-war orthodoxy that needs to change.
I believe we need to end the war in Afghanistan. Enough is enough. If war crimes have been committed, they should be prosecuted, regardless of who committed them. Perhaps a congressional investigative committee should be empaneled, with instructions simply to go where the evidence leads. We profess to be a nation of laws. Too much high level mockery of the rule of law has been taking place. I do blame Bush/Cheney primarily (e.g., avoiding established international law by renaming prisoners of war as “enemy combatants”), but I think Obama is following too closely in their footprints. He is taking the easiest route militarily and with regard to international terrorism, and he needs to change directions.
Proud and Lee,
Out of curiousity, on which sections of US code should Bush et al be indicted? If the fact of their lawbreaking is so evident to you, surely you know the specific crimes they committed.
You’ll get no argument from me that the Patriot Act is an abomination. You’ll get no argument that the war in Iraq is a mistake. Saying that these actions rise to the level of crime surely means you should support your position with a cite about which crimes they committed though.
@20 but I generally don’t find a lot of opposition from liberals to what I’m saying in this thread.
The problem is a lot of liberals on this blog are just plain silent on crimes committed by this administration – a far cry from what they were voicing on these pages during the last administration. Not voicing opposition to your comments seems like a pretty low threshold for expressing opposition, sorry to say.
If you want a rundown of the crimes committed by the Bush administration, you can start here, which has in the first paragraph links to more specific information about how they violated the law with respect to rendition, torture, and warrantless eavesdropping.
Those are exactly the same three crimes that Napolitano is referencing in the linked interview from the original post.
The problem is a lot of liberals on this blog are just plain silent on crimes committed by this administration – a far cry from what they were voicing on these pages during the last administration. Not voicing opposition to your comments seems like a pretty low threshold for expressing opposition, sorry to say.
It’s certainly true that if someone was screaming bloody murder day in and day out about Bush’s eavesdropping and rendition policies, but is silent about Obama continuing those policies, there’s certainly at least a double-standard there. But you included people like Darryl and Goldy, who rarely discussed these specific things, and Geov, who is very vocal about Obama’s failures in this realm (although generally not here at HA). The previous commenter had been making accusations of very specific people that appear to be based upon only his/her imagination, rather than pointing out some actual history of mismatched rhetoric.
Why don’t you enlighten us as to what crimes the Obama Admin is committing.
The crimes being committed by this Administration are primarily continuations and cover-ups of Bush Administration lawbreaking. I provided some links up above.
I was wondering if Petra was going to come up with some sort of whack-a-doodle rightwing list.
You should try read the thread, beginning with Lee. As he writes above:
Yes, in a perfect world, Bush, Cheney, Obama, and Biden would all be in a jail cell right now for what they’ve done (are doing) with respect to detaining people and targeting them for killing without due process.
I did read the thread. It seemed like Petra was taking things a little too far and I was wondering just how nutty she was, which I explained @ 28.
What difference does it make whether he has his own show(which has been on the radio for nearly 5 years), or just a guest(in which he was ALWAYS on)?
Answer: none.
Lee’s attempt at chumping Fox News part deux = TEH FAYLE.
Crow…its whats for dinner.
You really can’t tell the difference between having your own TV show and being a guest on other people’s shows?
(hint: it comes down to being able to decide what stories to cover)
Maxie @ 31
I have to ask, do you honestly consider yourself insightful?
and you really think he has ultimate say in who the guests are? LMFAO….
Why yes, in many cases I do. Do you honestly consider yourself an American, or just another socialist?
and you really think he has ultimate say in who the guests are? LMFAO….
So? Napolitano has a number of very pro-business libertarian positions that make him a very welcome guest on the pro-business Fox. Having him come on only as a guest makes it very easy to ensure that he’ll only be talking about the topics that they want him to talk about. And even when they did have him on to talk about civil liberties issue, he’d have the host vehemently arguing against him. The point I’m making should be obvious. He wasn’t allowed to have his own show on the network until after a Democrat was in the White House.
Why yes, in many cases I do. Do you honestly consider yourself an American, or just another socialist?
Wow, what a self-refuting comment. Anyone who thinks that being both American and socialist are mutually exclusive is pretty far from being “insightful”.