King County Superior Court Judge Paris Kallas ruled today that the lawsuit alleging illegal coordination between Dino Rossi and the BIAW’s fundraising efforts can go forward.
Kallas will decide on Monday if Dino Rossi will be deposed. Rossi’s deposition could be scheduled next Wednesday.
Thats GOPP hot water.
Otherwise known as hot GO Piss.
Sweet. Hmm, I think I can predict the troll response. “Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”
Incredible how everything is unraveling for the GOP. Drudge’s racist “October surprise” backfires when his stooge gets caught lying. McCain’s “Joe Everyman” turns out to be a tax scofflaw and an unlicensed plumber working illegally. Voters learn Populist Palin’s wardrobe cost $150K and the campaign pays her hair stylist twice as much as their foreign policy adviser. And the stock market keeps right on erasing the American people’s savings, retirement, and college accounts. Every single cylinder in the GOP engine is misfiring. You have to believe God is pouring water into their gas tank.
The troll response is:
Deposition the Wednesday before election day? Either an interesting coincidence or timed by Democratic operatives. I would tend to think the latter and that they’re disappointed they couldn’t get the deposition to be on Tuesday, November 4th. Smelly, smelly, smelly.
Nah, it’ll be all about how well they’re doing in the stock market, and how Darcy doesn’t have an Economics degree, or how manly the BIAW is, and how we’re all a bunch of DFH’s/Marxists/take your picks.
Then at some point, out of the blue, they’ll scream “I hate you all!!” and run down the stairs or through the main hallway into the dark bedroom of their parents’ homes where they’re staying “for a little while”.
Something like that.
If Dino broke the law, but wins the election can we impeach him?
“I hate you and your ass faces, you’re all bastard people”!
It must really suck when your campaign advisor endorses your opponent.
Ouch, it gets worse.
The rats are jumping ship.
I had to love the quote from Krauthammer at the end of the piece you linked:
Aside from reminding us of how many Republicans have turned away from McCain (he left out George Will), he pretty much describes what’s left of McCain’s base – those who are determined to “go down with the McCain ship”, despite the departure of most of those who have the intelligence to get off before it hits the rocks.
Krauthammer lost his bearings about 20 years ago. The neocon agenda he promoteed has been thoroughly discredited and his value in print now only lies in the laugh track he serves up each week. I enjoy reading his latest excuses for how Bush or the conservatives are really right and misunderstood.
He is such a joke and his inability to take responsibility for his failed opinions and for the sad policies he promulgated only displays his massive ego and lack of understanding of his pitiful place in history.
Yup – other than that he is “cool”.
Now, let’s see if this deposition is treated in the same manner as was Bill Clinton’s.
Depositions, like most pre-trial discovery, can be much broader in scope than that which can be admitted into evidence at trial. This is fairly reasonable, in that it’s purpose is not just to supply evidence, but also to allow the parties to follow the path to other evidence which might be admissable, or to provide the foundations for other admissable evidence. Of course, such a broad scope can also be abused. That is why judges may issue protective orders which restrict the release of information obtained in such depositions.
Bill Clinton’s deposition in the Paula Jones case was subject to just such a protective order. The judge ordered that his deposition be sealed until further order of the court, and none of the parties were allowed to release the contents of the deposition to the public without further order of the court.
Of course, we all know that by the morning after the deposition, every newspaper, radio station, and TV station in the country had partial transcripts of the deposition in front of them, and were reading them on the air. Remember also that Ann Coulter, the radical Republican wingnut author, columnist, and commentator, was on the Paula Jones legal team at the time.
Now, nobody was ever held in contempt of court for that direct disobedience of the court’s order. The Paula Jones legal team denied any involvement. Bill Clinton’s legal team had no motive to risk their law licenses in order to damage their own client. The court reporter was an officer of the court, and an unlikely suspect. But it’s pretty clear from the rapid dissemination of the deposition to all media outlets that a conspiracy was involved – it was a calculated political ploy already in place and put into effect moments after the deposition ended.
So, under those circumstances, I think the judge should refuse to issue any protective order in this case. What’s good for the goose should be good for the gander. And Rossi’s deposition should include a Subpoena Ducas Tecum to bring with him all calanders, notes of meetings, memoranda regarding fund-raising with other organizations, etc., which should be gone over IN DETAIL – even if it takes all night.
Well, here’s a prediction:
Rossi will lie under oath
I know, shock..shock, ha!
What are the consequences:
1. if guilty, and
2. lies under oath
Meanwhile, Obama is ostensibly visiting his ailing grandmother in Hawaii, but we all know he’s actually palling around with Osama Bin Laden somewhere. My guess is they’re staying at the Waldorf, ordering up Beluga and lobster and planning the downfall of Amurika.
Roger Rabbit @ 4
Drudge’s racist “October surprise” backfires when his stooge gets caught lying.
I thought that Matt Drudge was supporting Obama this time around. Most of his readers support McCain, but Drudge has been very sympathetic to Obama.
In any event, Drudge has the story prominently on his page under “SHE MADE IT ALL UP!”
No no. He had to dash off to Hawaii to engage in a frantic last-minute cover-up of his fraudulent birth certificate. (This is what the right-wing blogs are -seriously- claiming.)