I’m blogging from Philadelphia this morning, on my way back to Seattle, and the top story in the papers here is, of course, T.O.’s meltdown and suspension from Eagle’s training camp. Reading the sports pages of the Philadelphia Inquirer, I was amused to read the comments of columnist Frank Fitzpatrick, who has a few suggestions should T.O. need to seek a new line work.
Blogger: He’s already extremely well-qualified. After all, he runs around in short pants, won’t leave his house, has no time for anything but his lone obsession (in this case, himself) and is committed to disseminating his own skewed version of the truth.
Radio talk-show host: Again, a natural. He’s already cruelly questioned the sexuality of one Pro Bowl quarterback, the heart and ability of another. He possesses the two major requirements for any good rabble-rouser – speaks without thinking and easily provokes rage.
Hmm. I’m wondering if I maybe I should pursue a career as a wide receiver?
Let me short-circuit Cynical and righton and pbj and the rest of the usual suspects:
You should try out for LEFT END, you LEFTIST PINHEAD!!!!!
according to these comments you have a big career in blogging AND radio! nah…….just remember that the way these guys are talking about blogging now is the same way they talked about that new-fangled contraption RADIO a few decades ago.heh heh heh
TO is a shmuck. He signed a 7-year deal last year. Sure, the NFL doesn’t have guaranteed contracts (only the signing bonus is guaranteed), but c’mon! He knows that coming in, what does he expect?
Rabble-rouser he is. I hope he just stays home all year and collects nothing.
The foul mouthed rabbit is not interested in football and does not deign to comment upon such pedestrian pursuits as the aforementioned. >yawn< Prediction: The Packers will kick the Vikings' collective arses again.
Mr. Cyn-Irr is already a “wide receiver”!
Huh, get it? Wide… receiver…?
Yep, I shoulda been a comic.
NIN @1
Hey, thanks for posting for me! Except I would have said “You should try for LEFT OUT you LEFTIST PINHEAD”!!!
Thanks pretty funny dude!
However if Goldy continues with his reckless gay lifestyle…he will definitely become a wide receiver!!! In fact, when Goldy becomes the famous “fudge=pushing wide receiver” he yearns to be, he will probably be on TV, Radio and even Billboards pushing K-Y Jelly and Trojan rubbers!!!
He is black and therefore is not held responsible for his behavoir. [see OJ]
Wide out?! Mr. Cynical?! Nah. He’s definitely a tight end.
I’m a bit surprised that this thread went fizzle. How bout this y’all:
TO gets FIRED! The Seahawks hire TO!
Just some conjecture…
and the top story in the papers here is, of course, T.O.’s meltdown and suspension from Eagle’s training camp.
Maybe he’s just embarrassed (as he should be) by his part in that stupid Right Guard commercial.