I’m heading out of town for a couple weeks, so I just filled out my ballot, and in the interest of wearing my bias on my sleeve, I thought I’d share. In ballot order: Dow Constantine, Anne L. Ellington, Rob Holland, Max Vekich, Greg Nickels, Dorsol Plants, Jessie Israel, Bobby Forch, Approved and Charlie Mas.
These aren’t endorsements, and these aren’t necessarily the folks I’d like to see win. In fact, in at least one of these races, I plan to vote for somebody else in November. But I have my reasons, such as rewarding good candidates I expect to lose. So don’t read more into this than intended.
As a SE Seattle resident with one child in a local public elementary school and one more a year away from starting, I’d love to hear why you’re voting for Charlie Mas. There’s so little info about School Board races, especially for position 7. Since you post a lot about public education your choice is probably a well informed one. Please inform us.
Bill @1,
I haven’t made up my mind in that race, but I have decided that I want Charlie Mas’ voice in the general election. He is a parent with kids in the schools who has blogged passionately and fearlessly on district issues. He is perhaps less politic than the other candidates, but I think that’s something we need in the education debate.
Greg Nickels????
I guess it must be the Bag Tax…or how well he handled the big snowstorm…or how well he tried to marginalize & minimize the mismanagement.
So cynical who do you endorse for Seattle Mayor?
For what it’s worth – I voted for McGinn.
Don’t know why, since I have no problem with a new tunnel. The others just didn’t seem to be bringing anything to the table.
– – –
and Larry Phillips for County Exec – go Larry!
So much for secret ballots. We not only have the opportunity to fill them out with our friends and family (or, in some cases, I’m afraid, we will be told by family members how to fill them out), we then immediately publicize on-line who we voted for.
i think goldstien is trying to set an example for the “unsecret ballot” liberals so badly want to foister upon unions….you go girl
Who knew a political blog would actually include political views.
LaBorde, check out Save Seattle Schools blog (saveseattleschools.blogspot.com) for information on School board candidates.
Later, Goldy added Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky and Josef Stalin to his favorite leaders list.